News: Ayano Yamane's Finder Series Boys-Love Manga Gets ANiMiX (Updated)
Manga creator Ayano Yamane revealed at her Yaoi-Con panel on Saturday that an "ANiMiX" adaptation of her Finder Series boys-love manga is in production. The storyboards have already been done, and the cast will be announced soon. The ANiMiX is planned for release next spring.
The story follows freelance journalist Akihito Takaba and his relationship with the mysterious Asami, a powerful leader in Japan's underworld society. Central Park Media's Be Beautiful imprint launched its translated version of the manga in North America in 2005. Digital Manga Publishing has since announced this year that it licensed the manga.
Update: More background and story information added.
Update 2: In the panel, Yamane clarified, "anime—ano… ANiMiX." "ANiMiX" is the term that Libre's B-Boy imprint uses for projects that add motion and voices to a manga's original art. B-Boy posted a sample of the ANiMiX produced for Kaoru Iwamoto's Yebisu Celebrities manga. Thanks, sunflower
dorang nk wat ape nih?... add motion and voices?... utk radio ke apa ni?...
wait.. kalau setakat motion and voices cam BL drama yg dgr suara jer kot...
tapi dia sebut cast sekali... aku bet anime.. kalau drama org betul dia akan sebut live-action... tambahan animax yg produce... sure anime nih...
waaa.... sore seiyuu sape la dia guna nanti
wait.. kalau setakat motion and voices cam BL drama yg dgr suara jer kot...
Kia_picanto Post at 9-1-2011 18:43
anime keee?? waaaaaa...kalo betui anime...mesti ramai yg tak sabar nk tgk hasilnya... aku pon rasa cam anime, tapi aku takut kalo cast dia ckp tu utk cam bl cd tu je...dgr sore je... utk season spring...lame lagi tu...
anime keee?? waaaaaa...kalo betui anime...mesti ramai yg tak sabar nk tgk hasilnya ...
ibuKA Post at 9-1-2011 22:24
dah la foreign love afffair nye anime pon best... inikan plak VIewfinder... mmg anime yg ditunggu2 oleh peminat yaoi la.. tapi nape kat yamane_ayano live journal tak cerita pape pon ek???
hem.. mesti sebab lambat lagi tuh dia nak cakap awal pon tak guna gak.. buat terkincit jer nak tunggu
dah la foreign love afffair nye anime pon best... inikan plak VIewfinder... mmg anime yg di ...
Kia_picanto Post at 9-1-2011 22:44
ya betul...anime paling ditunggu peminat yaoi... tapi aku paling tunggu dorang wat anime totally captivated... bilalah agaknya dorang nk wat ek?...
selalunya live journal paling cepat skalik update kan? yg menambah kurius aku je ni..ntah2 dorang nk wat utk radio je...