[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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Those are a lot of ROYALS for someone who doesn’t want to be a royal.
HRH x2
His Royal Highness x1
Her Royal Highness x1
Their Royal Highnesses x1 |
Kenapasulaman ni nampak so kindergarden level? Macam benang jahit atas kain net je, not really sulaman.
mungkin sbb majlis kawen yg dibuat tergesa2, tu yg buat ala2 kadar jah.
aku takleh jupe satu pon komen positif kat sesakroyal punya ig, walaupun derang delete-delete.
dani-rox replied at 24-2-2020 04:29 PM
Nama dia dulu, di atas real blue blood prince. Dasar narcissist |
Edited by 234126 at 24-2-2020 10:10 PM
QE dah sangat sangat annoyed dan rengsa dah she cant contained her coolness dah, melayan 2 clowns yang bukan level dia. I wonder sugar nak kata apa now? QE still sayang?
QE takes it personally ya cucu dia dgn bini malas bekerja berkhidmat dengan negara when negara dah bagi byk to them via luxury and titles
Queen Elizabeth II is so hurt by Megxit she hates it being brought up — and “just wants it over and done with,” according to a report.
“She generally doesn’t want to talk about it,” a source close to the Queen told Vanity Fair, insisting she takes it personally that grandson Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle quit royal duties.
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dani-rox replied at 24-2-2020 04:29 PM
nak jugak Princess of UK tu hahahaa ..
she is just Princess Henry of Wales 
satu pun x ada nama dia |
234126 replied at 24-2-2020 04:30 PM
dia punya tak malu tu tahap yang tak boleh bawa bincang dah. Tahap yang harus kena humban cut all ...
narc yg mmg super duper giler..
kalau x gila, x dia berangan abis hingga dia ingat anak dia layak jd king  |
dani-rox replied at 24-2-2020 04:33 PM
dari anonymoushouseplantfan tumblr:
perangai ghetto tu x boleh nak buang agaknya.. org kata dia mmg ada masalah dgn semua exes dia dan ex in laws dia..
dani-rox replied at 24-2-2020 04:46 PM
Royal reporter pun dah start ceritakan betapa buruknya layanan the Harkles dgn staff dia org
nowww QE dah tau cara layanan dorg kat staffs.. tunggu la saat dan waktu dia balik semula jd peasent! |
dani-rox replied at 24-2-2020 04:49 PM
Those are a lot of ROYALS for someone who doesn’t want to be a royal.
wooow... tu btol btol narc... berulang2 sebut psl privileges hahaha.. not so Royal eh .. org yg x mo royal x akan sebut sebut benda dia x mo..
.cam org kena talak tiga dah pompuan nie.. |
kibodwatriuh replied at 24-2-2020 07:03 PM
aku takleh jupe satu pon komen positif kat sesakroyal punya ig, walaupun derang delete-delete.
kat DM 54k org komen bagaimana rudenya Smeg dan Hanat terhadap QE.wooow.. tu kebangkitan rakyat selepas Brexit..
Megxit is gonna be really ugly |
234126 replied at 24-2-2020 10:03 PM
QE dah sangat sangat annoyed dan rengsa dah she cant contained her coolness dah, melayan 2 clowns ya ...
sekrg nie Smeg dah tersilap ckp
dia kata both Hanat dan Archie are royal sbb ada royal blood.. selain dia mengamok psl x boleh guna SR, dia tulis abt Hanat dan Archie being royal..
.masalahnya betul ke Archie tu royal?
Dripdrop kat twitter mention something.. kalau betul apa si katak tu ckp.. mmg si smeg cari pasal.. sbb kata DD, Hanat bukan penderma sperm utk telur Smeg.. dan Smeg x boleh nak adopt Archie dr surrogate dia..
OMG kalau betul..
lepas Smeg, Archie punya paternity la pulak nnt in question |
Sis eva can explain tak pasal Eugenie and Beatrice? As far as iols faham their protection is provided by Prine Andrew kan? So apa sebenar role diorg dalam BRF, since I read somewhere ada sugars cakap hanat duorg ni nak kerja macam cousin Harry ni je sebenarnya.
ues1331 replied at 25-2-2020 01:39 AM
Sis eva can explain tak pasal Eugenie and Beatrice? As far as iols faham their protection is provi ...
pempuan dua orang tu dah jauh ke bawah jadi minor royal so tak payah la ada engagement segala. tapi dia boleh la ikot QE ke bapak dia ke pergi rasmi majlis. just mengekor. tapi ada kerjaya macam orang biasa kerja
Harry skarang ni masih di level senior royal so susah la macam tu. anak2 william masih kecik tak boleh support. dgn bersaranya prince phillip dan skandal Prince andrew, so dia la yg kena tolong support QE, Charles, Will. Right now princess anne dgn prince albert masih tolong2 cover.
kalau dah jauh ke bawah line of throne barula boleh minta macam cousin2 yg lain (zara, peter, bea, eugenie).
eva replied at 24-2-2020 11:14 PM
sekrg nie Smeg dah tersilap ckp
dia kata both Hanat dan Archie are royal sbb ada royal blood.. ...
hal archie tu im waiting utk big reveal like how smeg ni kantoi besar-besaran dengan perangai buruk dan tamak dia. Biar satu dunia tahu the real status of archie tu.
But maybe QE akan halang sebab still anak harry? or QE taknak reveal lebih2 sebab tak sampai hati nak traumatize a child? |
IMHO, QE rasanya takkan sentuh pasal Archie because he's just an innocent baby. Sebab iols teringat kes Princecss Di. QE taknak lucut title dia, tapi Charles yang beria nak as for revenge. So it shows that QE actually a reasonable person and tak ikut emosi. She just go for the guilty one. Kalau cerita pasal heritage Archie keluar, sikit sebanyak hanat tu pun kena nama busuk, And seeing how QE is protective dengan family dia, mesti dia sayang lagi kat hanat ni. Charles pun still kasi allowance kat bottomfeeders duorg ni kan? So probably diorang tunggu si hanat ni sedar and balik ke BRF. They will probably focus more on Sparkles atau try their best to make sure ex-royal duorg ni sedar they are worth nothing without BRF, starting with the ban of penggunaan `royal'. Macam orang cakap, tarik rambut dalam tepung, slow and steady. Tapi kalau Charles emo yang in charge, habislah Sparkles nanti, silap-silap kena buang negara terus  Sparkles bestie ke dengan Camilla?
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