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Author: joy_ah

Istana Bawang 8 (Meghan & Harry Markle)

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Post time 2-8-2019 11:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 2-8-2019 08:38 PM
yalah mek madah Ratchet dan Hanat sepadan gilerr. very, VERY rude and entitled.

apa reason sebenar PH buat khianat kat keluarga dia? Maybe sbb he knows Will ngan Kate subur sgt.. tu la kot dia melantun jauh ke tangga ke 6..kalau Kate ngandung lagi.. minta2 la kembar.. heck ngan carbon print bagsi.. biar PH muntah ijau ngan berita gembira iteww

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 2-8-2019 11:54 PM
apa reason sebenar PH buat khianat kat keluarga dia? Maybe sbb he knows Will ngan Kate subur sgt.. ...

Maybe sebab personal reasons, etc PW is the apple of the eye of the brits, centre of everything compared to him. Big motive is JEALOUSY? While he always at the back seat watch life passed by? So tak puas hati. Dengki dengan abang sendiri instead of be happy and support him. Classic

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 2-8-2019 11:12 PM
bukan sebarang hoe, jenis yg pakar buat aksi2 jijik lagi.

imagine.. umur 20 tahun dah kejar millionaire tua masa dia interim kat embassy tu.. muda sgt dah berkecimpung dlm bidang tut tut nie.. now she is almost 44 ( kononnya mmg dia umur lebih tua dr apa yg dia kata 39).. Harry tu betul2 anak ikan je utk dia.. bukan setakat pakar yoga.. pakar aksi segala sbb dah seasoned sgt.. Hoe tua sgt utk suit, apatah lagi yachting.. 24 years dah berkecimbung.. Cant imagine mcmana la dirinya sebenar..

now I terfikir kata2 lady yg kat Aus tu abt her.. kalau kereta, dah written off dah ni si meggot nie sbb dah asyik berganti2 kena pakai for 24 years by many internationally.. kalau machine, dah kaput dah ni sis.. boleh masuk muzium atau masuk scrapyard dah nie..

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 2-8-2019 11:40 PM
Ape tajuk video ustaz auni sis? Nak tgok jugak. Benang ni buat i celik sejarah. Sebelum ni tak tau ...

type je kat youtube sis.. you will find it..
ustaz ni ambil ilmu yg dia dpt tu dr Mesir.. dia berguru kat sana selain ilmu agama.. nnt ada masa I bubuh linknye..

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 3-8-2019 12:02 AM
imagine.. umur 20 tahun dah kejar millionaire tua masa dia interim kat embassy tu.. muda sgt dah b ...

So if she did not join the BRF maybe da boleh jadi ibu ayam da. With her astonished resume pencelupan international ituwww pasti tak tersia sia

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 3-8-2019 12:19 AM

I nak gelak bc kat twitter..

yg best.. part2 australia dan asia sempat bc all komen2 kat ig dia.. dorg kata lucu..

serangan abis abisan ooo.. hingga duchass x tahan sbb tu dorg kata akaun SR kena troll
antara yg kena nominate Kate, HM, DDOC.. Chelsy Davy, ReBorn Doll Company, Surrogracy places, Piers Morgan, Thomas Markle, Brighton and Hove Council- kws tahanan diraja.,

agaknya mcm nie la meggot masa delete komen2 psl Kate ngan QE


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Post time 3-8-2019 12:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 2-8-2019 07:07 PM

chuols cakap ginger anak yatim
teringat kat sorg retis tu , dah menikah dah beranak dah menjanda still claim diri anak yatim ... until menikah lagi and beranak baru x dgr soksek2 dia ank yatim sbb dapat jerung beso

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:39 AM | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 2-8-2019 11:52 PM
Betul kudos to PW selalu act matured and being the bigger person all time. PH always play the vict ...

spoilt brat, sis. campur baran. manusia ke, hewan ke semua kena.

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:48 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 2-8-2019 11:54 PM
apa reason sebenar PH buat khianat kat keluarga dia? Maybe sbb he knows Will ngan Kate subur sgt.. ...

most probably, Harry takbleh terima kenyataan yg dia bukan lg center of the attention. zaman spare to the heir dulu, 50-50 berkongsi lime light dgn PW. sekarang kedudukan dah jatuh, berkemungkinan akan turun lg. rakyat lebih berminat dgn anak2 Cambridges, so nobody cares about "bad boy" prince yg makin kertu Cinta ke tidak, MM adalah "alat" utk dia hancurkan imej BRF. Kalau dia takbleh jd king, maka semua org pun takbleh jd king.

