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Author: hasell

Star of David: rahsia sebenarnya

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Post time 15-6-2011 08:40 PM | Show all posts
incik winamp nak join mason gak ke?

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Post time 15-6-2011 10:45 PM | Show all posts
dah jangan bertikam-tikam ayat. Tak payah layan kalau sorang sarkastik, sorang sakit hati. Balik pada penggunaan bintang dalam hidup orang islam, ustaz aku pun kata jangan bawa dan guna. Tapi lagi satu yang aku perasan, agama Judaisme (yahudi lama) tak ada star of david. Kalau korang perasan lah....

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Post time 15-6-2011 10:47 PM | Show all posts
unek tu ejen freemason

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Post time 16-6-2011 06:01 AM | Show all posts
"sesiapa pun boleh masuk"...pada fahaman aku, sama je maknanya dengan "semua org boleh masuk"

siapa yang membelit, atau terbelit?..lantaklah..

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2011 07:50 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by hasell at 16-6-2011 07:57

sama tapi tak serupa.. itulah bahasa malaysia.

"semua orang boleh masuk"
lebih merujuk pada TERBUKA kepada semua
(open with no limit, orang masuk ke 'dalam', bebas masuk dalam)
contoh ayat: rumah terbuka ketika hari raya (rumah tu memang khas untuk orang bebas keluar masuk)
contoh ayat: semua orang boleh masuk persatuan tu (persatuan tu sifatnya terbuka luas penyertaannya, bebas dari segi age, pangkat etc. bunyi ayat seperti tiada limitation)

"sesiapa pun boleh masuk"
merujuk pada DI BUKA kepada semua
(open with a limit, orang 'di ajak' masuk ke dalam, )
contoh ayat: rumah di buka ketika hari raya (rumah tu hanya untuk limited of time sahaja)
contoh ayat: sesiapa pun boleh masuk persatuan tu (orang boleh join persatuan tu tapi ia bukan secara bebas - bunyi ayat seperti ada limitation)

tricky of bahasa. beza mem, me, per, ter, kan, lah tu semua ada tugas dan peranannya. kelihatan sama, tapi lain maksudnya.

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Post time 16-6-2011 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 65# hasell

ayat pembelit.. last2 'rahsia' lpas tu cakap tak rahsia pulak... nak cover konon tau sangat
anyway.. blum jawab soalan asal = mcmane rupe cincin mason kawan ko punye yg 'rahsia' sgt tu???

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Post time 16-6-2011 09:37 AM | Show all posts
unek tu ejen freemason
sekngucing Post at 15-6-2011 22:47

aku memang mason major. same mcm boss aku dulu2.. eastern lodge. sebab tu aku banyak tau 'rahsia' yg bukan rahsia lagi skarang

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Post time 16-6-2011 10:14 AM | Show all posts
alahai lalat taik..
taik nya bersepah2 lagi..

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Post time 16-6-2011 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 68# capiloton

lalat mcm ko  memang suke taik

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2011 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by hasell at 16-6-2011 17:47

saje mau kongsi dari diskus group tadi pasal illuminatus dan freemason things dalam facebook:-

Howard Otf Amdur wow... so much speculation over something so obvious, ill cut an extremely long story short... those who rule today are the descendants of those who have always ruled... going back at least 50,000 years, maybe even 250,000years. the eye actually represents quantum singularity, nothing more nothing less, now find the meaning behind quantum singularity and you will find what you are seeking.

Howard Otf Amdur
ill give u a major clue seeing as we're all in deep shit... the eye represents QS, the pyramid represents our space/time continuum... this is why the freemasons use the sqaure and compass with the letter G within because the whole thing translates to the universal blueprint.. G stands for god, the all seeing all knowing eye stands for collective consciousness... a harmonic balance between the forces of positive and negative energy... hope that helps clear the.mist, its painful to see people guess so wildly... time is running out.for us...

Sharina Bahrin
thanks for the info tho', the Quran mentions secrets of heaven that the Jinn tried to obtain by stealth ... n_translation72.php

Hasell for me, all the symbol of illuminati and freemason or even hidden hand is taken from 'true symbol' and they twisted and claim it. in one logo of freemason, it represent so many thing. god, balance, the perspective view of truth from our eyes, physic theory, transcendental thing etc. but, if you ask, is it Freemason or Illuminati a bad thing, i answer yes. they hide behind beautiful lies

Sharina Bahrin i just don't like the idea of secret societies thinking they're better than the rest of the world

Howard Otf Amdur

the pyramid and eye will always symbolically represent the blueprint for our universe, you cant change it, no one can, without the knowledge of quantum mechanics you will never decipher the hidden in plain sight meaning. this is science not mythology... once you understand the meaning of this, the entire matrix of illusion collapses and all that is left is raw truth, follow the path of enlightenment all the way up the.mountain until you reach the spiritual status of what we refer to god as... know that there is only but one, divided into all that is. simple.


yeah.. unfinished pyramid represent creation and creator. why they are split into 2 pyramid? because, huge pyramid below represent creation realms and other one is the creator that nobody in this realm can archive that level. but, antichrist pretend to be that. the sea under the pyramid is represent the knowledge that never ending. and it be the fundamental of creation and realms existed. so, i salute scientist that research block of our universe because they research the existing of creator.

