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Author: sue87

[SBS] Secret Garden-Hyun Bin, Ha Ji-Won,Lee Philip

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Post time 23-12-2010 12:28 PM | Show all posts
writer citer ni sama ngan citer 'city hall' so korang percaya la ckp akak.....mesti happy ending nya ...
Jelita Post at 23-12-2010 12:03 PM

sama la mcm sy jugak. mmg percaya dgn writer ni xkan buat sad ending merujuk dr projek2 dia yg sblm ni...

kat soompi dorg dok bincang psl JW ni hanya dididik oelh mak dia dr umur 12 tahun. xsure la pulak sblm2 tu dia duduk dgn bpk dia org kat maner. sbb dlm ni xder pun mention psl bpk JW kan. lagipun dlm epi 11, time mak oska & mak JW kat sauna tu, kan mak oska ada mention adakah JW dah baik dr kecederaan time accident dulu?? xtau la injured dr segi aper yg dialami oleh JW sampai adik badik tu dok bertekak. fuh, mmg bikin lg musykil dgn drama ni. tiap episode pun ada benda yg misteri yg bagi kiter semua tertanya2...

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Post time 23-12-2010 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rukiaichigo

Itulaa rumah Oska and JW ni cantik sgt sgt sgt ok... tapi kalau kena duk situ semalam, takut weh.. cam berhantu je besar sgt plus dia mcm glass house kan yg see thru gittew.. haha... Harus if pi korea lagi nak jejak kaki kat umah neh... amek2 gmbarr... gila gmbar katakan...

Hhaha... Tu la mcm melo.. sbb sedih.. walopon ade part lawak. hehe... Kia, dh nengok smpai epi 11.. bertabah tunggu sub epi 12 kuar. huhu... HB perangai dia sgt mcm entah.. 1st time tgk laki prangai camtu dlm kdrama land. ekeke.. dia mcm ego, tp cam budak2.. tp comel... sarisariseprikaa.. haha

Instinct if cite ni melo, then mcm ade sorang yg akan mati either JW or RI... huhu.. sbb dorang body swap kan.. mana tahu sakit tu pun terswap.. haha... sbb JW cam sakit jahh? tak ke?
whiteberry Post at 23-12-2010 12:04 PM

mmg cantik & unik kekdah nyer rumah dorg tu. and mmg harus la akan ada sesi penggambaran kalo kiter dah jejak kat situ. sure di segenap penjuru kwsn tu akan kiter snap gmbr. nasib baik skg ni guna digicam jer. kalo guna filem mcm dulu, ntah beraper byk gulung filem kiter kena usung!!

mmg tgh bertabah la nk tngu ss epi 12. tiap saat pun dok stalking soompi tu... mmg perangai HB tahapahapatah dlm ni. mmg ego tahap cipan. tp kan, ego2 dia pun, mmg terang2 la dia tnjk yg dia sanggup jd little mermaid kpd RI. siap ckp lps ni dia akan berada di segenap sudut yg RI ada... part comel tu jgn ckp la kan, mmg dlm ego dia pun ada terselit sifat comel tu!! ekceli RI pun ego & keras kepala jugak! kiter boleh nmpk RI pun dah falling for JW kan. sbb time JW ckp kat mak dia yg dia bukan akan lama dgn RI, boleh nmpk muka RI berubah giler. mmg heart broken la RI dgr time tu!! aku harap2 la lps ni oska/seul akan tolong JW & RI utk hidup bersama2!!

wei, jgn la ckp psl sad ending... aku mmg doa2 jer la kali ni nyer work writer ni akan happy ending mcm projek2 dia sblm ni!!

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Post time 23-12-2010 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rukiaichigo

Hahaha,,, kapel secretary tu mmg sgt sgt sgt comel... wei asal dorang comel ...
whiteberry Post at 23-12-2010 12:08 PM

suka tgk sec kim time dia dok protest2 aper yg JW suruh. mmg mcm budak2 jer. part yg sec kim malas nak angkat call JW & biler dia angkat dia buat2 anggap tersilap org tu mmg la daebak!! bengang jer JW dgr!!

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Post time 23-12-2010 01:14 PM | Show all posts
akak plg suka masa sec. kim wat muka sama2 tgk hujan turun dpn balai polis tuh....ini scene masa awal2 epi 9..dorang dah switch balik ke badan asal. lps JW bebas..ujan lebat....sec. kim nak share baju dia wat cover dia ngan JW dlm hujan...lps tuh JW sergah suh dia lari sorang2 g beli payung yg plg mahal & plg cantik

tension jek muka sec. kim sbb sebelum tuh tiba2 JW jadik baik...layan dia baik...layan staff baik...tiba2 jadik mcm asal balik

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Post time 23-12-2010 02:10 PM | Show all posts
nasib baik Jang Hyuk tolak watak JW ni.. sbb Jang Hyuk dah ada anak 2.. mana boleh nak feeling2 lagik..
mcm best jek  klu HJW ni couple dgn HB..

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Post time 23-12-2010 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 793# rukiaichigo

   sama ngan aku la mcm tu..   bfore SG ni aku duk layan cita Daemul & Fugutive plan B..

   skali tgk SG yg cita 2 tu aku dah x tgk..

   tggu SG abis bru nak smbg tgk Daemul & fugutive plan B tu...

