Reply #941 chichi's post
hom pong suka jua meliat.....I recognise one of them... |
Delegation from Uzbekistan presents tourism, investment opportunities at BMCCI
Story and photos by Rosli Abidin Yahya 
Presentation from an Uzbek delegate. | 
Dr Hj Kamaruddin (L) with visiting delegates. | A delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr Anvar SaidovichSalikhbaev, visited the office of the Brunei Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) in Beribiyesterday afternoon to present the country's tourism and investment opportunities.The visitors were received by BMCCI's Deputy President, Dr Hj Kamaruddin Dato Hj Talib, and othermembers of the Chamber's Executive Committee.
The delegates told members of the chamber that Uzbekistan's economy is based primarily on agricultureand agricultural processing, as it is a major producer and exporter of cotton.
It is also a major producer of gold, with the largest open-pit goldmine anywhere in the world, as well assubstantial deposits of copper, uranium, strategic minerals, gas and oil.
Since its independence, the government of Uzbekistan has stated that it is committed to a gradual transitionto a free market economy, but has been extremely cautious in moving to a market-based one.
Uzbekistan is Central Asia's most populous country with 27 million people. Its population continues to beheavily rural and dependent on farming for its livelihood. |
All-women Sultan Scholars
By James Kon
Photos by Jason Leong 
His Majesty and HRH Prince 'Abdul Malik in a group photo with the recipients and their family members. | 
His Majesty presenting the award to Dayang Normasuzanah binti Awang Badarudin. | 
His Majesty presenting the award to Dayang Nur Shahidah binti Shahbudin. | 
His Majesty presenting the award to Dk Didi-Nuraza Binti Pengiran Hj Abdul Latif. | 
His Majesty mingles with the parents of the recipients. | 
His Majesty speaking to Maktab Science students. | His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam yesterday afternoon consented topresent the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Foundation's "Sultan's Scholar" scholarship awards for 2007/2008session to three recipients, at the Istana Nurul Iman.Accompanying His Majesty to the ceremony was His Royal Highness Prince 'Abdul Malik.
The three recipients are: Dk Didi-Nuraza binti Pengiran Hj Abdul Latif, Dayang Normasuzanah binti AwangBadarudin and Dayang Nur Shahidah binti Shahbudin.
Dk Didi-Nuraza, a former Science College student, will further her studies in the field of law at the UniversityCollege London, United Kingdom; Dayang Normasuzanah, a former Sekolah Menengah Arab Laki-LakiHassanal Bolkiah student, will continue her studies in the field of Syariah at Al-Azhar University, Egypt; andDayang Nur Shahidah will be continuing her studies in economics at the London School of Economics,United Kingdom.
The Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Foundation "Sultan's Scholar" scholarship awards are prestigiousscholarships that are awarded to students identified by Yayasan and Ministry of Education as excellentscholars in the field of academic and extra co-curricular activities to further their studies at the degree level inprestigious overseas higher learning institutions that are recognised by the Government of His Majesty.
The aim of setting up the "Sultan's Scholar" scholarship awards is to produce individuals who areknowledgeable, skilled, disciplined and well mannered that augur well for the religion, monarchy and thenation.
After the arrival of His Majesty, the ceremony began with the recital of Surah al-Fatihah led by Pehin DatuSeri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Haji Awang Abd Aziz Bin Juned, the State Mufti.
His Majesty then presented the awards to the three recipients.
Later, the caring monarch and HRH Prince 'Abdul Malik mingled with the recipients of the awards and theirfamily members.
His Majesty also consented to take a group picture with the recipients of the "Sultan's Scholar" scholarshipawards and their family members.
