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Author: hirai_saza


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Post time 16-9-2005 01:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Calim閞o at 15-9-2005 11:18 PM
kiranya bukak tin terus ngap ke dalam mulutlah ya...thank you Pulut..

lin selalu masuk dlm microwave sat, kasi panas skit. lepas tu melantak kat depan TV... hehehehehhehehe

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Post time 16-9-2005 02:39 AM | Show all posts
Lyn, baru buat macam you punya style tu, tambah garam sikit..dah lama betul tak makan kacang rebus ni..

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Post time 16-9-2005 05:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Calim閞o at 16-9-2005 02:39 AM
Lyn, baru buat macam you punya style tu, tambah garam sikit..dah lama betul tak makan kacang rebus ni..

cali, lin baru balik dari kedai jajan, beli kacang kuda lagi. kalau nak rebus pakai microwave dari kacang yg raw punya, masuk microwave dlm 15 minit. keluarkan dan biarkan sejam. lepas tu tapis dan boleh makan. nak sedap tambah garam.

kalau cara panjang, kena rendam semalaman .

kalau masak atas stove, masak 2 minit, lepas tu biarkan sejam. lepas tu, blh tapis dan makan.

selalu beli dlm tin, ni nak cuba yg dari raw punya.. korang punya fasallah buat mak baby terkeliur nak makan kacang kuda :mll:

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Post time 4-10-2005 12:26 AM | Show all posts

Apple Recipies

1 small natural yogurt pot (175 ml)
3 eggs
3 yogurt pots of flour
2 yogurt pots of sugar
3/4 of oil 1 yogurt pot powder
1 tbsp of baking powder
1 Apple - dice

ATTENTION: When you measures the ingredients with the yoghourt pot, this one must-to be clean.

Seperatekan telur kuning dan putih, beat the white eggs sampai kembang. Leave aside. Dalam mangkuk telur kuning tadi, masukkan yogurt & gula. Beat until the mixture turn into pale yellow, add flour and baking powder. Masukkan telur putih tadi dan gaulkan perlahan-lahan (jgn gaul terlalu kuat sebab nanti telur putih tu "break". Masukkan apple  dan tuangkan dalam baking tin yang telah dibutterkan sikit. Lepas tu kalau nak kasi cantik lagi, potongkan hirisan apple dan atur kat atas mixture tadi..Bakar dalam 25 - 35  mins in a preheat oven.

Apple Tatin (upside  down caramelised apple tarte)

4-1/2 lbs. apples (about 10)
7 Tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup + 3 Tablespoons sugar
1 Tablespoon lemon juice

For the pastry:
1 sheet frozen puff pastry or 1 refrigerated pie crust


1. Core the apples with an apple corer. Peel and halve them. With the cut side down, trim off a small slice from each side of the apples so that they can stand on their sides.

2. In a 10-inch oven-proof skillet, melt the butter over medium heat.

Add the sugar and lemon juice and mix well.

3. Starting on the outside of the pan, stand the apple halves on their sides, one next to the other. The skillet should be as tightly filled as possible. If there are holes, cut a piece of apple to fill it in.

4. Preheat oven to 425癋.

5. Continue to cook the apples over medium-high heat for 25-30 minutes. When the sugar bubbling around the apples is pale brown in color, place the skillet in the oven for 5 minutes.

6. While the apples are cooking defrost the puff pastry as directed on package. If using pie crust, also follow package directions for using. If using a rectangular piece of puff pastry, trim the corners. You will use the pie crust as is.

7. Remove the apples from the oven, increase the heat to 475癋. Drape the pastry over the pan. Carefully tuck the pastry between the apples and the sides of the skillet, using a small paring knife.

8. Place the skillet back in the oven and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the pastry is lightly browned.

6. Remove from heat. Drape the pastry over the apples, tucking the overhang down between the apples and the inside edge of the skillet.

7. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until the pastry is golden. Remove and allow to cool for 15 minutes.

To serve:
Loosen the edges of the pastry with a knife. Invert onto a platter quickly and carefully. Rearrange any apples that may have fallen out. Serve warm. Sedap makan dengan vanilla ice-cream..:mll:

Cucuq Apple (takda measure)
Tepung gandum
1 pinch of baking powder
1 pinch of salt
1 telur
Minyak untuk menggoreng

Slice apples into 1/2 inch rings

Bancuh semua bahan tadi sampai jadi pekat . Dip apple slices in batter and fry, a few at a time, turning once, until golden. Drain on paper towels and dust with confectioners' sugar.

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Post time 4-10-2005 12:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alahai at 13-9-2005 01:57 AM

cali aku ada kisah pasai kacang kuda ni...

satu ari tu aku makan la hummus ni...rasa sedap pulak..habis tu tanya la kawan arab ni apa benda..dia cakap hummus buat dari kacang...dia bayangk ..

.dapat tangkap kacang aku pi kedai pakistan minta la kacang kuda ni...aku tak tau omputih pangge apa aku cakap horse bean...

lollol  Tak per la aku datang gelak lambat. Aku tak masuk thread ni. Hari ni masuk sebab nak ambil resepi yg. minta dari Cali. Aku terpaksa quote ni sebab kelakar sangat. Apa da....Alahai oi....lo

       Orang putih panggey kacang anak ayam, hang pi minta kacang kuda! :lolTapi aku pun heran, kan ke kacang lebih ke rupa anak ayam ? Yg. rupa kuda tu kat mana? Nak kata taik kuda pun tak kde rupa juga...Pelik!:stp:

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Post time 4-10-2005 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Calim閞o at 4-10-2005 12:26 AM
1 small natural yogurt pot (175 ml)
3 eggs
3 yogurt pots of flour
2 yogurt pots of sugar
3/4 of oil 1 yogurt pot powder
1 tbsp of baking powder
1 Apple - dice


Terima kasih bebanyak Cali, nanti buat aku repot sini. Ini hari tak nak buat...esok, salamander hunting, balik letih la...lusa Rabu nak gi shopping, balik letih dan kena pack barang....Khamis...oh. keluar juga! Awang shooting print work. Jumaat dah bertolak ke Florida.
Nampaknya selepas 14 Oct. la baru nak leh cuba kek ni. Mungkin aku nak cuba cucur tu dula, tak banyak kerenah sangat.

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Post time 4-10-2005 01:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by belanga at 4-10-2005 12:36 AM

lollol  Tak per la aku datang gelak lambat. Aku tak masuk thread ni. Hari ni masuk sebab nak ambil resepi yg. minta dari Cali. Aku terpaksa quote ni sebab kelakar sangat. Apa da....Al ...

Bel, mak aku dulu cakap kita panggil kacang kuda sebab ada rupa t*lur kuda..

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Post time 7-10-2005 02:30 AM | Show all posts
lol itu macam ka? Pantai merapu mak hang! Eh, aku dah buat cucur apple tu, hari yg. kau bagi resepi tu juga...he he he..anak-anak aku suka. Karang Boo balik sekolah nak buat lagi. Tapi gula tu aku campur kayu manis sikit, kasi lebih kick! Apple kan kawannya kayu manis! He he he...Thanks Cali.
Malam karang berbuka kat Afghani Restoran. Aku nak bedai roasted lamb. Esok berbuka kat Florida. Nampak gayanya aku off memasak seminggu..:bgrin:

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Post time 8-10-2005 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum kekawan sumer...

kak Noor nak mintak resepi lah kalau sapa2 biasa buat houmous...akak nak resepi yg biasa u all buat...yg belum test takmo..hehehehe byk lak akak nya songeh..sbb kalau resepi yg belum test akak pun ada..setahu akak houmous ni dibuat dr hubby suka sgt makan dgn tortilla..tak larat lah beli houmous yg ready made..mahal giler..

