Kesinambungan dari tred london tapi diperluaskan skop
thread lama for reference.:- ...
misy Post at 31-3-2012 20:14
For accommodation, you can also check on www.ScanCheapHotel.com
They compare multiple sites (E.g. Booking.com, Easyhotel, Agoda etc) at once and show the Best Rate of all.
tumpang tny:
kalau sampai airport Heathrow pukul 8am gitu, agak2 ok tak kalau terus start activity jln2 pukul 12pm?
I nak booking bas pukul 12pm ni. |
tumpang tny:
kalau sampai airport Heathrow pukul 8am gitu, agak2 ok tak kalau terus start activity ...
frangipani Post at 24-5-2012 13:00
ok sesangat .. [talking from experience]
nak gi mana nek bus tuh ..
mode nyeboks .. |
Reply 783# aishahahmad
nak jln2 ke stonehenge.
flea market yg best2 sikit kat mana, start pukul berapa?
tgh nak susun itinerary nih... lain2 tempat dlm London tu dah penah pegi dulu. trip kali ni plan nak shopping (window jelah kot hehehe) |
Reply aishahahmad
nak jln2 ke stonehenge.
flea market yg best2 sikit kat mana, start pu ...
frangipani Post at 24-5-2012 14:12
hallamak ...!!! ku tak sampai pun lagi kat batu tuh ..
kene tunggu otai lela le gamak nyer ..
seru2 lah si lela tu ha ..
syhhhh, member tengah perah otak, exam .. |
Reply 785# aishahahmad
Lela will be back on thursday.. hehehe... |
Reply 777# hjhrokiah
salam akak..
hehe sbnrnye berry stiap kali masok kedai duk tanya berape hengget kena beli kalau nak cukup kan vat.. bukan ape, just in case je le... let say kat paris, kalau beli longchamp, rasanya dia kena exceed 150 euro ke 100 euro baru leh claim VAT... sbb berry tanya org kedai tuh..
Tapi ade kedai yg takde limit.. contoh MNG berry beli kat london, barang berry beli tu 30 pound je, dpt gak claim VAT.. so berry pun tak paham.. mebi lela boleh tolong...
satu agi, kena claim kat last airpot.. kalau akak balik ikut heathrow.. claim kat sana.. takde org sgt pon...
dia tanak tgk barang pon, tapi ade yg org tu nak tgk brg.. ade chinese ni dia punya resit like more than 50 kot.. so org tu nak tgk brg.. tapi bukan dia suruh bukak pon barang tu.. dia just nak tgk beg kita... so berry berfore pi check in bag bagai tu, berry settle my vat dulu...
Dtg awal la tapi kalau tak nnt rushing.. ritu berry flait kol 10mlm, berry sampai around 6. so just nice je la... settle vat tu dlm sejam... pastu gi balut beg kejap.. hehehe.. then kul 830 check in bag.. pastu drama airport bagai.. last2 berry org 2nd last masuk kapal terbang |
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Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 25-5-2012 15:17
Helloooo... How's everybody...
Kudos yg baru balik dr holiday... hope to see more postings about your experiences and share more tips OK..
but for now me need me 40 winks firsto!!!!
pssstttt...cherryblossom ni in accordance to the extremely good weather at the moment and for a certain someone yg suka cherryblossom... supaya tak mendatangkan scandalicious pd Lela, so Lela delete dah... keh keh keh..Kak Aishah... tak menahan komen tu dan nak berspeku....err..Berry...kat paris haritu tak tukar2 phone no ker...hehehe ~~~~ |
semua org dah tido ker?
mana lah tau kot2 ada yg jetlagged.. see you all later then..Berry... drink some warm milk now.. that should make you drowsy pronto and off to slumberland in a jiffy... |
Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 25-5-2012 05:34
This is why you'd be crazy to travel during the Olympics: Heathrow staff pictured training to handle huge increase in baggage.
[size=1.2em]To anyone who is thinking of travelling to and from Britain via Heathrow this summer, the picture will send a shudder down their spine.
[size=1.2em]Airport staff have been put through their paces to ensure they are fully prepared for an enormous increase in the amount of baggage coming through the terminals - that they fully expect to happen.
