SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by barney50 at 4-10-2006 12:00 PM
reponded by SilentKiller:Fools remain Fools... Two different situation, how can that be same u DUMB !! In that case can u agree LTTE HINDU terrorist is same like Palestian suicide bomber ? Can u a ...
Same answer to u DUMB. Learn history before you make stupid comparision!! LTTE HINDU'S considered suicide bombers who kill Sri Lankan civilians too, u cant refute that. |
- responded by SilentKiller:Same answer to u DUMB. Learn history before you make stupid comparision!! LTTE HINDU'S considered suicide bombers who kill Sri Lankan civilians too, u cant refute that.
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Yeah! Go on like a parrot. Dumb as you are Islam has not thought you any thing except to stuburn and egoistic. Such human being would not know the real truth. LTTE is nt a Hindu base miloitant group but freedom fighters in their own country. They do not, I repeat they do not use religion to fight their cause because there are Christians, Muslims and Hindus involved in their struggle. There are as I have said Muslim traitors [Tamil Muslims] who are spies for the Sri Lankan government coz they ahs been promised better life. Go do your home workd instaed of just assuming. |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by barney50 at 5-10-2006 03:56 PM
responded by SilentKiller:Same answer to u DUMB. Learn history before you make stupid comparision!! LTTE HINDU'S considered suicide bombers who kill Sri Lankan civilians too, u cant refute that.
You are the parrot who cant accept reality !! LTTE suicide bombers do kill civilians, and they are mostly HINDUS. |
- responded by SilentKilelr:You are the parrot who cant accept reality !! LTTE suicide bombers do kill civilians, and they are mostly HINDUS.
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They may be Hindus but do not use their religion when fighting their enemy like Muslims who call Allah when they slight the throat of innocent victims. Don't behave like a child coz when you do so you look stupid. |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by barney50 at 5-10-2006 04:11 PM
responded by SilentKilelr:You are the parrot who cant accept reality !! LTTE suicide bombers do kill civilians, and they are mostly HINDUS.
They may be Hindus but do not use their religion when ...
You are the one behaving like a child here. Let say a Hindu suicide bomber shouts HINDU GODS NAMES before blow himself, then can i blame Hinduism for that? Think like a matured guy. It was his mistake, nothing to do with religion ok. Btw you havent explained why got sexually explicit dolls wearing bras in temple? Is that to lure perverts like you to go to temple ? Also you havent explained in your previous that Khajuraho temples built for Muslims.. Cant u see ur stupidity here ?
[ Last edited by SilentKiller at 5-10-2006 04:32 PM ] |
- responded by SilentKiller:You are the one behaving like a child here. Let say a Hindu suicide bomber shouts HINDU GODS NAMES before blow himself, then can i blame Hinduism for that? Think like a matured guy. It was his mistake, nothing to do with religion ok. Btw you havent explained why got sexually explicit dolls wearing bras in temple? Is that to lure perverts like you to go to temple ? Also you havent explained in your previous that Khajuraho temples built for Muslims.. Cant u see ur stupidity here ?
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Why let say? There is no record of Hindu doing such a thing. So, your example is invalid. You are behaving like a child asking childish questions. No mistake, Islam teaches to be violent. Allah is a jealous GOD and would burn non believers in hellfire. Slit their throat and fingers are vesres found in the Quran. So, do not blame others but blame Isla itself for teaching violence. Ask a Muslim suicide bomber why he si doing it and he would say Allah has prepared paradise for him. Ask who told him so and surely he would say his Ullama said so and the Quran says so. Can you refute that? |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by barney50 at 5-10-2006 05:06 PM
responded by SilentKiller:You are the one behaving like a child here. Let say a Hindu suicide bomber shouts HINDU GODS NAMES before blow himself, then can i blame Hinduism for that? Think like a m ...