sekian terima kacih :bgrin:

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Post time 8-10-2005 11:20 PM | Show all posts
kak Noor, saya ada simple punya dan ditest by S!iRIM made in Paris

1 tin Kacang kuda (rebus & buang kulit sekali)
3 ulas Bawang putih
1 lemon juice
olive oil

Mix kacang kuda & bawang putih, sambil mix tu akak campurkan sikit-sikit minyak & juice. Kalau tak nak pekat sangat akak campurkan sikit air rebusan tadi.  Itu je lah, kalau nak masin sikit tambah garam.

Akak nak kasi cantik taburkan daun mint kat atas tu.

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Post time 9-10-2005 12:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Calim閞o at 8-10-2005 11:20 PM
kak Noor, saya ada simple punya dan ditest by S!iRIM made in Paris

1 tin Kacang kuda (rebus & buang kulit sekali)
3 ulas Bawang putih
1 lemon juice
olive oil

Mix kacang kuda & ...

ye ye :clap:...dah agak mesti Cali tahu resepi ni...syoknyaa...tak sabar nak buat sendiri..mesti my hubby suka..tima kacih byk2 Cali..sayang dia..muahhsss..

kacang kuda dlm tin tu kan dah rebus/lembut..ermm kena rebus lagi ke?

bawang putih tu kisar mentah2 cenggitu ek..tak yah bakar ke goreng ke apa ek..?

ok tu je kemusykilan...:cak:

macih sekali lagi...

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Post time 9-10-2005 06:23 PM | Show all posts
Kacang tu rebus kalau akak nak, saya suka makan hummus ni time dia still suam..bawang putih tu memang mentah. Akak, saya tambah grill cumin kat atas hummus ni, (personal touch)

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phoinix This user has been deleted
Post time 20-10-2005 03:25 AM | Show all posts


Satu lagi masakan Jepun kegemaran saya... Onigiri! Onigiri juga dikenali sbg Omusubi atau Nigiri-Meshi. Variasi original adalah dlm bentuk bulat, empat segi bujur (oblong) dan bujur (oval) dan dikepal dgn umeboshi (jeruk buah plum jepun) di tengah-tengah onigiri. Skrg ada berbagai bentuk Onigiri... dibungkus dgn nori (jari tak melekat...he he he), bonito flakes dgn shoyu (kicap jepun), takuan (jeruk lobak putih yg berwarna kuning), dll. Onigiri senang dibawa dan popular sbg makanan utk berkelah atau aktiviti luar rumah... hmm kalau dimakan bersama teh... lagi best!


Boiled rice*
Umeboshi (soft pickled plum)
Nori (dried laver) or tororo konbu (konbu shavings)

1. When the rice has finished cooking, add the salt and mix lightly.
2. Wet your hands with water. Put 1/2 cup boiled rice on your hand and form into a ball.
3. Make a dent in the center and put umeboshi. Close the rice over it. Form into a triangle or cylinder.
4. Wrap with nori or sprinkle tororo konbu.

* Lagi cepat dan senang kalau ada acuan Onigiri... Cuba cari di Isetan...

Grilled rice ball (Yaki Onigiri)
Make rice ball rather hard. Press ball flat. Grill on the oiled toasting net for 3 or 4 minutes until surface becomes crispy.

* Boiled Rice

Ingredients (for 4 persons)

3 cups short-grain rice
3 cups water (same or a little much amount of rice)

1. Wash rice for take away bran as follows; Put rice into the bowl and add plenty water. 2. Mix rice lightly in water and immediately drain (rinse out white water). Then stir as you press rice hard with the palm of your hand. Repeat 3-4 times until water becomes almost clear. * You can use white water as fertiliser to the base of a tree.
3. Put drained rice into the bowl and pour 3 cups (540ml) water. Leave for 30 minutes.

