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Author: Gravedigger

Kematian Saddam Hussein - analisis hubungan syiah-sunnah

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Post time 18-1-2007 11:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #72 hafizi's post

Rasanya lu tak faham apa yang gua perkatakan...maaf:hmm:

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Post time 19-1-2007 09:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #81 vato's post

terangkan di sini, agar si hafizi tu tak terus tenggelam dalam khayalan dia.....  Syok sendiri nanti... :jeling:

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Post time 19-1-2007 12:34 PM | Show all posts

Valley of Peace
Photograph by Matt Moyer, WorldPictureNews

Mourners file past tombs in the sprawling Valley of Peace cemetery in Najaf, one of the largest cemeteries in the world. Several million Shiites are buried here, a site considered auspicious because of its proximity to the tomb of Imam Ali, the revered seventh-century Shiite leader. Despite its deep religious significance, the Valley of Peace has not been immune from the country's political turmoil. During the 1980s underground crypts served as hiding places for Shiite men avoiding service in the Iran-Iraq war, and, in 1991 following the uprising, Saddam ordered parts of the cemetary bulldozed.

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Post time 19-1-2007 11:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #82 pipi's post

Rasanya biarlah dia tenggelam dalam dunia dia...kesian la kat kawan tu.:love:

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Post time 30-1-2007 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Friday, January 26, 2007Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah on the Death of Saddam Hussein

"I ask all the Sunni brothers in the Arab and Islamic Worlds, no matter what their reaction was to the circumstances of the execution of the ex-Iraqi President; whether they have a position against the ruling on principle, or whether they have a different assessment of the personality of the man (Saddam). Or those who had a problem with the timing or the circumstances of the execution, whatever their assessment is, I ask them to place the responsibility on the side that did the execution, and not place the responsibility on all the Shias in Iraq and the rest of the world. Let us agree on a principle, and let us say that if I made a mistake "I made a mistake", and not all the Shias in the world. And if Doctor X or Sheikh Y committed an error, it is their fault, and not that of all Sunnis. That is how we should proceed if we have a regard for the Arab and Islamic and national interests."

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Post time 13-2-2007 08:42 AM | Show all posts

War Crime Conference - 58% Pengikut Saddam Syiah

Di Cut & Paste dari email kwn2...

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Alhamdulillah ana telah menghadiri conference diatas hari Isnin hingga Rabu (walau cuma sessi pagi sahaja)

Antara perkara2 yg menarik perhatian ana:

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky (Univ. of Ottawa, Canada)
" 75% of oil reserves are in Muslim lands!"  
My thoughts: alangkah sayangnya ummah yg telah dilimpahi rahmatNya!

"Many suicide bombers were instigated by the occupation forces!"   Leure" Terrorists are fabricated by the occupational forces" My thoughts: Confirms my suspicions

Dr Leuren Moret (Geoscientist) spoke about Depleted Uranium
"Exposure to DU leads to many health problems including cancer (various types - pancreatic cancer increased 48 times since Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings - yes, effects even after YEARS since the bombing as the DU is in the air & can travel to as far as M'sia!!), diabetes (in USA between 1980 -2002 the # of patients increased by 136%)  , hypertension, deformed babies, & others including Mental illnesses (to this, she said that former President George Bush Sr. & wife Barbara had a 2 year old daughter who suffered from leukemia at 2 years of age. The day after the girl died, they both went out golfing. And the girl was buried 2 YEARS later by Barbara's mother!! Bayangkan lah!!

Another speaker (I think, Dr. Christopher Busby from UK = he was in Kosovo and Iraq in times of the war to conduct research) says that the war victims who were exposed to DU radiation had skin turned very dark, but NOT burnt; wounded but did not bleed, corpses smelled terrible - could be due to internal bleeding caused by intoxicating agents..and BONES completely burnt!

Ms Hana Bayati (Writer) told about the election last year. Voters were Iranians, Israelis & other foreign nationals. Even she, a french, was invited to vote! 58% of Saddam Hussein's party members were Syiahs! The Sunnis and Syiahs were collaborating until the war... The occupational forces were the ones to segregates the Sunnis, Syiahs and Kurds!

