Famous Atheists/Freethinker/Agnostic Quotes<>Kata Mutiara<>
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43. If the "soul" is everything that is you (the essence) then how come when someone gets into an accident, they lose memories, functions and can be paralyzed? Why should "brain damage" matter if this "soul" is so important? -- Matt Edwards
44. Christians like to talk about what Jesus sacrificed. If Jesus was the all-knowing God, then when he "died" didn't he know he'd be in heaven in less than 3 days to rule? If Jesus is alive and ruling today, what did he sacrifice? -- Cyndy Hammond
45. If the omnipotent God wants us to know him, why doesn't everyone know him?
God knows that men are sinners, untrustworthy and evil, why does God leave it up to fallible man (clergy..etc) to teach others about his word? Why would he put our eternal souls at risk if he loves us to much? - The Infidel Guy and Danno778
46. Where is Hell and Heaven? It was believed that heaven was in the sky until modern astronomers showed otherwise.
47. If God's design is so great, why do men have nipples?
48. How did Adam and Eve know it was wrong to disobey God if they hadn't eaten of the tree of knowledge (of good and evil) yet? You can't blame them if they didn't know.
49. If God has such a tremendous problem with uncircumcised penises, why did he make man with foreskin in the first place?
50. If God is all-knowing is there anything we can do to shock him? If not, why does he react so often to what we do?
51. If reincarnation is real, why is it that our population is growing? Where would the extra "souls" come from? -- Matt Edwards
52. Why does the omnipotent, omnipresent God need help from man or angels to spread his word or do acts?
53. How did Jesus ascend to Heaven in the Flesh when Paul says that flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven? (1 Cor.15:50)
54. If God wants us to live right and choose "the good," why did he create evil? (Isaiah 45:6,7) Not to mention he already knows which people are not going to choose "the good" so why create those people in the first place? It seems that many people are born to go to Hell.
55. I hear Christians all the time speaking of a war between Heaven and Hell, if this is true does God have limitations of power? Man only conducts wars because of our limitations of power and foresight. God has both all-power and all-knowledge, no reason for war.
56. The Bible is full of phrases beginning with, "and the lord saw". Didn't he know before hand?
57. The Bible states that in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. It says nothing about the Universe. Some would say "the Heavens" was space, if so, when did God create Heaven? If "the heavens" is the spiritual Heaven, when did God create Space?
58. If Christians say they know God exists and that he will work miracles, what do they need faith for? Faith is not knowing.
59. Brain transplants will eventually be possible, where would the soul be then?
60. If God really wants us to know him, why doesn't he place the knowledge of him in our minds at birth? The same way many theists believe that God implants our sense of right and wrong in us a right birth.
61. If God was Jesus' father (not Joseph), then why is Jesus' family tree traced through Joseph? -- Cyndy Hammond
62. Christians say that since we and our universe are an intelligent design, that we must have been created by god. But then god is an intelligent design also, so who created him? -- Rathish Sriparavastu
63. Why does almost every description of God also equal non-existence? (i.e. incorporeal, immaterial, ineffable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, etc.)
64. Why can't God appear before everyone at the same time? Everyone in the world would then know he exists and not believe. And please, don't say he already tried that. Surely a God knows exactly what to do to convince a measly human of his existence.
65. According to the New Testament Matthew 5:17 says "Do not suppose that I have come to abolish the Law and the prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to complete. I tell you this: so long as heaven and earth endure, not a letter, not a stroke, will disappear from the Law until all that must happen has Happened." So since Jesus has not returned the "Law" is still in effect, so why aren't we still burning witches, stoning adulterers and disobedient children, killing homosexuals, ostracizing people that work on the Sabbath (nurses, doctors etc.), flinging blood onto the horns of the alter, pulling off the heads of small birds, and don't forget human sacrifice to God (Leviticus 27 P.28 )? -- Sheila L. Chambers
66. If believers can accept that a God has always been here. Why can't they accept an equally plausible argument that the non-conscious Universe has always been here in some form?
67. If the story of Noah's ark is true. What did Noah do with all the feces? There wasn't even adequate ventilation. Hell, what did the meat-eating animals eat? And where were the dinosaurs and Unicorns in all this?