NOTE:  If you are using an automatic electric rice cookers, you only turn on. If you want to have better rice, please get next step. Place the pot on stove and cook over high heat for 5 minutes, gradually bringing to vigorous boil, mix rice by scoop. Then reduce heat to keep water from bubbling over. Keep boiling for 10 minutes. Turn heat to high for the last 20 seconds to evaporate excess water, and turn off heat. Let stand and steam for 10 minutes with lid tightly closed.

4. Remove lid quickly, so as not to let drops of moisture fall from lid onto rice, and let steam escape. Wet a wooden spatula and mix rice lightly with folding motion from the bottom up to make it fluffy. Dish out into individual bowls. Cover any rice remaining in pot with cloth and replace lid. If core of cooked rice remains hard, it needs more moisture. Sprinkle with sake (1 tablespoon sake per 2 1/2 cups of rice) and simmer on low heat 7-8 minutes.


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phoinix This user has been deleted
Post time 20-10-2005 03:29 AM | Show all posts

Dolmathakia Yialatzi

Hello Semua!!!

Saya ni memang ada penyakit demam Dolmathes... hahaha! Sebut shj Dolmathes... habis!!! Dulu pernah terjumpa daun anggur (Grapeleaves) di Giant Supermarket tapi skrg jarang pula. Daun Anggur yg saya pernah beli di Penang dalam pek plastik dari Cyprus... Di Eropah memang senang jumpa bahan-bahan untuk Dolmathes ni. Kadang-kadang saya tidak guna Daun Fennel spt dalam resepi ni - hanya guna chopped fresh dill (atau dill yg kering dlm botol) tapi mengikut orang-orang Mediterranean bahan-bahan utk masakan mestilah segar (fresh)... huh..kalau tidak, kena ketuk kepala!!!

Kegemaran saya ialah versi yg ni kerana ia sesuai juga utk Vegetarian... For meat lovers - Dolmades (Yaprakia) Me Kima) yg ada daging lembu atau kambing... Cuba juga dgn isi Udang Galah (Lobster) atau Crayfish. Hmmm... tapi kalau tak ada musim daun anggur, saya guna daun kobis spt Daun Kobis Savoy atau Daun Kobis Cina Bulat yg daunnya lebar (Lahano Dolmathes) sbg penganti pembalutnya hahhahah... bolehlah lepas gian!

Dolmathakia Yialatzi (Stuffed Grapeleaves With Rice)
~ Greek Appetiser ~

1/2 lb. fresh grape leaves, or 16-ounce jar of leaves packed in brine
1/3 cup, plus 2 tablespoon Olive Oil
4 large onions, finely chopped
1 cup finely chopped scallions (Spring onion)
1 cup long-grain rice
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 teasspoon ground cumin
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh fennel leaves
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh dill
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/3 cup finely chopped fresh mint
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
4-5 cups water
strained fresh juice of 2 lemons

If using grape leaves packed in brine, rinse them very well and submerge them in scalding water for 2-3 minutes to soften. Remove with a slotted spoon, being careful not to rip them. Rinse several times and strain. Fresh grape leaves, once the stem has been trimmed, can be used directly, or blanched as well, if they are not young and tender.

In a large, heavy skillet over medium heat, heat the one-third cup of olive oil and cook the onions and scallions for about 8-10 minutes, until completely soft. Add the garlic and stir for one minute. Add the rice, and saute, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Add cumin, salt, pepper and two cups of water. Cover and simmer until rice is softened but not cooked completely and water absorbed. Remove and cool. Toss in the herbs and pepper.

Separate the grape leaves that are too small or too irregular to roll. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil on the bottom of a medium-size sauce pan and layer 4-5 of the irregular leaves over the oil.

