Perdana menteri Luxembourg selamat di ijabkabulkan dengan pasanganya.
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darsita duk jual krim kelapa dara lagi ke... tukar produk lain la pulak weh... tak habis-habis duk spam ngan gambar ni... jual kupilamtin la... teykoplastik ke.... ni asek-asek krim kelapa dara tu... pemalas betul spammer ni... |
they are a bit protective on certain issues to be honest. The GBP, their farmers' concern and the agricutural products - open market policy when joining EU ..- terancam sikit dalam EU, the flooding of immigrants ...semua ni issues on going, Cameron wanted out .Milliband the former labour bantah...
till jannah sis
kalau tak sampai jannah pun akak harap bila cerai tak payah la meroyan mcm janda yg dah nikah 40 tahun bila cerai kelak mcm kawan gayah akak sorang ini.
gigih cut off kawan dgn semua kawan2 yg ada mutual friend dgn ex heshe pelbagai. tak pasal2 kita yg takde kaitan dgn perceraian heshe pun di sisihkan 
bahagia till jahannam sangat 
-wakil puak ISIS-
kaum lgbt kan terkenal sebagai kaum yang kuat sentap sis?
tak lgbt lah kalau tak meroyan.. bagai makan nasi tanpa kuahnya
kalau sentap lite2 akak boleh terima sis.
ini tahap sentap nya kalah ummah cikki yg sendu.
menteri besar negeri dot dot dot bila nak diijabkabulkan dgn mamat hotel dot dot dot itu?  |
MB mana yg gayah sis??

miabebe replied at 17-5-2015 05:49 AM
Spisis sakit otak
Mia tak rembes ke? |
imransulaiman replied at 18-5-2015 07:16 AM
Mia tak rembes ke?
Air rembesan kering tgk deme..hihihi |
Ni klu main kompang, kompom nyanyi injit2 semut, siapa sakit naik belakang.... hahaha |
Yg kurus tu ke pm? Hensemnye la hai. Rugi btol |
ok noks, sila speku mana top mana bottom.  |
org buasir besa main belakang ka? |
yg kiri the groom, yg kanan the bride..
analisis berdasarkan cara yg kiri pegang tangan yg kanan 
Xavier Bettel and Gauthier Destenay say 'I do'
(CS) Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and his partner Gauthier Destenay arrived hand in hand at the capital's town hall on Friday afternoon for their wedding.
The pair said "I do" in a late afternoon civil service.
With the press already waiting for the happy couple, around 250 people had gathered to cheer on the Premier and his long-time partner.
Following the ceremony, Bettel and Destenay briefly popped outside to the delight of the well-wishers. Bettel took a moment to say that he wishes everyone to be as happy in their lives as he is and thanking the public, before the pair headed back inside.
Luxembourg City mayor Lydie Polfer officiated the wedding, saying to RTL on the day that she met Bettel for the first time when he was nine years old. She was visiting his school after she had been appointed mayor of the capital for the first time.
"I wouldn't have thought that 33 years later I would officiate his wedding and that to as lovely a man as Gauthier," she said.
Also interviewed by RTL, Destenay's mother said she was very proud and happy for the couple for taking this step together.
Rather little is known about Destenay, who comes from Belgium and works as an architect. Like most public officials in Luxembourg, Bettel keeps his private life largely out of the public eye. Thus, the media were not invited to join the wedding celebrations this weekend and only caught a short glimpse of the newlyweds on the steps of the town hall.
Destenay has in the past occasionally accompanied Bettel to official events, such as the royal wedding of Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie in October 2012 or the annual national day festivities, taking on a similarly unassuming role as the partners of previous prime ministers.

rasanya pm ni suami. 
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