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Author: planb

Mahathir is right: Jews do rule the world

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Post time 14-11-2003 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-14 01:36 AM:
hi sonny

You should not use words like liar if you don't know all the facts... if you disagree than you should say you disagree or that I am wrong. Thats civilized.

ur perception is distorted.  wrong is wrong.  lying is lying.  i know when u're wrong N when u're lying.  u said some muslims nations dont recognize israel when u know saudi arabia on behalf of muslims nations, has made the effort to come up with a peace plan to appease israeli rapin PALESTINE n slaughtering PALESTINIANS.  hence u're lying n a liar.  simple.  next time stick to HARDfacts not claims

and no need to humour me with doomsday or treaten me with the nonsence of heaven and hell.. that don't work with guys like me.

u implied that the us is stronger than yahweh n allah.  hence me reply based on wot i believe in.  since u're non believer u shouldnt feel threatened.  dont whine for nuthin

okay here are some facts which I gathered, see if can agree with any of these....(in ancient time hardly any census was done so no HARDfigures so don't go around cring wolf)

wrong.  ur facts must be backed by HARDfacts.  otherwise its gonna be claims, heresay.  HARDfacts is not crying wolf.  its ur unsubtantiated facts thats tantamount to crying wolf.  be more intelligent n diligent in ur response plz

1)The Jews from the time of Roman rule were been suppressed or killed... some fleed to other parts of the world... ( i assume you know this already)

thats yahweh's curse on the jews that they'll be nomads n scattered far n wide.  they have blasphemed yahweh over n over agin even before moses brought 'em out of egypt.  n they never repent till now

2) The Jews during Mohd time were also suppresed converted to Islam or killed... from Medina to Mecca. During the caliphs rule the Jews were continuously suppressed, converted or all parts of Middle East....Jerusalem included. Many Jews fleed mostly towards Eropean.

its ur words aginst the muslims.  read.  agin if u read history with an open mind, u will notice the jews r always on the run following yahweh's curse on 'em

Six hundred years after Christ, Muhammad (pbuh) is born. He follows the religion of Abraham (pbuh) which was handed down to him and all Arabs from the father of the Arabs, Ishmael, the eldest son of prophet Abraham (pbut). Upon reaching the age of 40, God sends the angel Gabriel to Muhammad to teach him His final message, the message of Islam. He tells him that the "people of the book" have changed the religion of Jesus (pbuh) and have altered it from a religion of submission to one God to a religion where multiple gods are being worshipped. He is told that he will be the final messenger, and that his message is to be directed to all of mankind including the Jews and Christians.

The Jews and Christians claim that Muhammad (pbuh) is a liar, a lunatic, deceived by the Devil, and a false prophet. They claim that he has just copied the Bible in order to write his Qur'an. Just as many Jews refused to accept Jesus (pbuh) as a true messenger of God, so too do many Jews and Christians refuse to believe Muhammad (pbuh).

Muhammad (pbuh) passes away. The Trinitarians continue with their burning at the stake any Christian who opposes the "Trinity" or openly speaks about the discrepancies in the Bible. They launch campaigns of "inquiry" to cleanse the earth of all remnants of believers in one (monotheistic) God. They slaughter the Jews at every opportunity. The sentences of death by these inquisitions become so unbounded in their nature that whole nations are sentenced to death. A single holy decree of the Trinitarian church in 1568 would later condemn three million men women and children of the Netherlands to the scaffold as heretics. In the end, over twelve million people were put to death through the authority of the "Inquisitions."

3) The Jews in Europe was again suppressed or killed.

agin yahweh's curse is seen 'ere.  btw how many jews did the muslim arabs kill n how many jews did the europeans killed?  

4) Some Jews in British felt the need to return to their land of their ancestors, Jerusalem, hence the formation of Zionism.

dont forget this socalled land of the jews ancestors, jerusalem which is in PALESTINE has been changing hands from canaanites to eventually PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians etc.  n the population then is 1,246,000 arabs against 507,250 jews.     

5) British was ruling the area after invading and taking over from the Ottoman empire. The British started to call the area as Palestine. There was no such a state as Palestine when British took the area from Ottoman Empire.

liar.  its not the british who called it PALESTINE.  PALESTINE took its name from the phillistines who lived on its coastal plain in biblical times.  dont pretend u dunno.  if theres no such thing as PALESTINE, wot exactly did un divide in 1948 to secure israels existence?  

6) The zionist group informed others Jews in Europe to return to Jerusalem. The return to homeland was called "aliiyah"... Jews from all over started to pour in and around Jerusalem...the population of the Jews incresed in and around Jerusalem.

from 'ere u can c, PALESTINE is never jews land.  imported jews r immigrants like asian immigrants etc in australia, the us etc.  eventually they (imported jews) gonna get citizenship but they're not PALESTINIAN natives per se like the PALESTINIAN muslims, jews, christians etc.

the "return to homeland" is liken to the rape of PALESTINE by zionists n imported jews.  n u can equate that with white americans rapin america n genocide american natives so as to possess the us.

7)Thru hard work and "lobbing" the british, the Jews was able to buy some land in and around Jerusalem from Arabs there.

yup they bought some land alright n they also rape PALESTINE.  thru callous lobbying, purchasing n destruction of PALESTINIAN lands, the jews/israelis/zionists become wot they r now - rapists n terrorists despite their pious chanting luv thy neighbour as thyself.  read

The crimes committed by the Zionists against the Palestinian Arabs were verified in their own unguarded remarks.

For example, Levi Eshkol “went on a tour of the Arab villages which had recently been abandoned and captured.” As he put it, he saw “the traces of what had been and was no longer-- the houses broken into, plundered and burned. The sight sank through my head, brain, blood and heart.”
Many cases of robbery committed against Palestinian Arabs during their expulsion by Israeli soldiers acting under the orders of their commanders have been reported.

For example, Aharon Cohen, the director of Mapam’s Arab Department, recalls that Israeli “troops at the checkpoints out of Lydda had been ordered to take from the expelled Arabs every watch, piece of jewelry or money.”
The homes these people were forced to leave behind them were then systematically looted by Israel.

Cabinet Minister Bechor Shitrit confirms this official looting. He stated, “The army from Lydda alone had taken over 1,800 truckloads of property.”
David Ben-Gurion recorded in his diary entry for July 15, 1948: “The bitter question has arisen regarding acts of robbery and rape in the conquered towns. Soldiers from all the battalions robbed and stole.”
Yosef Lamm, a Member of the Knesset, officially admitted on November 22, 1949: “None of us behaved during the war in a way we might have expected the Jewish people to behave, either with regard to property or human life, and we should all be ashamed.”

8) Thru the "lobbing" the zionist convinced the british to return/give the land to them as a state.


In 1920 Britain was assigned the "mandate" for administering Palestine under the League of Nations. The Jewish trouble first started in November 1945, when the Zionists decided to put on the pressure to achieve their aim, and Jewish terrorists attacked British Installations. The most extreme of the terrorist organisations was the Irgun Zvai Leumi with about 7000 members, followed by the Stern Gang with about 500 Nihilists. Another illegal organisation was the Haganah which was tolerated by the authorities, and could best be described as a kind of Home Guard which protected Jewish Settlements from Arab attacks. Three months before my arrival in Palestine, terrorists had blown up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and Police and Military personnel were being stalked and shot. So this was the situation that greeted me.
In the 16 days July 16 to 31, sixteen persons were killed and 92 injured as a result of terrorist activities. The dead included 13 members of the security forces, two civilians and one terrorist Of those injured, 77 were Police and Military and 15 civilians ."The action of the Irgun Zvai Leumi in hanging two British Army Sergeants was the most dastardly and abominable of all the crimes committed in Palestine.

9) The Arabs thru instigation by Arafat's uncle Hussain started the "fire which is still burning". The first clash between the Jew and the Arabs was stated by false information that Jew going to destroy the mosque at temple mount. The Arab as true muslims started slaughtering the Jews. The British did nothing to stop the slaughter. In retaliation the Jews namely the gang Betar hit back and chased the Arabs. ( so claims the Jews websites)

read me cut n paste above  

continue  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 14-11-2003 at 02:49 PM ]

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Post time 14-11-2003 02:45 PM | Show all posts

10)The once hebrew land was divided into 2 portions. Israel and Palestine. Jews and Arabs were swaped/chased out from both sides. Some remain.

read me cut n paste above.

the bottomline is -
United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.

if u study the figures carefully, u will know why theres suicide bombs among the PALESTINIANS.  coz they've been abused physically, sprititually, mentally not only by the jews but by the world itself.

here u have a total of 1,246,000 arabs against 507,250 in PALESTINE.  n yet un is dumb enough to divide PALESTINE knowing very well the 497,000 israeli PALESTINIANS gonna be raped by 498,000 jews in israel.  the HARDproof is 100s of 1000s israel PALESTINIANS become refugees in the remaining part of PALESTINE, in arab nation n other parts of the world.

where u c arab PALESTINIANS rape jews PALESTINIANS?  where?

the bottomline the jews r rapists of other people's lands.  without raping others, they gonna stay nomads as yahweh promised 'em to be

Heb. 3:7-14

So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.  That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’  So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”

11)Once Israel was established by the UN, the Arab states actacked the new Israel to destroy it. Arabs lost... as they often do...
Winning side, Israel gain more territory.

yup the arabs did attack israel n i dont blame 'em.  u too wouldnt have blamed the arabs for the simple reason un has divided PALESTINE without caring to the fate of 497,000 Arabs aginst 498,000 Jews that lived in the part which was to become israel.

fortunately for the jews n unfortunately for the arabs, the us favours israel n started feeding 'em with billions worth of arms.  read  

Since President Truman recognized the state of Israel in 1948, the United States has been Israel's most supportive ally. Since 1950, the United States has provided more than $46 billion dollars in grant military aid to Israel, a sum that outstrips military aid to Egypt, America' s next largest beneficiary, by at least $20 billion.  Israel has also received many billions more in grant 'economic' aid, loans for military purchases, and used American armaments.

12) The Arab states again plan to attack (or just treatenning with army position to attack). In the 6day war, Israel attacked and captured more territory. Jews call it disputed land and Arabs call it occupiedl land.. golan height, west bank etc. more importantly the whole of Jerusalem.

read me response above

13) The Arabs who felt discriminated/humiliated lead by Arafat commit suicide attacks against Israel public. In retaliation the nueclear power Jews attack and terrorize the Aarab terrorist as well as the public.

liar.  PALESTINIANS r forced to become suicide bombers to avenge the death of their fellaman n protect PALESTINE the rapists cum terrorists jews/israelis/zionists regime.  read

hail MODERATORS, me harsh words rapists, terrorists etc r based on HARDfacts

Jewish Voices Against Israel's Occupation of Palestinian Territories

As Jews, we call upon the Israeli government to take the following steps:

1. Israel must agree to the immediate establishment of an international peacekeeping force in the occupied territories to protect civilians from violence by the Israeli military and settlers. In particular, the following actions violate the Fourth Geneva Convention:

+ collective punishment of civilians: Israel has demolished homes, applied debilitating closures to parts or the whole of the territories, destroyed crops, agricultural land and wells, and obstructed access to water and to medical care;

+ use of excessive military force against civilians: Israel has employed tanks, F-16s, helicopter gunships, missiles, as well as rubber-coated metal bullets and live ammunition;

+ assassinations of Palestinian leaders and activists.