68. What loving god accepts sacrifices of his own creations? especially his son? -- Reverend Heresy
69. Was Jesus God in human form? If so was God saving us from himself. Kinda selfish eh? That's what the Christians unknowingly proclaim when they acknowledge that Jesus is God.
70. Many Christians claim that man can't judge God's actions as evil because he has a divine plan and is GOD. This being the case, then it would stand to reason that one cannot judge whether God is good either. Wouldn't God be ammoral? It appears that morality is a subjective concept that varies from culture to culture. Therefore, how we judge God either way?
71. Why would a god make non-believers and punish them for being what he made them to be? -- Cyndy Hammond
72. What is God's plan? The omniscient, omnipotent God doesn't need plans. Plans are a limitation of power. We make plans because we are not all-knowing nor all-powerful. In order for God to have a plan, or design, is to make him as humanistic as you or I. Limited.
73. Many people believe there is a soul. If you can supposedly see, smell, taste, touch and hear without a body then why do you have one? Wouldn't a body be a waste? Why aren't we just "souls" floating around in the first place? -- Matt Edwards
74. How could the all-merciful/loving God watch billions of his children burn over and over again for eternity?
75. Before reading and writing were invented (5000BC), on what basis did God use to judge the people who died before the Hebrew and Greek text (BIBLE) were written? -- [email protected]
76. How could souls burn? Aren't souls non-physical entities? I've heard of spiritual burns before. Sheesh, God sure goes through a lot of effort just to torture the children he loves.
How can one hold to the barbaric belief that something has to DIE in order to appease a god for a bad deed? -- Nickolaus Wing
78. Christians always say that everything is part of gods big plan. If everything is already planned out by god, what difference does it make if they pray or not? -- Rathish Sriparavastu
79. Why does SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) occur? Why would God allow a baby to live for such a short period of time? Why not just let them not be born in the first place? -- Terry Clark
80. Why didn't god forbid Adam & Eve to eat from the other magic tree? - [email protected] |
by banapore
1. Why would God entrust the spreading of 'His' word to one of his 'fallible' children? He knows men are sinners and are untruI doubt a professor would allow one of his students to teach a class if all the other students' futures were at stake. If God loved us so much and he wants us to be with him, why would he put our eternal souls at risk like that?
Good questions. However, answering them could be a tricky. You see, I do not believe that Christianity and Islam as Words of God, therefore, I will ignore any questions related to Jesus and Christianity in general. Some Christians here could answer them if they choose to.
Your above mentioned question for example asked why does God "trust" certain (fallible, as you call them) humans to spread His words. Please answer me this - HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT HE HAD ENTRUSTED ANYTHING? Because those same "fallible" humans told you and you believed?
In the end, the answer could be obvious - It is YOU who believe that God had entrusted those fallible people to spread the News and that trust (yours, not God's) which this people had inherited and abused. So, Stop blaming God for your lack of judgement. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
2. If Satan is the ultimate trickster, how do we know that Satan hasn't tricked Christians into worshipping him as God (Yahweh) and are actually rebuking the "real" God in his own name? - Inspired by Cice Mool
Good question again. How could we know that Jesus is not Satan, now that you had mentioned it? How could we know that "Jibrail" which Muhammad has seen is not actually Satan? Truth is, I cannot answer this. It is YOU who must choose to accept Jesus or Muhammad (as messangers of God) or reject them. The Choice is yours, therefore, the answers also is yours.
3. If god cast the devil into hell and hell is a place for eternal punishment from which even god cannot grant a pardon, then why do the preachers tell us the devil is walking up and down the hallways of high schools tempting teenagers to do drugs and have pre-marital sex? A warden who allows his prisoners the freedom to go out and kill and rape would be terminated for incompetence. - [email protected]
I'm Sorry, don't you have parole system in your countries?
Besides, the punishment of Hell for Satan is for tricking Adam and Eve (not for tempting kids in school). That punishment is CONFIRM and at END OF TIMES. In another word, Satan is free to walk about (maybe even change his ways and repent by helping humans in some way, who knows the extend of God's mercy even to the most sinister characters) till the End of Times.
