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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 08:40 AM | Show all posts
vixen wrote :
Yup,it's the games that tell me that the Xbox is a much better console than the ps2.

Games like Ninja Gaiden,Panzer Dragoon are reason enough to own the Xbox,so what are you waiting for,dude?

i'm waiting seriously, mantaining 3 game systems; PS2, GC (which has no pirate mini DVD games)  and GBA really took a big munch on my monthly pay.

Ninja Gaiden, Panzer Dragoon is not cup of tea lah dude anyhow, wasnt Panzer Dragoon released on Dreamcast?

IrvingLorenzo wrote :
yg xbox pulak how much harganya?is there a pirate one?where can u buy the console samaada pirate atau ori?kt kedai microsoft/computer??

imho, tak de console pirate, yg ada modded console dan unmodded console.modded console as you all know, can play pirate games.btw, microsoft secara official -nye tak support penjualan xbox di malaysia, singapore aje. PS2 di malaysia pula, di bawah Sony Japan, sebab tu kalau beli unmodded PS2 kat Sony Wings, dapat main game jepun aje.

since sony turunkn harga PS2 to RM559 x silap aku,will sony kt msia do it too?

imo, penurunan harga tu utk PS2 yang dijual di US sahaja.

rhoyo wrote :
PSP dan Nintendo DS.... next year baru keluar ....

DS keluar hujung tahun ni, PSP keluar march 2005

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Post time 7-6-2004 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Huh? You have the GC, but not Xbox? Tamau main Doom 3 ka?hehehe

hheheheh.. you have RE 0 for GC? best ke

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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 12:29 PM | Show all posts
dOOM3?? :stp:  i'm not good at FPS games lah :malu:
biasanya, kalau dah ada PS2, kebanyakan org akan beli xbox:bgrin:, tapi for the time being hati blum terbukak (plus got no more money to spend lah :lol) to buy xbox. next year perhaps?:hmm:

btw, antara 3 konsol, GC paling murah.i bought mine for RM480.

hmm...i got no RE for my GC, but from what i read so far, RE4 is reallyyyy cooollllll :

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N0bunaga_0da This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 04:18 PM | Show all posts
1st off, sapa yg dah ade kesemua 2nd gen console tu. i salute.:tq:

i myself own PS2, DC, and Xbox. it was really sad to see DC to go down, it had so much potential. i was literally addicted to Phantasy Star Online. Jetset Radio on the DC was ground breaking. 1st ever cell shading game. that was kewl.

in my opinion, xbox is leading the way in the online console gaming. u got xlive with a mere rm45 i think. worth looking into.

but in terms of game availablity i have to side with PS2 on this one. PS2 by now should be a common household name. currently, no developers have yet to  use the full capability for the PS2 system. hence the dumbassed games like 'malice', 'metropolitan' and so forth. i am confident with the release of this year's E3 games developers can push the PS2 to the limit in the times to come.

Xbox is a gaming behemoth. it has the hardware and out shines the PS2 in terms of eye-drooling graphics. unfortunately, its stuck with lousy game developers. c'mon, u've seen how microsoft studios make their games. they have good gameplay but lousy graphics. take 'aquaman' for instance. it came out on the PS2. it had lousy graphics. c'mon man! they have the hardware but they are not using it!! in other areas, the xbox is fully customable. meaning to say u can tweak it. pls refer to '' on this.

GC? tak beli. sebab dunno kat mana ade jual game. even though nampak gempak, we all know there will be a new nintendo console coming out in the next two years or so rite? so why bother buying it now? [aarrgghh.. takleh main RE series dah!! this sucks!!]

[ Last edited by N0bunaga_0da on 7-6-2004 at 04:19 PM ]

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Post time 7-6-2004 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Kalau ada all three consoles..would that be overkill? In a way you're right mainly caters for FPS (in my opinion la dont flame me). So JC...decide le konsol mana ko mau...ada duit...beli je semua...puas hati. And one more thing evo..other than mario/zelda (which i strongly despise..for some reasons)...what games would you recommend on the GC that warrants a purchase? I'm sure JC would like to hear it too.

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Post time 7-6-2004 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Xbox...Bungie,Electronic Arts,Ion Storm...(No, I'm not going to mention Halo)...are they lousy?

But you're right Nobu, PS2 would be the way to go.

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Post time 7-6-2004 05:31 PM | Show all posts
I would like to own an Xbox someday.. IMO Xbox too 3d and less japanese games.. ....

