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Author: joy_ah

Istana Bawang 8 (Meghan & Harry Markle)

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Post time 5-8-2019 03:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 31-7-2019 11:44 PM
credit to the charlatan duchess tumblr

so end up, BV terpakse jual half price adan uke!

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Post time 5-8-2019 06:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
so mana duchass kiter yg berhormat the royal hinaness ni clbrte befday sheols? kat balmoral ker teh2 ngn QE? or tgh mereput kat mana2?

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Post time 5-8-2019 08:43 PM | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 5-8-2019 12:49 PM
yg die sedut koken tu, same hari kejadian hanat membogelkan diri ke uols? dlm tu hanat ade sebut s ...

entahlah. kejadian sorry grandma tu mcm kat UK. ingat2 lupa plak.

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Post time 5-8-2019 08:51 PM | Show all posts
one of these bday wishes is not like the other
ucapan selamat hari jadi akan diselitkan bersama tugasan dan sumbangan si bday boy/girl

wait for it....

itu jah info nya??


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Post time 5-8-2019 08:55 PM | Show all posts
btw title kebanggaan Ratchet, "HRH" tak di mention pun dlm wish tuh


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Post time 5-8-2019 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 5-8-2019 09:22 PM

Konfiden jah Rachel menipu satu dunia, kekonon dari kecik lg dah jd berjiwa feminist.

Baca ini dulu:
Resurfaced video shows a young Meghan Markle asking Procter & Gamble to change a commercial with sexist undertones

Kantoi big time

Meghan Markle’s Ivory Soap Controversy is Totes Fake

This is in response to one of last night’s ads. An anon asked me if I’d ever looked into Meghan’s claims that she single-handedly killed a Procter & Gamble ad campaign when she was only eleven years old.

Cute story, but is it true?

This thing is like Bigfoot. Lots of rumors that it exists, but no trace of it has ever been found.

To recap, in 2015 Meghan Markle gave a speech in front of the UN as part of the He for She program and said:
“I was eleven years old when the LA riots broke out in ’92 – littering my hometown with fires and looting, with curfews and recklessness. I happened to be at school when the mayhem began, keeping me and my classmates on lockdown until it was safe for our parents to pick us up. We didn’t fully understand what was going on, so to distract us from the soundtrack of sirens outside of our little red school house, they turned on the TV to “The Price is Right.” A smart choice, seeing as Bob Barker was just talking about microwaves and sofa sets. No real controversy there unless you happen to be offended by polyester paisley print. But during the commercial break an ad for the clear Ivory dishwashing liquid came on including a tagline that said “Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans.” The boys in my class (Michael & Joey to be specific) said “Yeah, that’s where women belong – in the kitchen.” I remember feeling confused – feeling angry and annoyed, knowing they were wrong – and yet knowing that I felt small – too small to say anything in that moment. When I got home, the lemon tree in my front yard charred from passing rioters, I decided to write some letters: to First Lady Hillary Clinton, to Linda Ellerbee (a TV commentator who hosted a kids news program on Nickelodeon), to powerhouse attorney Gloria Allred, and to Procter & Gamble. I put pen to paper, telling them what happened and that I thought the commercial should be changed. I didn’t realize it then, but it was on this day – this dramatic day clouded in smoke and confusion, where ashes fell like snowflakes in the Southern California sky – that I became a feminist.Everyone responded to my letters except for Procter & Gamble. First Lady Clinton encouraged my taking a stand, Ms. Allred offered her help and commended my trying to effect change, and Linda Ellerbee sent a TV crew to feature me on her show. By the time the episode aired, and with this tremendous support, Procter & Gamble, in fact, changed the commercial to “People all over America.”

This is an extract from the speech transcript which Meghan featured on the Tig.

She erased The Tig, of course, but I have a screenshot in case anyone needs an additional receipt.

You can also watch her speech (which her publicity firm Kruger Cowne helpfully uploaded to YouTube along with a contact link) here:

She posted a slightly different version on her “How to Be Both” article.

This one is also no longer available but I also have a screenshot. She also published it on Elle.