Also present at the ceremony were members of the Board of Directors of Yayasan, members of the JemaahTadbir Yayasan, the steering committee of "Sultan's Scholar", the Minister and Deputy Minister of Educationand officials from various government agencies. |
Contract signed for supply of e-Custom computer system
By Zasika MusdiThe Royal Customs and Excise Department, Ministry of Finance, on behalf of the Government of HisMajesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, and a local company, Tooy OfficeEquipment and Trading Co, signed a contract for the supply of an e-Custom computer system on Monday.The e-Custom System, which is organised by the Royal Customs and Excise Department, is one of the ITprojects of the Ministry of Finance under the implementation of e-Government projects.
The project, which is worth around $6.3 million, will take 12 months to be implemented. It is expected to becompleted by the middle of 2008.
The scope of the implementation project includes an overall project management that will be organised bythe Royal Customs and Excise Department and the supplying company. This includes the development of anapplication system, and the supply and installation of infrastructure including hardware and software forheadquarters and custom branches.
The e-Custom application system will be using current technology, and it will be communicating with thedepartment's clients via the Internet. |
BEDB appoints consultant to design export facility for Methanol Plant
The Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) yesterday announced that His Majesty the Sultan andYang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to the appointment of Pegasus International todesign, prepare tender documents and manage the construction of an export facility for the Methanol Plantat SPARK in Sungai Liang, according to a press release from BEDB.The export facility is in the form of a Single Point Mooring System sometimes referred to as an SPM. Thedesign phase will take three months. BEDB expects to call for tenders in December this year.
The SPM, which will serve as a loading buoy, will enable the Brunei Methanol Company to load the methanolproduced at the plant onto tankers when commercial production begins in mid 2010.
Pegasus International is a leading Houston-based engineering consultancy firm specialising in the designand management of offshore and sub-sea construction.
The firm has extensive experience in Asia including consultancy work for SPM systems in Malaysia,Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
"This is the BEDB's first major infrastructure contract at SPARK and it reflects our commitment to developingworld class facilities for foreign investments that will bring significant benefits to Brunei," said Aziz Latip, theAssistant CEO and Head of Infrastructure Development of BEDB. |
Over 200 mobile phones confiscated
By Azlan Othman 
Some of the confiscated mobiles. - JASON LEONGAn attempt to smuggle 227 mobile phones and 23 kilogrammes of dubious chicken wings was foiled byofficers from the Preventive and Intelligence Unit, Monday night.A local couple in their 40s was apprehended at around 10.20pm at Jln Singa Menteri in Kuala Belait.
According to a Customs officer, they have been keeping an eye on the couple for some time. The seizedgoods are worth more than $55,000. It is an offence under Act 140 of the Customs Order for not declaringthe electrical goods. |
'Employers look for assets and not liabilities'
By Azaraimy HHIn an uncertain economy, a scroll cannot guarantee that graduates will acquire jobs they like. The employer'scriteria and assessment may differ from the graduate's expectations.In his speech yesterday at the 19th Convocation, the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Brunei Darussalam(UBD), Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail, said that more selective employers would prefer their employees to beeasily moulded into valuable assets, and not liabilities or burdens. Therefore, graduates should build strongself-confidence in all aspects.
The university provides not only the skills and expertise to acquire certificates and degrees, but also lends itscredibility to graduates so that their potential can be appreciated by future employers.
It is not an automatic process, but graduates should learn through the absorption of knowledge andexperience in order to raise their social and economic values.
To achieve this aim, UBD outlines certain regulations and etiquette that need to be followed.
If undergraduates follow the rules and regulations and respected prescribed etiquette, their journey would befree from trials and tribulations. He also called on graduates to cultivate the need to be more competitive.
Dato Dr Hj Ismail urged graduates to acquire value-added skills to benefit the organisation they plan to workfor.
"If the graduate is not ready to become an employee, then he/she should continue to upgrade their skills andqualifications through life-long learning, be they in academic or professional fields. The opportunities areendless," he said.