Howard Otf Amdur of course... but dont take the view that you are seperate and lesser than god... all god is, is the overarching voice of all consciousness in the entire universe, a harmonic balance(yin yang) nothing exists outside of this, never forget who created your physical vessal, god only played a small part here, our parents created us, therefore they are our gods. do you kneel and pray to your parents or do we accept them as equals in our adult lives??

Howard Otf Amdur
on the 1dollar bill the bottom pyramid represents the enslaved masses on this planet, the ptramid above represents the heirachy of those who control our leaders, they come from other planets and have been called 'the gods who came from heaven in their chariots of fire' or space ships as we would call them today... its not rocket science really...

Sharina Bahrin
regret to inform, Howard, that if i took that view i would be rendered apostate of which God has specifically reminded us in the Quran: Surah 3. Al 'Imran (The Family Of 'Imran, The House Of 'Imran) In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 100. O ye who believe! If ye listen to a faction among the People of the Book, they would (indeed) render you apostates after ye have believed!

Sharina Bahrin its easier on myself not to be so arrogant as to believe that i have power to do ANYTHING without God cos even the energy i use to think comes from God

dan diskusi berterusan lagi...

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Post time 16-6-2011 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Hasell :
yeah.. unfinished pyramid represent creation and creator


murtad dah ko dowh

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2011 04:18 PM | Show all posts
iman ko tergugat ke?
sesat, murtad ko ke yang putuskan... owh lupa, ko nak jadi tuhan kan~

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Post time 16-6-2011 04:34 PM | Show all posts
iman ko tergugat ke?
sesat, murtad ko ke yang putuskan... owh lupa, ko nak jadi tuhan kan~
hasell Post at 16-6-2011 16:18

hukum murtad - ulul ilm yg putuskan.. klu dah ckp 'sebab piramid tu mewakiliPencipta'.. dah terang2 lerrrr sesat

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Post time 16-6-2011 04:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 67# unekspekted_XII

    ngaku pun, hang dgn boss hang sama ja dok penyesat ummmah melayu

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Post time 16-6-2011 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply  unekspekted_XII

    ngaku pun, hang dgn boss hang sama ja dok penyesat ummmah melayu
sekngucing Post at 16-6-2011 16:56

pikiran bercelaru akal pendek mcm ko je sesat  {:1_125:}

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Post time 16-6-2011 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Bulan apada bendera Malaysia dan negeri2 (termasuk Johor Darul takzim) melambangkan agama Islam yang peganutnya menyembah Allah. So sesat ke kita rakyat Malaysia beragama Islam ni?

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Post time 16-6-2011 05:06 PM | Show all posts
Bulan apada bendera Malaysia dan negeri2 (termasuk Johor Darul takzim) melambangkan agama Islam yang ...
FussyPussy Post at 16-6-2011 17:01

satu je aku tanye = lambang bulan bintang tu ---- boleh ke 'represent' Allah??? mcm kristian sembah salib????

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2011 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by hasell at 16-6-2011 17:18

apa ke bangang nye unek vavi ni.. aku tulis dlm bahasa omputih ' it represent'...

bukan bermaksud 'sebab piramid tu mewakiliPencipta'.
ia PERLAMBANGAN.. wei bodoh, kalu ko nak chaoskan thread aku, abik ko blah laa..

ia sama saja cam karya seni. PERLEMBAGAAN (ko gi belajar art and design dulu sebelum nak menyampuk unek)

perlembangan bukan perwakilan. kena faham tu. sama juga WUJUDNYA ALAM, ADALAH PERLAMBANGAN WUJUDNYA PENCIPTAAN BERNAMA ALLAH TAALA.

ini adalah karya Seniman Negara Syed Ahmad Jamal dan melambangkan segitiga itu sebagai gunung ledang (sebab tajuknya gunung ledang)

tapi, jauh dari sudut tu; ia adalah pelambangan sufism.
Ok _ada dua hal yang boleh direnungi mengikut kata Naser apabila membaca kenyataan SAJ: Karya-karya saya berjiwa Islamik dan berbentuk kontemporari.

    Hubungan Islam dengan bentuk kontemporari: Islam itu satu cara hidup, Ad-din. Mudahnya, ia adalah cara mana manusia yang dianugerahi akal itu menjalani hidupnya di  bumi; menurut pedoman atau aturan yang ditetapkan Allah S.W.T Apa kehendak Allah apabila menurunkan KitabNya? Bagaimana Rasul-rasulNya merealisasikan kehendakNya? Jadi, artis Muslim itu wajarnya punya tujuan. DAN, apa itu bentuk kontemporari? Apa bentuk kontemporari bagi SAJ? Abstrak Ekspresionisme Amerika? Apa bentuk kontemporari bagi saudara Naser sendiri? Pada saya?
    Keherotan Kuratorial: Ini suatu hal yang membuat SERUM menjadi lekeh. Suatu bentuk kursus kuratorial sudah sampai waktunya diperkenalkan di universiti-universiti tempatan.

sesuka hati kata orang sesat.. diri sendiri tu pun ntah kemana2..
aku yg ada sijil agama etc ni pun tak berani nak tuduh orang sesat.. ko plak lebih2.. gila punya orang~

kalu ko nak jadi bodoh dan sombong, jangan ajak orang len turut serta sama

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Post time 16-6-2011 05:21 PM | Show all posts
unek tu yg sesat, suka sesat2 kan org sesuka hati
-bila keranda dibawa barulah kamu bercucuran air mata

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Post time 16-6-2011 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Ada gaduh! Ada gaduh!

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