Ali Shalah, ex-prisoner of Abu Ghraib, had his recently operated hand which was bandaged at the time of his arrest, had the bandage ripped off and when he cried in pain begging for painkillers, the forces stepped on it and said "this is the American painkiller"....  But I salute the Iraqi resistance. He is now leading an NGO fighting for prisoners and has this as one of his message to the forces "Your Chains will rust, Our WILL renew!!" SubhanAllah, Semoga Allah membantu mereka.

Prof. Niloufer Bhagwat (VP of India lawyers) shared UN statistics on poppy grown in Afghanistan. Pre-Taliban era: 70,000+ hectares
During Taliban ruling: 7,000 hectares and reducing (as the Taliban leaders honour UN's call on drugs activities)
Post-Taliban era: >100,000 hectares!!

Dr Walid Salah AlKhatib (Palestine) says that Ariel Sharon is "rotting" (my own tems) in hospital after > 1 year in comatose. The doctors say that his body emits very strong smell!

The org. will place the recorded conference in the website:

[ Last edited by  ahmadi_bangi at 13-2-2007 08:43 AM ]

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Post time 13-2-2007 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahmadi_bangi at 13-2-2007 08:42 AM
Di Cut & Paste dari email kwn2...

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Alhamdulillah ana telah menghadiri conference diatas hari Isnin hingga Rabu (walau cuma sessi pagi sahaja)

Antara perkara2 yg men ...

woww....this stuff is good,  brother....

so what is the conclusion gathered from the conference???

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Post time 13-2-2007 09:14 AM | Show all posts
sy cuma Cut & Paste dari email sahabat yg hadir... sy sendiri tak dpt kelapangan utk hadiri conference tersebut...

Conclusion yg jelasnya...

Orang islam walau apa jenama atau versi atau gelar dipakai.... diperkotak katik dan dibuli oleh musuh islam yg jelas dan nyata...

Begitulah nilai umat islam masakini... digunakan oleh musuh2 islam utk membunuh sesama sendiri...

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2007 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahmadi_bangi at 13-2-2007 08:42 AM
Ms Hana Bayati (Writer) told about the election last year. Voters were Iranians, Israelis & other foreign nationals. Even she, a french, was invited to vote! 58% of Saddam Hussein's party members were Syiahs! The Sunnis and Syiahs were collaborating until the war... The occupational forces were the ones to segregates the Sunnis, Syiahs and Kurds!

Agak-agaknya berapa ratus buah bus yang yang di impot datang dari Iran dan Israel untuk jadi pengundi hantu sehingga memenangkan golongan Syiah di Iraq hari ini? Memang sepatutnya kita mempercayai sepenuhnya penulis berbangsa Perancis ini kan?

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Post time 7-3-2007 12:41 PM | Show all posts

Tariq Aziz says Iran caused Kurdish deaths, not Iraq

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Former Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, Tariq Aziz, stunned an Iraqi court Monday saying Iraq did not carry out chemical attacks on Kurds.

Aziz accused Iran of being behind the attacks, saying Iraq did not possess chemical weapons of the type used in the attack which killed 5,600 Kurds at Halabja.

Aziz was appearing as a witness in the trial of six men charged with participating in attacks against Kurds in the 1980s. One of the men is Ali Hassan al-Majid, also known as Chemical Ali.

"The chemical weapons used at that time, causing the deaths of thousands of people, were made with cyanide gas and not mustard gas," Aziz testified. "Iran had this gas at this time, not Iraq," he said. "You can check with experts," he added.

Aziz said further evidence was a Pentagon report he downloaded from the Internet which he referred to as a report from an "Institute affiliated to the U.S. department of defence called 'Seaman' which was published in 1989". He said an article written by Milton Viorst for the New Yorker magazine also supported his claim.

As he gave his evidence Aziz was repeatedly told to "shut up," by the Chief Judge, Mohammed al-Oreibi al-Khalifah.