4. I have often heard from many believers that even Satan has a presence in the church, which is why even in church people can still have impure thoughts. If Satan can find his way in the church, how do Christians know that Satan didn't find his way into the Bible and twist the whole book? - The Infidel Guy
This is simple answer - Because those who goes to Church do not hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. All they hear is their own pathetic voice, blaming others, cursing their own luck for lack of wealth, health or that they didn't get lucky with some babe last night. They make so much noise in their own hearts, that the words in the Book changes due to influence of Evil (through their own evil thoughts and desires).
In Spirituality, there are two type of people - One who can hear and see (but sometimes, do not allowed to speak) and those who are blind, deaf and mute (but somehow, makes the most noise). Evil often with the second type, for Evil loves those who can talk well. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
19. Why does God have emotions (jealousy, anger, sadness, love, etc.) if he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent? Emotions are reactionary, how can God react to us if he is all-knowing and has a divine plan?
Because He wants us to relate to Him in a humanly manner. And humanly manners consist of emotions. It is like a drama - He plays a character so we can see the drama and understand the character He plays, but not the actual actor Himself.
25. If the earth was covered by a complete global flood, every living creature killed except those surviving on the ark, why are there many completely unique animal species in Australia that are found no where else indigenously on the earth? - [email protected]
One question - How do you know that there was no multiple Arks? I know the story of Noah and the Ark, but as I understood, Noah could not have travelled from Middle East to Australia (and it didn't mention any kangaroos in the Bible). So, why could there not be multiple Arks? There are multple stories of a Great Flood in various parts of the World (like in Hinduism, Noah's version is the King Manu and his wife, Anusia).
26. If god is omniscient and "god is love," why would he allow a child to be conceived, knowing that that child would one day reject him and spend eternity burning in a lake of fire? If I were god, I wouldn't allow it; I have more love for humanity than he does. -- TiredTurkeyProd
Answer me this - IF you know that your child could some day suffer some sickness, disease or possible accidents, why allow him to live? Isn't it best to kill him by aborting him in the womb? Pretty logical choice if you ask me.
5. If the Universe is everywhere by definition, why do theists ask where it came from? How can there be anywhere for the universe to come from if the Universe is already everywhere by definition? - Chris and The Infidel Guy
If the whole World is open space and you free to move around wherever you like, WHY do you live in a house?
6. Does God think? If so, he cannot be all-knowing. Think about it. - The Infidel Guy
Why not? I don't see the logic behind this statement.
Just because something is created (like a tree) - already exist, and God "thinks" to improve it, does it make God less all-knowing? No, it just means He likes to create new things by taking variations of old and mix it with new things. As scientists, inventors and people of knowledge, you atheists have very shallow understanding of anything. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
by banapore
51. If reincarnation is real, why is it that our population is growing? Where would the extra "souls" come from? -- Matt Edwards
From all those animals which we kill. FYI humans have been responsible for a large number of species disappearing from the face of the Earth.
59. Brain transplants will eventually be possible, where would the soul be then?
Save the question till brain transplant actually happens, Dr. Frankenstein.
7. If a soul is non-physical and the human body is physical, how does a soul stay in our bodies?
Your clothes is not part of your body, why wear them? You should go butt naked and see how comfortable you get walking around in hot day or cold nights. Not to mention all the weird looks you going to get. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
29. Many people believe in ghosts. My question is, "Why is it that people see only ghosts of people or pets? Why not Neanderthals or better yet dinosaurs? That would be one hell of a ghost to see a Brontosaurus parading downtown.
Because humans are the only species on the Planet who has problems with Death. They (animals and intelligent non-humans) have accepted Death, which is why they do not bury their death (most of them anyway) and mourn for years. Those who had accepted Death will move on and those (humans) who did not accept Death (due to their stupidity during life) will wander around (for a certain time limit).
30. If god did open the sea so that Moses and the jews could run away from Egypt, why didn't he open the concentration camps gates? -- Guilherme Hoffmann
Because He was waiting for the Christians to get their acts together and help their fellow brothers (the Jews). Christians FAILED God, just as they had failed Him on many other things, and they WILL get their turn in the concentration camps at the hands of the Muslims. DO NOT DIE TILL YOU HAVE SEEN MY WORDS ARE FULLFILLED. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
31. Why are we granted free will if our duty in this life to our god is to do as we are told? We are to follow rules upon threat of punishment. Is that free will? -- Gandalfs Nephew
Nope, that is not Free Will. IF it contradicts with what you know God have told you, then SIT DOWN AND THINK whether what you are following (the religion) is trully God's Words and Man's Words. My humble advice, human.