Israel's excessive use of force has been condemned by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. On October 19, 2000, the United Nations Human Rights Commission adopted a resolution condemning Israel's "disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force" against Palestinian civilians, and accused Israel of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

2. Israel must immediately stop building or expanding settlements as a first step toward their complete evacuation.

The settlements are illegal under Article 49 of the Geneva convention: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

14) Muslim nation (who by the way are fighting amoung themselves) refuse to recognize Israel as a state even though it has been recognised by the UN. As such, Israel is in danger of being attacked by the Arab nation anytime.

liar.  read  :bg:


Peter Valenti
World Press Review contributing editor

In a surprising development in the intensifying Arab-Israeli conflict, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz leaked to New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman a plan for Arab nations’ normalization of relations with and recognition of Israel. The proposal calls for Israel’s withdrawal from lands occupied in 1967 and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Abdullah plans to formalize this offer at the Arab Summit in Beirut on March 27-28. In a press conference on March 19, Amr Musa, the secretary-general of the Arab League, indicated that Abdullah’s plan will get strong support in Beirut.

Contrary to common belief, Saudi Arabia has been no stranger to the peace process, albeit usually behind the scenes. As Aluf Benn commented in Israel’s Ha’aretz (Feb. 19), a U.S. official reportedly advised the Israeli government “[to] lay off Saudi Arabia. It’s not your enemy….Saudi Arabia may be extremist in religion, but it is politically very moderate, and it’s important not to act against it.” Abdullah has been credited in both the Arab and American press with being the impetus for President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell to verbalize their vision of a Palestinian state.

[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 14-11-2003 at 02:50 PM ]

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Post time 15-11-2003 03:02 AM | Show all posts
Hi Sonny
Its no secret that the Jews are brutal people since time memorial. And its no secret either that the Arab are equally brutal. Your argument as if the Arabs are innocent looks pathetic.

Stick to reality. Yahweh or Allah have no power to curse anybody. Its humans who make use of their God to curse people. Holy Books are written by humans.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-14 02:41 PM:
ur perception is distorted.  wrong is wrong.  lying is lying.  i know when u're wrong N when u're lying.  u said some muslims nations dont recognize israel when u know saudi arabia on behalf of muslims nations, has made the effort to come up with a peace plan to appease israeli rapin PALESTINE n slaughtering PALESTINIANS.  hence u're lying n a liar.  simple.  next time stick to HARDfacts not claims

You calling others liar when you are the one who is lying.

You are twisting and lying, when you refuse to acknowledge that all the  Arab nation have not yet recognized Israel. And you are saying a biased 損eace plan

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Post time 15-11-2003 01:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-15 03:02 AM:
Hi Sonny
Its no secret that the Jews are brutal people since time memorial. And its no secret either that the Arab are equally brutal. Your argument as if the Arabs are innocent looks pathetic.

wrong perception.  my argument dont mean arabs r innocent.  my arguments is based on HARDfacts that PALESTINE consists of majority PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians etc n minority jews.  read

When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.

Stick to reality. Yahweh or Allah have no power to curse anybody. Its humans who make use of their God to curse people. Holy Books are written by humans.

wrong.  holy books r written by man with divine guidance.

yahweh or allah seemingly have no power on earth but come doomsday sinners gonna be tormented in boiling excrement in eternal hell.  u neednt feel fearful about that since u're non believer

You calling others liar when you are the one who is lying.

You are twisting and lying, when you refuse to acknowledge that all the  Arab nation have not yet recognized Israel.

liar.  all arab nations r forced to recognize israel when the arab leaque voted for saudi's peace plan

the bottomline is irrespective arab nations r coerced or at will, they have to agree to any peace plan for that matter to appease the jews/israelis/zionist regime's raping PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS.

And you are saying a biased “peace plan” by an enemy state is considered as recognizing? Liar.

wots bias about it?  it takes into account israel's security n regonition that israel supposedly sooooooo longing for.  or its mere hoodwink to justify israel's rape of PALESTINE n genocide of PALESTINIANS?  read.  even the us has supported the proposal unlike israel

The plan, in its broadest terms, offers Israel security and "normal relations" in exchange for a withdrawal from occupied Arab territories, creation of an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds al-Shareef (East Jerusalem) as its capital, and the "return of refugees."

Its been nearly 45years since Israel’s independence, how many muslim nation have recognized the Israel officially? The countries that have not accepted Israel as an independent state are Israel's enemy. These enemy states of Israel will attack Israel anytime... as been proven before by the actions of the Muslim states.. That's HardFact for you.

read me response above

Saudi's peace plan is unacceptable and you know that. Captured territories times of war are not occupied territory… that’s how history of nations are made. Whether Israel wants to give it back the captured territories to the losers is up to Israel. Enemy states can’t demand what they lost in war.

liar.  read

Israel must immediately stop building or expanding settlements as a first step toward their complete evacuation.

The settlements are illegal under Article 49 of the Geneva convention: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Its unlikely that Israel is not going to divide Jerusalem again… as per the Saudi Peace plan. A Peace Plan coming from the Saudi Arabia ... ha.. If there is any nation that evil, then Saudi should be on the top list.

liar.  un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  un never divded israel so that PALESTINE can exist.  read

November 29 (1947): The United Nations General Assembly approves the partition plan for Palestine put forward by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. The 1947 UN Partition divided the area into three entities: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone around Jerusalem.

Any peace plan must come from UN... that the muslim countries must recognize Israel unconditionally. The people who bend on annihilating the Jews have no right to demand anything. They must give up their devious plot of destroying the Jews first by recognizing the right of Israelis to exist in Israel. The Arab countries can help the "alestinians" by taking some of the overly populated Arabs in the “Land of Canaan”.

thats exactly wot saudi's peace plan is doing ie recognizing the right for israel to exist.  read me posting above.  but jews/israelis/zionists r rapist terrorists lot.  they want the whole of PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS.  they wanna do exactly wot white americans did in the us whereby american natives r slaughtered to extinction n american possed by the white.

Again you show that you are a manipulative liar. There was no Phillistine or Palestine or Falastin when the British captured the land. Since there was no name for the captured region (The Land of Canaan), the British choose to call the captured region Palestine based on the ancient Biblical Phillistine.

PALESTINE did exist alright even before britain came rapin middle east.  read.

Early History of the Region

Before the Hebrews first migrated there around 1800 B.C., the land of Canaan was occupied by Canaanites.

"Between 3000 and 1100 B.C., Canaanite civilization covered what is today Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon and much of Syria and Jordan...Those who remained in the Jerusalem hills after the Romans expelled the Jews [in the second century A.D.] were a potpourri: farmers and vineyard growers, pagans and converts to Christianity, descendants of the Arabs, Persians, Samaritans, Greeks and old Canaanite tribes." Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright, "Their Promised Land."

The present-day Palestinians' ancestral heritage

"But all these [different peoples who had come to Canaan] were additions, sprigs grafted onto the parent tree...And that parent tree was Canaanite...[The Arab invaders of the 7th century A.D.] made Moslem converts of the natives, settled down as residents, and intermarried with them, with the result that all are now so completely Arabized that we cannot tell where the Canaanites leave off and the Arabs begin." Illene Beatty, "Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan."

The Jewish kingdoms were only one of many periods in ancient Palestine

"The extended kingdoms of David and Solomon, on which the Zionists base their territorial demands, endured for only about 73 years...Then it fell apart...[Even] if we allow independence to the entire life of the ancient Jewish kingdoms, from David's conquest of Canaan in 1000 B.C. to the wiping out of Judah in 586 B.C., we arrive at [only] a 414 year Jewish rule." Illene Beatty, "Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan."

More on Canaanite civilization

"Recent archeological digs have provided evidence that Jerusalem was a big and fortified city already in 1800 BCE...Findings show that the sophisticated water system heretofor attributed to the conquering Israelites pre-dated them by eight centuries and was even more sophisticated than imagined...Dr. Ronny Reich, who directed the excavation along with Eli Shuikrun, said the entire system was built as a single complex by Canaanites in the Middle Bronze Period, around 1800 BCE." The Jewish Bulletin, July 31st, 1998.

How long has Palestine been a specifically Arab country?

"alestine became a predominately Arab and Islamic country by the end of the seventh century. Almost immediately thereafter its boundaries and its characteristics - including its name in Arabic, Filastin - became known to the entire Islamic world, as much for its fertility and beauty as for its religious significance...In 1516, Palestine became a province of the Ottoman Empire, but this made it no less fertile, no less Arab or Islamic...Sixty percent of the population was in agriculture; the balance was divided between townspeople and a relatively small nomadic group. All these people believed themselves to belong in a land called Palestine, despite their feelings that they were also members of a large Arab nation...Despite the steady arrival in Palestine of Jewish colonists after 1882, it is important to realize that not until the few weeks immediately preceding the establishment of Israel in the spring of 1948 was there ever anything other than a huge Arab majority. For example, the Jewish population in 1931 was 174,606 against a total of 1,033,314." Edward Said, "The Question of Palestine."


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 15-11-2003 at 01:17 PM ]

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Post time 15-11-2003 01:12 PM | Show all posts
continue  :2cool:

Who was the leader for Palestine before Arafat? What was the name of the ruler of the so-called "palestine"...before it came under British rule?

simple.  the ottoman gang

What was the capital city of Palestine?


What is the native language spoken by the Palestinians?
Don't twist and lie again ... give just the HardEvidence.

arab majority.  read  

Capital of Palestine: Jerusalem

The Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza (1996 figures) is 2,534,603 - The total Palestinian population throughout the world is 7.8 million. (1.1 million in Israel) Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA (1994 figures) is 1.15 million.
Palestinians under the age of 15 represent 51% of the total number of Palestinians.  

Official Language is Arabic. In addition to Arabic, a large percentage of the population speak English, and many speak Hebrew and French.