U havent answer my questions.. R u beside those Hindu suicide bombers to know wheter they shout ur god's name or not ? Jangan nak berlagak pandai la. Awak yg nampak bodoh di sini. Org bodoh sahaja bila tak tau nak jawab, kata Kuil Khajuraho dibina utk org Islam. What a pathetic loser you are ! |
- responded by SilentKiller:U havent answer my questions.. R u beside those Hindu suicide bombers to know wheter they shout ur god's name or not ? Jangan nak berlagak pandai la. Awak yg nampak bodoh di sini. Org bodoh sahaja bila tak tau nak jawab, kata Kuil Khajuraho dibina utk org Islam. What a pathetic loser you are !
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Well, were you beside Mohammed when he slayed the Jews and Christians? So, how could you say he did not? Yang berlagak tu kaulah kawan. Dengan jawapan kamu dah tahu siapa berlagak. Kalau saya tu bododh tak mengapa tapi kamu lebih bodoh daripada saya. Kerana kamu yang bawa cerita tu jadi kaum Muslim yang suka patung2 erotic. Hang tanyalah sheik2 arab tu yang curi buku kamasutra untuk kegunaan mereka dalam Istana idaman sekelian. Tak baca ke 1001 Arabian Nights? Go and read all those Muslims erotic stories. |
war of who is more stupid.. :lol |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Well, were you beside Mohammed when he slayed the Jews and Christians? So, how could you say he did not? Yang berlagak tu kaulah kawan. Dengan jawapan kamu dah tahu siapa berlagak. Kalau saya tu bododh tak mengapa tapi kamu lebih bodoh daripada saya. Kerana kamu yang bawa cerita tu jadi kaum Muslim yang suka patung2 erotic. Hang tanyalah sheik2 arab tu yang curi buku kamasutra untuk kegunaan mereka dalam Istana idaman sekelian. Tak baca ke 1001 Arabian Nights? Go and read all those Muslims erotic stories.
Awak bukan sahaja bodoh tapi banggang sebanggang bangangnya setaraf dengan Truth.8. Saya tanya lain awak bila takda jawapan, pusing 360 darjah jawab bukan bukan. Awak tak boleh nafikan patung patung seksi kat kuil awak tu utk ape? Utk awak sembahyang ke? Muahahahaha.. Jawapan BODOH!!!! |
- responded by SilenKiller:Awak bukan sahaja bodoh tapi banggang sebanggang bangangnya setaraf dengan Truth.8. Saya tanya lain awak bila takda jawapan, pusing 360 darjah jawab bukan bukan. Awak tak boleh nafikan patung patung seksi kat kuil awak tu utk ape? Utk awak sembahyang ke? Muahahahaha.. Jawapan BODOH!!!!
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Seperti juga kamu ni bukan bodoh sahaja tapi banggang sebanggang bangangnya dan labih daripada tu setaraf dengan si banggang lain2 seperti mu. Bila ta'ada issue tanya soalan yang tak berkaitan dengan agama asal. Di sini atau pun di mana2 kuil ynag berada di seluruh Malaysia atau pun di India selatan tak ada patung2 seksi ynag kamu tersebut itu. Jadi ynag kamu paprkan itu di willayah Rajput di mana hil2 seperti itu hanya mengukir patung tersebut hanya untuk tujuan pemikiran kaum Rajput ynag bukan berasal dari India tapi hanya pendatang. Jika si bodoh seprti kamu nak kaiykan agama suchi kami dengan pemikiran penganut sesat seperti kaum itu saya tak paya layan isu itu.
Saya dah faham kamu ni memang bodoh kerana awak dididik oleh ustaz bodoh ynag tak tahu apa itu perkataan sutra dalam bahasa sanskrit. Belajar dari bodoh memang jadi bodoh. Kalau nak jadi bodoh hingga hayat kamu itu pilihan awak tersenderi tapi jangan sekali pun fikir yang lain pun bodoh seperti kamu. Faham tak? |
patut la barney50 pernah ada orang buang najis depan rumah dia..
u deserve that..
serve u right.. :lol |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by barney50 at 8-10-2006 11:55 AM
responded by SilenKiller:Awak bukan sahaja bodoh tapi banggang sebanggang bangangnya setaraf dengan Truth.8. Saya tanya lain awak bila takda jawapan, pusing 360 darjah jawab bukan bukan. Awak tak ...