I was just eleven years old when I was in my classroom at Hollywood Little Red Schoolhouse and a commercial came on for a popular dish washing liquid. The tagline of the campaign said, “Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans.” The boys in my classroom yelled out, “Yeah, that’s where women belong. In the kitchen.” My little freckled face became red with anger. I went home and wrote letters to powerhouse feminist attorney, Gloria Allred; to a host of a kids news program; to the soap manufacturer; and to Hilary Clinton (who was our First Lady at the time). With the exception of the soap manufacturer, they all pledged support – and within a few months, the commercial was changed to, “People all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans.”

Now, that’s a very specific story, including famous people, a large corporation that commands a lot of news coverage, and a well-loved television show (yes, I watched Linda Ellerbee and I loved her show). Meghan even adds two boys from her class (Michael & Joey) who she scolds at the end of the article.
But is it true?

Let’s start with the obvious which is that Hillary Clinton wasn’t First Lady in 1992 during the April-May L.A. riots. (

She wouldn’t attain the position until her husband’s inauguration on January, 1993.

Seriously, how do you even get that wrong?

Also, in Spring of 1992 (when the L.A. riots took place) Gloria Allred wasn’t a “powerhouse feminist attorney.” She first rose to prominence when she wrote a letter to the Senate Ethics Committee asking for Senator Bob Packwood’s resignation over accusations of systematic sexual harassment.
I can’t find a copy of the letter, but the Packwood scandal didn’t break until November of 1992.

And, according to the NY Times, the Senate Ethics Committee received Gloria Allred’s letter on November 30, 1992.

No one knew who the eff Gloria Allred was during the L.A. riots.

Even after the Packwood scandal Gloria Allred was just an obscure lawyer for a feminist non-profit. She didn’t really become famous until she sued the Boy Scouts for discrimination in 1995. That was the case that made her famous.

Seriously, I don’t see how an 11 yr old could could have possibly known who Gloria Allred was in Spring of 1992.

But, hey, maybe Meghan Markle was a pre-teen legal nerd. This is just picturesque detail anyway. The meat of Meghan’s story is the ad itself.
Meghan says this was a big controversy, right? Hillary Clinton pledged her support and everything. You’d expect this to hit the news, correct?
So it’s curious that when you google the ad’s keywords (procter gamble ‘women all over america’ and ‘people all over america’) the only hits you get are Meghan’s own essay and the articles and forums discussing it. There’s nothing else at all.

Even the website of the National Women’s History Museum, which has an impressive collection of vintage women’s advertisement and many posts analyzing them, does not mention the Ivory Soap commercial. Their only mention of Ivory Soap is in a Women in Wartime exhibit and it features a 1945 print ad.

So you get no hits for the Procter & Gamble “women all over America” ad at all. If this actually happened, there’s no trace of it in the internet.
But maybe it’s too old, and not important enough to be digitized? And maybe Meghan’s campaign, although impressive in her own eyes, didn’t merit museum coverage?

Okay, but surely is made a splash in the advertising world, right? I mean getting a major campaign pulled is a big deal, isn’t it?
Well, there’s plenty of discussion of feminism and P&G ads in the advertising press, but no mention of a disgraced Ivory ad from the 90s. The closest we come is an Adweek post chronicling the woes of P&G’s 2013 “Rosie the Riveter” Swiffer ad, which did get pulled.

2013, hmmm. That’s pretty close to the publication date of Meghan’s essay. Maybe that Rosie Riveter ad brouhaha gave someone an idea?
But, let’s move on.

If it’s not on internet, maybe it made it into a book? There was after all a world of information out there before wifi was invented.
Well, Alecia Swasy wrote “Soap Opera: The Inside Story of Procter & Gamble,” a very thorough history of the company with an entire section devoted to its advertisements and feminism. There’s a huge section on the various feminist controversies that have surrounded the company’s cleaning product ads.

The Ivory Soap controversy that Meghan describes is not featured in it.

You can read part of the book through Google books.

Some pages are missing, but I actually bought the book and read it cover to cover (and I thoroughly recommend it because it’s fascinating and includes details like the fact that it would take days to film toothpaste on a toothbrush because it had to shine and have a “graceful flip”) and Meghan’s controversy is not mentioned in it at all.  