"If the graduate wishes to work on his or her own and has capabilities in terms of knowledge and expertise, itis not wrong to be an employer, offering jobs to others and contributing to the economy," he added. |
First class degree holder shares secrets to success
By Hasrulraizan 
PROUD DAY... First class degree holder Dayang Exzayrani Sulaiman with her husband.This year, two local students out of 300 graduates from Universiti Brunei Darussalam were awarded firstclass Undergraduate degrees yesterday.They are Dayang Exzayrani Sulaiman, who undertook the Malay Literature programme with a major in MalayLanguage and Linguistics and a minor in Brunei Education, and Dayang Yong Chui Ching, an undergraduatespecialising in English Literature and majoring in Teaching English as Second Language (TESL).
They both received silver medals and book prizes this year.
In an interview with Dayang Exzayrani, who has one child, she explained how she could only study in themiddle of the night because she had to wait for her child to fall asleep.
She advised those who want to excel in their studies to always study hard and concentrate during lessons.
She also mentioned the need to manage time properly, to always ask lecturers for doubts, and to be willingto sacrifice time for studies without forgetting family obligations. |
Vice Chancellor highlights achievements of UBD
By Azlan OthmanWide-ranging achievements made by Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), including broader courses,course content, international recognition and academic achievements of the graduates undergoing twinningprogrammes, were highlighted by Vice Chancellor, Dato Paduka Dr Awg Hj Ismail, yesterday at the 19thConvocation of UBD.He said UBD carried out an academic review at the department and faculty levels to adapt to the academicprogrammes in line with the current market expectations and the need of stakeholders.
"The Strategic Management Unit through the academic task force, which was established for such review,carried out surveys, held discussions with stakeholders and completed proposals on academic programmeswhich would be implemented in the 2008-2009 academic session.
"The university also offers broader courses, adapts course content and organises interdisciplinary coursesand programmes or offers elective courses among programmes. Students are given the opportunity tochoose the courses to add marketability and employability values when facing the upcoming job market," hesaid.
He said, in continuing its journey towards becoming a world-class university, UBD links up with professionalinstitutions and bodies globally. Recently, the Accounting and Finance programme, which is a full-fledgeprogramme at the Business, Economic and Policy Faculty, received accreditation from the AssociationCertified Chartered Accountant (ACCA), UK.
UBD graduates taking this course are fully exempted from taking courses from the beginning prior toattaining ACCA. This uplifts the image and quality of UBD.
He also said that for the first time, UBD awarded a Master's in Primary Health Care through the MedicalInstitute to seven recipients. It was initially awarded by St Georges University, London. |
Sultan Scholars ready for new challenges
By Aemy Azlena 
Dyg Nur Shahidah Bte Shahbudin, Dyg Normasuzanah Bte Badarudin and Dk Didi-Nuraza Bte Pengiran Haji Abdul Latiff. | 
Recipients of the scholarship with their families, the guest of honour and other guests. - PHOTOS: AEMY AZLENA | Three of Brunei's own were selected as the recipients of the Sultan Scholar Scholarship, which is awarded tosome of the brightest minds to further their studies.Dk Didi-Nuraza Bte Pengiran Haji Abdul Latiff, Dyg Normasuzanah Bte Badarudin and Dyg Nur ShahidahBte Shahbudin were judged by Yayasan and the Ministry of Education to be excellent students in the field ofacademic and extracurricular activities.
Yesterday afternoon, the three attended their Contract Signing and Thanksgiving Ceremony at the YayasanSultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah Complex.
Present as the guest of honour was Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Abu Bakar bin HjApong, Deputy Chairman Board Director 1 of Yayasan Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah cum Minister ofCommunication. The three recipients signed their contract with their parents or family members asguarantor, while representing Yayasan were the Yayasan Managing Director and one of the AssistantManaging Directors. The signing ceremony was witnessed by the guest of honour.
Dk Didi-Nuraza Bte Pengiran Haji Abdul Latiff, a former student of Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan ScienceCollege, will continue her education in law at the London University College, United Kingdom.
"The scholarship is hard to get and I didn't expect to get it, though I was aiming for it," Dk Didi-Nurazacommented.