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 3-8-2019 12:01 AM
Maybe sebab personal reasons, etc PW is the apple of the eye of the brits, centre of everything co ...

I think dia rasa dia pun sepatutnya dilayan mcm bakalan raja.. sedangkan dia Spare je
I think this is back to kisah lama pd parents QE..

sebiji.. like something berulang semula TAPI keadaan is quite different. I think King George, bapa QE dlu kan Duke of York,  dia adik kpd King Edward, berkahwin lebih dlu dr abg dia, dgn org yg rankingnya x la tinggi mana.. hanya dr family aristocrat dr Scotland.. While si King Edward ni kalau bc kisah kisahnya mcm2 kes.. mmg kaki pompuan, suka behibur sana sini..

kisahnya masa dia Prince of Wales dlu, dia ada mistress nama Marguerite Alibert or nama timangan dia Maggy Miller or something(see ada persamaan ngan kisah sekrg -Meghan). Dia ni perempuan simpanan King Edward years before Wallis muncul.  Ni kisah dia

see Prince mcm Prince Edward ni pon jjatuh tergolek ditangan courtesan, apatah llagi si PH yg bengap tu. Unlike Prince Edward, Prince George, Duke of York masa tu hanya fokus kepada anak nobility berasal dr Scotland namanya
Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon dan kemudian jd bininya.. mak kpd QEII. Kehidupan Prince George nie sama mcm Prince William, happy family with happy children. He didnt expect utk jd king kan.. Dan I dont think dia jeles kat abg dia sbb dia sgt happy masa jd Duke of York.. I would rather say Prince Edward mungkin jjeles dgn adik dia yg ada wife, happy children. Hidup aman2 je. So bila Wallis muncul.. dia pun nak ada family mcm adiknya.. Masa bapaknya mangkat, dia naik takhta.. tp ramai x mo Wallis jd Queen. Antara yg membantah adalah bonda dia sendiri Queen Mary..

and you see.. dia turun takhta dan kahwin dgn Wallis. George naik takhta dan QEII jd Princess of Wales sbb Edward x ada anak.

And byk komen I bc kat twitter yg Queen Mother (mak QEII) terpaksa bersabar hadapi kerenah diva si Wallis hingga ke akhir hayat. Si Wallis ni penyebab Edward ngan George bergaduh sbb Edward nak duit saraan lebih. Dia minta 25k pound setahun.. dan dia ngan Wallis enjoy ke hulu ke hilir ikut lifestyle celebrity..

now apa yg kita nampak.. PW ni dlm shoes arwah moyang dia King George dan PH perangai hanat mcm tok moyang sedara dia Prince Edward yg turun takhta iteww..

and Kate pula pikul tanggungjwb sama spt beban yg Queen Mother alami ketika berhadapan dgn Wallis. Meggot mmg perangai lagi teruk dr Wallis dan ex mistress Prince Edward tu..

History repeats itself kekdahnya..

panjang I punya lecture

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:50 AM | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 3-8-2019 12:01 AM
Maybe sebab personal reasons, etc PW is the apple of the eye of the brits, centre of everything co ...


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Post time 3-8-2019 12:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 3-8-2019 12:04 AM
So if she did not join the BRF maybe da boleh jadi ibu ayam da. With her astonished resume pencelu ...


hell no.. patutnya dah di cordone off dah org mcm nie.. x payah la masuk soho bagai, x elok hoe seasoned ni melepak kat kws gitu. . nnt ramai asking for a reduce price sis.. susah.. resume  dia dan pengalamannya kaw kaw hebatt.. tp sapa nak jdkan dia mak hayam yg berperangai trashy itu...
sepatutnya dia tinggal je kat trailer trash.. x payah nak menyusahkan sesiapa

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Post time 3-8-2019 12:58 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 3-8-2019 12:18 AM
I nak gelak bc kat twitter..

yg best.. part2 australia dan asia sempat bc all komen2 kat ig dia. ...

org2 yg troll dia lak


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Post time 3-8-2019 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 3-8-2019 01:03 AM

mistress Prince Edward, lagi teruk dr Wallis tu dlu.. 5 org lelaki kaya tau support lifestyle dia.. I rasa antara yg contribute termasuk la si Prince Edward ni.. iyer la kalau x bg duit, kuar la surat x senonoh ke BRF or ke newspaper.

