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Author: ichi

(SBS) The Suspicious Housekeeper ~ Choi Ji Woo, Lee Sung Jae [23/09/13]

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Post time 30-10-2013 03:23 PM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 30-10-2013 11:53 AM
ko kate tinggi ko ngn aku same..... berat ar tuh........ kekekeke
aku tak sampai 40 pon
ala t ...

kann nanti abgjo bertambah2 syg wehh..
sesedap pelok katanya..
xde dah mata keraanjang cm @wonto ckp 2..
pandang aku sorg je la pasnie...kekeke

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Post time 30-10-2013 03:48 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 30-10-2013 10:03 AM
jom kawan2 layan epi 12.......

epi 12 tgk kt mn?
tpt lain bnyk epi 11 je br keluar

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Post time 30-10-2013 03:53 PM | Show all posts
mitnick posted on 30-10-2013 03:48 PM
epi 12 tgk kt mn?
tpt lain bnyk epi 11 je br keluar

Itu punya post sebelum cek in ke goodrama
Bila dah cek in kan...
?..x de lagik...

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Post time 30-10-2013 04:02 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 30-10-2013 03:53 PM
Itu punya post sebelum cek in ke goodrama
Bila dah cek in kan...
?..x de l ...

sjk dramaholics down, rs cm xbest da....

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Post time 30-10-2013 04:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 30-10-2013 03:23 PM
kann nanti abgjo bertambah2 syg wehh..
sesedap pelok katanya..
xde dah mata keraanjang cm @won ...

Aishh...parah dh ni.
Kna pggl abg jo ubatkn ni.heheh

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Post time 30-10-2013 04:19 PM | Show all posts
ep 12 dh ada subtitle..

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Post time 30-10-2013 04:21 PM | Show all posts
mitnick posted on 30-10-2013 03:48 PM
epi 12 tgk kt mn?
tpt lain bnyk epi 11 je br keluar

ep 12 dh ada subtitle....tgk kat gooddrama yer..

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Post time 30-10-2013 04:39 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 30-10-2013 04:16 PM
Aishh...parah dh ni.
Kna pggl abg jo ubatkn ni.heheh

panggil je xleh sembuh gak wonto..
kena panggil dan suh dia masuk minang aku...ngeh..ngeh

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Post time 30-10-2013 04:55 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-10-2013 04:21 PM
ep 12 dh ada subtitle....tgk kat gooddrama yer..

haah, br kuar.. thanks

skrg nie bnyk tgk kat dramago je, adik beradik gooddrama... domain name je lain sket... hopefully yg nie pon x down

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 Author| Post time 30-10-2013 10:13 PM | Show all posts
seo ji hoon tu psiko yang giler................!!! mental la dia nih............... gerun tgk......

sian kat bok nyeo............... terseksa lagik... kali ni dgn mak mentua dia lak

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Post time 31-10-2013 08:39 AM | Show all posts
red demon !!!!
red demon !!!!

epi. 12

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Post time 31-10-2013 08:42 AM | Show all posts
mitnick posted on 30-10-2013 04:55 PM
haah, br kuar.. thanks

skrg nie bnyk tgk kat dramago je, adik beradik gooddrama...  ...

ohh dramago....ayu tk penah dgr pun...tq ler bagi lagi link..
mmg skrg ni tgh cari back up...actually byk lagi link yg ada...cuma tk sure leh tgk ke tk...

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Post time 31-10-2013 08:52 AM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 30-10-2013 10:13 PM
seo ji hoon tu psiko yang giler................!!! mental la dia nih............... gerun tgk......  ...

seo ji hoon tu mmg ada sakit mental kot...
dia mmg nk kan bok nyeo kan..

adussss...smpi dia guna mak mertua bok nyeo..
utk buatkan bok nyeo bertambah rasa bersalah...
dan marahkan bok nyeo dh hepi ada family..
adussssssssss....jahatnya seo ji hoon tu

adakah bok nyeo terima permintaan budak2 tu...
ni yg tk sabar...dh le tkde preview next ep....
mmg nk bagi kita suspen le kan...

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Post time 31-10-2013 10:26 AM | Show all posts

baru selesai layan episod 12..
dari awal sampailah ke abes sedey wehh..sobs..

hae gyeol nie mmg xsah taw wat aku nangis jekk..
part last mmg best....budak2 nie terus offer boknyeo nim jadi
mak diaorg tanpa bincang dulu dgn ayah diaorg..


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Post time 31-10-2013 10:29 AM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 30-10-2013 10:13 PM
seo ji hoon tu psiko yang giler................!!! mental la dia nih............... gerun tgk......  ...

seo jihoon nie mmg still lg nak kat bok nyeo nim..
kali nie dia nak ngorat bok nyeo nim balik sbg CEO Jang kan..
sbb seo ji hoon 2 kan dh mati..

bekas mak mertua bok nyeo nim 2 mmg..
rasa nak bg penampor je..
sesuka ati suh org 2 mati...