"Shut up, don't speak," al-Khalifah angrily yelled at one stage of Aziz's testimony.

"Why do you prevent me from speaking?" asked Aziz.

"I will take legal measures against you," responded the judge.

"Why? I am already a prisoner. What would you do to me?" asked Aziz.

"Shut up," the judge responded.

Tariq Aziz was the best known member of Saddam Hussein's regime, outside Saddam himself. The 71 year old speaks excellent English and became known on the world stage as Iraq's foreign minister during the first Gulf War. He was later elevated to the deputy prime ministership, but still travelled the world to deny the existence of weapons of mass destruction in his country.

Four weeks before the March 2003 invasion Aziz, a Christian, had an audience with Pope John Paul II, an outspoken critic of the Iraq war, who, following the meeting, sent a cardinal to Iraq to encourage Saddam Hussein to abide by UN Security Council resolutions.

Aziz surrended to coalition forces four weeks after the invasion in the face of rumors that he had been killed. At the time of his detention he repeated his assertions that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction. U.S. President George W. Bush called him a liar, saying he had been lying for the previous twelve years.

Asked what interrogators had learned from Aziz since he had been taken into custody, Bush said at the time, "We're learning, for example, that Tariq Aziz still doesn't know how to tell the truth. He didn't know how to tell the truth when he was in office, he doesn't know how to tell the truth as a captive," he said.

Bush told reporters he was certain weapons of mass destruction would be found. "Iraq's the size of the state of California. It's got tunnels, caves, all kinds of complexes. We'll find them, and it's just going to be a matter of time before we do so," he said.

Aziz has remained in U.S. custody at a secret location since his April 2003 surrender. He is now 71 years of age and is in poor health. He has not been charged with any offence.

In Monday's testimony Aziz was openly supportive of Saddam Hussein, describing him as a patriot, and a hero to Iraq, saying he brought unity and sovereignty to the country.

Aziz caused a stir when he testified in the trial of Saddam Hussein last year. He said government officials including Saddam were being tried for events that took place 20 years ago by current government officials who themselves were involved in acts of violence and sabotage in the 1980s. He referred to an assassination attempt on himself at a Baghdad university in 1980 when a hand grenade was thrown at him. A number of people were killed in the attack.

Aziz is well known in America and has been the major facilitator of talks and relations between the two for more than two decades. In 1984, he flew to Washington to meet with President Reagan, Vice President Bush (Senior) and other high-ranking U.S. officials, including then Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, to formalise relations with the U.S.

In his evidence on Monday Aziz said he met with Kurdish leaders including the present President of Iraq, Jalal Talabani, in 1991, and there was no reference to any chemical attacks.

"They only asked for compensations for the villages that were damaged during the war between Iraq and Iran," he said.

The Iraqi chief prosecutor, Munqith Al Faroon, countered by saying that mass graves had not yet been uncovered when that meeting took place.

Byk yg kita tak tahu ttg fakta sebenar di Iraq.. pengajarannya....hati2lah... apabila kita membaca berita dan hati-hatilah apabila membaca buku2 sejarah silam juga..


[ Last edited by  ahmadi_bangi at 7-3-2007 12:44 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ahmadi_bangi at 7-3-2007 12:41 PM
Byk yg kita tak tahu ttg fakta sebenar di Iraq.. pengajarannya....hati2lah... apabila kita membaca berita dan hati-hatilah apabila membaca buku2 sejarah silam juga..

Setuju banget.... sebab itulah kita kena mengkaji dan meneliti atas setiap fakta yang dibentangkan sama ada ia fakta sebenar ataupan rekaan. Allah memberikan kepala otak dan akal fikiran untuk membuat pertimbangan yang mana benar ataupun salah.
Dalam kes di Halabja ini, apa yang dikemukakan oleh Tariq Aziz ini bukanlah satu fakta yang baru tapi sudah pun ada sebelum ini yang direka oleh seorang bekas pegawai CIA yang bersara. Hanya dalam keadaan terdesak sekarang ini maka Tariq aziz telah menggunakan penyelewengan fakta ini. Bukankah Tariq Aziz ini pun kononnya dapat maklumat dari beliau dan melalui internet pulak tu? Biasalah isu seperti ini semasa di Vietnam pun berlaku juga dimana Amerika menuduh Vietnam Utara yang membunuh rakyat Vietnam Selatan.

