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Author: Michi

[Merged] Produk Himalaya

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Post time 19-3-2008 02:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #895 KaKLaLa_Lost_id's post

lala...aku pakai hok dandruff dry/damage hair....
aku ni pesen hok yg kena shampoo ari2, klau dok aku jd ting-tong plak nnti.. ...
hok aku bli ni, tulis kt botol tu leh pakai ari2...

[ Last edited by  jestna at 19-3-2008 02:51 PM ]

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Post time 19-3-2008 03:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nara_Gaara at 8-10-2007 10:32 PM
aku baru bli facial wash. mahal giler. kat 20 hengget. dah la tu, tak best coz takde buih. kalo campur air lagi la tak terasa.

okla harga tu aku beli fashwash yg cream byk buih ape

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Post time 19-3-2008 03:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my^fluffy at 28-2-2008 08:19 PM
hair protein cream pun bagus jugak...bagi rambut lembut n sehat

aku pun ingat nk beli jgk kalau bg pakai kt bdk2 blh x sbb rambut anak aku 2,3 hari kalau x pakai syampoo kusut jer payah nk sikat

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Post time 19-3-2008 05:51 PM | Show all posts
rasa-rasanya budak boleh pakai..cos bahannya natural n less chemical...n ia boleh bagi rambut kuat n bersinar, saya pakai sebelum mandi, letak 30 minit lepas tu basuh ngan shampoo...nak pakai after shampoo pun boleh tapi mcm oily jugak

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Post time 19-3-2008 06:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my^fluffy at 19-3-2008 05:51 PM
rasa-rasanya budak boleh pakai..cos bahannya natural n less chemical...n ia boleh bagi rambut kuat n bersinar, saya pakai sebelum mandi, letak 30 minit lepas tu basuh ngan shampoo...nak pakai aft ...

thanks fluffy bau dia wangi x

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Post time 19-3-2008 07:05 PM | Show all posts
ada bau..tapi tak lah strong sangat lebih kepada bau minyak...x wangi

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Post time 19-3-2008 08:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #893 jestna's post

aku dah dekat setahun maintain pakai shampoo himalaya. So far, yg paling best protein shampoo for dry/damage hair. W/pun aku rambut normal, protein shampoo dia yg utk rambut normal tak sebest yg utk dry hair tu, sbb yg utk normal hair tu rasa kesat skit bila cuci. Yg dry hair tu, rambut jadi lembut & rasa licin je bila nak cuci.
Lain2 skin care pun dah lama aku switch ke himalaya ni, walnut scrub, peel-of-mask.
Peel-of-mask tu best giler bile lepas pakai muka jadi gebu je.
Hair protein & hair oil pun dah lama pakai. So far semua puashati, takde masalah

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Post time 19-3-2008 08:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #893 jestna's post

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[ Last edited by  arwien at 19-3-2008 08:42 PM ]

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Post time 19-3-2008 08:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #893 jestna's post

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Post time 19-3-2008 10:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jestna at 19-3-2008 02:49 PM
lala...aku pakai hok dandruff dry/damage hair....
aku ni pesen hok yg kena shampoo ari2, klau dok aku jd ting-tong plak nnti.. ...
hok aku bli ni, tulis kt botol tu leh pakai ari2...

samala..aku pun guna syampoo ni...puas hati...rambut dh x kering lg..

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Post time 20-3-2008 02:09 PM | Show all posts
kalau utk rambut normal n x ade kelemumur tapi selalu gugur....elok pakai syampu yg mana yer..??me lepas bersalin ni.rambut mmg byk gugur..

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Post time 20-3-2008 02:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #911 eRiKa's post

Protein shampoo with conditioner (normal hair), kat botol tulis Natural Proteins that nourish the hair roots and prevent hair loss...kalau kat midvalley (hehhehe tadi salah ejaan) ada SA yang boleh help u

[ Last edited by  my^fluffy at 20-3-2008 02:36 PM ]

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Post time 21-3-2008 11:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #907 arwien's post

aku baru je pakai, br seminggu jer....
best, rambut rasa lembut jer......
tuk skin care pn aku br guna seminggu gak...aku guna neem face wash, neem face pack n apricot scrub....neem face wash ni tk berbuih, tp best sbb bila basuh muka tu rasa bersih je...
ujung bln nnti aku ingtkn nk beli minyak rmbut, supplement n cream muka lak.....

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Post time 31-3-2008 04:50 PM | Show all posts
sy pn dh xnk tukar shampoo dh serasi dgn himalaya...dry hair...rambut....lembut

skang ni nk try hair protien cream tuk lbh healthy....

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Post time 1-4-2008 08:15 AM | Show all posts
kalau ada kelemumur dan rambut gugur gunakan shampoo apa yang bagus...

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Post time 25-5-2008 02:06 AM | Show all posts
saja nak inform kpd kwn2 area utara..
ada butik Himalaya di Gurney Plaza Lower ground floor..
kedai dia dekat dgn food court gurney plaza.
tadi tny diaorg baru jer buka 2 bulan lepas

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Post time 26-5-2008 09:48 AM | Show all posts
aku rasa hilmalaya yg paling best night cream dia..

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Post time 26-5-2008 11:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #905 arwien's post

saya pun baru cuba shampoo protein utk dry/damaged hair sejak 2 minggu lepas ... masa lalu kat outlet klcc saja tanya shampoo apa elok utk rambut gugur ... salesgirl tu kata elok pakai revitalising oil ...last2 beli set yg ada shampoo, cream dan oil ..

sebelum guna himalaya ni saya guna shampoo gamat, bau memang wangi giler tapi rambut kering dan rasa kejung semacam je ... pagi2 lps bangun tido bila brush rambut mesti bykkkk rambut atas berus tu ... risau gak kalau berlarutan camtu ...tu yg dok usha2 produk utk kurangkan rambut gugur

tapi lps pakai himalaya ni kalau brush rambut pagi2 cuma 2-3 helai je yg gugur x sebanyak macam dulu2 .. shampoo himalaya ni bau dia x best sgt nasib baik protein cream bau ok .. now dah jadi habit lps shamppo rambut mesti apply protein cream ...lps kering rambut tu rasa lembut  ... bangun pagi rambut x kusut sebab tu kalau sikat cuma gugur 2-3 helai je ...

saya memang rekomen shampoo protein dan protein cream himalaya ini utk mereka yg alami keguguran rambut dan rambut keras kejung

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Post time 26-5-2008 11:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #917 whitedevil's post

nite cream nya antara 10 yang terbaik...ini rating dahulu kala...

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Post time 26-5-2008 11:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #917 whitedevil's post

best ke night cream dia?

apa kesan dia & brapa lama dah pakai?

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