Kuil awak takda patung seksi ? |
- responded by Gorilla juwaini:patut la barney50 pernah ada orang buang najis depan rumah dia..
- u deserve that..
- serve u right..
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Ini satu contoh di sini. Mohammed mengajar pengikutnya untuk bohong and mengelirukan para bukan Islam. Kaum Muslim suka membohong yang boleh di terima oleh agama mereka. Jaga2 nanti kena diri sendir pula. |
Originally posted by barney50 at 8-10-2006 10:08 PM
Ini satu contoh di sini. Mohammed mengajar pengikutnya untuk boh ...
satu lagi contoh generalisasi yang datang dari makhluk tak cukup akal...
maknanya kalau sorang agama hindu, buddha, kristian buat jahat, agama tu jahat la?
pakai akal sebelum menaip... |
Galloway isnt muslim... if he is then what woud be his muslim name? |
India: Rampaging Hindus burn Muslim children alive
Independent, The (London), Mar 1, 2002 by Nick Meo in Delhi
INDIA'S WORST outbreak of Hindu-Muslim violence for a decade escalated yesterday with the deaths of 60 more people in the riot- torn western state of Gujarat amid fears the violence could spread.
A political crisis also loomed as the Indian Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, begged Hindu militants to halt inflammatory plans to raise a temple over the rubble of the mosque.
Six rioters were shot dead by police and at least seven Muslims were stabbed to death as towns in Gujarat erupted. Muslim businesses, homes, vehicles and mosques were set alight.
A single act of violence stood out on a day of horror. A 2,000- strong mob surrounded a block of Muslim flats in the Hindu-dominated area of Meghaninagar and set it alight. A dozen children and 26 adults were thought to have been burned alive. The mob blocked roads to stop police and firefighters rescuing victims.
The mobs were out for revenge after nearly 60 Hindu activists from the Hindu World Council (VHP) were murdered by Muslims who hurled firebombs into their train at Godhra station on Wednesday
The horror of that attack, in which 14 children also died, stoked an atmosphere of inter-communal hatred that threatens to spread to other states ahead of a 15 March deadline imposed by militants for the building of a temple at the flashpoint of Ayodhya in northern India.
Yesterday it was the turn of Muslim businesses, homes, restaurants and mosques to be sought out, doused with fuel and set alight. Hindu mobs fuelled by primal hate and armed with swords, clubs and petrol cans hunted them on the streets, inside the walled city and through the stinking slums of Ahmadabad's Muslim ghettoes.
Often the police, claiming that they were hopelessly outnumbered, stood by as one of India's most modern and richest cities was taken over by men bent on murder.
By the end of the day, the death toll was at least 60 and expected to rise. The army was called on to the streets to restore order and wrest control back from the mobs, which set fire to dozens of buildings and looted many more. Curfews were imposed in 26 towns and 70,000 officers were drafted on to the state's streets. About 700 people were arrested.
Much of the anger was spontaneous, fuelled by the horror of Wednesday's massacre. But even as smoke from the Muslim slums hung over the city, the state government announced it would investigate the conduct of Ahmadabad's police force, which is notoriously Hindu- dominated in a city that for decades has been infamous for its bitter religious conflicts.
Ahmadabad's descent into savagery came just over a year since it was hit by an earthquake that killed nearly a thousand people and brought down dozens of buildings.
But yesterday man, not nature, brought death to the city.
"There is a fire inside us. Our blood is boiling," said one Hindu woman, Mangal Behn.
Many eyewitness reports suggested that at least some of yesterday's attacks were organised and directed as cold-blooded revenge for the train massacre of Hindus at Godhra.
Other parts of India could only watch with a fascinated fear - and hope the bloodletting would not spread.
Once again the flashpoint had been Ayodhya, the site of a 16th- century mosque destroyed by Hindu militants in 1992 because they believed it to be the birthplace of the god Ram. They want to build a temple on the rubble and - defying a court order - have come up with the self-imposed deadline of 15 March to begin construction.
