Author|Post time 7-9-2017 08:38 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kikiharris replied at 7-9-2017 01:58 AM
US ladies..korang lawan sesama sendiri jelah final nanti
mantap giler Coco. great attitude.gag ...
Wow.. masin mulut korang2 semua.. mmg all americans la final 4 ladies ni..
I'd love to see akak Vee juara.. after AO 2017.. pastu klh Wimb sf dgn Mugu klu x silap .. lps a few yrs tgk Vee asik kalah awal sbb snodjren syndrome ke apa tu.. taktau nak eja .. 2017 ni akak Vee malatop lak.. would be an icing on the cake klu mng USO