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Author: deaf4ever

Berita Hari Ini - 2005

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Post time 4-1-2005 11:52 AM | Show all posts
sebab tu aku percaya ada sebab kenapa Allah turun kan bala' kat negeri negeri ni..

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2005 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 4-1-2005 11:52 AM:
sebab tu aku percaya ada sebab kenapa Allah turun kan bala' kat negeri negeri ni..

dahsyatnye perangai.... tu hari kat Sri Lanka this gerl kena gang raped kat one of the tsunami zone.

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 4-1-2005 03:17 PM | Show all posts
boom boom room nak tutup.....

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Post time 4-1-2005 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 4-1-2005 03:17 PM:
boom boom room nak tutup.....

This time betul2 ke tidak? There was one time pun diorang kata nak tutup. Tapi actually diorang pindah aje...gimmick gitu...

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 4-1-2005 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 4-1-2005 03:24 PM:

This time betul2 ke tidak? There was one time pun diorang kata nak tutup. Tapi actually diorang pindah aje...gimmick gitu...

page 2 on life belum baca tha main article...

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2005 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 4-1-2005 03:24 PM:

This time betul2 ke tidak? There was one time pun diorang kata nak tutup. Tapi actually diorang pindah aje...gimmick gitu...

sokkabar hari ni.

Jan 4, 2005
It's curtains for Boom Boom Room

By Yvonne Kwok

IF YOU have not caught Kumar performing in Boom Boom Room, you have only till Jan 15 to do so.

That will be when Singapore's only drag queen cabaret holds its final performance after 12 years of business.

It started in 1992 in Bugis Village before it took a five-month break in 2000 when its lease ran out.

It then resurfaced in Far East Square in the same year.

'The lease came up last August and we had to decide if we wanted to continue,' says Mr Alan Koh, who set up the cabaret with singer Dick Lee, who is still a stakeholder.

'After 12 years, it's very strenuous to just carry on monotonously. We have to be realistic,' he says.

'Do we just carry on as we are or are there more things to come for us?'

He feels that there is not much more the place can do.

'We will have to accept the fact that this kind of show has seen its days,' he says.

Mr Koh, the majority stakeholder, also cites age and other work commitments as decisive factors for the closure.

Says the 50-year-old, who has been chairman of the Singapore Fashion Week for the last 12 years and is also co-owner of fashion boutique Hemispheres in OG Orchard: 'I want to concentrate on my fashion thing and Kumar also wants to find different avenues to express himself. He can do plays and TV.'

Kumar has been the face of Boom Boom Room since its opening.

Says Mr Koh: 'I'm 50. I don't know if I can carry on working till 2 to 3am at night.'

'Kumar is 36. If I sign on for another four years, I will be 54 and Kumar 40 - we want to try other things before then.'

Says Kumar: 'We also don't have a new breed of performers to take over. We thought we would be able to groom new ones, but the current group of nine other performers is not ready to take over from me.'

The two agree that the Far East Square location is not ideal either. Over the last two years, the club has whittled down its performance schedule to only two performances a week, Fridays and Saturdays, because attendance was low on weekdays.

Says Kumar: 'If we were located somewhere else, we might have renewed the lease. But Far East Square is not that accessible to most people. It's dead after 9pm and people don't want to come to some club in the middle of nowhere.'

Others note that the market for paying audiences is small.

Says Mr Dennis Foo, managing director of Devils Bar: 'It's a sad thing but a product of this nature has its own problems. Either you change the show or you change the audience, because when you've seen the show once, the next time you come back, there is not much difference.'

Mr Michael Seng, 50, owner of Beppu Menkan Japanese Noodle Restaurant next to Boom Boom Room, says: 'The show has never really changed much over the years. It's just Kumar talking all the time.'

Mr Koh and Kumar admit that there is always the chance that Boom Boom Room may return.

Mr Koh says: 'But it will not be at this location and it may not even have the same name.'

Boom Boom Room will stage special farewell shows on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights over the next two weeks.

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Post time 5-1-2005 09:21 PM | Show all posts
JAN 4, 2005 TUE

TV celeb collapses during show
By Teh Jen Lee

THE winner of the game show had just been announced.

Moments later, Mr Uthuman Ghani, 47, a lawyer and TV personality, appeared to have a fit while seated in the front row of the audience at a live show last night. He later died.

Mr Ashok Kumar, 46, the director of a health food company, was seated to Mr Uthuman's left, about 5m away.

Said Mr Ashok: '(Mr Uthuman) was shaking very badly and I thought he was having fits. Some audience members then laid him on the floor. They tried to revive him by pumping his chest.'