Your HARDfigures( which you repeatedly paste) of the population ratio between Jews and Arabs which favor the Arabs are due to ethnic cleansing by the Romans, Christians and Muslims. The latest to drive the Jews from the Land of Canaan were the Arab Muslims. As such the descendants of the chased away Jews have legitimate right to return back to their motherland… whether you like it or not.

thats exactly the meaning of yahweh's curse.  the jews r always on the run.  from the roman, from the christians, from the arabs cum PALESTINIANS, from europ nations n from all over the world.  n the jews have the cheek to say PALESTINE is their homeland when yahweh has cursed 'em to be nomads till doomsday.  shame

Heb. 3:7-14

So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.  That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’  So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”

The brutality in the “Land of Canaan” was started by the Arabs at the Temple Mount even before the state of Israel was established… Read this cut&paste

The Palestinian Arabs like Hamas/Arafat are rapist cum terrorist cum suicide killers of Jewish man, women, children and babies. These lunatics kill because of religion not because of territories. These maniac drive the Israelis to the motto “kill or be killed.”


In December 2000, The Jewish Peace Lobby helped organize and publicize a rabbinic statement on the current violence in Israel and the Occupied Territories: A Rabbinic Response to Events in the Middle East.

The core of the Rabbis' statement deals with the Temple Mount.  At Camp David, Israel sought Palestinian agreement to Israeli sovereignty over the Mount, with Palestinians having custodianship.  This was one of the key issues over which the negotiations broke down.  With Ariel Sharon's visit to the Mount, designed to demonstrate Israeli sovereignty, we had the outbreak of the Al-Aksa Intifadah.

This statement came at a time when others were pulling back from the Jerusalem issues.  Prime Minister Barak, at the time, had proposed an interim agreement that would put off negotiations on the Temple Mount (as well as other Jerusalem related issues).

The rabbis took the position that "Judaism does not demand exclusive Jewish sovereignty over this site."  Indeed, the rabbis went further, citing a passage from Isaiah affirming the Temple Mount as the "house of prayer for all nations," they see the Islamic holy places on the Mount as partial fulfillment of Isaiah's vision.  They sought to allay Muslim fears by reiterating the long-standing rabbinic view that Jews are not permitted to visit the Mount in pre-messianic times.  The rabbis did not propose a specific solution to the Temple Mount issue; they sought to demonstrate that WITHIN JEWISH TRADITION THERE IS A NON-EXCLUSIVIST PERSPECTIVE WHICH WOULD ALLOW FOR CREATIVE SOLUTIONS.

The statement was drafted and initiated by Rabbi Arthur Green (Philip Lown Professor of Jewish Thought at Brandeis University) and Rabbi Rolando Matalon (B'nei Jeshurun Synagogue in New York City).  Rabbi Green is a member of the Reconstructionist movement, and Rabbi Matalon of the Conservative movement.  The 100 rabbis who signed the statement are from the reform, Reconstructionist and conservative movements.  No systematic efforts were made to collect signatures - most of the names were gathered by Rabbis Green and Matalon.

On September 28, 2000, Ariel Sharon, then-leader of the right-wing Israeli Opposition Likud party, visited a site in East Jerusalem that’s revered by both Muslims and Jews – Jews call it Temple Mount, Muslims call it Haram al-Sharif, or Nobel Sanctuary. The site is in the old part of Jerusalem, the part taken by Israel during the 1967 war. Palestinians saw the visit as a provocation. Sharon, it seemed, was marking his territory, as well as thumbing his nose at Israel’s prime minister Ehud Barak, accused by the right of being too conciliatory, of promising to give away too much in the way of sovereignty in return for too little in the way of security. To Sharon, Jerusalem was not up for bargaining, not even the part that’s Arab because that’s the holy part, the part Jews must always have access to.

There was an immediate outpouring of popular Palestinian anger to Sharon’s presence at the mosque. The result was a new intifada and a rise in violence on both sides that increased destruction, produced hundreds of dead, and has the Middle East poised nearer to war than at any time since the Gulf crisis in 1991.

Sharon, military leader and now prime minister of Israel, has been demonized by the Arab world since the early 1980s when he was directly responsible for invading Lebanon and “indirectly responsible” (as an Israeli inquiry said) for Christian troops in Lebanon murdering helpless Palestinians in two Beirut refugee camps.

From my observation the trouble in the Middle East is not only about territories but also about religion. The muslims there cannot tolerate a non-muslim state there.

liar.  its the jews/israelis/zionists who wanna genocide PALESTINIANS n rape the whole of PALESTINE.  they copycat white americans when they genocide american natives n rape america.  read history in the right context

If Israel exist then for the muslim the Islam is fake. .. and for you sonny.. the bible is fake.
The reality is Israel exist. That’s HARDreality.

u're trapped by ur own deception.  u said islam n bible is fake.  yet u believe PALESTINE is the jews' homeland.  where u get that socalled HARDfact?  from biblical history or archeological history?  i'm waiting  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 15-11-2003 at 01:15 PM ]

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Post time 16-11-2003 02:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM:
wrong perception.  my argument dont mean arabs r innocent.  my arguments is based on HARDfacts that PALESTINE consists of majority PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians etc n minority jews.  read

When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
Chronic liar.
I already gave you the reasons for the poor population of the Jews there. By acting blur you cannot change history. History tell that the Jews were raped and chased away.Your so-called HARDfacts don't show the true nature of the population. Arab population is increasing could be due to 1) The Arabs there breed like rabbits. 2)Arabs from other parts come there to find jobs offered by bees to honey.
Whatever the frekin reason for the population growth of the Arab in Palestine/Israel does not matter, huge population does not make them owners of the land. Get that in your skull.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM:
holy books r written by man with divine guidance.
Chronic liar.
Holy books are wriiten by humans. period.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM:
yahweh or allah seemingly have no power on earth but come doomsday sinners gonna be tormented in boiling excrement in eternal hell.  u neednt feel fearful about that since u're non believer

There never was any HARDevidence for those nonsense claims made. Of-course I am not fearful of the nonsences anymore. It took along time to kick the habit of being fearful of non-sense teachings... thats besides the point here.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM
all arab nations r forced to recognize israel when the arab leaque voted for saudi's peace plan
Chronic liar.
Arab nations have not recognized Israel's right to exist.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM
The plan, in its broadest terms, offers Israel security and "normal relations" in exchange for a withdrawal from occupied Arab territories, creation of an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds al-Shareef (East Jerusalem) as its capital, and the "return of refugees."
Peace plan? Asking for what don't belong to you is not a peace plan.
Jews's claim that Jerusalem is their most HolyPlace...due to the frekin' Temple Mount.  Arabs/muslim have the Black Box Kabah as their most holy place where its forbiden for non muslim to enter. Temple Mount is enough for them to hold on to Jerusalem...its non-negotioable.
Arab nations( like Jordan, Syria, Egyt, Lebonon or even Arab saudi) if willing can absorb the refugees... just like Israel is absorbing Jews refugees from around the world. What happen to the so-called brotherhood of Islam... why are the Arab nation not absorbing the suffering refugees?

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM
Israel must immediately stop building or expanding settlements as a first step toward their complete evacuation.

The settlements are illegal under Article 49 of the Geneva convention: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Chronic liar.
The occupied territories that you claim was captured during war. A better word for it as per Israelist is disputed territories.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM
liar.  un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  un never divded israel so that PALESTINE can exist.  read

November 29 (1947): The United Nations General Assembly approves the partition plan for Palestine put forward by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. The 1947 UN Partition divided the area into three entities: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone around Jerusalem.
Chronic liar.
There was no PALESTINE state to divide. The word palestine was chosen by the British...when they captured the land... The british could have called the land Tanjung Rambutan if so they had desired.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:10 PM
thats exactly wot saudi's peace plan is doing ie recognizing the right for israel to exist.  read me posting above.  but jews/israelis/zionists r rapist terrorists lot.  they want the whole of PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS.  they wanna do exactly wot white americans did in the us whereby american natives r slaughtered to extinction n american possed by the white.
Chronic liar.
The Arab have done to the Jews just like what the US have done to the Red-Indians....
The Saudis are instigating criminals themselves... and got the nerve to demand for thing that don't belong to them anymore.

Your cut&paste was fine but conveniently ignores the fact that Jews had always lived in Jerusalem thru out the centuries.

And about Palestine...
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:12 PM:
Who was the leader for Palestine before Arafat? What was the name of the ruler of the so-called "palestine"...before it came under British rule?

simple.  the ottoman gang[/quote]
Thats right. ... there was no Palestine goverment... no Palestine state. The Ottoman empire called it Sanjak(distict) of Jerusalem.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:12 PM:
What was the capital city of Palestine?

jerusalem[/quote]Chronic liar.
Jerusalem was not a capital of any state when British snatched Jerusalem from the Ottomans.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:12 PM:
What is the native language spoken by the Palestinians?
Don't twist and lie again ... give just the HardEvidence.

arab majority. [/quote]
Thats right. The so-called Palestinians have no language of thier own.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:12 PM:
its the jews/israelis/zionists who wanna genocide PALESTINIANS n rape the whole of PALESTINE.  they copycat white americans when they genocide american natives n rape america.  read history in the right context

Cronic liar.
Israel never said such things. Unlike your Arab friends there who are bend on annilating Israel. What is happening is a tit for tat cycle. Dumb suicide killer and the dumb Israel retaliation. Morons thta what they are...both side.
If Israel really wanted to distroy or wanted to genocide all the "alestinians',.. like the Arabs wants to do the Israels, you must realise that Israel's is capable of doing it, they have the weapons and the Arabs don't...and no one can stop them.. even if others try to stop them, it will be too late. So stop whining and think rationally...opps i forgot.. you can't do that... but at least trylah.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-15 01:12 PM:
If Israel exist then for the muslim the Islam is fake. .. and for you sonny.. the bible is fake.
The reality is Israel exist. That抯 HARDreality.

u're trapped by ur own deception.  u said islam n bible is fake.  yet u believe PALESTINE is the jews' homeland.  where u get that socalled HARDfact?  from biblical history or archeological history?  i'm waiting [/quote]
Bible is fake because of what you said... you quote verse from Bible saying that Jews will be nomads for eternity. Unfortunately for you, the existence of the state Israel, proves that the verse you quote was a lie. A devious lie to condemn a race... which you fail miserably.
There are many ways to expose the lies in Islam. The point here, is about is Jerusalem is because Mohd forbid non-muslim nation in Arabia...not to mention his fake "night journey" to heaven thru' Jerusalem...when the dude was sleeping elsewhere. His imaginary "night journey" thru the mosque at temple Mount is one of the reasons why the people are dying in Israel/Palestine.

HARDfacts ... the existence of Jews from all over the world having similar idea about their HolyLand is enough... plus the existence of Jews in Jerusalem before the Alliyah started show their claim is genuine.
Check out this web site for some evidence...
Israel Archeology

keep lying to yourself sonny...