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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 8-6-2004 10:07 AM | Show all posts
hi all

DemonOnion wrote :

Kalau ada all three consoles..would that be overkill? In a way you're right mainly caters for FPS (in my opinion la dont flame me). So JC...decide le konsol mana ko mau...ada duit...beli je semua...puas hati. And one more thing evo..other than mario/zelda (which i strongly despise..for some reasons)...what games would you recommend on the GC that warrants a purchase? I'm sure JC would like to hear it too

imo, owning 3 console is not overkill.when someone spends thounsands of ringgit on modifying cars, why not spend the same amount on games?:stp: as for me self, its a way of relaxation from pressure in workplace.
2ndly, console specific games such as GT series on PS, Halo on Xbox and Metroid Prime on GC.

reason of owning a GC :

1. GC is the cheapest of the 3. I bought mine for rm 480 (GC aku warna purple :bgrin....tapi games dia mahal sikit :cry: .

2. GC exclusive tittle : Mario's series, Zelda series, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil

3.GC is the cutest of the 3 and the controller is more comfortable than ps2 and xbox.

4.Kalau you all nak experience innovative & 'pelik' : Animal Crossing dan Pikmin

recommended tittle (malas lah nak taip description of each games, just read the review on the net, kay? :ah for GC :

Zelda Wind Waker (sorry Demon ), Mario Bros Super Sunshine, WarioWare, Metroid Prime (kalau u all suka Halo, u all will love this), Viewtiful Joe, Pokemon Colosseum , Tales of Symphonia, Mario Kart Double Dash, F-Zero (kat Times Square ada mesin arcade F-Zero, so u guys bleh check it out) dan banyak lagi...... Just one final word of caution, if you are a casual gamer, stay away from GC.

NObunaga_Oda wrote :

i myself own PS2, DC, and Xbox. it was really sad to see DC to go down, it had so much potential. i was literally addicted to Phantasy Star Online. Jetset Radio on the DC was ground breaking. 1st ever cell shading game. that was kewl.

yup, DC was a cool console (plus have its own Windows OS, right?:hmm but it fell to Sony powerful advertising.

in other areas, the xbox is fully customable. meaning to say u can tweak it. pls refer to '' on this.

btw, in the next couple of months, a software called HDD Loader will be available for PS2. This software allows you to copy your PS2 DVD game into the HD, so no more disk calar ! but u still have to use mem card to save games.who knows, down the road somebody will come up with modded dashboard as on the xbox?

GC? tak beli. sebab dunno kat mana ade jual game. even though nampak gempak, we all know there will be a new nintendo console coming out in the next two years or so rite? so why bother buying it now? [aarrgghh.. takleh main RE series dah!! this sucks!!]

yup, teh next Ninty console is codenamed 'Revolution'.....but if you can wait 2 more years...

[ Last edited by evoHahn on 8-6-2004 at 10:09 AM ]

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Alucard This user has been deleted
Post time 8-6-2004 03:55 PM | Show all posts

I wonder when this kind of topic will ever end....:stpt's been discussed over and over and over and over10000x already.Just buy all the consoles and enjoy gaming at it fullest.You'll never know what you've missed if you don't try em all.


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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 8-6-2004 04:41 PM | Show all posts will never ends....expect renew feuds once PS3, XBox2, Revolution comes out :ah:

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Post time 8-6-2004 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Sony will come victorious in the end !!!

by the way... where is JC ? ...

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N0bunaga_0da This user has been deleted
Post time 8-6-2004 09:20 PM | Show all posts

evo! where can u get 'cheap' GC games eh? if there are any that is.

kalo ade it might give me a push hard enuff to get a GC. dammit.. i wanna play zelda, re, and i love the original ideas for animal crossing. not to mention the graphics for metroid prime were nothing short of OUTSTANDING! plus phantasy star online is on the GC rite? what do u mean by 'casual gamers'?

to answer ur question b4 about the windows os on the DC. umm.. not an actual win os per se. its just the backbone on which the DC runs on. most ppl don't know this but DC can actually surf the net. it uses Netscape 4.2 as its browser. hey.. what do u expect? its the 1st console ever to have online capabilities.

[ Last edited by N0bunaga_0da on 8-6-2004 at 09:25 PM ]

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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 9-6-2004 08:56 AM | Show all posts
morning all...

