Tapak Masjid Al-Aqsa di Jerusalem adalah salah satu isu sentral dalam konflik Palestine-Israel.
Tapak ini amat suci bagi kedua-dua umat Islam dan Yahudi. Tample Mount atau Haram al-Sharif, terletak di Timur Jerusalem dimana hari ini di anggap oleh undang-undang Internasional sabagai kawasan talukkan.
Perbincangan damai Palestine-Israel di Camp David pada Julai 2000 gagal kerana ketiadaan sebarang penyelesaian yang boleh diterima oleh kedua pihak tentang isu tapak ini.
Haram al-Sharif/ The Temple Mount
Haram al-Sharif terletak di Timur kota lama Jerusalem dalam kawasan seluas 35 ekar.Tapak ini sungguh suci dan penting bagi orang Yahudi kerana di sinilah dirinya 慒irst dan Second Temple |
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[quote]Originally posted by thamrong at 2-12-2005 03:19 AM
Western or Wailing Wall
Terletak di bawah kawasan Haram al-Sharif adalah tembok yang amat suci bagi orang Yahudi dan dipanggil 慦estern atau Wailing Wall |
more interesting facts on Israel:
There are 21 Arab countries in the Middle East and only one Jewish state: Israel, which is also the only democracy in the region. Israel is the only country in the region that permits citizens of all faiths to worship freely and openly.
Twenty percent of Israeli citizens are not Jewish.
According to the forecasts, the population will grow from the present 7 million to 9.5-10 million by 2020
160,000 philippinos live in Israel, as foreign labour, out of 250,000 foreign workers.
Israel has one of the 5 highest life expactancies, at average 80 years.
Shimon Peres is Israel's oldest MK, at age 83.
an average of 400 people commit suicide each year.
Israel has 3500 known HIV cases.
6.5 million speak Hebrew (inc. israeli arabs) 1.5 million people speak russian. 2.5 million speak arabic (inc. 1.3 million israeli arabs) 0.8-1 million speak french. 5 million speak English.
The total area of urban spaces is 2,364 square kilometers - only about 11 percent of the state's area, where about 90 percent of the population lives in 200 urban centers. 60 percent of Israel's area is mountanous desert.
5% are members of unique rural cooperative settlements - the kibbutz and the moshav
(kibbutzim, moshavim)
Density: 380 per sqm. Tel Aviv: 8000 per sqm. negev: 60 per sqm.
In the urban areas, population density will increase from average 4,500 persons per square kilometer today to 6,600, and in the rural textures from 1,300 to 3,300 by 2020
Israeli homes are small compared with most Western countries: In 1995 they contained an average of 28 square meters per person, in comparison with 35-40 square meters in Europe
In order to meet the projected demand for housing, 1.2 million housing units must be build by 2020 - an average of 50,000 per year. This translates into 150 million square meters of floor space for residential purposes.
The largest terrorist act in Israel occured even before its creation in 1948, when in 1929, 67 jews of Hebron were massacred by arabs, (the rest fled the city) out of 133 jews killed and 400 wounded around the country.
Be'er Sheva, the spearhead of Negev development, will double its area until 2020, reaching 100 square kilometers (twice the area of the city of Tel Aviv).
40 percent of homes are connected to Internet, with 2.5-3 million users.
There are 21 internet service providers. 1.1 million users have high speed connection.
Israel is a country of immigrants. Since its inception in 1948, Israel's population has grown seven-fold. Israel broke a world record unrepeated, recieving 3 times more immigrants than its population in 5 years.
Israel has 150 asylum seekers.
Israel has 8 nobel prize winners (3rd most per population)
There are estimated 10,000 women in prostitution, with illegal woman-traffic from ex soviet countries a large source of crime.
10% or 700,000 are elderly (65 and over). 57 percent are woman
70 percent keep kosher to some degree, 15 percent keep full kosher.
1 of 5 people is below the national "red line" of poverty.
40 percent are arab, 60 percent jews.
minimum wage is 725$
69 percent of Israelis said this year poverty is a bigger threat than terror to the country's security.
600,000 are religious ultra-orthodox Jews,
4 million Israelis consider themselves secular.
Israel has the largest poor-rich gap in the world, with rich employees
earning 12 times on average more than minimum wage employees.
Wealthiest Israeli is Sheri Arison, with estimated $3-3.5 billion (158 in the world) Arison's brother Miki owns Carnival Cruise lines in Miami. Second are the Ofer brothers, with $2 billion and Lev Leviev, with $2 billion.
Largest net-worth company in Israel is Teva, generic drug producer.
Israel is 13th in the world in patent requests (4th in patents per population)
Israel has the highest amount of lawyers per population in the world.
The country has 25 large hospitals, 327 hospitalization facilities and 4 doctors per 1000 people. 350 new doctors have to learn abroad each year. |
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Israel is bordered by Lebanon and Syria in the north, Jordan and the West with Egypt , and has coastlines on the Mediterranean in the west and the Gulf of Eilat in the south |
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Nice picture, Zepap and useful info too.
Mengikut James W. Von Brunn dalam bukunya "Kill The Best Gentiles" perkatan "Jew" ini dicipta oleh William Sheridan, seorang dramatis British, dalam karyanya "The Rival" pada 1775. Perkataan itu datangnya dari perkataan "Judean" dan diguna sebagai perkataan slang dan bermaksud JUDEAN OF HEBRAIC FAITH tetapi punya perwatakan orang2 KHAZAR. Asal-usul Khazar korang boleh baca sendirilah kat internet. Macam2 ada. 90% Jew sekarang adalah terdiri dari orang2 Khazar.