[size=1.2em]Spectators, tourists and the athletes will swamp the airport with luggage and the number of bags is set to soar by around 20 per cent on the day before the Olympics
[size=1.2em]And it is set to be busy throughout the Games before the massive getaway after the closing ceremony. That day - August 13 - will see more passengers and bags than Heathrow has ever had in a single day. Up to 65 per cent of visitors are planning to leave on that day and the airport expects to process around 138,000 people and 200,000 bags instead of an average of 150,000 on a normal day. So this week saw a major dry run for the Games in Terminal 5 with an 3,000 extra bags dealt with by baggage handlers in just two hours. And luckily it went off without a hitch with the last bag being cleared from the conveyor belts by 5pm. [size=1.2em]
[size=1.2em]Extra staff have been hired to help manage the increased numbers. There has been extra training and rehearsals for staff to make sure they know what to do, and when. Measures to ensure it runs smoothly include standing up bags on the carousels to enable more bags to be loaded to make it easier for passengers to pick up their bags. Bags will also be removed from full carousels to a secured space nearby, which will help clear the carousels and hall quicker. A spokesman for Heathrow Airport said: ‘It is important to test how these plans will work to ensure a smooth operation once the Games are underway. ‘The dry run in Terminal 5 went off extremely well with baggage handlers dealing with all 3,000 bags within two hours.’ Around 80 per cent of all visitors to the Games will pass through Heathrow airport including athletes, officials, sponsors, media and spectators – equivalent to 250 jumbo jets
source:The Daily Mail
Helloooo... How's everybody...
Kudos yg baru balik dr holiday... hope to see more postings ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 25-5-2012 00:23
hallluuuuu laling ..
errrrr ... is love is in the air or ..... ???
curious, curious !!! hihi |
Reply 789# LelaRentaka7
Lelaaaa! tertido awal smlm... post vacation - sakit belakang. hahaha... berry duk postpone2 nak pergi spa sebab weekends je ada wedding.. benci... tp serious la berry kena pi massage asap. sbb tido pun tak lenaaa ni... kekdahnya sakit badan.
sukeeee cherry blossom tuhhh... welcome back lelaaaaa.. |
yuhhuuuuu lela...
ok tak kalau i trus pegi stonehenge first day smpi London?
arrival time dlm 8am. plan nak book bas to stonehenge the same day, bus departure dlm 12pm.
lagi satu psl flea market/carboot sales kat london. ur suggestion?
tgh nak susun itinerary.
teringin nak pegi scotland. tp tak sempat dan ramai sgt org dlm trip ni... huhuhu |
Reply 774# hjhrokiah
waalaikumsalam Kak..
Kalalu kakak beli apa2 barang kat Europe boleh jer claim VAT kat Heathrow...
janji ada receipt, stamp and signed by the SA... |
Reply 793# frangipani
yuhhuuuuu lela...
ok tak kalau i trus pegi stonehenge first day smpi London?
arrival time dlm 8am. plan nak book bas to stonehenge the same day, bus departure dlm 12pm.
Hellooooo frangipani..
Sounds OK kalau you nak gi ke stonehenge upon arrival as long as you dah arrange for transport to and fro...
But...heheh.. after a long flight sure ker you nak endure a couple more hours travelling... kalau ikut motorway mungkin tak berapa scenic lah.. tapi banyak rapeseed oil bertebaran... quite a sight to behold.. IMHO...
lagi satu psl flea market/carboot sales kat london. ur suggestion?
tgh nak susun itinerary.
pasal car boot sale ni kan, rasanya baik you sampai sini dulu baru you pikir nak pegi yg mana sbb kalau you decide sekarang mungkin ada yg lebih baik around your arrival time.. remind me later about the car boot sale yer..
teringin nak pegi scotland. tp tak sempat dan ramai sgt org dlm trip ni... huhuhu
kenapa tak leh pi scotland dengan org yg ramai? heheh... |
hallamak ...!!! ku tak sampai pun lagi kat batu tuh ..
kene tunggu otai lela le gamak nyer .. ...
aishahahmad Post at 24-5-2012 14:16
tak yah terkilan lah kak...
sebenarnya kalau ada cukup masa dan mmg minat pasal cerita batu ni leh lah pegi tapi kalau waktu pun singkat dan ada menda yg nak dikejar baik toksah lah...nnt semua tercicir heheh.. |
tq lela.
kalau akak shopping kat rome n italy, pastu akak trus ke lucern pulak naik bas....VAT tu ...
hjhrokiah Post at 24-5-2012 09:30
kak.. akak ni ikut tour mana yer? |
Reply 795# LelaRentaka7
halluuu lela... awal kamu bangun.. tgh kira masa nak cabut from opis. hehe...
betul kata kamu itu, saya terlalu aktif di sana. jadinya bila pasif sahaja di sini, badan saya sakit2 sebegitu.
Ohh saya rindukan london la lela...
Berry punya car boot sale bagai, semua ke laut lela.
Tp berry puas hati laa sbb apa yg berry nak tu, dapat! keke...
Saya khilaf semasa buat persediaan itinerari london haritu. hahaha |
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