Now I can understand the pulled Ivory Soap commercial falling through the cracks when people are writing about ads in general, or feminism in general, or even soap in general, but this is a Wall Street Journal reporter writing about feminism and Ivory soap in particular. I really would have expected at least a footnote.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

But maybe the Linda Ellerbee show is out there somewhere? That would be proof that this ridiculous story is actually true, right?
So can we find it?

Now this gets tricky because Nick News isn’t available on the internet (why not? it’s fantastic and someone should upload it). You can find two videos on YouTube and that’s it (neither video has an Ivory soap segment).

Imbd does have an episode list, however.

Now, there isn’t a feminism episode or anything dealing with advertising specifically, but there is a “We Are The Weird” episode that tackles stereotypes and diversity and that may have tackled the Ivory commercial. Unfortunately, it aired before 1992 so it doesn’t help Megs. Also, it’s not available online and I can’t find a transcript anywhere. If anyone finds it, please give me a holler. I’d love to watch it. I really love this show.

Okay, if we can’t find the episode, surely we can find the ad somewhere, right?
Well, there’s plenty of P&G ads on YouTube, but there’s no “women/people all over America” ad. It’s actually hard to find a sexist 1990s P&G ad.  In fact, the 1992 Ivory ad on the site features boy scouts, and not women at all.

So that’s it. This Ivory campaign remains unseen and unheard, just like Bigfoot.

It doesn’t appear on the advertising press, it doesn’t appear in the history websites, it’s not in the unofficial feminist corporate biography, and we can’t find the news video or the ads anywhere.
I know you guys found the NY commencement booklet, so if you find any trace of this ad or the controversy surrounding it or the Linda Ellerbee Nick News segment that supposedly featured it, please let me know. In the mean time, I’m classifying this as a big, fat lie.


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Post time 5-8-2019 09:33 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 5-8-2019 08:51 PM
one of these bday wishes is not like the other
ucapan selamat hari jadi akan diselitkan bersa ...

Eh sumbangan i modernize brf hokkay, satu lg i feminist

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Post time 5-8-2019 09:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by namieamuro at 5-8-2019 09:51 PM
dani-rox replied at 5-8-2019 08:51 PM
one of these bday wishes is not like the other
ucapan selamat hari jadi akan diselitkan bersa ...

cume mampu bgtau tahun kelahiran je kalau iols, sentap gileerrrrrrr

no HRH pulak eh takde flag berkibaran utk daces? whoareyuss sgt gaya dibuatnye

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Post time 5-8-2019 10:15 PM | Show all posts
chip92 replied at 5-8-2019 09:33 PM
Eh sumbangan i modernize brf hokkay, satu lg i feminist

ha'ah... feminist yg membina hidup dan karier hasil sumbangan org jantan - suami/tunang/bf/clients

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Post time 5-8-2019 10:17 PM | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 5-8-2019 09:44 PM
cume mampu bgtau tahun kelahiran je kalau iols, sentap gileerrrrrrr

no HRH pulak : ...

theroyalfamily ig: "eh hello, kita org letak emoji kek hokeh. org lain tak dpt pun emoji tuh utk besday"


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Post time 5-8-2019 10:27 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 5-8-2019 10:17 PM
theroyalfamily ig: "eh hello, kita org letak emoji kek hokeh. org lain tak dpt pun emoji tuh utk b ...

Eh eh i baru perasan ada kek. Hamek kau before ni kemain wish ke org santai2, skrg dapat ke dia pulak, sugars pulak meroyan cam hanat hahahahahaha.

Eh tambah lg sumbangan dia, editor BV hahahahahaha

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Post time 5-8-2019 10:33 PM | Show all posts






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Post time 5-8-2019 11:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by namieamuro at 5-8-2019 11:19 PM
dani-rox replied at 5-8-2019 10:33 PM

byk betul 'imagine' die tapi kesemue nye prangai hantu acik nutmeg

sugars je indenial sesgt tak nampak sume ni..

additional perisa : sheols pun curik limelight newly wed Princess Eugenie..acik ni so heartless..tergopoh gapah nk org tgk die pregnant..udahnye perut kembang kempis kuncup ikut mood perut

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Post time 6-8-2019 01:13 AM | Show all posts
now Duchass Megdusa nak jadi writer pulak dah

Meghan Markle is writing her first children's book 'based on her rescue dogs'

Meghan Markle is writing her first children's book 'based on her rescue dogs' amid plans to become a published author

PUBLISHED: 00:03 BST, 3 August 2019 | UPDATED: 14:50 BST, 3 August 2019

Meghan Markle plans to become a published author and is already writing her first book.