She described the Sultan Scholar Scholarship as one of the highest one can receive and she considered itas special. "To be given such trust by Yayasan and His Majesty the Sultan, it is a great source ofmotivation."
She added, "The scholarship gives me a brighter future".
Normasuzanah Bte Badarudin, who was a student at Arab Laki-Laki Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School,will study Syariah at the Al-Azhar University in Egypt.
"I'm thankful for the scholarship and am proud to receive it. It is unexpected since the people who usuallyreceive it come from schools like Science College and Maktab Duli (Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee BillahCollege).
"It will be a challenge when I go to Egypt since they will be teaching in Arabic," she said, though she isconfident of coping with this challenge as she has studied Arabic since 1998. Despite the challenges whichinclude the difference in culture, she seemed eager for the experience of studying abroad.
Nur Shahidah Bte Shahbudin, who studied at International School Brunei (ISB), will be going to the LondonSchool of Economics to continue her studies in the field of economics.
"I'm both proud and relieved at getting this scholarship". To Nur Shahidah and her family, the scholarshipmeans a lot as it lessens the financial burden of sending her for higher education.
Asked what would be different about studying abroad, she replied, "In Brunei, you don't really get out of thecomfort zone, your mum is there to comfort you and there is something to fall back on but in UK you have tolearn to take care of yourself.
"I'm looking forward to college life and meeting people from all over the world and be exposed to newcultures."
What are her parents' reaction to this?
"They're learning to cope and have to learn to allow me to spread my wings," she said with a smile. |
Student set to make French connection
By Huraizah Ahmad 
Nur Masitah Hj Mohd Jaafar with Education and Cultural Assistant, Delphine Renaut, Director of Alliance Francaise, Cyrielle Bazin, and President of Alliance Francaise, Pg Dato Hj Idris. | 
First Secretary of the French Embassy Jean Galinier. - PHOTOS: HURAIZAH AHMAD | Nur Masitah Hj Mohd Jaafar is the first Bruneian student to be awarded a full-time scholarship to study inFrance by the Ministry of Education."I would like to congratulate Masitah on being the first Bruneian to be awarded a scholarship Degree inChemistry Engineering in which she will be taking up all her subject courses in the French language," saidFirst Secretary of the French Embassy Jean Galinier, at an event to congratulate Masitah on her scholarshipyesterday.
The event held at Alliance Francaise in Jalan Telanai was also attended by the President of AllianceFrancaise, Pg Dato Hj Idris, Director of Alliance Francaise, Cyrielle Bazin, and Education and CulturalAssistant Delphine Renaut as well as Masitah's family members.
"I am proud to say that Masitah is the first Bruneian student to be awarded a full-time scholarship in France.She will be studying in Lille in one of the most prestigious schools in France for two years and then pursueher studies in Chemistry Engineering by choosing among the 18 institutes listed in the federation of GayLussac to complete her degree," said Alliance Francaise President Pg Dato Hj Idris.
Previously, another Bruneian Hjh Rokiah binte Hj Asmakhan also studied in France and is now a Frenchsubject teacher in Maktab Sains, said Pg Dato Hj Idris.
"I have had a strong interest in learning other cultures and languages since I was young. I believe that bylearning other languages, one can better understand the significance of other cultures and appreciate them,"Masitah said in an interview.
Masitah took the French language as a subject during her secondary schooldays at STPRI where she wasawarded a B credit in French. However, as French is not offered as a subject at A' levels, Masitah took theinitiative to continue studying French at Alliance Francaise while studying for her A' levels in Maktab Duli,said her father Hj Md Jaafar Hj Ahmad.
According to her mother Hjh Mariah Abd Latif, nineteen-year-old Masitah, the third child among six siblings,represented the country at the Olympiades du Francais, a French contest organised by the RELC inSingapore.
In 2005, Masitah participated in a one-month field trip to France along with two teachers and three studentsfrom her school and this helped her in understanding more about the French and their culture.