33. Everytime I go to a funeral the preacher and guests always say that "God" has called that person to Heaven or they say, "God said it was time to come home", or some such variation. If God is calling these people "home", why are we putting the murderers of these victims in prison? How can we punish a man or woman for doing God's will?
He calls them Home - Yes, but whether He will accept them is a different story. God judges Man to be worth or not to be by His side. Not all who goes back Home, stays Home.
35. Traditional Jews utilize Yahweh or (YHWH) as Gods name because his true name is supposedly unpronounceable. My question is, how can it be possible that people are using the Lords name in vain when nobody really knows what his name is?
You had misunderstood the instruction (which I'm not surprised). When the instruction came that you shall not use His name in vain, it doesn't meant His actual name. It means you will not speak lies, slander, curse etc by using His name. Do not go around saying stuff like - "I swear to God, that man (or woman) is like this and that" or "As God as my witness, that man (or woman) said this and that". That is what it means as Do not use God's name in vain.
36. Why is God predominately called a "he"?
In Hebrew, the name of God is Elohim - which consist of three words - "im" (he), "oh im" (she) and "El" (God) - which can be translated as God - with Dual Sex. In another word, God is not He or She. And since calling God "it" could be somewhat rude (as it could be equalize to animals and non-living), "he" seems to be the best option (even so God has feminine side as well).
39. If man is modeled after "God" does that mean "God" has a penis? -- Terry Clark
Refer to the answer above.
FYI - the original man (called Adam Kadmon or Celestial Adam) is created with Dual Sexual properties - meaning he has no male or female attribute - and in image of God. Many assume wrongly that the Adam which sinned are the same as Adam Kadmon, which is wrong. The second Adam is a copy of the first where the mold is divide into male and female, casted in clay and breathe life into. Once life came, they are placed in Eden.
37. If you are born retarded, then does that mean your "soul" is retarded as well?-- Matt Edwards
Nope, it means God made you beautiful, and less capable of sinning than "normal" men.
41. What is the purpose of prayer? What can a finite being on Earth possibly tell an omnipotent, omniscient deity that he doesn't know already?
Have you tried to speak to God normally instead of all those "praying" with Latin and English phases? Speak as if you speak to another person. Speak out your pain and hardship. Your troubled thoughts and worries? Have you tried that?
42. If God has a plan for you, and his plan cannot be thwarted, do you really have a free will?
A lot of plans He makes really doesn't involve you, bub. Matter a fact, whatever you do, it rarely effects Him and His scheme as well.
You are given Free Will to choose the options which will give you least amount of troubles in the future (through proper living - something I notice Westerners have a hard time doing). |
49. If God has such a tremendous problem with uncircumcised penises, why did he make man with foreskin in the first place?
Jews are required to circumcise, not the Hindus, Buddhists etc. Their penis can be left alone, which is why the foreskins were not touched. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
50. If God is all-knowing is there anything we can do to shock him? If not, why does he react so often to what we do?
I think Christians and Muslims are doing a hell of a job giving Him daily shock. Never in History of Creation were such stupid races ever existed. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
57. The Bible states that in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. It says nothing about the Universe. Some would say "the Heavens" was space, if so, when did God create Heaven? If "the heavens" is the spiritual Heaven, when did God create Space?
I thought that Scientists today (including Atheists) are working on something called String Theory which seems to show that the Physical Universe is just one layer upon several other layers (up to 10th Dimension, if not mistaken). Same thing have been mentioned in Gnosis and Kaballah some 3,000 years ago (before any humans have even heard of the word Dimension or String Theory).
62. Christians say that since we and our universe are an intelligent design, that we must have been created by god. But then god is an intelligent design also, so who created him? -- Rathish Sriparavastu
Problem with your assumption of Intelligent Design and theists version of Intelligent Design are very different. Your assumption of Intelligent Design means that nothing exists till something had made it to exist. Which means the (physical) Universe cannot exist in any form till someone mold it and create it. This is wrong.