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Post time 16-11-2003 01:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-16 02:59 AM:
Chronic liar.
I already gave you the reasons for the poor population of the Jews there. By acting blur you cannot change history. History tell that the Jews were raped and chased away.

yup history tells us the jews have been raped n chased away by the muslims, christians, romans, europeans, everyone in the world u name it.  why?  coz yahweh has cursed the jews to be nomads, to be scattered (dispora) till eternity

Heb. 3:7-14

So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.  That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’  So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”

Your so-called HARDfacts don't show the true nature of the population. Arab population is increasing could be due to 1) The Arabs there breed like rabbits. 2)Arabs from other parts come there to find jobs offered by bees to honey.

liar.  the great difference between PALESTINIAN population (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) n jews per se population is due to yahweh's curse on the jews that they gonna be scattered worldwide.  simple

the PALESTINIANS may breed like rabbits or rats for that matter for the simple reason they are in PALESTINE.  they're not cursed by no yahweh or allah or ONE N ONLY ONE GOD to be scattered like the jews

n so wot if the arabs from other arab nations look for jobs in PALESTINE (irrespective the jobs r provided by the jews or british or PALESTINIANS emselves)?  the HARDfact remains arabs or PALESTINIANS constitute the majority compared with minority jews per se.  dont forget the arabs could be muslims, christians, jews etc

When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.

Whatever the frekin reason for the population growth of the Arab in Palestine/Israel does not matter, huge population does not make them owners of the land. Get that in your skull.

o yes, huge population did prove to the world that PALESTINE is for the PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, jews, christians etc) n never for the jews/israeli/zionists per se.  only with dimwit un's good grace n thru callous lobbying by the jews/israelis/zonists that PALESTINIANS r forced to share their lands so that israel can exist

November 29 (1947): The United Nations General Assembly approves the partition plan for Palestine put forward by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. The 1947 UN Partition divided the area into three entities: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone around Jerusalem.
Chronic liar.
Holy books are wriiten by humans. period.

wotever.  the HARDfact remains holybooks exist

There never was any HARDevidence for those nonsense claims made. Of-course I am not fearful of the nonsences anymore. It took along time to kick the habit of being fearful of non-sense teachings... thats besides the point here.


Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."

the Torah teaches that G-d alone determines what each one must suffer, and that a person suffers only for those actions for which he bears responsibility, and not for the crimes of others. ("It is the soul that sins that will die. A son will not bear the sin of a father and a father will not bear the sin of the son. The righteousness of the righteousness will be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon him" -- Ezekiel 18:20).

The Torah view is that while hell is certainly painful, it is compassionate in the sense that the sinner pays for his sins in order to be cleansed of them and thus prepared for reconciliation and true communion with G-d. Thus the Torah teaches that there is a time-limit to hell, while the final reward is eternal.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov commented that while we believe in the eternal reward (Gan Eden), and while it MAY BE that Olam Ha-Zeh, "This world", exists somewhere or other, the place we are in now would for many people appear to be Gehennom, in view of the terrible suffering many people go through here. May all that we may have suffered here be our atonement, and may G-d speedily grant relief from all our troubles and sorrows.

"If anyone says that the punishments of the damned in hell will not last forever, let him be anathema." Vatican I, (1870).

The non-elect "...shall be cast into eternal torments and be punished with everlasting destruction." Westminster Confession of Faith (1648), Section 33.2. (A foundational document of Presbyterianism & Congregationalism.)

"ersonally, I would rather not talk about hell: it is an awful embarrassment in an age that prides itself on tolerance. But Jesus and the Bible took it seriously and so must we." Rev. Joel Edwards, general director of the UK Evangelical Alliance, 2000-APR-2 1

Chronic liar.
Arab nations have not recognized Israel's right to exist.

nope.  read agin saudi's peace plan which is approved by the arab league n supported by the us but thumbed down by the jews/israelis/zionists

The plan, in its broadest terms, offers Israel security and "normal relations" in exchange for a withdrawal from occupied Arab territories, creation of an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds al-Shareef (East Jerusalem) as its capital, and the "return of refugees."

Peace plan? Asking for what don't belong to you is not a peace plan.
Jews's claim that Jerusalem is their most HolyPlace...due to the frekin' Temple Mount.  Arabs/muslim have the Black Box Kabah as their most holy place where its forbiden for non muslim to enter. Temple Mount is enough for them to hold on to Jerusalem...its non-negotioable.

if u have ur brain in the right place, global general knowledge tells u, the black stone or box kabah is a holy place for muslims worldwide, while Al Haram Al-Sharif, Al Quds site r sacred to the muslims n PALESTINIANS.
n wheres this site?  in PALESTINE.  
n who r its citizens?  the PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians etc.  dig?
hence as much as jews wanna claim jerusalem is their holyplace, that much the PALESTINIANS gonna claim jerusalem is their holyplace for the simple reason jerusalem is in PALESTINE n PALESTINIANS constitute the majority population compared with minority jews/israelis/zionists per se.  u cannot change that HARDfact global general knowledge
Arab nations( like Jordan, Syria, Egyt, Lebonon or even Arab saudi) if willing can absorb the refugees... just like Israel is absorbing Jews refugees from around the world. What happen to the so-called brotherhood of Islam... why are the Arab nation not absorbing the suffering refugees?

there u've exposed ur deepseated hatred prejudice against hapless PALESTINIANS.  commonsense tells u PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS

n nowhere in the un partition plan for PALESTINE that its stated PALESTINIANS must become refugees when israel is formed.  n nowwhere in the plan that its stated that PALESTINIANS must be absorbed by other nations specially arab nations.  where?

yet u have the evil viewpoint that PALESTINIANS must become refugees once israel is formed.  n these PALESTINIAN refugees must be absorbed by somebody else.  how callously cruel u r for the hapless PALESTINIANS.  may god protects the helpless n hapless

nonetheless due to un's callous decision to divide PALESTINE, PALESTINIANS indeed have became refugees in the millions.  read

commonsense tells u PALESTINIANS being natives of the PALESTINE have the sole right over PALESTINE.  imported jews dont have no right in the true legal sense of the word.  read


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Post time 16-11-2003 01:04 PM | Show all posts
continue  :eek:
Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world.

The Jewish connection with Palestine was practically broken for about 1,800 years, from 135 CE until the twentieth century. During that period they had no political, civilizational or leadership presence in Palestine. Indeed, their religious teachings prohibited any return to it. Their claim of association with Palestine evaporates futher when it is recalled that most of the Children of Israel refused to join Moses in his exodus to the Holy Land. And similarly, most of them refused to return to it from Babylon after the Persian Emperor Qursh offered to safeguard this.  
More than 80% of modern Jews have no historical relationship with Palestine. They have no genealogic connection with Jacob [Israel] or his descendants. The vast majority of Jews today trace their origins to the Cazars (Ashkenazi), which are ancient Tartar-Turkic tribes that inhabited the northern Caucasus region and adopted Judaism during eighth century CE. Unlike the old Israelite tribes, these Tartar-Turkic tribes are not part of the Semitic family  
The word Semite is derived from Sam, the eldest son of Noah. It is used refer to the group of peoples who lived in the region that includes the Arab peninsula, Bilad al Sham (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan) and Iraq. They all speak a number of closely related languages called Seitic languages. The Arabs are considered the largest component of the Semitic language. In spite of this, the term
anti-Semitic is always used in reference to the Jews and no others.

Chronic liar.
The occupied territories that you claim was captured during war. A better word for it as per Israelist is disputed territories.

care to explain exactly the meanin of this article 49 of the geneva convention?  i'm waiting

The settlements are illegal under Article 49 of the Geneva convention: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Chronic liar.
There was no PALESTINE state to divide. The word palestine was chosen by the British...when they captured the land... The british could have called the land Tanjung Rambutan if so they had desired.

so wot exactly did un divide so that israel can exist?  

Chronic liar.
The Arab have done to the Jews just like what the US have done to the Red-Indians....
The Saudis are instigating criminals themselves... and got the nerve to demand for thing that don't belong to them anymore.

if the saudis r instigating criminals then they're impotent criminals compared with the us.  the us r super instigating criminals for -
1. feeding israel with billions worth of arms to genocide PALESTINIANS n rapin PALESTINE,
2. vetoin un's condemnation against israel's 600 kilo security wall 6 ft deep inside PALESTINE,
3. coming up with a peace plan that dont take into account the millions PALESTINIANS refugees who have been displaced by the formation of israel
4. allowing jews/israelis/zionists to murder the PALESTINIANS into extinction as what white americans did to the american natives  

Your cut&paste was fine but conveniently ignores the fact that Jews had always lived in Jerusalem thru out the centuries.

n the HARDfact remains PALESTINIANS have always lived in jerusalem n PALESTINE over the centures n they constitute majority population compared with minority jews

And about Palestine...
Thats right. ... there was no Palestine goverment... no Palestine state. The Ottoman empire called it Sanjak(distict) of Jerusalem.

Chronic liar.
Jerusalem was not a capital of any state when British snatched Jerusalem from the Ottomans.

commonsense tells u PALESTINE remains standing despite the changing of power from one to another.  hence the capital, the district wotever changed depending on the rulers at that point of time.  read

From earliest times many invaders have sought to control the land, port cities, trade routes, and people of Palestine. Apart from the Israelites, they included the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and British. Each of these newcomers wereeither absorbed into the population through marriage, or killed or later deported. In the case of the original population, they remained in Palestine continuously until the middle of the 20th century when the invading Zionists expelled three-quarters of their number.

Whereas Christianity had previously been the principal religion of the Palestinian people, it was almost completely replaced by Islam in the 7th century. Although most of them became Muslims at the time, a small section of Christians and Jews continued to practice their faith there. By the end of the 19th century (1895) the population of Palestine was estimated at 500,000 of whom 400,000 were Muslims, 53,000 were Christians and 47,000 were Jewish. The Jewish presence had, by all accounts, declined over the years to a position of near nonexistence.

continue :2cool:

[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 16-11-2003 at 01:20 PM ]

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Post time 16-11-2003 01:05 PM | Show all posts
continue :cool:
Following its conquest by the Ottomans in 1517, Palestine was ruled as an administrative division of the Ottoman Empire until 1917. It was administered as part of an area called Greater Syria, which consisted of the countries that emerged in the twentieth century as Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Despite the absence of any clearly defined boundaries in the various parts of Greater Syria, the people of Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Gaza, Nablus and the surrounding countryside referred to their country as Filastin or Palestine. During the nineteenth century the country was divided into a number of administrative units. The two principal officials responsible for the area were the pashas of Sidon and Damascus. The former who resided in Acre controlled parts of the northern Palestine coast, the Galilee region and parts of Lebanon as far north as Beirut. The pashas of Damascus governed over Syria and parts of central Palestine including Jerusalem. These divisions of foreign occupation became more forceful and aggressive.   
In 1887-1888 the country was divided into three units, Acre, Nablus and Jerusalem. Under the new arrangements special status was granted to Jerusalem and its immediate surroundings because it contained most of the holy sites in Palestine including the Aqsa mosque. Instead of being administered by the pashas in Damascus, the Sultan separated it and made it an autonomous unit linked directly to Constantinople, the capital of the Empire. By so doing Abdul Hamid aimed to keep a closer watch on the growing European interference in the internal affairs of the Empire and the Jewish immigration to Palestine.