Masitah will be leaving for London on Friday and continue by shuttle to Lille, 250km from Paris.
Last year, the Minister of Education brought up the possibility of Bruneian students studying in France. Inresponse, the French Embassy opened an Information Desk on Higher Studies in France at the AllianceFrancaise Brunei in Jln Telanai.
This allows prospective students to gather information and get counselling on higher learning institutions inFrance before applying to the Ministry of Education. |
UBD should contribute to solve social issues
By Azlan Othman 
His Majesty delivers the titah as HRH the Crown Prince looks on. - AZROL AZMIHis Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalamyesterday urged Universiti Brunei Darussalam lecturers and students toconduct research, which the nation could be proud of. The monarch alsocalled for the tertiary institution to make contributions to thecommunity in tackling various issues.In delivering his titah at the 19th Convocation of Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), His Majesty, who isalso the Chancellor, said UBD, established more than two decades ago, is undoubtedly capable of producingan intellectual generation for the nation and would continue to do so without any obstacles.
As the first university in the country, it should be given support and confidence to plan its development workfor the nation to enjoy its contributions quicker.
UBD's meaningful and valuable contributions could come in the field of research or analysis. His Majestywas confident that the university could produce something with quality involving not only lecturers but alsostudents.
"We would be proud if a lecturer or a student once in a while produces research which is 'astonishing',regardless of their field. This would prove that UBD also possesses a creative workforce.
"Besides, I would like to see UBD contribute to the community through its faculty members and studentssuch as tackling various issues including social, environment, disasters, etc.
"As an institution that possesses wider expertise, UBD is certainly capable of contributing ideas in the formof proposals in solving these issues," the Sultan said.
His Majesty recalled that he once said that the expertise found in UBD could be utilised to its maximum levelby all interested parties including relevant agencies in the government and the private sector.
Moral and financial support and recognition from parties outside the university could attract prominentexperts and academicians in their respective fields to serve in the university. "I believe that UBD could seethis as a way to attain excellence," His Majesty said.
His Majesty is also pleased to note that one of the programmes offered by UBD is the Bachelor of Arts inAccounting and Finance, which is recognised by the world professional body that gives maximum exemptionfrom the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA), UK examination scheme. This is anachievement that we should be proud of, the monarch added.
Speaking on educational developments, His Majesty said the nation has succeeded in providing wideropportunities for the people to acquire more knowledge.
With the establishment of Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University early this year, the opportunities for people inthe country have widened in acquiring religious knowledge.
"This is a sign that we wish to acquire knowledge in all fields. It is through knowledge that we can attainperfection in this world and the hereafter," the ruler said.
"In acknowledging the importance of knowledge, by God's will, we would continue to be committed inensuring that all fields of education would continue to be upgraded. We would uphold and beautify thefacilities and educational infrastructure, so that local and foreign students could benefit from all the availablefields," said His Majesty.
Also present at the ceremony was Pro-Chancellor of UBD, His Royal Highness Prince (Dr) Hj Al-MuhtadeeBillah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office.
Earlier, His Majesty and His Royal Highness were greeted upon arrival at the Chancellor Hall by theUniversity Council members followed by the Chancellor parade and reading of the Quran.
Some 996 graduates succeeded in completing their studies in UBD this year, out of which 675 received theirdegrees in the morning and another 321 received their certificates and diplomas in the afternoon.
This year, UBD awarded PhD to two recipients, namely Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Dr HjAwg Abu Bakar bin Hj Apong, the Minister of Communications, and Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato PadukaSeri Setia Dr Ustaz Hj Awg Abdul Aziz bin Juned, the State Mufti.