Creation is simply taking energy in its rawest form and mold it into physical structure which we can touch, and experience. The same way data in form of 1s and 0s in computer are rearranged to form physical objects. The same thing is true whether it is computer data, atomic structures, or simple clay models. The same thing is mentioned in Samkya Principles in Hinduism, Kabbalah in Jewish Tradition, Gnosis as well as modern day Science (like Astrophysics).
As for God, just as a person could create a dress for himself using materials like cotton and leather, so can the unlimited Existence (which is God) can mold a physical form for Himself and appear before Man - which is what an Avatar is.
63. Why does almost every description of God also equal non-existence? (i.e. incorporeal, immaterial, ineffable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, etc.)
Because God wants you to stop looking for God and starting living your life (properly). It is not important whether you find God or not, it is more important on how you life your life. Even those who choose Spiritual way of life (Monks, priests etc) are to life for the People and the Society in general, by serving them in name of God.
64. Why can't God appear before everyone at the same time? Everyone in the world would then know he exists and not believe. And please, don't say he already tried that. Surely a God knows exactly what to do to convince a measly human of his existence.
And He needs to convince you humans of HIS Existence because .... (why again?).![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Therefore, how we judge God either way?
When you finish finalizing Human Laws which cannot be changed, modified and suitable for all times, then we can all sit down and judge God accordingly.
71. Why would a god make non-believers and punish them for being what he made them to be? -- Cyndy Hammond
Believers or disbelievers are merely product of a religion, not God. No one is a non-believers or believers just because they do not disagree with some Book. The true faithless are the ones who knows the Words, choose to ignore the Words and those who live a foolish life (trust me, many who claims to be believers are living a foolish lives as well).
We make plans because we are not all-knowing nor all-powerful. In order for God to have a plan, or design, is to make him as humanistic as you or I. Limited.
True, God doesn't require plans. But WHO SAID THE PLANS IS FOR HIM? ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
He made plans for YOU (humans) just as a Father could save money for his children's college funds 20 years in the future (regardless of how intelligent his children turn out to be). In the same way, He made plans for the Human race but it will be up to the humans to achieve the level of satisfactions before those plans could be put in place.
73. Many people believe there is a soul. If you can supposedly see, smell, taste, touch and hear without a body then why do you have one? Wouldn't a body be a waste? Why aren't we just "souls" floating around in the first place? -- Matt Edwards
Who told you that your soul can see, smell, taste, touch and hear without a body? Even a lost soul required to posses a body before it could do anything. The body is an armour (hardware), the mind is the software and the Soul is the Controller which uses the software to interact with the environment. It can only experience the physical World through the hardware (and sometimes, like in case of emotions like love, software).
75. Before reading and writing were invented (5000BC), on what basis did God use to judge the people who died before the Hebrew and Greek text (BIBLE) were written? -- [email protected]
The Words are given Orally, bub. You should really read other races' religious scripture.
78. Christians always say that everything is part of gods big plan. If everything is already planned out by god, what difference does it make if they pray or not? -- Rathish Sriparavastu
Nothing, if you assume that your prayers can influence anything He had planned.
79. Why does SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) occur? Why would God allow a baby to live for such a short period of time? Why not just let them not be born in the first place? -- Terry Clark
The baby are souls who had in pervious existence sinned (but not enough to be damned). So in order to cleanse oneselves, they are allowed to be born into the human world, face physical death for the sins they had committed (or in some cases, accept the sins of their parents in exchange for cleansing their own sins) and die physically so they could be wiped clean once more. It is just another process of cleansing the Soul of its' sins. Don't cry for them, they are with God.
80. Why didn't god forbid Adam & Eve to eat from the other magic tree? - [email protected]
Actually only the fruits from the Tree of Knowledge is forbidden. Everything else is given freely. |
Hmmm .... Atheists are being quiet. What? No more questions? I was expecting more fight from them. ![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif) |
Why do you have faith?
That was a question asked of me by a middle aged man some time ago (forgot when was it) during one of our lunch gathering. I had just finished telling him that I could not be free the next day for the same gathering (which was held in conjunction of two days seminar which I was attending) due to fasting. He asked - "Why do you fast? Why do you have faith when it is easy not to have it?"
The first question (on why I fast) was an easy one. I could give a hundred and one answers for it. So I will not bother by it. However, the second question was a tricky one. I asked him some time to think, and continued to eat while our group talked about something else. About ten minutes later, I was ready to answer and everyone in the table shut up to allow me to speak.