Kalau mahu berfikir menggunakan otak maka cuba lihat dari sumber mana yang benar-benar boleh diterima. Nah cubalah lihat tarikh-tarikh penting dan rentetan peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku untuk membuktikan kesahihan maklumat mana yang benar. Cubalah lihat dari penyiasat-penyiasat yang menjalankan kajian dan dari pihak-pihak yang berkecuali yang membuat laporan tersebut. Amerika sekarang sedang bermusuhan dengan Iran dan maka Iranlah yang akan diperburukkan oleh mereka dengan apa cara sekali pun.

Immediate Medical Effects in HalabjaChemical Weapons Used
  • Death by asphyxiation
  • Skin burns and blisters
  • Impaired vision, blindness
  • Breathing difficulty, respiratory shutdown
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, digestive shutdown
  • Neurological disorder
  • Convulsions, coma
Saddam's regime purposefully mixed mustard gas and nerve agents to magnify their initial and long-term effects.
  • Mustard gas, a blistering agent, affects membranes of the nose, throat, and lungs.
  • Nerve agents such as sarin, tabun, and VX attack eyes and respiratory tracts.
  • Chemical weapons contaminate the food and water supplies, soil, and animal populations.
Long-term Medical Effects
Halabja: A Testing Ground
  • Permanent blindness
  • Disfigurement
  • Respiratory, digestive, and neurological disorders
  • Leukemia, lymphoma, and colon, breast, lung, skin, and other cancers
  • Increased miscarriages and infertility
  • Severe congenital malformations and other birth defects
Iraqi soldiers in protective gear returned to Halabja to study the effectiveness of their weapons and attacks. They divided the city into grids, determining the number and location of the dead and extent of injury. Halabja helped Saddam Hussein gauge the ability of his chemical agents to kill, maim, and terrorize population centers.

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Nah...nak tahu lagi apa yang Iran telah lakukan kepada mangsa gas beracun tu bolehlah baca sendiri laporan yang dibuat oleh badan bebas pemantau.

II. The Response to Halabja
On the political and, to some extent, humanitarian planes, Iran's response to the plight of the Iraqi Kurds has been positive. After the bombing of Halabja in March 1988, Iranian helicopters were waiting at the international border to ferry wounded Kurds to medical stations. Admittedly, Iranian forces were engaged at the time in a battle with Iraqi troops, and thus were doing little more than helping wartime allies and their families. That September, when busloads of displaced Iraqi Kurds began to turn up on Iran's borders from Turkey, Tehran publically welcomed them as well as those who made their own way to Iran. Unlike Turkey, Iran has not tried to force the Kurdish refugees to return to Iraq.
At least 50,000 Iraqi Kurds crossed the Iranian border after the bombardment of Halabja in March 1988. Others put that figure as high as 70,000. According to the UNHCR, 38,000 more arrived after Iraq's August assault, most of them via Turkey.60 Still other Iraqi Kurds sought refuge in Iran in the spring of 1989, when the Baath government razed the Kurdish city of Qala Diza.
As of the spring of 1990, about 100,000 of the Kurds who fled during the chemical gas attacks in 1988 remained in Iran. Those numbers probably included at least 10,000 who came in the fall of 1987, when fighting along the border was intense. Some may have also fled from chemical attacks.
These numbers reflect a significant amount of attrition: according to the UNHCR, as many as 45,000 of the refugees, mostly from Halabja, took up Iraq's first amnesty offer in September 1988.61 Several thousand more returned to Iraq during the other amnesties offered between December 1988 and July 1990. Last summer, the Washington Post reported that a number of Iraqi Kurds who had moved on from Turkey to Iran in 1988 subsequently returned to Turkey after getting a taste of the alternative.62
More recently, the numbers in Iran have been swollen somewhat by those who fled the allied bombing of northern Iraq in January and February 1991. According to official United Nations counts, more than 3,000 people -- Iraqi Arabs and Kurds as well as foreign nationals -- sought refuge in Iran during the first month of the Gulf War. Iranian sources abroad say that dozens of other Kurdish families clandestinely slipped across unguarded sections of the border in the first weeks, taking refuge with Iranian Kurds.