Pressure grew on Mr Vajpayee last night to clamp down on the VHP. There were also fears of more copycat attacks on trains carrying militants and more riots. The militants' destruction of the mosque in 1992 sparked rioting across India in which 2,000 people died. The men now ruling India were implicated, especially the home minister, L K Advani.
Ayodhya has become a rallying point for the ugly side of Hinduism, the fundamentalists who would root out Western influence and put down India's 100 million Muslims. Many want a war to settle old scores with Pakistan.
Last night the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party government of Mr Vajpayee seemed to be on a collision course with its one-time VHP allies, as opposition leaders called for the VHP to be banned.
Copyright 2002 Independent Newspapers UK Limited
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okay, let me ask you a question Barney, Woud it be fair for us to blame Hinduism for the actions of these Hindus? |
no offense intended
Madhya Pradesh: Hindu extremists burn down Pentecostal church"
("AsiaNews," July 03, 2006)
Bhopal, India |
that's why i said, stupid generalization doesn't prove anything..
but they tend to use generalization to empasize their point.. |
Did you ask yourself why it only happens in the north and not in the south? Go find out the reason before you make your point here. It is not as worst as Muslims killing Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The most famous massacre in Muslim history by armed might of the state took place at Karbala on the banks of the Euphrates in 680. On that terribly bloody day, Husayn bin Ali -- grandson of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, by his daughter Fatima -- was brutally killed and decapitated as he was offering his mid-afternoon prayers.
Husayn's male companions were slaughtered by the army of Yazid, the caliph (Islam's supreme ruler), while women and children in the company of Husayn, including his wife and daughter, were abused and carried as war trophies to the capital of the expanding Arab-Islamic empire in Damascus.
The people of Karbala and surrounding areas passively watched as Muhammad's family and its claim to leadership of Muslims ended in tragedy. But belated grief tore the Arab-Muslim world apart, and its wounds continue to torment in countless ways a people for whom the massacre in Karbala has become the template of their history.
Karbala is a necessary reminder of Muslims being unequalled tormentors and killers of Muslims. Saddam Hussein as the ruling tyrant in Baghdad was only the most recent incarnation of an Arab Macbeth and the Mongol Genghis Khan rolled into one megalomaniacal killer.
It also illuminates the sheer hypocrisy of Arabs and Muslims who selectively and for political purposes rage against the United States and Israel (and not, for instance, against Russia or China despite the brutal suppression of their respective Muslim minorities) for Arab-Muslim casualties in conflicts that have been, almost without exception, precipitated by Arab-Muslim dictators and demagogues.
This past July was grisly, and not just because of the war in Lebanon unleashed by Hezbollah terrorists against Israel.
Iraq's health ministry reported July was the deadliest month for Iraqi casualties since March 2003. The figures provided were 3,438 Iraqis killed -- 1,855 of those as a result of sectarian violence and 1,583 from bombings and shootings carried out by insurgents. Some 3,600 were wounded during the same period.
These figures followed a UN estimate of nearly 6,000 Iraqis killed during May and June. The killings in Iraq have been indiscriminate, and the killers are mostly Arabs, belonging to Sunni or Shiite sects. It is noteworthy that Iraqi Kurds, who suffered Saddam's genocidal violence, are uninvolved in this sectarian savagery.
There has been no organized protest within the Arab-Muslim world or in the West against the daily toll of Iraqi deaths due to this hate-driven insurgency.
Nor is Iraq the only place where Muslim violence against Muslims rages unabated. There is Darfur in Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Algeria until recently, and hotspots in Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia and Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Palestine, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon.
How, then, might we explain why Muslim deaths seem only to matter to Arabs and Muslims -- and to apologists of Arab-Muslim politics in the West -- when they occur as a result of conflicts with the U.S. or Israel?
In witnessing worldwide protests over Lebanese deaths resulting from the recent Hezbollah-Israeli fighting, we might conclude it is politically acceptable when Muslims murder untold numbers of Muslims, but entirely unacceptable when they are collateral casualties of Israeli bombings.
This is the Orwellian reality of much of the Arab-Muslim world today, where Muslim and non-Muslim lives are too often seen as readily and contemptuously disposable -- except when they become handy tools of propaganda against Jews, Hindus and Americans. |
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