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Al Bukhari is clear.
Mo had sex witha 9 year old Aisha. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-5-24 01:16 AM:
Al Bukhari is clear. Mo had sex witha 9 year old Aisha.
Yes Bukhari is clear about the marriage of Aishah to the prophet but there is no where in Bukhari that says that it was a paedophilic marriage. Show us all which verse in Bukhari that clearly and with distinction says that the prophet was paedophilic and that the consumated marriage was paedophilic?
C'mon Debbo, tis' about time you started walking your strawman.
OK, at least you admit that Mo has sex with a 9 year old Aisha.
Sex with a 9 year old is paedophilia even if the word is not used. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-5-24 03:21 AM:
Sex with a 9 year old is paedophilia even if the word is not used.
Is that so hard for the Fuzzyman to understand?
Originally posted by KENNKID at 2005-5-23 10:38 PM:
Read back through all the postings and replies by Muslims, along this thread.
So Kennkid, do you think the reports by Imam Bukhari is reliable or not?
Do you think p.Muhammad comsumated with a 9 year old girl or not?
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2005-5-24 11:13 AM:
So Kennkid, do you think the reports by Imam Bukhari is reliable or not?
Do you think p.Muhammad comsumated with a 9 year old girl or not?
Read what I have written in this thread and you will get the answer. |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 2005-5-24 11:34 AM:
Read what I have written in this thread and you will get the answer.
Like.. Duh!
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-5-24 03:21 AM:
OK, at least you admit that Mo has sex with a 9 year old Aisha.
Sex with a 9 year old is paedophilia even if the word is not used.
Know what? Dead man walking. That's your strawman. By not giving me an answer, not only did you waste your straws on your strawman but your strawman is now officially your boogeyman.
Hahaha your strawman never made the walk that would have made you such a proud daddy! Fuzzman recommends that you now look forward to a new strawman. How about Jeepers Creepers? LOL.
[ Last edited by Fuzzman on 24-5-2005 at 08:56 PM ] |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2005-5-24 11:06 AM:
Exactly. Is that so hard for the Fuzzyman to understand?
Wanna know the hard part that you jocks are milking? Eat this for keeps. What I don't understand is that why are you jocks still sticking to only Bukhari as your only "staple" source of information when it comes to the actual age of Aisha in narrations when it wasn't Bukhari who was the original witness of events? Bukhari was a master recorder of narratives.
One question and one straight answer from you jocks:-
Who was Bukhari's main source of information for the betrothal and marriage narratives of Aishah to the prophet?
Hadith clearly showed Mo has sex with 9 yaer old aisha.
This makes Mo a pedo and Fuzzman has no answers to such shameful behavior.
peace |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-5-24 09:53 PM:
Hadith clearly showed Mo has sex with 9 yaer old aisha.
This makes Mo a pedo and Fuzzman has no answers to such shameful behavior.peace
Hahahaha same steroetype excuse of an answer coming from the master maestro himself. What do we have? The master maestro maker of strawmen who runs short of straw. Hahahaha.
Let me help you out a bit here Debmey the maestro strawman maker. I betcha Pinocchio would have been happy to have you for a creator father!
In your words and very loud in your face :-
Same question that remains at large:-
Who was Bukhari's main source of information for the betrothal and marriage narratives of Aishah to the prophet?
[ Last edited by Fuzzman on 25-5-2005 at 12:54 AM ] |
Didn't Bukhari record Mo having sex with 9 year old Aisha?
Thats all we need to know.
cheers |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-5-25 01:19 AM:
Didn't Bukhari record Mo having sex with 9 year old Aisha?
Thats all we need to know. cheers
Nope strawman maestro! Actually Bukhari recorded the marriage of Aishah to the prophet. There was no mention of instances of "having sex" nor the marriage being paedo at all. Just show us one verse in Bukhari that says the marriage act of the prophet to Aishah was an act of paedo. Just one verse. That's all that's needed and I rest my case. I'll roll over and die, not before declaring you the victor.
Same question that remains at large:-
Who was Bukhari's main source of information for the betrothal and marriage narratives of Aishah to the prophet?
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Fuzzman at 2005-5-25 02:08 AM:
Nope strawman maestro! Actually Bukhari recorded the marriage of Aishah to the prophet. There was no mention of instances of "having sex" nor th ...
I agree with Fuzzman fully and wholeheartedly on this. |
Really? then what be this?
From Bukhari vol. 7, #65:
"Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: "I have been informed that Aisha remained with the prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death).""
Bukhari vol. 7, #88:
"Narrated Urwa: "The prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).""
Bukhari vol. 5, #234 says:
"Narrated Aisha: The prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six. We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Harith Kharzraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's messenger came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age."r |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-5-25 12:25 PM:
"Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old...
Just for the record..
CONSUMMATE : (a) To complete (a marriage) with the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony. (b) To fulfill (a sexual desire or attraction) especially by intercourse.
SEXUAL INTERCOURSE : Coitus between humans.
COITUS : Sexual union between a male and a female involving insertion of the penis into the vagina.
and that's sex..
a rose by any other name is still a rose.
DEbmey wrote: Really? then what be this?
From Bukhari vol. 7, #65:
"Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: "I have been informed that Aisha remained with the prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death).""
What be it you think? Follow the highlights. See the probelm. You quote blindly from Bukhari without knowing that you had actually torched your strawman. LOL.
Point One.
Bukhari Vol 7,#65 doesn't specifiy the source of Bukhari's narrative. Bukhari went as far as "NARRATED AISHAH"! Sure I buy that. But narrated Aishah from who to whom? And when along the chain of narratives did this part come to Bukhari? Any answers?
Point Two.
Then Bukhari went on to quote Hisham in the following sentence where the narrative went into a multiple quote sequential where we have Bukhari quoting Hisham quoting an outsourced narrative? So who was Hisham's main source of narrative?
Same question that remains at large:-
Who was Bukhari's main source of information for the betrothal and marriage narratives of Aishah to the prophet?
Al Bukhari clearly says that Mo had sex witha 9 year old Aisha.
Are you saying that Al Bukhari is wrong? |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-5-26 03:00 AM:
Al Bukhari clearly says that Mo had sex witha 9 year old Aisha.
Are you saying that Al Bukhari is wrong?
Its safer for you to remain dumb and repeat dumb statements and dumb questions, isn't it debmey? The most people will say is that you are dumb, which is an understatement. :
[ Last edited by KENNKID on 26-5-2005 at 09:46 AM ] |
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