Despite these various administrative and its position within Greater Syria, Palestine as a geographic unit had a particular meaning and value to its people. They enjoyed full political and civil rights as Turks or any other members of the Empire. And as far as they were concerned the land of Palestine belonged only to those who inhabited it from the beginning of history, who tilled its soil, ate from its produce, and buried their dead in it.

Thats right. The so-called Palestinians have no language of thier own.

wots the language of the syrians, iraqis, saudis etc?  can u guess?

Cronic liar.
Israel never said such things. Unlike your Arab friends there who are bend on annilating Israel. What is happening is a tit for tat cycle. Dumb suicide killer and the dumb Israel retaliation. Morons thta what they are...both side.
If Israel really wanted to distroy or wanted to genocide all the "alestinians',.. like the Arabs wants to do the Israels, you must realise that Israel's is capable of doing it, they have the weapons and the Arabs don't...and no one can stop them.. even if others try to stop them, it will be too late. So stop whining and think rationally...opps i forgot.. you can't do that... but at least trylah.

u've a point there.  since israel has billions worth of arms from the us n since israel has its own weapons of mass destruction, they could have blasted not only PALESTINE but the whole world.

lemme ask u simple questions
if PALESTINIANS r bent on annihilating israel, how many jews/israelis/zionists have been murdered against how many PALESTINIANS murdered by jews/israelis/zionists?

if arabs r bent on annihilating israel, how many jews/israelis/zionists have been murdered against how many jews/israelis/zionists have been murdered by christians?  well?

Bible is fake because of what you said... you quote verse from Bible saying that Jews will be nomads for eternity. Unfortunately for you, the existence of the state Israel, proves that the verse you quote was a lie. A devious lie to condemn a race... which you fail miserably.

yup, israel does exist thru dimwit un's good grace when they divided PALESTINE.  but jews/israelis/zionists r insatiable rapist terrorist lot.  they want more of PALESTINIANS lands.  wot they get from un is not enough.  hence the tit for tat as u've said.

as it is the HARDfact remains israel gets their socalled holyland thru callous lobbying the un n the us, n rapin PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS.  no holybooks in the whole wide world teach their followers to get their holyland thru bloody rapin n genocide.  but the jews did exactly that

so wot that tantamout to?  that the jews r still under yahweh's curse.  they gonna get no peace until n unless they let go that part of PALESTINE which is supposedly for PALESTINIANS per se which includes the occupied PALESTINIAN territories.

but will the jews/israelis/zionists gonna let go being rapist n terrorists as they r?  nope.  so its gonna be tit for tat till doomsday.  simple

There are many ways to expose the lies in Islam. The point here, is about is Jerusalem is because Mohd forbid non-muslim nation in Arabia...not to mention his fake "night journey" to heaven thru' Jerusalem...when the dude was sleeping elsewhere. His imaginary "night journey" thru the mosque at temple Mount is one of the reasons why the people are dying in Israel/Palestine.

the HARDfact remains jews/israelis/zionists r rapist terrorist bloodthirsty lot despite their pious chanting luv thy neigbour as thyself

HARDfacts  ... the existence of Jews from all over the world having similar idea about their HolyLand is enough... plus the existence of Jews in Jerusalem before the Alliyah started show their claim is genuine.
Check out this web site for some evidence...
Israel Archeology
keep lying to yourself sonny...

where the israel archeology talks about the canaanites, the population ratio of PALESTINE before un divided it?  where?

the bottomline is PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians etc.  

the jews/israelis/zionists should be satisfied with that part of PALESTINE that they have callously lobbied from the un n the us.  but nooo, they wanna more of PALESTINE being rapist terrorist blood thirsty lot.  hence yahweh's curse over the jews still hanging over 'em.

the jews/israelis/zionists may call jerusalem, PALESTINE their holyland.  yet they're rapin n plunderin n slaughterin for their socalled holyland.  shame  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 16-11-2003 at 01:17 PM ]

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Post time 18-11-2003 06:34 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by sonny~~ at 16-11-2003 01:02 PM:
yup history tells us the jews have been raped n chased away by the muslims, christians, romans, europeans, everyone in the world u name it.  why?  coz yahweh has cursed the jews to be nomads, to be scattered (dispora) till eternity

Heb. 3:7-14
So, as the Holy Spirit says:

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Post time 18-11-2003 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-18 06:34 AM:
Deluded Liar.
The Jews have a homeland. Its called Israel. Your Bible is proved to be fake by the same verse that you gave.

as much as the jews have a homeland, that much the PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, jews, christians etc) have a homeland too ie PALESTINE.

n un is dimwit enough to fall for jews/israeli/zionists callous lobbying n force PALESTINIANS to share their PALESTINE  with 'em despite the HARDfact that there 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE.  noway u can wiggle waggle from that HARDfact

Deluded Liar.
Not only Jews are shattered around the world. Human race populated the world by migration. Chinese are shatter around the world... even more than the Jews. So are the Indians. Nowadays you can even find Arabs around the world too. Yahwehs curse is not applicable as it is a normal practice of human race. But using a despicable verse from Bible as an excuse to discriminate the Jews is unacceptable. No wonder the Jews suffered so much. It's because of people like you, who believe in the nonsence that the Bible preach, that the Jews have endure the suffering. Now the Jews are able to fight back the people who attack them. I don't like the way they fight back, but I understand why they do what the things they do.

ok lets forget bout the bible.  
lets stick to global historical HARDfacts.  
historical HARDfacts still say the jews r scattered around the globe.  sure other nationalities r scattered too.  
but the jews' dispora dont justify their rapin PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS inorder to have a homeland israel.

commonsense tells u that socalled jews' homeland is not no man island.  theres natives there n they're PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) n they constitute a majority - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS against 507,250 jews (in PALESTINE).  dont forget that

[quote]Deluded Liar.
There is no curse.
The "alestinians" are suffering and thier fate is in question.... yet reproducing like dumb idiots that they are.

ok theres no curse
the HARDfact remains the PALESTINIANS breed their rats n they constitute a majority - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINE against 507,250 jews (in PALESTINE).  no way u can wish 'em to vanish into thin air for the sake of rapist cum terrorist jews/israelis/zionists to realise their holyland.

of course u can genocide the PALESTINIANS to extinction like wot american white did to american natives.  n thats exactly wot rapist cum terrorist jews/israelis/zionists r doin to the PALESTINIANS to get their socalled holyland israel

Chronic Liar.
The dumb Arabs there sold their land to the Jews.

liar.  read

The crimes committed by the Zionists against the Palestinian Arabs were verified in their own unguarded remarks.

For example, Levi Eshkol “went on a tour of the Arab villages which had recently been abandoned and captured.” As he put it, he saw “the traces of what had been and was no longer-- the houses broken into, plundered and burned. The sight sank through my head, brain, blood and heart.”
Many cases of robbery committed against Palestinian Arabs during their expulsion by Israeli soldiers acting under the orders of their commanders have been reported.

For example, Aharon Cohen, the director of Mapam’s Arab Department, recalls that Israeli “troops at the checkpoints out of Lydda had been ordered to take from the expelled Arabs every watch, piece of jewelry or money.”
The homes these people were forced to leave behind them were then systematically looted by Israel.

Cabinet Minister Bechor Shitrit confirms this official looting. He stated, “The army from Lydda alone had taken over 1,800 truckloads of property.”
David Ben-Gurion recorded in his diary entry for July 15, 1948: “The bitter question has arisen regarding acts of robbery and rape in the conquered towns. Soldiers from all the battalions robbed and stole.”
Yosef Lamm, a Member of the Knesset, officially admitted on November 22, 1949: “None of us behaved during the war in a way we might have expected the Jewish people to behave, either with regard to property or human life, and we should all be ashamed.”

HARDfacts is also shows that Holybooks contradict each other.

it dont matter that they contract.  they still exist n no way u can pretend they dont

You can cut&paste all you want about hell or heaven.... without a shred of HARD-evidence.

u can get the HARDevidence when u're dead

Deluded Liar.
Saudi Peace Plan: Heads I win, Tails you lose. called peace plan.
Saudi Arabia have not recognized Israel.

o yes the saudi r forced to recognize israel.  
wot they dont wanna recognize n wot un dont recognize is the rape n genocide of PALESTINIANS by rapist terrorist jews/israeli/zionists inorder to realize their holyland israel.  shame

if saudi's peace plan is bias, why then did the us "support" it?  well?

Contrary to common belief, Saudi Arabia has been no stranger to the peace process, albeit usually behind the scenes. As Aluf Benn commented in Israel’s Ha’aretz (Feb. 19), a U.S. official reportedly advised the Israeli government “[to] lay off Saudi Arabia. It’s not your enemy….Saudi Arabia may be extremist in religion, but it is politically very moderate, and it’s important not to act against it.” Abdullah has been credited in both the Arab and American press with being the impetus for President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell to verbalize their vision of a Palestinian state.

That Article 49 does not apply to Israel.
Israel claims it only have disputed territories which was captured during war, when the Arab countries tried to annihilate the small souvereign state.

did un agree with such claim?  where?

The settlements are illegal under Article 49 of the Geneva convention: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

British land...captured from Ottoman Empire during war.

wheres the HARDproof that un divided a british land so that israel can exist?  where?

HARDfact also shows that the Jews always lived in Jerusalem even when their ancestor were bullied by the Romans, Christians and Arabs. Descendants of those who were chased away are returning back... that a HARD-reality.

yup, imported jews r returnin to PALESTINE where PALESTINIANS constitute a majority - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS against 507,250 jews (in PALESTINE).  wot the jews can do is to continue slaughtering the PALESTINIANS specially babies n women.  then u can expect their population to drop drastically.  shame

When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 18-11-2003 at 06:06 PM ]

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Post time 18-11-2003 06:08 PM | Show all posts
continue :2cool:

Deluded Liar.
The name of that area was always changing... according to the ruler of that time. The region was also called ISRAEL at one time.

whens that one time?  n wots the population ratio then?  HARDfacts plz

Thats right all these people have lost their language and are replaced by the invading Arab language of Mohd... at least Kurd in Iraq tring to maintain their language. Jews still maintain their language. So-called Palestians have no identity.

n where did these arabs come from?  n where did these jews come from?  HARDfacts plz

as much as america lost their identity from american natives to english speaking american white, that much PALESTINE has lost their identity from the canaanites to arab speaking PALESTINIANS.  simple

there agin when american white slaughtered the american natives into extinction, it dont mean arab speaking PALESTINIANS have also slaughtered the canaanites into extinction.  look up history for the HARDfacts

I remember saying Arabs not Palestianian bend on annihilating the Jews. "alestianians" are just pawns used by these devious Arabs... residing in Syria,Egpt,Jordan,Lebanon,Saudi etc
The Arab were unable to annihilate the Jews...and figures don't justify the evil intention of these Arabs who are waiting for a chance to distroy the Jews.

inother words u dont have HARDfacts to prove ur claims Unlike your Arab friends there who are bend on annilating Israel.  right?  inother words u're lying.  a shameless liar.  simple

first u said Unlike your Arab friends there who are bend on annilating Israel.  then u said The Arab were unable to annihilate the Jews.  make up ur mind.  dont lie for the sake of lying.  

this thread is supposed to be objective n full of HARDfacts.  dont make it into trash.

if figures don't justify the evil intention of these Arabs who are waiting for a chance to distroy the Jews, wot is?  be specific.  n dont lie

Cronic deluded Liar.
There's no doomsday.
The Jews have no intention of this dumb tit for tat game, thats why they are building the wall that will keep the dumb suicide killers away.

why r they building the wall inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories?  i'm waiting

ok theres no doomsday.  afterall by then u're dead.  all of us will be dead.  

Deluded Liar.
The Jews are not only ones who are bloodthirsty. The Arabs are equally barbaric. At least the Jews do it in defence, unlike the Arabs who do it because of one Arab dude who is dead and buried for nearly 14centuries.

so back to me simple question.  how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah?  i'm waitin

Deluded Liar
So why the Palestinians let the Arabs Countries attack the souvereign state of Israel and get their land confisicated?

simple.  coz by then PALESTINIANS n jews constitute almost 50-50 in that part of PALESTINE which is supposed to be israel.  the PALESTINIANS know they gonna be raped by minority jews.  n thats exactly wots happened.     

When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.

Why didn't the so-called Palestinians declare an independent Palestine State at the same time as the Israel was declared as a independent state?

read me response above

Why wait until the 6day 1967?

coz the PALESTINIANS think they can beat the jews by sheer majority population like wot the zulu did to the british.  they forgot the us is feeding rapist terrorist jews/israeli/zionists with billions worth of arms to fight 'em.

Why wait for 20years before wanting a state, when the land is already there to be declared as a state? Why wait?...

read me response above

Was there ever an intension by the people there for a Palestine state? Very doubtful indeed.

only pagans think the PALESTINIANS dont want a state.  
if they dont want a state, they wouldnt have become suicide bombers to protect their PALESTINE n avenge the death of their fellamen.  think   

Cronic&Deluded Liar
Its obvious that Yahweh's curse is wrong ..cos' Jews have a State.
Jews are much more educated that the Arabs and have a country that could wipe out any Arab state. Arab countries don't produce Einsteins but they produce Osamas. Shame on the Arabs, and Cheers to the Jews.

yup the jews have a state.  they have their holyland by thru callous lobbying, by raping, slaughtering, plundering PALESTINE.  shame  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 18-11-2003 at 06:09 PM ]

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Post time 19-11-2003 05:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 18-11-2003 04:59 PM:
n un is dimwit enough to fall for jews/israeli/zionists callous lobbying n force PALESTINIANS to share their PALESTINE  with 'em despite the HARDfact that there 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE.  noway u can wiggle waggle from that HARDfact
UN was able to understand the plight of the Jews people. UN was able to understand the need of a independent state for the Jews people.
Decision was made by the UN, but the Arab countries defied it by attacking the souvereign state of Israel. Now the Arabs in "alestine" are suffering for their action of suporting the Arab countries.

Just imagine, if the Arabs in "alestine" had agreed to the formation of Palestine under the rule of Jews, as per the initial plan by British, imagine the benefit they would have obtain. The Muslim Arabs in Israel are enjoying the benefit of modern world... with freedom of worship.

Because of the opposition from the Arabs in "alestine"(instigated by the Arab countries), the UN had to devide the small land into 2 portions. One for the Jews and One for the Arabs there. The portion that was given to the Jews was about 1% of the whole land own by the Arab under muslim rule. Only 1% ...and that also the greedy Arabs cannot share with the Jews as if the earth belongs to them.

The Arabs in "alestine" had lost their identity and was following the Arab identity that was forced down by Mohd's gang when they invaded, and these "alestinians" could have been easily absorb by the Arab Jordan, Syria, Labanon or even Saudi Arabia.

The Arab countries wanted to annihilate the Jews, they are using the "alestinian" Arabs for their purpose, thats the main reason for the plight of the Arabs in "alestine".... and not the Jews.

The world have never enjoyed any benefit from the Arab...except for the crime against humans. What good did the Arabs muslims have done. While the discriminated Jews have done so much for the human race... from Steven Spelberg to Carl Sagan to Albert Einstein to Bill Goldberg

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 18-11-2003 04:59 PM
commonsense tells u that socalled jews' homeland is not no man island.  theres natives there n they're PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) n they constitute a majority - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS against 507,250 jews (in PALESTINE).  dont forget that

Deluded Liar.
The Arabs there were migrates themself, they were not the Natives. The Jews have more right to call them self Natives... as they have maintained their culture...unlike the Arabs.
The Invaded Arabs breed like rabbit without any regards for their offsprings.

The Jews bought the land in Israel from the Arabs before the Arabs declared Jihad on them, thats when the War broke and the Arabs lost thier land for they mischief.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 18-11-2003 04:59 PM
of course u can genocide the PALESTINIANS to extinction like wot american white did to american natives.  n thats exactly wot rapist cum terrorist jews/israelis/zionists r doin to the PALESTINIANS to get their socalled holyland israel
Cronic Liar.
Native Americans are not extinct. They are alive and well with equal right as any other Americans... Unlike the Native Malaysian(Orang Asli) who were chased into deep in Jungle by the invading Malays are calling themselves Bumiputra. shame.
What even more shameful is our ex-Prime Minister, Tun Dr.M  who is a descendant of migrate Indian calling himself Bumiputra and got the nerve to condamn the Jews.

And your cut&paste about the co-called crimes of the Jews were done during War times, which was initiated by the Arabs...does not deny that the Jews buy land from the Arabs before the Arabs attack the Israel state.

Use magic Report

Post time 19-11-2003 05:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
It dont matter that they contract.  they still exist n no way u can pretend they dont
Deluded Liar.
So does books on Superman and Santa Clause... that does not mean the books show the existence of Superman and Santa.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
u can get the HARDevidence when u're dead
Cronic&Deluded Liar.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
if saudi's peace plan is bias, why then did the us "support" it?  well?

US need muslims support to fight fanatical muslims.... get it.
Dubya is famous for dumb double talks...Islam is peace but we need to fight terrorist.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
did un agree with such claim?  where?
It doesn't matter to Israel if  UN didn't agree with Israel's claim, as UN did not help to defend the newly form state of Israel from the murderous Arab countries when they tried to annihihate Israel. The captured territories are not done with the help of UN. Shame on UN.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
wheres the HARDproof that un divided a british land so that israel can exist?  where?
Cronic Liar.
Its no secret that British was ruling the land they named Palestine for nearly 30 years from 1917 till 1948.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
yup, imported jews r returnin to PALESTINE where PALESTINIANS constitute a majority - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS against 507,250 jews (in PALESTINE).  wot the jews can do is to continue slaughtering the PALESTINIANS specially babies n women.  then u can expect their population to drop drastically.  shame
Cronic Liar.
The population in "alestine" is anything but decreasing...

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
whens that one time?  n wots the population ratio then?  HARDfacts plz
Still in denial regarding Ancient Israel...uh..
here read some information about the ancient Israel... you don't have to believe anything..... I was stating that there was claims of Israel just as there was claims of Palestine in ancient time.
go to the link here...The history of ancient israel to modern day

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
as much as america lost their identity from american natives to english speaking american white, that much PALESTINE has lost their identity from the canaanites to arab speaking PALESTINIANS.  simple
Cronic Liar.
American natives are still alive and well, speaking their native language as well as English.
But there is no linking of the long lost Canaan tribes with the present day migrate Arabs... no linking at all.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
there agin when american white slaughtered the american natives into extinction, it dont mean arab speaking PALESTINIANS have also slaughtered the canaanites into extinction.  look up history for the HARDfacts
Compulsive Liar.
Native Americans are still alive. Even the 10th planet in our solar system was discovered by a Native American.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
first u said Unlike your Arab friends there who are bend on annilating Israel.  then u said The Arab were unable to annihilate the Jews.  make up ur mind.  dont lie for the sake of lying.
Not only that your hated for the jews makes you LIE but it also blocks your understanding of my simple english. shame one you.

Yes the Arabs are bend on annihilating the Jews. And also yes, they are unable to annihilate the Jews.
They have tried to annihilate the jews but lost to the Jews not once but many times after Israel was established.. The Arab have the desire to kill the Jews but don't have the means to accomplish their evil plot.....kapish  

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
if figures don't justify the evil intention of these Arabs who are waiting for a chance to distroy the Jews, wot is?  be specific.  n dont lie
The one who is lying is you. I am obseving without prejudice and rationally.
The action of the Arabs since the days Israel was established..speaks louder than any figures you gave.

The Arabs have not done with Israel yet, the Saudi Peace Plan is to make the Israel weak so that they can lanch another attack again... the dumb Arabs just might do just that... saying INSHA ALLAH..and doing the stupid thing. If Israel retaliate, there will be no more Arabs countries.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
why r they building the wall inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories?  i'm waiting
You mean building walls in captured territories?
For protection of Israel citizen from suicide killers who intent to blow-up bused and restorants.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
so back to me simple question.  how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah?  i'm waitin
It make no difference...whether you kill one person or you kill a thousand people. Both sides are killing each other. Larger numbers don't make you less evil.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
simple.  coz by then PALESTINIANS n jews constitute almost 50-50 in that part of PALESTINE which is supposed to be israel.  the PALESTINIANS know they gonna be raped by minority jews.  n thats exactly wots happened.
The ones that initiated the attack was the Arabs and the "alestinian Arabs"... don't twist facts.
Even now there are about 20%of muslim Arabs in Israel as citizens.
There were over 600,000 Jews been chased from the Arab countries right after the 1948 war. Israel gave citizenship to all the Jews refugees. Did any of the Arab nation absorb the "alestinian refugees from Israel?  

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
only pagans think the PALESTINIANS dont want a state.  
if they dont want a state, they wouldnt have become suicide bombers to protect their PALESTINE n avenge the death of their fellamen.  think
Hate will blur the rational thinking...And not to mention the money that were sponsored by the Arabs from outside...which goes to the suicide killers family.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-18 06:08 PM:
yup the jews have a state.  they have their holyland by thru callous lobbying, by raping, slaughtering, plundering PALESTINE.  shame

Yes Jews have a state and no Arabs state thru callous lobbing, raping, slaughtering plundering the US or PALESTINIANS gonna stop the Jews from owning the Israel state. Shame on the Arabs who brought nothing useful to the world.... unlike the Jews.

Use magic Report

Post time 19-11-2003 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-19 05:09 AM:
UN was able to understand the plight of the Jews people. UN was able to understand the need of a independent state for the Jews people.
Decision was made by the UN, but the Arab countries defied it by attacking the souvereign state of Israel. Now the Arabs in "alestine" are suffering for their action of suporting the Arab countries.

un indeed understand the jews plight n their need to have an independent nation.  the HARDfacts remains the holyland homeland the jews r eyeing at ie PALESTINE has people - PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) constitute a majority - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS against 507,250 jews (in PALESTINE).

n since un has made a decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist,  u think the arabs/PALESTINIANS should bow their head submissively. right?  thats pagans mentality.  rational thinking people would be thinking of the consequences of such a decision by un.  million PALESTINIANS r facing dispora as wot the jews have faced before.  read

Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world.

Just imagine, if the Arabs in "alestine" had agreed to the formation of Palestine under the rule of Jews, as per the initial plan by British, imagine the benefit they would have obtain. The Muslim Arabs in Israel are enjoying the benefit of modern world... with freedom of worship.

commonsense tells u without un dividing PALESTINE, the PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, jews, christians etc) r already enjoying modern facilities n freedom of worship.  now they dont even have the freedom to move around with rapist terrorist israels security wall surrounding 'em.  its a blessing that the PALESTINIANS r nationalistic proud people.  if they have been submissive to the jews' callous lobbying they would have become extinct.  infact thats exactly wot the jews/israelis/zionists have in mind

"One can imagine an argument for the right of a persecuted minority to find refuge in another country able to accommodate it; one is hard-pressed, however, to imagine an argument for the right of a peaceful minority to politically and perhaps physically displace the indigenous population of another country. Yet...the latter was the actual intention of the Zionist movement." Norman Finkelstein

Because of the opposition from the Arabs in "alestine"(instigated by the Arab countries), the UN had to devide the small land into 2 portions. One for the Jews and One for the Arabs there. The portion that was given to the Jews was about 1% of the whole land own by the Arab under muslim rule. Only 1% ...and that also the greedy Arabs cannot share with the Jews as if the earth belongs to them.

commonsense tells u no nation in this whole wide world wanna part with any of its lands.  even american white have to genocide native americans to own the us.  now u're saying arab nations should be generous enough to donate part of PALESTINE to the israel on a golden platter?  only pagans would think as such.  rational thinking people would prefer to have the eropean nations to donate part of their land to realise the jews' socalled holyland homeland.  u may not like it but the curse is still brewing for the simple reason rapist terrorist jews/isralis/zionists have not obtained israel ethically

"Israelis seem to be haunted by a curse. It is the curse of the original sin against the native Arabs. How can Israel be discussed without recalling the dispossession and exclusion of non-Jews? This is the most basic fact about Israel, and no understanding of Israeli reality is possible without it. The original sin haunts and torments Israelis; it marks everything and taints everybody. Its memory poisons the blood and marks every moment of existence." Israeli author, Benjamin Beit-Hallahami"Original Sins"

The Arabs in "alestine" had lost their identity and was following the Arab identity that was forced down by Mohd's gang when they invaded, and these "alestinians" could have been easily absorb by the Arab Jordan, Syria, Labanon or even Saudi Arabia.

liar.  PALESTINIANS have their own identity.  but its being destroyed by un's dimwit decision n the genocide by rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists.  no way pagans can expect arab nations to accommodate displaced PALESTINIANS to satisfy the jews' lust for PALESTINIANS' PALESTINE

Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country... Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs... We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them?... There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault?... They only see one thing: we came here and stole their country... Why should they accept that?"  David Ben Gurion, quoted in "The Jewish Paradox" by Nathan Goldman, former president of the World Jewish Congress.


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 19-11-2003 at 01:06 PM ]

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Post time 19-11-2003 01:07 PM | Show all posts
continue :2cool:

The Arab countries wanted to annihilate the Jews, they are using the "alestinian" Arabs for their purpose, thats the main reason for the plight of the Arabs in "alestine".... and not the Jews.

liar.  read

"alestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French...What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct...If they [the Jews] must look to the Palestine of geography as their national home, it is wrong to enter it under the shadow of the British gun. A religious act cannot be performed with the aid of the bayonet or the bomb. They can settle in Palestine only by the goodwill of the Arabs... As it is, they are co-sharers with the British in despoiling a people who have done no wrong to them. I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regard as an unacceptable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds."  Mahatma Gandhi

The world have never enjoyed any benefit from the Arab...except for the crime against humans. What good did the Arabs muslims have done. While the discriminated Jews have done so much for the human race... from Steven Spelberg to Carl Sagan to Albert Einstein to Bill Goldberg

thats no justification for dimwit un to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  neither its justification for jews/israelis/zionists to rape PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS.  the bottomline is the jews/isralis/zionist rape n plunder PALESTINE so as to call it their holyland homeland.  shame

"We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in transit countries, while denying it employment in our own country... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism

Deluded Liar.
The Arabs there were migrates themself, they were not the Natives. The Jews have more right to call them self Natives... as they have maintained their culture...unlike the Arabs.
The Invaded Arabs breed like rabbit without any regards for their offsprings.

sure the arabs r migrants, invaders etc.  likewise the jews.  the bottomline is PALESTINE has been changing hands from canaanites n lastly to the arabs (the majority r muslims, others christians, jews etc).  no way u can change that HARDfacts. thats why PALESTINE is more populated by arabs/PALESTINIANS - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE

The Jews bought the land in Israel from the Arabs before the Arabs declared Jihad on them, thats when the War broke and the Arabs lost thier land for they mischief.

yup, they bought lands as well as dispossessing israeli PALESTINIANS, plundering n raping.  no way u can hide the HARDfact.  

Israel's responsibility for Refugees - The Jewish military advantage was translated into an act of mass expulsion of more than half of the Palestinian population. The Israeli forces, apart from rare exceptions, expelled the Palestinians from every village and town they occupied. In some cases, this expulsion was accompanied by massacres [of civilians] as was the case in Lydda, Ramleh, Dawimiyya, Sa'sa, Ein Zietun and other places. Expulsion also was accompanied by rape, looting and confiscation [of Palestinian land and property]...

Cronic Liar.
Native Americans are not extinct. They are alive and well with equal right as any other Americans... Unlike the Native Malaysian(Orang Asli) who were chased into deep in Jungle by the invading Malays are calling themselves Bumiputra. shame.
What even more shameful is our ex-Prime Minister, Tun Dr.M  who is a descendant of migrate Indian calling himself Bumiputra and got the nerve to condamn the Jews.

btw how many native malaysians (orang alsi) that malaysians have murdered aginst how many native americans that american white have murdered?  HARDfact plz

In the 19th century the United States forced Native Americans onto marginal lands in areas farther and farther west as white settlement of the young nation expanded in that direction. Numerous Indian Wars broke out between US forces and many different tribes. Authorities drafted countless treaties during this period and then later nullified them for various reasons. Well-known battles include the untypical Native American victory at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876, and the massacre of Native Americans at Wounded Knee in 1890. On January 31, 1876 the United States government ordered all Native Americans to move into reservations or reserves. This spelled the end of the Prairie Culture that developed around the use of the horse for hunting, travel and trading.

And your cut&paste about the co-called crimes of the Jews were done during War times, which was initiated by the Arabs...does not deny that the Jews buy land from the Arabs before the Arabs attack the Israel state.

dont heckle repetitiously.  read me response n me HARDfacts above with ur brain in the right place  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 19-11-2003 at 02:08 PM ]

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Post time 19-11-2003 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-19 05:27 AM:
Deluded Liar.
So does books on Superman and Santa Clause... that does not mean the books show the existence of Superman and Santa.

wotever.  death gonna be eye opener for everyone be they with religions or pagans

Cronic&Deluded Liar.


US need muslims support to fight fanatical muslims.... get it.
Dubya is famous for dumb double talks...Islam is peace but we need to fight terrorist.

inother words u're saying the us is superhipocrite right?  nowonder they come up with peace plan for the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict n yet they feed rapist terrorist israel with billions worth of arms to genocide the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE

It doesn't matter to Israel if  UN didn't agree with Israel's claim, as UN did not help to defend the newly form state of Israel from the murderous Arab countries when they tried to annihihate Israel. The captured territories are not done with the help of UN. Shame on UN.

commonsense tells u dimwit un is gracious enough to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  n if u expect un to help israel genocide the PALESTINANS as wot the us did, then u need ur head examined.

History of Palestine and Green Line Israel by S. Brian Willson
1992, Revised May 2002
The (rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists) repression required to "successfully" occupy the Palestinian people in their indigenous country is nothing short of a comprehensive and systematic effort to destroy the Palestinian people. In continuing their policies of occupation and regional aggression, Israel has defied dozens of separate United Nations Resolutions since 1967.

Cronic Liar.
Its no secret that British was ruling the land they named Palestine for nearly 30 years from 1917 till 1948.

me questin stands - wheres the HARDproof that un divided a british land so that israel can exist? where?
dont forget ur response British land...captured from Ottoman Empire during war to me question so wot exactly did un divide so that israel can exist?  dont wiggle waggle now

Cronic Liar.
The population in "alestine" is anything but decreasing...

commonsense tells u following israels' rape n genocide, PALESTINE population has to be decreased while PALESTINIAN refugees r increasing.

The American King-Crane Commission spent six weeks in Syria and Palestine, interviewing delegations and reading petitions. The commissioners began their study of Zionism with minds predisposed in its favour. The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission's conferences with Jewish representatives that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase...Their final report stated: "...the initial claim, often submitted by Zionist representatives, that they have a 'right' to Palestine based on occupation of two thousand years ago, can barely be seriously considered."

Still in denial regarding Ancient Israel...uh..
here read some information about the ancient Israel... you don't have to believe anything..... I was stating that there was claims of Israel just as there was claims of Palestine in ancient time.
go to the link here...The history of ancient israel to modern day

the HARDfact remains israel is around FOR ONLY ONE TIME before they disperse (dispora) while the arabs/PALESTINIANS be they muslims, christians, jews etc have been in PALESTINE for ONE TIME N CONTINUE TO BE IN PALESTINE TILL UN DIVIDED THEIR NATION.  simple.  u cant wiggle waggle from such HARDfacts.

Cronic Liar.
American natives are still alive and well, speaking their native language as well as English.
But there is no linking of the long lost Canaan tribes with the present day migrate Arabs... no linking at all.

now u're exposing ur forked tongue.  if u think the longlost canaanites dont have no link with the migrant, invader arabs, wots the link then between the longlost canaanites with the migrant, invader jews so much that PALESTINE must be the jews holyland homeland?  well?  no forked tonge now

Compulsive Liar.
Native Americans are still alive. Even the 10th planet in our solar system was discovered by a Native American.

o yes they're alive n well in their own land that have been raped by american white

Military defeat, cultural pressure, confinement on reservations, forced cultural assimilation, the outlawing of native languages and culture, forced sterilizations, termination policies of the 50's and 60's, and (especially) slavery have had deleterious effects on Native Americans' mental and ultimately physical health. Contemporary problems include poverty, alcoholism, heart disease, and diabetes: see New World Syndrome.

continue  :cool:

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Post time 19-11-2003 02:07 PM | Show all posts
continue :eek:

Not only that your hated for the jews makes you LIE but it also blocks your understanding of my simple english. shame one you.

Yes the Arabs are bend on annihilating the Jews. And also yes, they are unable to annihilate the Jews.
They have tried to annihilate the jews but lost to the Jews not once but many times after Israel was established.. The Arab have the desire to kill the Jews but don't have the means to accomplish their evil plot.....kapish

now u get it.  the arabs have the desire to murder the jews but they're impotent.  on the other hand, the jews have the desire to rape PALESTINE n murder the PALESTINIANS n they have the us to feed 'em with billions worth of arms realise their lust.  shame

With U.S. weapons instead of Soviet ones, Israel blitzed, during 6 days in early June 1967, and seized all of the West Bank from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. At this moment the whole of historical Palestine came under the military control of Israel.

There continue to be other tragic consequences of the 1967 blitz war. Israel's policy of building colonial settlements on the West Bank and in Gaza has meant shameless confiscation of Palestinian lands, annexation of Jerusalem, the annexation of the Golan Heights, and the settling of over 100,000 Jews within annexed Jerusalem. Israel has confiscated precious water resources of the West Bank for its settlements, while prohibiting Palestinians from seeking desperately needed new water sources. Severe drought exists in Arab villages, compelling further exodus of Palestinian farmers. The occupation has caused serious economic dislocation and large-scale unemployment, while forcing the remainder to work for minimum wages in harsh conditions. And Israel found a captive market in the West Bank and Gaza for its manufactured goods, these areas becoming in effect "trading partners" of Israel.

The one who is lying is you. I am obseving without prejudice and rationally.
The action of the Arabs since the days Israel was established..speaks louder than any figures you gave.

read me response above

The Arabs have not done with Israel yet, the Saudi Peace Plan is to make the Israel weak so that they can lanch another attack again... the dumb Arabs just might do just that... saying INSHA ALLAH..and doing the stupid thing. If Israel retaliate, there will be no more Arabs countries.

ur forked tongue agin.  its rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists who r NOT done with the PALESTINIANS.  shame on the jews for raping PALESTINE inorder to realise their holyland homeland.  

This tragedy of two peoples gripped in a seemingly hopeless struggle over the same territory, with the U.S. politically and financially sustaining the occupation of one people by another, forms the continuing context for much of the political dynamics effecting the Middle East. Of course, without the presence of the vast quantities of oil in the Middle East region upon which most of the "developed" world is totally dependent upon, the U.S. and other Western nations would not have been supporting Israel at the expense of Palestinian and other Arab peoples

You mean building walls in captured territories?
For protection of Israel citizen from suicide killers who intent to blow-up bused and restorants.

the HARDfact remains why protecting israel citizens from suicide killers in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not in israel per se?  why?  HARDfact plz.  no wiggle waggle

It make no difference...whether you kill one person or you kill a thousand people. Both sides are killing each other. Larger numbers don't make you less evil.

o yes, large numbers make the jews more evil.  only forked tongue pagans think otherwise.
me questin stands how many jews did the arabs kill n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS did the jews kill in the current intifadah?  i'm waitin

The ones that initiated the attack was the Arabs and the "alestinian Arabs"... don't twist facts.
Even now there are about 20%of muslim Arabs in Israel as citizens.
There were over 600,000 Jews been chased from the Arab countries right after the 1948 war. Israel gave citizenship to all the Jews refugees. Did any of the Arab nation absorb the "alestinian refugees from Israel?

20% of wot?  be specific.  no wiggle waggle.  i wanna compare with ur 600,000 jews chased out of arab countries (not PALESTINE).

no heckling plz.  the arab nations have absorbed some of these israeli PALESTINAINS.

Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world.

Hate will blur the rational thinking...And not to mention the money that were sponsored by the Arabs from outside...which goes to the suicide killers family.

commonsense tells u the suicide bombers family have to survive more so when rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists have bombed their homes to kingdom come.  but wot outsiders gave to suicide bombers families r peanut compared to the us' billions worth of arms donation to israel to rape PALESTINE.  

Yes Jews have a state and no Arabs state thru callous lobbing, raping, slaughtering plundering the US or PALESTINIANS gonna stop the Jews from owning the Israel state. Shame on the Arabs who brought nothing useful to the world.... unlike the Jews

yup the jews have their holyland homeland thru rapin PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS.  no way u can wiggle waggle from that HARDfact  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 19-11-2003 at 03:45 PM ]

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Post time 20-11-2003 12:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 19-11-2003 01:04 PM:
commonsense tells u without un dividing PALESTINE, the PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, jews, christians etc) r already enjoying modern facilities n freedom of worship.  now they dont even have the freedom to move around with rapist terrorist israels security wall surrounding 'em.  its a blessing that the PALESTINIANS r nationalistic proud people.  if they have been submissive to the jews' callous lobbying they would have become extinct.  infact thats exactly wot the jews/israelis/zionists have in mind
The modern facilities were brought to "Palestine" by the Jews... as the Jews migrate back to their Homeland from Europe and America they brought with them the skills and technolgy in the late 19 century.
The present restriction were result their own doing. You don't go around freely blowing-up buses with full load of people.

Anyway, if the Jews didn't come back to middle east('Palestine") and claiming the Jerusalem as their Holyplace. If the Jews had stayed where ever they had migrated to, be it German, France, Russia, America, Britian, Africa, India, China or anycother country. If thay had no religious attachment to the so-called Palestine... then the world would be a much peaceful place.
BUT the HARDfact is the Jews had done what they had done. The UN had done what it had done. History cannot be undone.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 19-11-2003 01:04 PM:
liar.  PALESTINIANS have their own identity.  but its being destroyed by un's dimwit decision n the genocide by rapist terrorist jews/israelis/zionists.  no way pagans can expect arab nations to accommodate displaced PALESTINIANS to satisfy the jews' lust for PALESTINIANS' PALESTINE
Displaced "Palestians" lost their culture, now they are part of the Arab culture.. Arabs countries should take those come in as refugees and give citizenship. .. The refugee who are the direct result of the Arab countries who initiated the war against the state Israel... the Arabs lost the war, the "Palestinians" who support the war against Israel are paying the price... thats reality for you.
The Jew refugee who were chased out from the Arab countries were obsorbed by Israle. The Jews too lost their lands and properties and was raped by the terrorist Arabs... why can't the Arrogant friends of yours can't do the same.
By refusing to give citizenship to the refugees the Arabs are till plotting to destroy Israel... which is unlikely to happen.

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Post time 20-11-2003 03:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 01:07 PM:
liar.  read

"alestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French...What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct...If they [the Jews] must look to the Palestine of geography as their national home, it is wrong to enter it under the shadow of the British gun. A religious act cannot be performed with the aid of the bayonet or the bomb. They can settle in Palestine only by the goodwill of the Arabs... As it is, they are co-sharers with the British in despoiling a people who have done no wrong to them. I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regard as an unacceptable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds."  Mahatma Gandhi

You desperate aren't you sonny.. quoting Gandhi, he was a great man with few mistakes, and this is one of them.
Jews don't consider themselves Arabs...Gandhi said Palestine belong to the Arabs... a gross mistake.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 01:07 PM:
sure the arabs r migrants, invaders etc.  likewise the jews.  the bottomline is PALESTINE has been changing hands from canaanites n lastly to the arabs (the majority r muslims, others christians, jews etc).  no way u can change that HARDfacts. thats why PALESTINE is more populated by arabs/PALESTINIANS - 1,246,000 arabs/PALESTINIANS (be they muslims, christians, jews etc) against 507,250 jews in PALESTINE

So you can finally see the point. People been migrating since time memorial. So the Jews migration to "alestine" is nothing new.
Now the Jews population is over 6million... and its not going to go any lesser. The Jewish world population from Africa to India to China are showing interest of returning to their so-called HomeLand called Israel...thats reality.

What has happen has happen... Can't change that. ..thats history.
The claim of Jews invading the Canaan.
The Jew being chased away by the Roman,Christian, Muslims and finally by the Nazis.
The Jews coming back to Canaan/Palestine/Israel.
The Arabs opposing the Jews migration and attacking the Jews.
The Jews walloping the Arabs..and taking more land from the Arabs.
The Arabs can keep asking the lost land back and the Jews ignoring the demand... but spit on the demands
The Fat Arabs using naive young bloods to commit suiside murders... promissing the fake martyrdom....
The Jews retaliating by destroing the homes of the suspected culpits along with those stand in the claiming defence...
Cycle of violence.
The Arabs have no way of taking back the lost land by demand or violence.  

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 01:07 PM:
yup, they bought lands as well as dispossessing israeli PALESTINIANS, plundering n raping.  no way u can hide the HARDfact.
You being biased, does not make the Arab Palestinian innocent. The Arab Palestinians raped the Jews settler just like the Arab anccestor did to the Jews anccestors. You can look the other way, but you cannot change history. The worse is nobody bother about the Jews in the Arab world who had been plundered, raped and chased... just because Israel gave citizenship to those refugees.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 01:07 PM:
btw how many native malaysians (orang alsi) that malaysians have murdered aginst how many native americans that american white have murdered?  HARDfact plz
you want comparative figures? are you sane?
what figures you want to believe, some fake figure by the rapist? or by the illiterate natives.
Reality is that science have proven that the orang Asli lived here long before the Malays invaded from the north... with superior skills...invading and pushing the natives to deep jungle.
What the early white man did to the american natives(who were fighting and killing each other) is not much different from what had happen in ancient times by the invading force... its not prety but thats history.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-19 01:07 PM:
dont heckle repetitiously.  read me response n me HARDfacts above with ur brain in the right place
Deluded Liar.
Your are the one who is hecking with your brain in your bottom.
Open your mind and get rid of the hate and jealousy for the Jews that eating your heart.

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