N0bunaga_0da wrote :

evo! where can u get 'cheap' GC games eh? if there are any that is.

cheap GC games?? .... hmm online is the answer.i never bought anything online before, but other local forumer at have a small GC community there), mypdacafe & lowyat (& all my nick there is still evoHahn ) recommends 2 online store. One is, an Australian site and the one is, a Canadian site which offer free shipping.

brand new released GC tittle usually carry the price tag of USD 50 (RM 190), but Nintendo has released special "layers' Choice" line like Sony's Greatest Hits where you can buy top selling GC tittle like Metroid Prime, Star Fox for merely USD 20 (RM 76)

and yes, the latest PSO is on GC, but did you know that this latest PSO incarnation is a card battle game?:hmm:

casual gamers for me is people who plays game just for short term enjoyment.they didnt care on what console the game is, who is the character..etc etc. For them, finishing up a game is not a priority and imo that if you pay RM 180 for a GC game and just play thru 1st stage and then stop playing it is a waste of $.

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N0bunaga_0da This user has been deleted
Post time 10-6-2004 10:37 AM | Show all posts

i think i might be in the line of hardcore gamers cuz i kinda played FFIX like twice. and both of 'em exceeded 90hrs of game play :nerd: (yeah.. get a life.)

concerning GC games again. aren't there games which are below RM 20? in short; PIRATED. i kinda not a big fan of the idea of i can buy a new console with the price tag of 6 games. u catch my drift?

yeap. i happen to know that PSO's latest incarnation is the card game. kinda dissapointing. but my reason to buy gc would be cuz of the RE series, metriod and Zelda. but again.. if 1 game costs around RM190... i don't think its worth buying.. i may be hardcore. but i'm cheap!

[ Last edited by N0bunaga_0da on 10-6-2004 at 10:41 AM ]

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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 10-6-2004 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Guten Tag everyone

On GC pirate games ... i think i have answer this question before but i cant find it, may be the mods have deleted it... oh well..

gamers.... there are no pirate game for GC. for your information, GC uses 80 mm optical disc....half the size of normal CD/DVD

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Alucard This user has been deleted
Post time 10-6-2004 01:48 PM | Show all posts

Official pirate dvd is definately not available but the isos are available.Just go to nforce or console news,a lot of GC isos have been released over the couple of months.It's just can't be burned and played via normal dvd.You can play it by using a special software loader,an original pso software and stream the game from pc to GC.That's the only way for now to play gc pirated game.I have a couple of GC isos but I couldn't test it out because I don't have a GC yet.Right now I just have to rely on the Dolwin(GC emulator) to play GC games.Dolwin is still in very early state,so don't expect to play games anytime soon.


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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 10-6-2004 02:03 PM | Show all posts
^^ yup i agreed with GC iso thingy...but it is not pirate game per se. Dolwin is just like any other emulators out there.

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Post time 12-6-2004 11:50 PM | Show all posts
I have decided....

I NEED A GAMECUBE AND I NEED IT NOW!!!! much is the market price now ah?

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stryke This user has been deleted
Post time 14-6-2004 06:04 AM | Show all posts
For me the comparison between all 3 consoles aren't just skin doesnt make a game...


if u want innovative gameplays GC is the best out there

Sports fans can always depend on the PS2 and with a big library of games anybody can get into the gaming world easily with the PS2

Xbox is always seen as something of an adult consoles...but i dont see any adult oriented games out there...well anyways if u guys like all those flashy flashy stuffs rather than be immersed into the game...this one is for you

well if u cant afford any of em...try a GBA...cause damn this lil thing ROCKS

but well i own a Commodore 64, Sega Genesis, NES, SNES, Sega Saturn, DC, N64, PSone, PS2, GC, Xbox, GBA SP...i skipped the Atari era cause i was too young to know what the hell was an Atari i thought the Commodore was my best bet cause it had a keyboard...

well currently my fave console is the PS2 (cause there are more games that suit my taste), GC (still playing Zelda) and the Xbox (still playing Panzer Dragoon Orta) in that order

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Alucard This user has been deleted
Post time 14-6-2004 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Yo styrke,

Wow,that's what I call a real hardcore gamer.I only got and used to have Nes(losak oledi),Snes(sold),PSx(sold),Dreamcast,Saturn,PS2,Xbox and PC in my collections.Planning to get GC when its really cheap,something like below Rm300.As for me,graphics is very important because that is the first thing that wows you when you saw a game on displays.Unless your a person who don't know how to diffrentiate eye candy/audio features like 30fps from 60fps,antialiasing/anisotropic,highres textures,high polygon count,high resolutions,progressive scans,DD5.1,Prologic from stereo,etc like one of my friends here,then you definately don't need better hardwares to play your games:bgrin:.My friend here simply just can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60 fps.


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