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sapa ada fuill OST the heirs nih???
boleh bg link kat lisa tak, TQ
manganini posted on 20-12-2013 07:46 AM 
hahah tahniah la sebab berjaya..
kamon girl! sila tepek banyak2 lepas ni ...
manga! manga! manga!...
OMG.. aku dah nak pengsan..
peberet couple aku buat parody HEIRS kat SBS drama awards 29hb ni... 
depa jadi bona & chanyoung kot.. dah record dah... uwaaaa..
nak nangis nih..
terharu sangat..
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sesipot posted on 20-12-2013 07:34 AM 
eiiiii.. suka.. kombawa mangaaa.. sayanggg ko..
apa x jadi lak.. ok jer aku nmpk...
ada ni laling...baru bukak forum..terus terjah umh nih 
Choi Jin Hyuk To Spend His Christmas Eve with Lee Min Ho?

Choi Jin Hyuk (Kim Won from ‘The Heirs‘) recently discussed his Christmas plans during an interview with TV Report.
The actor revealed that on Christmas Eve he will most likely be spending time with his good friend and fellow ‘The Heirs’ actor Lee Min Ho.
Choi Jin Hyuk said “Actually we are close to each other. There is a possibility I might spend Christmas Eve with Min Ho. Now he is in Singapore but he should be back by Eve.”
Choi Jin Hyuk said, revealing his affection for Min Ho, “I asked Min Ho whether he had any plans for Christmas. He said he was very tired for that so I asked him out for a drink. He said ‘cool’ so we will get together then. According to people, we looked alike. In reality, we also have a lot of similarity in personality. He is a well matched dongsang to me.”
refer http://asiaotaku.com/choi-jin-hy ... ve-with-lee-min-ho/ |
zehra2 posted on 20-12-2013 08:22 AM 
manga! manga! manga!...
OMG.. aku dah nak pengsan..
peberet couple aku buat parody HEIRS kat SBS ...
astro 391 ka??? cepat kasik tau aku nak record juga.. hehhehe
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