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Author: mysr01

[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 25-2-2020 07:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ues1331 replied at 25-2-2020 06:40 AM
IMHO, QE rasanya takkan sentuh pasal Archie because he's just an innocent baby. Sebab iols teringa ...

iol baru tahu pasal diana dan QE tanak lucut title. Charles pulak melebih yach padahal dia yang buat hal dulu. Ada sikit perangai trash charles ni rupanya among so many others so no wonder menurun kat harry suku genes trash. Jgn menurun kat archie dah la. Emaknya mcm tu gila duit gila pangkat.

I hope charles will be so pissed dg harkles dan buang negara terus LOL hidup dlm buangan diam2 mcm wallis and atuk sedara charles tu.

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Post time 25-2-2020 08:08 AM | Show all posts
Edited by aurora273 at 25-2-2020 08:12 AM

Meghan Markle and Harry's £20million-a-year security bill sparks fury over who pays
EXCLUSIVE: Metropolitan Police have a 'staffing crisis' on their hands and fear guarding the Sussexes as they tour the world on money-spinning trips will pile on pressure.
Harry and Meghan’s security bill could soar to £20million a year, sparking anger and a row over who will foot the bill.
Police fear guarding the pair as they tour the world on money-spinning trips will leave them unable to cope.
One ex-protection officer said: “This is adding to the Met’s woes.”
Experts have warned Harry and Meghan’s new life as an -independent couple will be a -security nightmare that sends costs spiralling as they travel the globe earning millions.
And a row has broken out as to who should foot the bill, which is expected to rise to £20m a year.
Senior officers are understood to be drafting emergency plans to double the -protection team guarding the couple and their son Archie, nine months, who have all been in separate places recently.

Bayar la pakai bulu Si Hairy tu..


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Post time 25-2-2020 08:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 25-2-2020 07:43 AM
iol baru tahu pasal diana dan QE tanak lucut title. Charles pulak melebih yach padahal dia yang bu ...

Iols tak rasa Charles tu akan berkeras dgn heret, anak kot, Diana tu laen ex-wife. Ntah2 Charles tu sket sbyk salahkan diri dia, heret jadi macam tu

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Post time 25-2-2020 11:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 25-2-2020 07:43 AM
iol baru tahu pasal diana dan QE tanak lucut title. Charles pulak melebih yach padahal dia yang bu ...

Kecoh masa tu sekejap kalau tak silap.  Masa tulah BRF dapat nama busuk sekejap,  marhaen British kutuk sebab theyols sayang Diana. Ni pun iols rasa Charles buat silap lagi. Patut biar je duorg tu pakai duit sendiri belanja segala expenses sekuriti whatsoever.  Ajar sket baru tau langit ke rendah. Rasa guilty ke sayang ke anak ke,  spoiling them is still not the answer. Hanat tu dari teenagers dah macam2 sebab kena spoilt

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Post time 25-2-2020 12:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aurora273 replied at 25-2-2020 08:08 AM
Meghan Markle and Harry's £20million-a-year security bill sparks fury over who pays

Kaduk naik junjung betul ler kalau security pun ditanggung, diorang duk overseas, lepas tu selalu travel sana sinin utk duit masuk poket sendiri, sebab tu kos tinggi giler mengalahkan family future king

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Post time 25-2-2020 03:35 PM | Show all posts
aurora273 replied at 25-2-2020 08:08 AM
Meghan Markle and Harry's £20million-a-year security bill sparks fury over who pays
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are unlikely to win sympathy for their £20m a year security bill from taxpayers feeling the pinch of austerity amid years of Tory cuts.
Who pays the security bill for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be a hot -political issue after their move to Canada in part to make their fortunes.Expecting taxpayers to pick up a tab running into tens of millions of pounds will trigger a backlash in communities where police officers are rarely seen since Tory cuts axed 21,000.
We understand why the couple seek -protection but cheaper answers would be fairer to the low and middle-earning people the Sussexes are leaving behind.
Given that Harry and Meghan are wealthy and expect to be wealthier, a financial contribution or hiring their own -security would surely be considered by many to be appropriate.
If the couple are ditching royal duties, why should they continue to receive royal perks?

soalan yg tak akan mampu dijawab oleh the Harkles mahupun pemenat2 mereka

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Post time 25-2-2020 03:38 PM | Show all posts

sejarah rasis Hanat diampunkan dan dilupakan sbb dia kawen dgn white identified, light skinned biracial

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Post time 25-2-2020 03:46 PM | Show all posts
IG photog yg excited dgn the Harkles dlm Invictus pun terpaksa off comment



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Post time 25-2-2020 11:23 PM | Show all posts
Post dari LSA

I will NEVER not be convinced there was a surrogate.