Mr Uthuman was rushed to hospital from Caldecott Hill at about 8.40pm.

The cause of death is believed to be a heart attack.

Mr Uthuman had earlier gone onstage to receive a token of appreciation. He had been the chief judge of the live show, Super Friends, on Vasantham Central for the past few months.

The programme involved competitors in groups of two singing and dancing.

The New Paper understands that Mr Uthuman left behind a wife, who is a teacher, and two children.

Television viewers were not aware of his collapse as the cameras were trained on the stage.

Hockey coach Mohd Ali, 46, who caught the show on TV, told The New Paper: 'He looked healthy. I am saddened by what happened.

'He was a good presenter, one of the best. Many people I know respected him. He had his own style and was very well-versed in the Tamil language.'

Mr Uthuman had written the Tamil book, Inferior Superior. Last year, it was shortlisted for the Singapore Literature Prize, organised by the National Book Development Council of Singapore

In 2002, he had also chaired a panel discussion on the state of Tamil language in Singapore.


Mr Uthuman had been a lawyer since 1994. His own firm, called S Uthuman Ghani and Associates, has an office on Market Street.

Mr Uthuman had also presented Yaen?!, an info-ed programme on Vasantham Central.

An article on the channel's website said that Mr Bimel Ram had 'big shoes' to fill when he became the presenter for the second season.

The article read: 'The viewers were used to Mr Uthuman, considered the epitome of presenters and seen as a legend by many. So, filling (his) big shoes will be very tough.'
- Additional reporting by Joycelyn Wong.

bukan nak aib kan si mati tapi sekarang kisah ni kecoh di kalangan .. si mati ni muslim.. isteri dia hindu.. berkawin secara sivil.. isteri dia nak bakar mayat dia.. bapak si mati nak kebumi secara islam.. kecoh bergaduh hingga MUIS datang kat funeral dia.. aku tak tahu final decision keluarga dia..  Nauzubillah..

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2005 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 5-1-2005 09:21 PM:
JAN 4, 2005 TUE

TV celeb collapses during show
By Teh Jen Lee

THE winner of the game show had just been announced.

Moments later, Mr Uthuman Ghani, 47, a ... wonder... AKu pun heran masa sokkabar monday tunjuk gambar dia anak beranak 4 orang, aku nengok nama dia ada unsur2 muslim, tapi nama isteri dan anak2 dia aku cam tak nampak unsur2 muslim, and then aku heran, the whole article takde sebut2 cam pasal funeral....

Slalu eh, kalo personaliti meninggal, nanti dia ada taruk the body is resting at Singapore Casket ke, void deck , atau dia taruk to be buried at mana2 cemetery or hantar gi mount vernon...

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Post time 5-1-2005 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 5-1-2005 22:37: wonder... AKu pun heran masa sokkabar monday tunjuk gambar dia anak beranak 4 orang, aku nengok nama dia ada unsur2 muslim, tapi nama isteri dan anak2 dia aku cam tak nampak ...

takut aku nak bayangkan.. kalau lah bini dia bakar mayat dia.. Allahu Akbar!.. belum kat akhirat.. kat dunia dia dah kena azab.. nauzubillah..

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2005 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 5-1-2005 11:08 PM:

takut aku nak bayangkan.. kalau lah bini dia bakar mayat dia.. Allahu Akbar!.. belum kat akhirat.. kat dunia dia dah kena azab.. nauzubillah..

betul tu browneyes.....

dulu ada masuk sokkabar ke apa, ceta pasal orang2 melayu kita, contoh2 sailors.

yang kawin ngan mem omputeh, then pegi tinggal kat amerika....

then dorang takde siapkan apa2 will atau instruction, kalo mati hubungi muslim authority terdekat or something,
jadi dalam keadaan bingung maklum kematian , yang ada isteri dorang just suruh pegi bakar aje, or just dispose as normal, langsung tak diurus secara islam.

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2005 11:45 AM | Show all posts
mata cokelet,

ko ada update pasal arwah ni tak? ceta sini ah...

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Post time 6-1-2005 12:37 PM | Show all posts
ya lah kak B, any news??..i heard smlm, diorg nak buat upacara sama mcm org hindu mati then baru buat cara islam..btol ker tidak & how they're going to do it, wallahualam..

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2005 01:56 PM | Show all posts
nasib baik minah ni......
dah terlepas dari kena charged trafficking, cuma kena charged consumption je.......

tapi skarang dah ada kes baru...mencurik lak, $2k lak tu......

bail 30k, dah turun dah, tapi takde bailor jugak, duk dalam lagi...

