damian, damian, DAMIAN!
ash sebenarnya dah give up ngan Glee ni sebab nyampah sesangat ngan Rachel yg tak abis2 gilakan si Finn tu. mencik! dah la buncit, hipokrit plak tu. harap sore je sedap. si rachel tu talented (walaupun agak annoying) why do you need a man to define your happiness, girl?
tapi ash nk tgk Glee S3 sebab ada bebudak Glee Project esp Damian
Nice slow starts....not too exciting but not too boring neither
Personal fav - You Can't Stop the beat taken from Hairspray...glee patut buat tribute from a good musical
For budak pompuan baru tu (assume from Glee project which i did not watch)...promising....and annoying...so Rachel....but what else is new..art ppl biasa la mcm tu kan
As for Blaine....seriously aku kurang suka watak dier di lembik-lembikkan masa menanyi kat sekolah tu.....just bcoz the character di gmbr kan gay....doesn't necessarily perlu lembik2 mcm tu....leave that to Kurt alone
Best lines
Artie : Her ears should get to park in my handicap spot....LOL!!!
Brittany : I have pepperoni in my bra...Santana: those are your....hahaha
Oooh btw...the asperger girl...definitely shud stay whole season as a comic relief...she is good! Glee club can learn a thing or 2 about feel good and be confident about themselves