baru tertengok Carly Rose X-Factor USA 2012 nyanyi somewhere over the giler suara dia...
Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 23-11-2012 02:03 PM
owhhh aku dah tau..lyric 145 tu duduk tangga tercorot...
terus di buang...
minggu nie pn sama juga...2 orang akan di buang...
So far yang dicanang-canang akan menang X Factor UK 2012 ialah Jahmene Douglas. Suara paling mantap.
So far yg dicanang-canang akan menang Season 2 X Factor USA ialah Carly Rose Sonenclar. Baru umo 13 tapi vocal range dia kalah peserta2 adlult lain.
Last edited by Rhyno on 30-11-2012 08:43 PM
my top two : carly rose & diamond team #britney
malam nie x lak kat 8tv
Bakal juara X Factor UK thn ni
Rhyno posted on 4-12-2012 01:27 PM
Bakal juara X Factor UK thn ni
UK punya version dh tinggal berapa orang...
sma mcm US gak ke?? ada carta/ranking undian???
Sama je...UK skrg dah Top 3..semua laki....confirm thn ni Nicole Scherzinger menang.
Sabtu ni grand finale.
ntah ler ... daripada awal sampai ke la ni... iols mmg tak suka kat cece nieeee...
try to like her ... tapi tah ler.... makin meluat lak
5th harmony second song.... superbbbb .. awesomeeee
I think 5th harmony should sing together like this as how emblem3 does....
no need to show the strength of vocal individually.... but more to sing together and harmonize and blend their voice together ... which is for me sound so awesome... but of course, certain part, they still can sing individually
rsa2nya mcm cece & diamond je yg terkeluar...
And the winner is......
congrats Nicole Scherzinger....ko dicaci di X Factor USA tahun lepas...tahun ni ko juara X Factor UK ;)
aku baru tau emblem3 tu bukan semuanya adik beradik... ...
persaingan top 4 nie mmg sengit...
& aku dpt rsakan salah satu group simon mesti kecundang...wlaupun kedua2nya aku suka
aku nak Carly Rose menang. soara dia mantap.
wow..surprise sgt pd group fith harmony...
aku rsa yg menang antara carly @ tate shj...
aku plg suka performance 5th harmony masa semi...esp. 1st harapan nk menang mcm xder je...heheh
Carly tu biasa2 je pd aku...harap vokal je ler...
Tate aku pn xtau tang mana yg best...biasa jer...hehehe