The Duchess of Sussex, 37, is wanting to write a children's book which could feature her beloved rescue dogs, according to a royal insider.

She will follow in the footsteps of Prince Charles and Sarah Ferguson who have both penned successful children's books.

Meghan's book will not be about her life as a Royal and will be a work of fiction for children, according to sources at The Sun.

A royal insider said: 'Meghan is going to become a published author and is very excited about it.

'She loves animals and her rescue dogs so it's very likely they will be incorporated into the story.

'Any book will absolutely not be some sort of tell-all about her life in the royal family.'

The source said the plans are in their early stages and will not be formally announced for some time.

The Duchess's burgeoning literary ambitions have come after she guest-edited the fashion magazine British Vogue.

Prince Charles released a children’s book in 1980 called The Old Man of Lochnagar which was later made into an animated short film by the BBC.

Meanwhile Sarah, the Duchess of York, wrote a series of books about Budgie the Little Helicopter which become a successful TV show running for three series.

Other royals to have tried their hand at literature include Princess Michael of Kent and Princess Martha Louise of Norway.

Bogart & Guy, RIP handsome fellas, where ever you are, heaven or earth, your mama is a b*tch

Buku2 cenggini lebih sesuai utk imej & reputasi Duchass MM kita, kan?

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Post time 6-8-2019 01:31 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 2-8-2019 09:50 AM
Anyway.. utk sugars dan utk pemoja Archie yg nak sgt Harry jd king tu.. korang nak ke King mcm nie? ...

i was hoping sis Eva akan tepek nude pic Haz yg kat Vegas tu

errr utk analisis bersama

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Post time 6-8-2019 01:37 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 2-8-2019 09:40 AM
sebenarnya.. dorg kata William lembut sgt kata dorg.. William ni la dikata revolution dlm BRF. Kat ...

ada juga yg menuduh si William tu adalah Satan/Antichrist... see the resemblance?
btw, I rasa PW patut shave all his hair, biar botak terus and grow beard, I rasa dia akan tampil lebih kacak wt scruffy look
biar Haz lebih tergugat! Dan biar Duchass lebih tergoda!

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Post time 6-8-2019 01:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 5-8-2019 08:51 PM
one of these bday wishes is not like the other
ucapan selamat hari jadi akan diselitkan bersa ...

Hahahahaha macam terpaksa je brf wish. Kenapa i rasa kelakar sangat hahaha

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Post time 6-8-2019 01:42 AM | Show all posts
rosewhite replied at 2-8-2019 01:10 PM
terbaru cucu  bobby kennedy pulak mati overdose dadah

yeah, Saoirse Kennedy Hill mati exactly on Lammas/Harvest Fest day - young female sacrificed!
reports say dia ada long battle wt depression, sexual assault, suicidal etc. but tarikh dia mati tu, errr scary, suratan atau kebetulan..

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Post time 6-8-2019 01:52 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 2-8-2019 10:37 AM
sis snazzy.. I found this

The central bank tu definitely controlled by the Rothchilds clan kan..
yang corporations tu, Facebook tak tersenarai ke? DuPont (the illuminati bloodline) tu ada..
adakah Sultan Brunei termasuk dalam top 2 tiers tu? he's among the wealthiest in de world..
Crown Council of 13 tu mesti illuminati related families tu kan

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Post time 6-8-2019 01:58 AM | Show all posts
bioessence replied at 2-8-2019 11:12 AM
Meggot memang karma brf
Siapa yg akan menyambut dajal esok? Brf lah as keturunan firaun nimrod. M ...

I wonder apa yg ada dalam elongated skull tu, extra brain cells?

Diana penah gelarkan BRF "the lizards" kan dalam her interview with Jane Pauley, kalau x silap.

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