Taking one leaf at a time, snip off any remainder of a hard stem. Place one teaspoon of the rice mixture in center, bottom of leaf. Fold the left and right sides over the filling and roll up, gently but tightly, from bottom to top, until a bite-sized log is formed (like rolling Spring Roll or Kuih Ketayap... .) Place seamside down in the pot. Repeat with remaining stuffing and leaves. Pour remaining olive oil, lemon juice and enough water to cover the leaves by about 1 1/2 inches into the pot. Place a dish over the grape leaves so they don't loosen while cooking. Cover the pot and cook over low heat for 50 minutes to about one hour, or until leaves are tender and rice is thoroughly cooked. Serve warm or cold, with strained yogurt on the side, if desired. Serves cold.

ATAU boleh dihidang dgn sos Avgolemono...

Avgolemono Sauce (egg-lemon dressing)

1 egg
3-4 Tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon corn starch (or more according to desire thickness)

Separate egg. Whisk egg white mixed with 1 tsp. water; add yolk and mix. Add corn starch to lemon juice and stir; add to egg mixture. Skim broth off dolmades (it is now a chicken/beef broth and should be greatly reduced because of the rice) and add 1 T. at a time to the egg mixture, whisking well. Egg mixture should thicken. Remove dolmades from heat. Arrange dolmades in a bowl for serving. Mix remaining broth into egg-lemon mixture. Stir well and pour over dolmades.

ATAU dgn Tzatziki... Greek Yoghurt

Kala Orexi !!!

[ Last edited by phoinix at 21-10-2005 06:46 AM ]

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Post time 20-10-2005 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by phoinix at 20-10-2005 03:25 AM
Satu lagi masakan Jepun kegemaran saya... Onigiri! Onigiri juga dikenali sbg Omusubi atau Nigiri-Meshi. Variasi original adalah dlm bentuk bulat, empat segi bujur (oblong) dan bujur (oval) dan dike ...

takda gambar ke for this recipe?

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phoinix This user has been deleted
Post time 21-10-2005 01:27 AM | Show all posts


Opps Calim閞o...

Terlupa pule pasal gambar... I kalau ada mood selalu ambil gambar masakan ... :bgrin:'s my version >  

From Left to Right : Onigiri Umeboshi, Onigiri Shiso & Onigiri Tamago (mixed with nori & bonito flakes)

Onigiri ni dibuat tigasegi dgn tangan (don't worry... I selalu cuci tangan sebelum buat onigiri atau sushi... dah tabiat sejak kecil lagi) dan dibentuk ketika nasi masih suam (terlalu panas tak dpt handle pula!) Kalau nasi sejuk tak menjadi !!!

Selamat mencuba!

[ Last edited by phoinix at 20-10-2005 06:33 PM ]

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Post time 21-10-2005 01:50 AM | Show all posts
Nampak sedap, tapi kalau orang buat lagi sedap..:

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Post time 21-10-2005 03:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by phoinix at 21-10-2005 01:27 AM
Opps Calim閞o...

Terlupa pule pasal gambar... I kalau ada mood selalu ambil gambar masakan ... :bgrin:'s my version >  [IMG] ...

i thot mcm ni semuanya sushi...
jakun btui:malu:

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Post time 21-10-2005 07:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by phoinix at 21-10-2005 01:27 AM
Opps Calim閞o...

Terlupa pule pasal gambar... I kalau ada mood selalu ambil gambar masakan ... :bgrin:'s my version >  [IMG] ...

dulu masa kat jepun , selalu buat onigiri ni bawak bekal ke u ....bubuh inti tuna flakes + mayonis, kepal-kepal bentuk 3 segi, then balut dgn nori.....:mll:lamanya dah tak makan onigiri

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Post time 21-10-2005 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 21-10-2005 03:08 AM

i thot mcm ni semuanya sushi...
jakun btui:malu:

samalah kita Mrs, tau makan je...sejak pakcik karim selalu ke jepun dia yang cakap mana satu sushi, mana satu maki or sashimi...hamba ni makan je.;but my fav is tempura

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