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Ini juga laporan-laporan penyiasat yang melakukan penyiasatan bebas ke atas Halabja. Baca jangan tak baca!

Establishing the culpritThe most authoritative investigation into responsibility for the Halabja massacre, by Dr Jean Pascal Zanders, Project Leader of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) concluded that Iraq was the culprit, and not Iran.
Some debate existed, however, over the question of whether Iraq was really the responsible party. The U.S. State Department, in the immediate aftermath of the incident, instructed its diplomats to say that Iran was partly to blame.
A preliminary
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) study at the time concluded, apparently by determining the chemicals used by looking at images of the victims, that it was in fact Iran that was responsible for the attack, an assessment which was used subsequently by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for much of the early 1990's. The CIA's senior political analyst for the Iran-Iraq war, Stephen C. Pelletiere, co-authored an unclassified analysis of the war [1] which contained a brief summary of the DIA study's key points. In a January 31, 2003 New York Times [2] opinion piece, Pelletiere summarized the DIA's findings and noted that because of the DIA's conclusion there was not sufficient evidence to definitively determine whether Iraq or Iran was responsible. Pelletiere also felt that the administration of George H.W. Bush was not being forthright when squarely placing blame on Iraq, since it contradicted the conclusion of the DIA study. However the DIA's final position on the attack was in fact much less certain than this preliminary report suggests, with its final conclusions, in June 2003, asserting just that there was insufficient evidence, but concluding that "Iraq ..used chemical weapons against Kurdish civilians in 1988" [3]. The CIA altered its position radically in the late 1990s and cited Halabja frequently in its evidence of WMD before the 2003 invasion [4]
Another extensive analysis of the incident is contained in a post [5] to the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq electronic mailing list by Cambridge political theorist Glen Rangwala. Rangwala describes how the attack followed the occupation of the city by Iranian and pro-Iranian forces, leading to the conclusion that the gassing was an attack on these forces by the Iraqis. Rangwala also cites studies done by non-governmental organizations that concluded different chemicals were used than the ones cited in the DIA study. Rangwala's analysis effectively sums up the current prevailing view of the event, that Iraq was indeed responsible for the attack on Halabja, and that the DIA analysis is in error. This evidence backed up by extensive witness testimony gathered by organisations like Human Rights Watch[6] and Indict [7] has, more recently, added to the growing evidence that the initial DIA appraisal of the events was mistaken.
The most categorical proof is the many further well-documented incidents of deliberate attacks on Kurdish civilians occurring at the same time throughout Kurdish northern Iraq also perpetrated without doubt by Iraqi forces during the Al-Anfal Campaign. Joost Hiltermann, who was the principal researcher for the Human Rights Watch between 1992-1994, conducted a 2 year study, including a field investigation in northern Iraq, capturing Iraqi government documents in the process. This research culminated in Iraq's Crime of Genocide: The Anfal Campaign Against the Kurds (by G. Black, Yale Univ. Press, 1995). According to Hiltermann, the literature on the Iran-Iraq war reflects a number of allegations of CW use by Iran, but these are "marred by a lack of specificity as to time and place, and the failure to provide any sort of evidence". (Potter, p.153) He calls these allegations "mere assertions" and adds: "no persuasive evidence of the claim that Iran was the primary culprit was ever presented".(Potter, p.156)

Mau berfikir... naahh silakan! Jika tidak kekal sajalah dengan kejumudan kepala otak tu!

[ Last edited by  Gravedigger at 8-3-2007 11:33 AM ]

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