thx conan....i got the feeling that even if they faham the concept pun....
it wd not ve been their favourite....ahh!....u know what mean...kann?
sheena28 Post at 13-1-2010 13:49
nak soh adik nyanyi IBICF smp runtuh stadium kot baru nak jadi peberet...
ada ker patut JL kata apiz yg berambut lurus tu sekali imbas macam pian cecupak??
delima Post at 13-1-2010 14:15
hehehe.....mmg apiz nampak biasa2 je bila rambut lurus.....rasanya AF x ambik dia masuk AF7 kot kalo masa odisen tu dia dtg dgn rambut lurus.......hehehe.....coz nothing special about his apearance.....!!! larikkkkkkkkkkkkk.............