I asked him back - "Why don't you believe in God?" and his answer - "Because I do not believe in existence of a supernatural being such as God. I do not know God, I do not know His characteristics or attribute and I have no interest in learning all these things which confuse the hell out of me. Frankly speaking, trying to learn about God is a waste of time for me when I could spend those time doing something useful." And I answered - "Yes, you are correct." And he thought I was making fun of him.
Then I continued and asked - "Your parents must be good people."
He asked - "They are. But why do you say that?"
I said - "Because you choose to born to them."
He said - "I didn't choose. I had no choice."
I said - "Your children must think of you as a good parent, even so you had divorced from your wife and have not seen them for the past month."
He said - "I don't know about that."
I said - "Well, they must have thought you as a good father because they must have choose you as a father before they were born." He kept quiet. I know at this point that Atheists closed their minds toward the argument (which all atheists do when they are connered, very much like what Muslims do, actually).
I said - "This morning, one of you must have taken a buss, commuter or a taxi to come here. Did you know who the driver was? What was his race, creed or background? NO? Yet you are willing to place your very life by stepping into a vehicle that he drove, thinking that he will send you to the destination safety? What faith did you have of him that he could not wrap the vehicle around a tree somewhere?"
Having faith in God is just like riding a horse carriage with God in the driver's seat. You have to put your Faith that He will lead you to the right place, remind you of proper conducts and how to perform your duty properly.
However, the right place does NOT includes night clubs, prostitution dens and pubs. It doesn't include the daydreaming of heaven and its rewards. Proper conducts does NOT include of banging your head on the floor five times a day or pretend you have been saved by some dead guy while going around living like a wild animal. Performing proper duty does NOT include stealing millions from your followers so your wife could have a singing career. |
Khas untuk agama?
20 More Quotes By Atheists
It’s been a long time since we last published a list of quotes. Many atheists are people of fairly high intellect and their quotes are often witty and thought provoking. Here I have chosen the best 20 (after the first list) and, of course, you can add any that you want to the comments. Here is the first part.
Quotes 20 – 16
20. A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows. – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain, pictured)
19. Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. – Anonymous
18. With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. – Steven Weinberg
17. Since the Bible and the church are obviously mistaken in telling us where we came from, how can we trust them to tell us where we are going? – Anonymous
16. The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. – Delos B. McKown
Quotes 15 – 11
15. Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer. – Anonymous
14. Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence. – Anonymous
13. What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof. – Christopher Hitchens (pictured)
12. I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. – Stephen Roberts
11. It ain’t the parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand. – Mark Twain
Quotes 10 – 6
10. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. – George Carlin (pictured)
9. Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power but absolute power is corrupt only in the hands of the absolutely faithful. – Anonymous
8. Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense. – Chapman Cohen
7. When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion. – Robert Pirsig
6. Animals do not have gods, they are smarter than that. – Ronnie Snow
Quotes 5 – 1
5. Most religions prophecy the end of the world and then consistently work together to ensure that these prophecies come true. – Anonymous
4. Religions are like pills, which must be swallowed whole without chewing. – Anonymous
3. If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul. – Isaac Asimov
2. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. – Seneca the Younger (pictured)
1. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? – Epicurus
quotes for religious followers
“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” -Benjamin Franklin
We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to ONE human race
The message of 2012 is for humans to return to their true roots. We are nothing if we don't recognize that our well being is intimately connected to the well being of all life on our planet
hakikat insaniah
banapore posted on 11-12-2012 03:34 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Atheism is like someone in a dark room not even trying to to look for the black cat instead lying down there with empty heart.
zonan posted on 13-12-2012 01:10 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Atheism is like someone in a dark room not even trying to to look for the black cat instead lying ...
Para agamawan pula ..dok dlm bilik gelap mencari kucing hitam yg memang tak ada di dlm tetapi menjerit 'saya jumpa' 'saya jumpa' ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
banapore posted on 14-12-2012 04:51 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Para agamawan pula ..dok dlm bilik gelap mencari kucing hitam yg memang tak ada di dlm tetapi menj ...
Sekurang-kurangnya para agamawan tu berusaha untuk mencari bukan sekadar duduk malas mcm para atheist tu. ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
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