Prince Edward tu hanat juga.. perangai joli katak sana sini sama mcm PH. x pikir pun consequences perangai kaki pompuan. At last si Maggy ugut dia dgn surat2 steamy bagai antara dia ngan Prince Edward nie.. surat2 ni la yg menyebabkan dia lepas dr hukuman mati sbb bunuh laki dia..

time sekrg nie.. PH la hadap segala ugutan si Meggot.. sama mcm apa yg jd kat moyang sedara dia.. pastu PH la juga hadap perangai diva Meggot yg lg teruk dr Wallis.

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Post time 3-8-2019 01:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 3-8-2019 12:58 AM
org2 yg troll dia lak

yg troll dia seluruh donia.. hahhaa..

dia ingat org sanjung kerja dia as Vogue guest editor kan

byk bg komen, ibarat membc article org x pass kelas English . Teruknya hencapan org kat diaa.. mana la dia nak sorok muka lepas nie.

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Post time 3-8-2019 01:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dineo replied at 3-8-2019 12:35 AM
chuols cakap ginger anak yatim
teringat kat sorg retis tu , dah menikah dah beranak dah menjanda ...

sapa tuh..
betul kot dia anak yatim.. kot kot nama betul bapak dia Yatim

jgn laaaa ikut trend PH.. nnt org ingat kita sama iq level mcm dia

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Post time 3-8-2019 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 3-8-2019 01:24 AM
eva replied at 3-8-2019 12:50 AM
I think dia rasa dia pun sepatutnya dilayan mcm bakalan raja.. sedangkan dia Spare je
I think th ...

di penghujung hidup dan dlm buangan, edward dan wallis dah tak happy bersama. edward kuat cemburu, dan memburukkan keadaan lg apabila wallis berskandal berthn2 dgn pewaris Woolsworth. ai pernah baca, wallis kalau bole nak jd mistress raja jah - bebas drpd protokol tp pada masa yg sama menikmati kekayaan dan pengaruh. semakin berumur, wallis semakin berani tunjuk true colours - selalu berpoya2 di night clubs sampai awal pagi, kalau edward join sama, wallis soh balik awal sbb rimas berkepit dgn lakinya tuh lama2. edward disamakan dgn nyamuk.

apabila edward jatuh sakit akibat kanser, bininya makin jarang balik rumah. nurse peribadi lah yg jaga dan menemannya. sebelum menghembuskan nafas terakhir, edward tercari2 wallis, siap panggil2 "wallis, darling..." - akhirnya mati tanpa sempat berjumpa dgn "cinta agong" nya itu.


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Post time 3-8-2019 01:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 3-8-2019 01:27 AM
dani-rox replied at 3-8-2019 12:48 AM
most probably, Harry takbleh terima kenyataan yg dia bukan lg center of the attention. zaman spare ...

I second you..

kan sour grape bila dia kata klau dia, dia nak beranak 2 org je.. dia sindir abg dan kakak ipar dia la tu as if x mo bagi chance kat dia kan. . Fact is, sesiapa pun x kisah berapa anak PW as long as dorg tunjuk good example to Brits.

and you are right.. attention dah shifted ke anak2 PWKM. George punya trending lagi hebat dari LK premier tu dah buktikan PH is nothing . I think  kalau peerage law x kisah pasal surrogate, sure dia ngan si meggot akan beriya2 posing kat Lindo Wing ngan Archie..

so in my opinion.. Meggot initiate segala benda2 yg dia buat utk lawan BRF and si PH bg full support dibelakang meggot. Mungkin dia rasa hebat sbb buat family dia mcm nie, pastu dia akan bg alasan ini semua sbb treatment BRF kat mak dia. Walhal dia sendiri yg nak benda ni jd kat BRF.

drpd jd republic, baik la QE campak je dua org ni kat memana dan strip all titles and benefits yg dorg dpt.Dorg ni sebenarnya Nuisance kan dani...


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Post time 3-8-2019 01:25 AM | Show all posts
dineo replied at 3-8-2019 12:35 AM
chuols cakap ginger anak yatim
teringat kat sorg retis tu , dah menikah dah beranak dah menjanda ...

siapa tu ya? dah tua renta pun masih anak yatim

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Post time 3-8-2019 01:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 3-8-2019 01:16 AM
sapa tuh..
betul kot dia anak yatim.. kot kot nama betul bapak dia Yatim  

nora danish la
pak dia kat dah meninggal masa dia kecik
mak dia pon sampai tu bangka dah janda anak tu pon dok claim
teraniaya and yatim geli plak aku

but she is ok now , social climber yg berjaya , gitew

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