Jan 6, 2005
Trafficking charges: S'porean woman let off

Tunisian accused's girlfriend now charged with taking drugs and theft
By Elena Chong

THE girlfriend of a Tunisian man accused of peddling drugs, had her own trafficking charge dropped yesterday.
Singaporean Mariana Abdullah, 25, was given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal for allegedly jointly trafficking 25.32g of cocaine with her boyfriend, but the unemployed woman now faces two charges of consuming drugs and three of theft.

She and her boyfriend, Guiga Lyes Ben Laroussi, 35, a former restaurant marketing manager, were among 23 people picked up by the Central Narcotics Bureau in a high-profile cocaine bust last October.

The couple were arrested at his Moulmein Green apartment in Moulmein Road on Oct 7 last year.

Another Singaporean, 31-year-old Marx Oh, who is accused of being the leader of the cocaine syndicate, faces seven trafficking charges.

Laroussi, who was present in court yesterday for his girlfriend's case, faces several drug-related charges.

The couple originally faced a capital charge of trafficking in 61.2g of cocaine, but the amount was reduced to 25.32g on Dec 6. The death sentence is handed out for any amount above 30g.

Laroussi and Oh are both out on bail of $280,000 and $200,000 respectively.

Mariana, represented by Mr Tan Siah Yong, could not raise the $100,000 bail offered last month and has been in remand since Oct 8.

She is accused of taking cocaine and morphine on Oct 7 and faces a maximum penalty of up to 10 years' jail and a $20,000 fine.

Yesterday, she was also charged with three counts of stealing a total of $2,500 from Australian chef Christopher Martin Wyatt, 27.

She is alleged to have withdrawn $500 from Mr Wyatt's DBS account at the bank's Ang Mo Kio branch ATM on June 3, 2003; $1,000 from the ATM at Bukit Panjang Plaza three days later;and another $1,000 on June 7.

Mr Tan asked for the case to be adjourned so he could take instructions from his client and make representations on all the five charges.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Chong Kah Wei suggested bail of $30,000, saying one of the reasons for seeking the slightly higher bail was that there has been 'a trend' of those facing drug charges absconding.

But district judge F.G. Remedios split the bail into two - $20,000 for the drug charges and 10,000 for theft.

At 6pm yesterday, Mariana had not been bailed out.

She is due to appear in court again next Tuesday.

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Post time 6-1-2005 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 6-1-2005 11:45:
mata cokelet,

ko ada update pasal arwah ni tak? ceta sini ah...

sorry aku tak tahu apa kisah selanjut nya.. reporter aku mana tah.. sms aku belum di jawab nya.. kalau ada latest news aku kasi tahu lah..

balik ke studio...

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 02:03 PM | Show all posts
alahai si zoe dah pregnant sebagitu...lagi nak posing ....kat magazine...

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Post time 6-1-2005 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 6-1-2005 14:03:
alahai si zoe dah pregnant sebagitu...lagi nak posing ....kat magazine...

lantak dia lah matz.. dulu aku mengandung pun aku kaki posing..suka tengok certain body parts membesar.. :malu::malu:

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Post time 6-1-2005 02:51 PM | Show all posts
nak kena beli new paper hari ni.. nak tahu apa cerita ni..


Did Taufik sacrifice fellow contestant Leandra for career?

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 5-1-2005 15:14:

betul tu browneyes.....

dulu ada masuk sokkabar ke apa, ceta pasal orang2 melayu kita, contoh2 sailors.

yang kawin ngan mem omputeh, then pegi tinggal kat amerika....

then dorang t ...

dulu my husband stay dgn org melayu from singapore kat liverpool sbb dia dulu skool kat sana b4 pindah ke scotland..
org tu dah kawin dgn mek salleh dan beranak pinak..
hubby kata dah takder dah unsur2 Islam tu, anak2 pula pakai salib
sedih wooo... sekarang nie dah meninggal kot mamat tuh..
dan cara pengkebumian pon ikut style sini coz non of anak2 dia Islam

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 6-1-2005 06:02:

sorry aku tak tahu apa kisah selanjut nya.. reporter aku mana tah.. sms aku belum di jawab nya.. kalau ada latest news aku kasi tahu lah..

balik ke studio...

harap kebumi btol2 la..
seram tengok kalau dibuat cara agama lain :malu:

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Post time 6-1-2005 08:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eva at 6-1-2005 19:33:

harap kebumi btol2 la..
seram tengok kalau dibuat cara agama lain :malu:

kalau dikebumikan secara islam pun aku rasa sekadar menunaikan fardu kifayah.. aku terkenangkan cara perkawinan & hidup dia sampai ada 2 anak..

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