The award has taken into account their contributions to UBD in the academic field and their services andguidance in nation building. The award is seen as an academic recognition for the deserving. |
'Harmony' porridge marks Ramadhan at Rizqun International
By Aemy Azlena 
Pehin Orang Kaya Ratna Setia Dato Setia Hj Awg Abd Hapidz Laksamana, Chairman and Managing Director of Abdul Razak Holdings, presenting a container of Bubur Berkat to a motorist. | 
Two chefs putting the Bubur Berkat into containers for distribution to the public at Rizqun International Hotel. - PHOTOS: AEMY AZLENA | 
Hotel staff giving out the Bubur Berkat. | About 1,000 litres of "Bubur Berkat" were given out by the Rizqun International Hotel to the public yesterdayfrom 2pm until 4pm.Donning "Baju Melayu" and "Baju Kurung", the hotel staff greeted the motorists and pedestrians with a bigsmile and greetings of "happy fasting and break fasting" (Selamat berpuasa dan selamat berbuka puasa) asthey gave away the containers filled with Bubur Berkat, a porridge which originates from Malaysia where it iscalled "Bubur Lambok".
The event was held in conjunction with the first day of Ramadhan, according to Muhammad Irwan Goh, theGeneral Manager of the hotel.
The distribution of the Bubur Berkat, which symbolises harmony, was a form of community service and "amaljariah" to foster closer relations between the public and the hotel staff, he said.
Also present to help distribute the more than 1,000 containers of Bubur Berkat was Pehin Orang Kaya RatnaSetia Dato Setia Hj Awg Abd Hapidz Laksamana, Chairman and Managing Director of Abdul RazakHoldings.

hom nda ampit... |
Ramadhan stalls abuzz in Berakas
By Achong Tanjong 
Large crowds of people checking out the variety at the stalls. | 
Sugarcane operator enjoying brisk business. | Ramadhan traders operating at the parking lot of the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium in Berakas appearto not believe in doing things half-heartedly when it comes to preparing delicacies for visitors in search offood to break their fast.Providing a great variety of dishes, the traders work hard to ensure the income keeps rolling in and thecustomers keep coming back.
Ramadhan stalls are popular in Brunei, being the focal point for Muslims in search of food and drinks.
It is also popular among non-Muslims and foreign tourists craving for a taste of local dishes.
This, in turn, results in all roads leading to Ramadhan stalls experiencing heavy traffic and only returning tonormal shortly before the breaking of fast.
One trader said that while he has to operate his stall at the Gadong night market, he did not want to miss outon operating another stall at Berakas.
When asked whether having to fast interferes with his daily business operations, he replied, "Fasting isalready a routine to me. In fact, it makes me more determined in my daily work."
Meanwhile, a sugarcane seller said, "I hope business this year is as good as previous years. I have operatedsuch business in the past and the response was encouraging."
He said his sugarcane drinks are made fresh and served without sugar or other preservatives.
"In the last two hours, I have sold 15 bottles. I hope the business continues," he added. |
China imports more goods from Brunei
By Azlan OthmanIn terms of trade with Brunei Darussalam, China imports more than it exports.Based on the latest statistics from China's Ministry of Commerce, total trade between China and Bruneiamounted US$146 million in the first half of 2007. The value of exports from China was US$57 million, whileimports from Brunei totalled US$90 million.
This was revealed by Huang Hongtao, the Second Secretary (Economic and Commercial) at the ChineseEmbassy, who was speaking to the Bulletin yesterday.
"Exports from China to the Sultanate doubled last year and jumped by 87 per cent compared to 2005," hesaid. This was mainly due to higher demand for construction materials, ICT equipment, China-made carsand food including milk.
Total trade between China and the Sultanate was $346 million in 2003, he said, adding that this was arecord high. After 2003, trade decreased because of high oil prices in the world market.
While products from China are examined by relevant officials before being exported, he reminded Bruneitraders to go through proper channels to ensure that only quality products are imported. |
Brunei writer 'K Manis' to receive SEAWrite Award
By Rosli Abidin Yahya 
Hj Moksin bin Hj Abdul Kadir (R) at a recent gathering. - ROSLI ABIDIN YAHYAHj Moksin bin Hj Abdul Kadir or better known as "K Manis" will be the 22nd recipient of the SEAWrite Award,an annual regional award presented by Thailand for Southeast Asian writers.The announcement was made by the Director of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Dr Mataim bin Bakar,during a ceremony held at the residence of Hj Moksin in Kg Tanjong Maya, Tutong, last Sunday night.