Explains how supposedly she got pregnant so fast. Yes I know it’s possible but at 40 it’s an 8% chance.
Explains need to pad her belly and of course the videos showing it wobbling.
No pregnant woman can hold legs together and get back up at 7 months. Fight me.
Explains Archie size at christening.
Explains at October 2020 Wellchild speech how he says last year they couldn’t tell anyone “they were expecting their first child” Doesn't say my wife or Meghan was pregnant. Strange.
Explains in Morocco wondering if he was the dad.
Explains weirdness of birth announcement timing and certificate and no doctor signing it.
Explains when at Windsor stables after the birth how he says incredible “how any woman do what they do” (giving birth) Why wouldn’t he say Meghan? Watch the interview. He never says Meghan gave birth , just says he’s proud of her.
“Meghan and I had a baby boy”
“Mother and baby doing incredibly well” such a strange choice not to say Meghan
Explains why she couldn’t do the reveal at steps of hospital
Explains the Windsor Castle introduction to the press when the baby doesn’t move and they look at him and say how quiet he is because the real Archie is too big to present.
Explains why we don’t see him until he’s a little older where you won’t see the size discrepancy as much.
I believe the injunction refers to this.
It’s Ocam’s Razor- The simplest explanation is usually the right one.


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Post time 26-2-2020 12:09 AM | Show all posts
sebelum tido


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Post time 26-2-2020 04:18 AM | Show all posts
On February 25, 2020, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London.


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Post time 26-2-2020 06:16 PM | Show all posts
On February 25, 2020, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended a special performance of ‘Dear Evan Hansen‘ at the Noël Coward Theatre in London.


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Post time 26-2-2020 06:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Uols, ni mesti tamparan hebat untuk harkles. So poise and not trying so hard cover girl gitu but giving a strong message to that meagain that you are nobody

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Post time 26-2-2020 06:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sorry uols xreti pula tepek original size

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Post time 26-2-2020 06:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ues1331 replied at 25-2-2020 01:39 AM
Sis eva can explain tak pasal Eugenie and Beatrice? As far as iols faham their protection is provi ...

Hanat and wife masih diconsider as "Senior Royal" atau ,"Working Royals" sbb dorg bekerja full time utk Queen dlm apa jua tugas yg diarahkan oleh BRF sbb dia masih lagi dlm line 1-6 tp bila dia jatuh ke line ke7, he is no longer Senior Royal dan  masa tu security anak dia, dia kena tanggung sendiri..

P.Andrew tu no 8 kat line BRF so dia x dpt la apa apa kemudahan like RPO utk anak2 nya so he has to provide for them from his own pocket. Bea dan Eugenie masih lagi pegang title HRH Princess sbb masa dorg lahir, nenek dorg adalah monarch, dan dorg dpt title tu sbb bapanya HRH Prince dan ada pattern letter kan utk anak dan cucu monarch dpt HRH. Tapi mrk boleh bekerja mcm org lain sbb dorg bukan "Working Royal" atau Senior Royals.

Masalahnya Smeg dan Hanat mengidamkan hidup spt Bea dan Eugenie tak bekerja dgn BRF tp nak perks dr BRF. Pemalas nak mampos tp nak abiskan reta keluarga. x lojik kan. Bea dan Eugene at least ada duit sendiri dan ada kerjaya sendiri..

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Post time 26-2-2020 06:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 25-2-2020 06:24 AM
hal archie tu im waiting utk big reveal like how smeg ni kantoi besar-besaran dengan perangai buru ...

Dripdrop kata anak Smeg, bukan anak Harry tp BRF kesian kat budak tu sbb dia jd mangsa. Kalau dorg buka satu satu hal Smeg nie akan sampai conclusion juga Smeg buat hal dgn BRF hingga buat kerja yg x pernah dibuat dlm BRF, tamperingbthe BRF line dgn anak surrogate, pastu buat benda tu sbb dia punya greed. At least Archie is spared dr dimalukan dan everybody knows ini semua plan si smeg.


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Post time 26-2-2020 06:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aurora273 replied at 25-2-2020 08:08 AM
Meghan Markle and Harry's £20million-a-year security bill sparks fury over who pays

bulu dia laku ke?

even bulu tu x boleh nak bayar bil kat Vegas dlu . 34k ok dia spent kat Vegas dlm bentuk credit. ..


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Post time 26-2-2020 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 26-2-2020 06:30 PM
Dripdrop kata anak Smeg, bukan anak Harry tp BRF kesian kat budak tu sbb dia jd mangsa. Kalau dorg ...

archie now dgn siapa sebenarnya? Kenapa smeg angkut patung tu nak merch carrier tu?

Tapi kena pecat kan dgn company baby carrier tu LOL patung pun smeg tak pandai nak pakaikan carrier betul-betul inikan anak manusia.

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Post time 26-2-2020 10:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 26-2-2020 06:27 PM
Hanat and wife masih diconsider as "Senior Royal" atau ,"Working Royals" sbb dorg bekerja full tim ...

Nak kena tunggu The Cambridge kids beranak pinak ler baru dia makin jauh ke belakang. Kalau PWKM beranak sorang lagi pun, lepas PC jadi king, heret tu naik no6 balik

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Post time 27-2-2020 04:07 AM | Show all posts
On February 26, 2020, The Duchess of Cambridge visited the London Stadium at the Olympic Park in Stratford to join a SportsAid event dedicated to celebrating the role that parents and guardians play in their child’s sporting success.


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