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Post time 23-12-2010 02:42 PM | Show all posts
akak plg suka masa sec. kim wat muka sama2 tgk hujan turun dpn balai polis tuh....ini scene masa awa ...
Jelita Post at 23-12-2010 13:14

ooo dorg tkr body ep9.... kalo gitu jap je ke dorg tkr soul tu...

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Post time 23-12-2010 02:48 PM | Show all posts kat akak k..tq hehehhe

English softsubs for ep 12 by SG Team is now available.

Megaupload link:

Mediafire link: http://www.mediafire...b3dtu8a73hz1jk6

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Post time 23-12-2010 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Written previews for Episode 13 and 14 are out!

Episode 13
종수와 함께 산에 올라갔다 내려온 라임은 오돌오돌 떨고 있는 주원을 발견한다. 발목이 삐었다는 주원의 말에 종수와 라임은 양쪽에서 주원을 부축하고 산 아래로 내려오는데
주원은 라임에게 부축을 받는다기 보다 거의 라임을 끌어안은 모습이다.라임은 주원이 아프다니 꾹 참아보는데... 주원이 어깨동무를 한 채 교묘하게 얼굴을 만지며 자신의 머리에 주원의 얼굴을 갖다 대자 더는 못 참고 죽고 싶냐고 소리치는데...

Ra Im and Jong Soo come down from the mountain to find Joo Won shivering. Joo Won claims that he has sprained his ankle so Jong Soon and Ra Im shoulder him on both sides and continue down the mountain. Rather than leaning on Ra Im, Joo Woo seems to be hugging her. Ra Im lets Joo Won get away with this thinking that Joo Won is hurt…As Joo Won tries to lay his face on her head, Ra Im asks him if he wants to die…

Episode 14
영화 속 여주인공처럼 시크하고 멋진 차림으로 오스카의 팔짱을끼고 파티에 참석한 라임을 발견한 주원은 서늘한 시선으로 라임만 뚫어져라 바라본다. 라임 또한 그런 주원만을 바라보며.. 그쪽을 만나면 많이 힘들걸 알지만 못 봐서 힘든 것보단 만나서 힘든 게 더 참기 쉬울 것같다고 말한다
이어 라임은 주원에게" 나 너 보러 왔다고" 말한뒤 인어공주는 안하겠다고 하는데..

Like a movie heroine, Ra Im shows up chic and stylish, arm-in-arm with Oska at a party. Joo Won only and continually stares at Ra Im with a cold look. Ra Im also only looks at Joo Won…She says that I know seeing you will be painful but its better than the pain from not seeing you. Ra Im tells Joo Won, “I came to see you” and adds that she won’t be the Little Mermaid…

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:00 PM | Show all posts
ooo dorg tkr body ep9.... kalo gitu jap je ke dorg tkr soul tu...
moondance Post at 23-12-2010 02:42 PM

a'ah, kejap jer dorg tukar body... lps dgr2 nyer lps ni pun dorg akan tukar body lg sekali... dlm situasi aper aku pun x sure!!

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:03 PM | Show all posts kat akak k..tq hehehhe

English softsubs for ep 12 by SG Team is now avail ...
PrincessFiona Post at 23-12-2010 02:48 PM

wah, balik rumah kang boleh sambung meroyan tgk epi 12!! thanks, kak!

kak, sy dah emel kan akak sarikata lembut utk both episode; 11 & 12...

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Written previews for Episode 13 and 14 are out!

She says that I know seeing you will be painful but its better than the pain from not seeing you. Ra Im tells Joo Won, “I came to see you”
PrincessFiona Post at 23-12-2010 02:49 PM

ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~ suka nyer baca ayat RI tu... kire dia pun mmg dah suka & jatuh cinta la sama itu mamat Little Mermaid!!

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:09 PM | Show all posts
wah, balik rumah kang boleh sambung meroyan tgk epi 12!! thanks, kak!

kak, ...
rukiaichigo Post at 23-12-2010 15:03

tq..sub ep 11 semlm akak selamat donlot kat kedai mamak sambil order nes segelas...hehehehhe...skg nak layan ep 12 lak...yahoooo..

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 808# PrincessFiona

   yahuu~!!dah ada sub ep12...   TQ!!

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:17 PM | Show all posts
tq..sub ep 11 semlm akak selamat donlot kat kedai mamak sambil order nes segelas...hehehehhe...s ...
PrincessFiona Post at 23-12-2010 03:09 PM

motip sempat donlot kat kedai mamak? patut la akak x rikues pun sub epi 11 tu smlm... sy ni balik rumah kang baru boleh layan epi 12!!

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Nak sub epi 12 pleaseee
tq tq tqqqq =)

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Post time 23-12-2010 03:54 PM | Show all posts kat akak k..tq hehehhe

English softsubs for ep 12 by SG Team is now avail ...
PrincessFiona Post at 23-12-2010 14:48

wahhh..sub ep12 dah kuar..
dah tak sabar dah ni nak tengok ep12..

mekasih ye sebab bagi link sub ep12..

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Post time 23-12-2010 04:16 PM | Show all posts
ada sesapa leh reupload sub 11 n 12 kat MF... yg princess bagi me takleh bukak...

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Post time 23-12-2010 04:45 PM | Show all posts
best2 ciye nih.. msti episode 13 nih JW byk amik kesempatan yg ada.. tp mmg misteri btoi accident yg dialami.. msti ada kene mengene ngan RI n bapak die gak .. ak rase..

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Post time 23-12-2010 05:23 PM | Show all posts
wahhh!! dua2 dah kuar subs.....esok mlm baru leh donload & tgk huhuhuhu

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