Kononnya perkataan "Jew" tidak diguna dalam Old Testament asal dalam bahasa Hebrew ataupun Torah yg telah dialih bahasa dari Aramaic kebahasa Greek dll. Selepas 1776 apabila Khazar diterima oleh Kingdom2 Kristian sebagai serpihan kaum Judea dari d iaspora, mereka dipanggil Jew secara rasmi. Masa itulah "Talmudism" menjadi "Judaism". Maka bermulalah perkataan "Judaism" dan "Jew" dimasukkan kedalam edisi2 semakan Talmud dan Holy Bible kemudiannya. Justerunya orang2i Khazar telah menjadi "The Choosen People", pewaris Covenant, Palestine dan lain2 kekayaan dan khazanah yg berada di bumi Palestine. Barang diingat mereka boleh mendapatkan tanah untuk dijadikan negeri di bumi Afrika tetapi mereka telah menolak cadangan itu dan mereka mahukan Palestine juga.
Apakah sebenarnya yg dikatakan perwatakan Khazar itu? Cukup dengan yang berikut sahaja buat masa ini:
Pakar sejarah memanggil mereka Ashkenazi (Asiatic/European Jew).
Pakar anthropology memanggil mereka Mongol-Armenoid Jew.
Pakar psychology memanggil mereka "manicdepressives".
Mereka juka dikenali sebagai "Masters of deceit".
Sebabnya sy membentangkan hal Khazar ini ialah kerana ramai mungkin tak tahu ttg mereka sebab dulu2 kisah mereka memang dihapuskan supaya tidak diketahui umum.
Ni ada satu lagi cerita ttg mereka yg di petik dari penulisan Benjamin Freedman who was a Jewish defector.
Masa itu, menjadi kebiasaan bagi negara2 Kristian di Eropah untuk mengadakan upacara rayat mengangkat sumpah taat setia kepada raja2, pembesar2, tetuan punya tanah dll. Apabila Khazaria jatuh ketangan Russia, pehak Khazar telah menukarkan Talmud dibahagian tertentu dengan effek bahawa sumpah itu tidak valid kepada Jews walaupun dilafaskan. Lambat laun hal ini menjadi pengetahuan ramai. Mereka juga menolak bahasa Russia dan semua langkah2 Rusia untuk mengasimilasi orang2 Khazar ke dalam negara Rusia tidak mendapat sukses. Oleh itu banyaklah kejadian2 yang diceritakan oleh sejarah sebagai pogrom, persecution, diskriminasi dll. Ada Rabbai yang ingin membuangkan undang2 ini dari Talmud kerana ianya tidak ada kena mengena dengan persoalan spiritual, akan tetapi Rabbai Khazar tak bersetuju. Jadi, sampai la ni mereka masih mengamalkannya.
Kepada sesiapa yg tertanya2 mengapa "Jew" amat tidak disenagi masa dulu ini mungkin menjadi salah satu jawapan.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 11-12-2005 01:41 PM ] |
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Originally posted by hamizao at 10-12-2005 06:51 PM
Nice picture, Zepap and useful info too.
Mengikut James W. Von Brunn dalam bukunya "Kill The Best Gentiles" perkatan "Jew" ini dicipta oleh William Sheridan, seorang dramat ...
I am feeling humilated about how much I do not know about converted Jews. Thanks hamizao:nyorok::nyorok: |
Old and New Khazaria
Since reading about the Khazar one may wonder what happened to the kingdom from the perspective of the current geo-political situation. I enclose here the old and the new map of the region just for comparison. I believe majority of the old kingdom of Khazaria now is sovereign of Russian Federation. Although most of the surrounding areas are independent states the Russia still holding on to the Khazar's territory because of the oil rich in the Caspian Sea.That explain why there are so much troubles in that area. |
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Originally posted by gigi kuning at 1-12-2005 12:04 PM
ada sesapa wat study pasal ark of covenant?
wa tanak la setakat kopi pes dari website, sebab kebanyakannya lam bahasa omputih.kasi yg dlm BM la.senang skit wa nak paham
Ye llow teeth ada tahu apa2 ttg bab ini? Bolehlah kita discuss sikit.. |
Nice map Thamrong. Sometimes I do wonder whether it is the land of Gog and Magog?????? Got any info on that?
[ Last edited by hamizao at 14-12-2005 12:14 AM ] |
Israel money
Israel money !
New Israeli Sheqel=NIS
US$ = 4.6540 NIS
Euro = 5.4624 NIS
Pound(UK) = 8.0790 NIS
Yen = 3.8432 NIS
Canada$ = 4.0133 NIS
Australia$ = 3.4835 NIS
Rand = 0.7309 NIS
Dinar(Jordan) = 6.5679 NIS
Banknotes and Coins :
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Originally posted by chumpon at 15-12-2005 01:35 PM
What are they doing? Ada write-up tak?
Baru Hami perasan, nama2 disebelah kiri tu seperti Judah, Benjamin, Levi ...... nama anak2 Nabi Yaakob AS yang di sebutkan 12 puak Bani Israel. Yang di sebelah kanan tu agaknya nama2 negeri dimana mereka telah settle down.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 12-9-2006 03:02 PM ] |
The photos of the holy land are extremely beautiful. Look at the blue sky. |
ponder This user has been deleted
Berikut dari Genesis 9, sebahagian dari Taurat yang digunakan oleh orang-orang Yahudi sekarang, dan sebahagian dari Old Testament yang digunakan oleh orang-orang Kristian:
24 So Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him.
25 Then he said:
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