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Post time 31-10-2013 11:03 AM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 31-10-2013 10:26 AM
baru selesai layan episod 12..
dari awal sampailah ke abes sedey wehh..sobs..

nampaknya makdik lambat sikit le dari kak ayu yer tgk ep 12

mmg sedey ler kan..
kak ayu tk sanggup nk tgk masa mak mertua bok nyeo
tu dtg dan marah2kan bok nyeo..sanggup tu sumpah mcm2
dan harapkan yg bok nyeo akan mati juga...adusssssssss sedey woo

rasa terharu sgt2 bila budak2 tu nk kan bok nyeo jadi mak mereka..
tergamam mr duda yer...

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Post time 31-10-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 31-10-2013 11:03 AM
nampaknya makdik lambat sikit le dari kak ayu yer tgk ep 12

mmg sedey ler kan..

mak mertua 2 siap g berdoa kat gereja la temple la
sbb nak suh bok nyeo nim mati..yg x tahannya siap g jumpa bomoh 2..
x mati2 jugak bok nyeo nim...
hishh x faham2 ke mak mertua tu tandanya bok nyeo nim x bersalah..
ko dah buat mcm2 kan,tp bok nyeo nim tetap sihat mcm biasa..
rasa nak bg penampor sedas dua je..biar sedar diri cket!!

kan best kak ayu kalo bok nyeo nim 2 setuju nak jd mak budak2 2..
tapi mcm agak mustahil la kan...
kalo dipihak ayah diaorg rasanya xde masalah kot..
sbb ayah mcm akan ikut je anak2 diaorg..lagi 1 boleh la dia tlg
lindungi bok nyeo nim sekali..tapi 2 lah..bok nyeo nim x mungkin setuju..
mana taw kot tiba2 bok  nyeo nim ckp is that  the order?

dan kalolah diaorg kawen biar padan muka 2org tu..
songhwa dgn seo ji hoon psiko 2..

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Post time 31-10-2013 11:56 AM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 31-10-2013 11:15 AM
mak mertua 2 siap g berdoa kat gereja la temple la
sbb nak suh bok nyeo nim mati..yg x tahannya ...

tk sangka ler korea yg moden ni pun pandai main bomoh yer...
ingatkan zaman cite JOJ jer main bomoh....
tp tu ler..mmg kejam ler  mak mertua bok nyeo tu...mcm2 dia buatkan..
benci sungguh kan dia pada bok nyeo kan..masalahnya bok nyeo
pun mcm rasa dia juga yg jadi penyebab...tu pasal mak  mertua dia tk habis2
nk torture bok nyeo...mmg sedey..smpi dia melutut kan depan mak mertua dia tu...

kak ayu tk rasa senang2 je bok nyeo nk terima budak2 tu..
wpun pada hakikatnya..dlm hati bok nyeo dh mula sayangkan budak2 tu...
tp dia tk mau libatkan mereka dlm masalah dia....
sedey je kan muka budak2 tu.....terkejut jer mr duda...kak ayu rasa sikit2 mr duda
tu dh mula suka juga dia mcm dh janji nk jodohkan lak bok nyeo dgn sei ji hoo tu.. tau ler mcm mana nanti...

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Post time 31-10-2013 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Photos of Choi Ji Woo from drama shooting scenes unleashed

Photos of Choi Ji Woo with Kang Ji Woo from shooting scenes of 'Mysterious Maid' were unleashed.

On October 31st, the production team of SBS drama 'Mysterious Maid' revealed photos of Choi Ji Woo and Kang Ji Woo from shooting scenes.

Choi Ji Woo is casting in the drama as a maid named Park Bok Nyeo, and Kang Ji Woo is casting as a girl named Hye Gyeol, who is one of the 4 siblings that Bok Nyeo looks after.

During October 29th broadcast of the drama, Bok Nyeo ran to an emergency hospital, holding Hye Gyeol who got into an accident. However, as Hye Gyeol asked her if she can share her bed with her, Bok Nyeo coldly said, "I will read you a book".

Even though she is casting in the drama as a cold-minded woman, Choi Ji Woo always shows a great care for Kang Ji Woo when the cameras get turned off. She is always holding Kang Ji Woo around her, and always checks if Kang Ji Woo is ready for shootings first before looking after herself.

Choi Ji Woo always chats with Kang Ji Woo, and look for her whenever she's not around.

It is said that Kang Ji Woo also follows Choi Ji Woo to everywhere, never stops chatting with her, and that even her actual mother is getting jealous.

They are showing a great friendship even though the gap of their ages are so big, and their great team work is making the drama much better.

Meanwhile, 'Mysterious Maid' air on every Monday and Tuesday on channel SBS.

cr :

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2013 10:24 AM | Show all posts
comel nyer jiwoo dgn jiwoo kecik tuh

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