aiseyy... pasti ke dia ni dah pulih sepenuhnya... 3 minggu je ni. adesss... siannya.
MBLAQ’s Seungho to return to the stage this week + special album release on March 21st
MBLAQ‘s leader Seungho, who recently suffered an accident injuring his back, will be returning for the group’s activities this week!
On March 13th, J. Tune Camp revealed that Seungho will be returning to the stage on the March 16th episode of KBS’s ‘Music Bank’ for their performance of “Run“.
A representative explained, “Seungho’s back has healed. He’s received an examination from the hospital and there’s nothing to worry about.”
Through their Me2day, MBLAQ alerted, “Starting with ‘Music Bank’ this week, Yang leader Seungho will be joining our ‘Run performance. Please support him.”
As previously reported, Seungho injured his back during a pre-recording on ‘M! Countdown‘ on March 1st. Since then, only four of the boys have been performing.
J. Tune Camp also recently updated the boys’ official fancafe with news that the will be releasing a special version of “100% Ver.” titled “BLAQ% Ver.” on March 21st, which will be comprised of thee more songs titled “100%”, “BLAQ%”, and “Love Is Coming”.
kite datang nak check in kat umah baru!!
seungho da sihat....he will be on stage back!!
by the way jgn lupa vote untuk dieorg kat 8tv....
B.A.P sedang mendahului MBLAQ
itu le...konon2nya kalau dieorg ade dalam chart kat malaysia ni
at least dapat la naikkan MBLAQ kat sini...
tapi fan MBLAQ kat sini minoriti sangat.....
sy psti fans mblaq ni hanya di forum je..klu kat luar ni sy lom dpt g lah dgr yg minat mblaq...
org malaysia byk yg xknl mblaq sebab mblaq xdtg malaysia....
itu le pasal...mase kite mula2 minat mblaq
tak ramai pun tahu pasal dieorg...
kite le gigih dok cerita pasal MBLAQ...
ececeh...ayat tak menahan...
at least da masuk chart...nnt org tgk...
maybe dieorg start cari...
i hope la...
itu le pasal...mase kite mula2 minat mblaq
tak ramai pun tahu pasal dieorg.. ...
nurchan Post at 14-3-2012 15:16
nurchan kita dh berusaha dh tp apa kan daya..susah tuk mblaq mendapat nama di xpe yg fans yg sedia ada ni pun dh cukup atleast dpt la share psl mblaq ni...