pcyduck posted on 17-10-2012 05:04 PM
kekekeeke...cute je ke'rendah'an die tuh!!!yg penting lincah!!kalu badan t ...
Dia main bola every sunday mmg la skill xleh nak lekeh2. UTW tu bkn jenis bersukan ek. Tengok dia sepak bola mase main foot volleyball tu alahai...ke laut sokmo. Nasib la sblm tu dorg da menang main soccer klu x mmg ke laut btol2. Episod tu mmg kelakar pd Na betting. Berani mati namemye tu. Hahahahaha |
x sabar nak tunggu win win Jongmin...byk gak cite sedih masa lampau dia yg kita x taw..sugeun sendiri pon x taw...
kita selalu tgok dia senyum+sengih 24 jam...sedangkan jongmin dulu pernah melalui saat2 sukar dlm hidupnya Last edited by makdik2301 on 18-10-2012 08:41 AM
Kim Jong Min considered leaving ’1 Night 2 Days’ because of anti-fans?
Kim Jong Min discussed the hardship he went through after rejoining ‘1 Night 2 Days‘.
Though Kim Jong Min was one of the biggest names in variety shows before he enlisted for military service, after enlistment he could not keep up with the show. Because of high expectations, many viewers demanded that he be taken off ’1N2D’.
On October 16th’s ‘Win Win‘, he confessed, “I came back to ’1 Night 2 Days’ right after I was discharged from the army, but I disappointed viewers because I couldn’t adapt quickly enough. There was even a petition going around requesting me to leave.”
He confessed that even though there were many hateful comments directed at him, the comment that hurt him the most was one that called him “Cancer Jong Min”. The anti-fan claimed it was because he was a “cancer” on the show. Kim Jong Min stated, “I thought to myself, ‘Let’s just be funny once,’ or ‘Let’s just be funny for 10 seconds,’ but it didn’t work. I kept getting depressed. I didn’t want to harm ’1 Night 2 Days’ in any way, so I just stayed home.“
Kim Jong Min recalls a time when he severely injured his head
Kim Jong Min featured as a guest on the October 16th episode of KBS 2TV‘s ‘Win Win‘ and shocked viewers by revealing that he once suffered a serious injury to the head.
Kim Jong Min revealed, “I always loved jumping down from things. But then one day, I fell from the place I always used to jump down from for the first time. I fell on my chin. Then I hit the back of my head. My teeth became all broken and and I injured my head. So much blood was pouring out that everyone thought I would die.”
He continued, “I was unconscious for two days but I have no memory of it whatsoever. it feels like I died and came back to life. I can still feel the spot on my scalp. Before my concussion, I was the type to study hard. But afterwards, I lost all determination in life. I was just numb.”
The singer surprised everyone on set with his story and had the audience and MCs remarking how fortunate he was to have recovered well.
pernah cedera kt kepala..patotla blurr jer manjang...
Last edited by makdik2301 on 18-10-2012 08:47 AM
makdik2301 posted on 18-10-2012 10:29 AM
2 yg smpai ckp,tulis dan baca dlm korea pon x nape nk betol duck...
mungkin disbbkan kecederaan k ...
Kalu btol la kelemahan dia tu jadi lepas injury tu rase nye lepas ni xleh la nk melawak lg psl tak synchro dia tu. Tapi yg season lps time baca artikel tu mmg menggigil gelakkan dia...adoi bersalah nye rase. Huuuuuu |
lionsleepin posted on 18-10-2012 10:41 AM
Kalu btol la kelemahan dia tu jadi lepas injury tu rase nye lepas ni xleh la nk melawak lg psl tak ...
jongmin nie ok la lion...dia jenis yg x kisah dan x simpan dlm hatinya apa org ckp kt dia...
paling x pon dia sengih jer...kalo x psl xcident 2 x la dia leh lawak cm skg..yg bleh wat kita gelak x igt
tipa kali tgok aksi dia...
makdik2301 posted on 18-10-2012 11:47 AM
insyallah aku akn igt kan ko...ko ready kopi stabak r duckk...baru kerlasttt
aku bankrup skang makdik!!!!tahap papa kedana dah!!!kopi kapal api ngan nescafe je aku mampu skang nih!!!
p/s..slaah eja daaaa.....'aku'...
makdik2301 posted on 18-10-2012 12:19 PM
alaa...yg bankrap nya skg...
show 2 lambat g kan..bulan 11..ntah2 time 2 ko dah kaya...mana taw k ...
tak sangka Joo won takut serangga
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