The Brunei Darussalam Judging Committee decided that the 70-year-old writer should receive the awardbecause of his outstanding work on poems entitled "Wajah" (Face), which was published by DBP earlier thisyear. He was chosen over a number of literary figures who have published their works over the last threeyears.
"Wajah", which comprises 71 poems, was Hj Moksin's second collection after "Jalan-Jalan Berjalan-Jalan"that was published by DBP in 1998.
His latest book is based on his views of conflicts in Palestine and Iraq, as well as his observations oncommunities and tragedies.
Dr Mataim said one of his contributions to local literature was the construction of a building known as "LaminSastera K Manis", which houses valuable literature references including newspaper cuttings, books andmagazines. Framed pictures of local literary writers can also be found on the wall.
"It is hoped that the efforts of Hj Moksin will be followed by other literary writers to elevate the local literatureto a level on par with its international counterparts," he said.
Hj Moksin will travel to Bangkok early next month to receive the award along with selected literary writersfrom other Asean member countries. He will be there for about a week.
The awards presentation ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on October 12 at the Oriental Hotel,will be graced by HRH Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn and HRH Princess Srirasm.
A retired teacher, Hj Moksin was born on October 20, 1937 at Kg Tanjong Maya in Tutong. He became ateacher in 1954 and was a principal for various schools in Tutong, Temburong and Kuala Belait between1975 and 1985. He retired in 1992 as the Male Hostel Manager of Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
Hj Moksin started literary writing in 1957 in the genres of poems and short stories. His works were publishedin various mass media such as Bintang Harian, Suara Bakti, Berita Brunei, Salam, Pelita Brunei, BeritaMinggu, Suara Guru, Bahana and Pelita Brunei. He has written 30 short stories and more than 250 poems.
SEAWrite Award has been regarded a premier award by writers because of its Thai royalty connection.Since 1979, the award has been presented by either the Thai king or other members of the Thai royal family.
Brunei's selection committee comprises the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports' permanent secretary andspecial duties officer, as well as DBP officers and leader of the National Literary Writers Association(Asterawani). |
Thousands flock to Ramadhan stalls
By Yazdi Yahya 
A family buying noodles and cakes at a food stall in Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium. - JASON LEONGFrom Brunei-Muara to Tutong, to Kuala Belait and Temburong, thousandsflocked to food stalls in all districts to buy food to break fast onthe first day of Ramadhan yesterday.Hundreds converged at the food stalls in Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium yesterday and stall operatorsdid their best to attract the crowd to their stalls adding flavour to the Ramadhan ambience.
Most of the foodstuff that were seen looked familiar such as 'pais daging', sugarcane juice, and 'air puspa'.
Among those looking for food was Siti Bismi binti Emzah, who was with her family. "Despite the big crowd, Icame here today just to get the feel of the fasting month. This is an annual thing and to many a yearly ritualto come and see what the different stalls have to offer. There is so much food to choose from but I usuallycome here to look for 'kueh kusui'," said Siti Bismi.
Irwan Haji Ibrahim was there with his wife, and he too was looking for something different. "I am looking for'pais ikan' to break my fast, in addition to what my wife has prepared at home. I think the current trend inBrunei is that even though a lot of families prefer to buy food outside, they still bring it home to eat," he said.
Mohammad Razzimy bin Mohammad Zaini agreed and said, "The fasting month is a month when familiesbond, such as during the breaking of the fast. The first day of Ramadhan, especially, should be spent withthe family."
The stalls among other things also sell biscuits and Malay cakes. Some stalls are even taking orders for theHari Raya celebrations. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara