[Update] Kim Soo Hyun’s schedule in Vietnam 22 April 2014
9 to 11 am - Press conference @ intercontinental hotel (are they sponsoring his stay worldwide?)
130pm to 330pm - White House: interaction with fans. (If I didnt recall wrongly this is for some charity to raise awareness for environmental and wildlife protection.
330pm to 530pm - CT Plaza: Beyond fan meeting
Apparently he will be leaving for Hong Kong immediately after the fan meeting. Wow, talk about short stay. Barely 12 hours?
Cr facebook Kim Soo Hyun Vietnam fan page |
Excitement was thick in the air for eight thousand Chinese fans who came to see Kim Soo Hyun at the 2014 Beijing Motor Show. Unfortunately, however, the actor was only able to attend the event for about two minutes.
Kim Soo Hyun was scheduled to attend the show on behalf of Hyundai, as he currently serves as the car company’s spokesperson. While the event was nearly canceled altogether due to the sheer number of fans waiting for the “Man From the Stars” actor, Kim Soo Hyun kept his promise to appear at the event. Originally, Kim Soo Hyun was supposed to arrive at the show at 11:30 that morning. However, with the eight thousand fans that were on site, there was a safety concern, and public authorities requested that the fan meeting be canceled entirely.
Therefore, Kim Soo Hyun waited four hours and made an unplanned visit to the event at 3:30 PM to apologize to his fans that came out to see him, after which he had a short photo session.
Photo credit: Kim Soo Hyun Fan Facebook Page |
dah lama x jenguk sini, tau2 dh umah baru. dtg fb sbb tgk kat fb gambar oppa x senyum skrang , x pe , paham ni sbb feri karam tu kan. ni gambo kat vietnam
![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1.0-9/1623191_613866238705522_987983151235700146_n.jpg) |
lionsleepin posted on 21-4-2014 04:18 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
mule dgn accident feri sewol tu la kan banyak event kene cancel (termasuk la fansigning Beyond kat ...
Mel muncul balik hehehe..Mel busy n sakit sbb baru balik dr gua niah...
kesiah ksh kan...mcm2 dia kene kan...tapi tulah susah nak puaskan hati orang..bila kene mcm ni lagi suka oppa kan...
cess posted on 22-4-2014 10:59 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kim Soo Hyun’s sense of direction didnt get better. Everytime he sees a door or a car, he just at ...
Teringat ampaian kat running man heheh
cess posted on 22-4-2014 11:03 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kim Soo Hyun’s schedule in Vietnam 22 April 2014
9 to 11 am - Press conference @ intercontine ...
Oppa ni kat vietnam ni hensem pulak...saja aje dia tau...jeles dengan peminat vietnam heheh...
gila lah jadual oppa...ke hong kong pulak...
minggu ni ke singapore n indonesia kan...mel baca pun pengsan jadual ketat...dia tahu x dia kat ner...emm
ruhanizza posted on 22-4-2014 03:52 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dah lama x jenguk sini, tau2 dh umah baru. dtg fb sbb tgk kat fb gambar oppa x senyum skrang , x pe ...
Tulah kan oppa memamg x senyum kan..tapi faham kes feri tu huhu..pe pun respek dengan artis korea..bila mcm ni hiburan dikurankan...malaysia..emm....
Ni oppa nak ke hong kong kan...hensem..biru..sbb oppa lah..mel g kerja asyik warna biru aje hahhaha
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X sabar nak tunggu oppa ke indonesia n singapore,,.plz lah oppa ckp melayu hehe |
melati_kesuma posted on 22-4-2014 08:15 PM
Mel muncul balik hehehe..Mel busy n sakit sbb baru balik dr gua niah...
kesiah ksh kan...mcm2 d ...
Mel da sehat ke? Hope everything going smoothly. Dlu2 rajin ler masuk gua tdo khemah bagai. Skang mmg nan hado. Hehe
Retis korea yg popular klu masuk tanah besar mmg mcm2 hal
Yes, he got my respect for being responsible. Fans rmai tunggu so dia insist nak naik pentas gak. Professional. Tau buat keje Last edited by lionsleepin on 22-4-2014 11:12 PM
melati_kesuma posted on 22-4-2014 08:19 PM
Tulah kan oppa memamg x senyum kan..tapi faham kes feri tu huhu..pe pun respek dengan artis korea. ...
Msia pun cancel concert gak kan? Of course la x bole nak senyum mengenangkan tragedy tu. Mase kes feri ni hot ai kt seoul. Mmg tgk grief pun. Same mcm msia masa mh370. Paling kesian celebrity mcm ksh ni da komit dgn overseas event, terpaksa teruskan gak wlaupn xde mood |
lionsleepin posted on 22-4-2014 11:10 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Mel da sehat ke? Hope everything going smoothly. Dlu2 rajin ler masuk gua tdo khemah bagai. Skan ...
Mel masuk gua niah...rupenya ulang alik 10 km..pengsan kaki mel sbb terkejut aktif sgt hahahah...tapi ni dh ok dah..heheh
kan..mel pun respek dia kan...pe pun mmg tulah artis yang profesional...
lionsleepin posted on 22-4-2014 11:15 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Msia pun cancel concert gak kan? Of course la x bole nak senyum mengenangkan tragedy tu. Mase kes ...
Msia ade concert yang x batal..ingt x kes yang ramai mati tu huhu...
tulah banyak kebtulan kes pasal transport ni kan...mel baca kes feri ni terkejut kan sbb sekejap aje nak tenggelam..ni mel pengaruh tv sgt konon dia lama nak tengggelam
pe pu. Oversea kene buat lah..mel memang nak tunggu yang singapore n indonesia...mel mmg nak g tapi kebetulan time tu lum gaji huhu...so mmg x dptlah.kalau x mel leh buat live heheh
cess posted on 22-4-2014 11:07 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
"Happy to be next to you"
ni masa bila @cess?
melati_kesuma posted on 22-4-2014 08:21 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ni oppa nak ke hong kong kan...hensem..biru..sbb oppa lah..mel g kerja asyik warna biru aje hahhaha
mel..karisma sangat oppa ni
tak tawu nak kata apa dah
speechless ![](static/image/smiley/onion/decide.gif)
melati_kesuma posted on 22-4-2014 11:25 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Mel masuk gua niah...rupenya ulang alik 10 km..pengsan kaki mel sbb terkejut aktif sgt hahahah...t ...
masuk ke dalam gua tu ke? 10km? miahahaa...bole kurus. ktorg hari ke 4 kt sane seme komplen seluar longgar punya la gigih berjalan
kita tgk nanti @cess macam mane plak. bulan depan kan dia nak g?
kuar gua je mcm2 berita pasal oppa kan mel? hehehe
melati_kesuma posted on 22-4-2014 11:28 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Msia ade concert yang x batal..ingt x kes yang ramai mati tu huhu...
tulah banyak kebtulan kes ...
igt. konsert trance sempena visit msia tu. rmai mati sbb overdose. 1 tu je yg degil xnak postpone ke cancel...konon modal da kuar, foreigners rmai turun kan. tapi lps2 tu konsert lain batal...amik pengajaran la kot
haah ferry tu capsize dlm mase sejam kot x silap tp yg sedih rmai xdpt selamatkan diri. kita yg baca news pun depress. ni yg org luar...tambah la dorg yg same negara. lagi laa depress.
cantleyi posted on 23-4-2014 08:25 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ni masa bila @cess?
macam interview the thieves je ni...nak duduk gak sebelah noona dia ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
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