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Author: burujtimur

Menyusu Bayi di Open Public..

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Post time 16-12-2008 09:36 AM | Show all posts
mesti lah pompuan malu kan...   ada je mata yg focus kt tempat tu... :@

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Post time 16-12-2008 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #79 momoko's post

indonesian ko jgn ckpla... kalo yg dh kawen tu takde malu2 dah..
yg lum kawen pun slambe je cemolot..

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Post time 16-12-2008 09:23 PM | Show all posts
biasa buat...
tak..sbb bukan bukak baju nampak semua
pepandai la tutup...dgn tudung ke..dgn towel ke

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Post time 16-12-2008 10:04 PM | Show all posts
Breastfeeding in Public
By Jennifer Earp

Why is it that something that should be totally natural to a new mother, so many times can put her into a state of panic? Breastfeeding our children is as natural as it gets. Women have been doing it since the beginning of time and yet, today, many mothers choose to stay home for fear they will end up in the middle of a mall with a starving infant demanding to be fed.

Can you believe that it wasn't until 1993, that North Carolina where I currently live amended its indecent exposure law to exclude breastfeeding women? God created breasts for the ultimate purpose of feeding and nurturing our children contrary to how the media chooses to portray them!

Something happened to me the other day that allowed me to reach a personal milestone in this area. First, let me tell you, I am a very modest person. When I was pregnant, I could not have imagined breastfeeding in public. Society had "trained" me to think that it was inappropriate. I admit to nursing my child at the hospital with absolutely no anxiety over who watched. Of course the doctors and nurses had seen aspects of me I don't even think my husband had ever seen -  much less wanted to! Even at home, I happily nursed anywhere and everywhere. But when visitors - even family - were around, I was off to the nursery behind closed doors.

Then one day, I found myself in the middle of the mall with a 5 month old screaming to be fed. I was faced with a number of options - use the ladies' room (definitely a last resort - yuk!), go on a mad search for a department store with a lounge or large dressing rooms, go back to the car (my normal nursing spot when out and about) or find the nearest seat. That day I decided it was too far, too much trouble and totally unfair to my daughter to make her wait until I could get to the car or find a private spot. So, I plopped myself down on a bench smack dab in the middle of the mall, put a blanket on my shoulder and fed my daughter.

At first I was self-conscious. I was sure everyone who walked past was staring directly at me. After looking at the potted plant next to me for five minutes in an effort to avoid eye contact, I started looking around. I was surprised to find that most people didn't even notice me. They were too engrossed in their shopping to see the young mother with the baby at her breast. The few people I made eye contact with just smiled back, but not one looked away in embarrassment or disgust. No derogatory comments were made. A mother with her teenage children even sat right next to me on the bench and still didn't take notice.

It was such a liberating experience. One small step for nursing mothers everywhere - One giant leap for me. One I wish I hadn't waited so long to take. I'm just sorry that I let society keep me from doing what I feel is best for my daughter. Of course, I realize that every situation is different and the next time might not fair as well, but I have gotten over the first hurdle and each time will get easier.

I wanted to share this experience for other nursing mothers who might just get that little "nudge" of encouragement they need to take that first step or at least help them to start feeling comfortable with the idea. For others, it may still be too big of a leap to take just yet. And by all means, you must do what you feel is right and are comfortable with. But if I could do it, I am confident that you can too.

**bukan kat malaysia yg taraf negara membangun je isu ni seolah2 taboo..di negara maju yg kuhnun2nya open-minded pun lebih kurang...sampai kat US, masa Clinton jadi presiden, dia luluskan satu law yg memberi hak kepada wanita utk menyusu anak di public

(The Right to Breastfeed Act, H.R. 1848) to protect a woman's right to breastfeed on federal property where she and her child have a right to be. The bill was signed into law on Sept. 28, 1999 when President Clinton signed the Treasury Postal Appropriations bill, which included Rep. Maloney's Right to Breastfeed Act...)

("It is a shame that we need this law to protect such a natural choice, but women were being harassed, told to leave national parks and museums and intimidated off of federal grounds simply for breastfeeding," said Rep. Maloney. "Until now, women had no recourse."-

MAsyarakat patut lebih open pasal ni...sbb susu ibu adalah HAK seorg he/she can have it when/where he/she wanted. Ketidaktrbukaan berkenaan isu ini hanya akan melemahkan semangat ibu2 yg setrusnya akan memilih utk mencampurkan dgn susu formula atau memendekkan masa penyususan exclusive. Tragedi melamine baru2 ini patut dijadikan iktibar...

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Post time 12-8-2009 12:47 PM | Show all posts
aku malu la..ingat lagi masa p klinik kerajaan nak cucuk anak..
masa tu gi ngan hubby...anak nagis nak susu..aku pun gi la bilik menyusu..dah baby kenyang aku pun keluar dok kat hubby..tgk2 depan hubby ku ada budak pompuan selamba je tgh menyusu baby dia.. dasar xmalu..hubby ku depan dia, leh menyusu anak kat depan tu...

hangin betul aku ngan org camni nak xmalu betul nak tayang tetek kat laki aku..

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Post time 12-8-2009 01:43 PM | Show all posts
pandai2 la kaver....
menyusu kat tempat awam ni satu kredit utk lelaki yg ada sekitar tu....
kalo nasib baik derang dapat la derang tengok....hihihi.....

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Post time 25-8-2009 02:07 PM | Show all posts
pernah gak menyusukan kat tempat awam tapi mmg btl2 cover sbb malu banget klu org lain terpandang atau sengaja nak memandang

dan selalunya hubby yang akan jadi jaga utk cover ana masa nyusukan
bkn x bawak susu botol tapi anak ana ni jns yang nak susu bdn gak itu yang kekadang cam x selesa  je nak jenjalan

tapi tulah ana tgk setengah org mmg selamba walau bertudung bagi anak nyusu badan kat public, xde nak cover bagai

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Post time 4-3-2011 03:47 PM | Show all posts
I'm full breast-feeding mum
Biasanya.. klu my husband ajak p jenjalan kuar dgn baby skali...
Aku akan make sure pakai nursing bra n nursing t-shirt
So... klu my baby nk feed...
Just selak sket je la... and sumtime... tetengah soping pun leh feed my baby...
Yang penting... konfiden breast kita tk terdedah, so... its better pakai nursing wear yg sesuai
And... of coz supportive frm husband!

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Post time 5-3-2011 01:18 AM | Show all posts
I'm full breast-feeding mum
Biasanya.. klu my husband ajak p jenjalan kuar dgn baby skali...
Aku a ...
SAYONARA Post at 4-3-2011 15:47

    Betul, saya setuju.. saya pun kalau kuar pegi mana2x bawak anak.. akan pastikan pakai nursing tee & tudung yang labuh supaya senang cover masa nak bf...
Mula2x dulu tuh memang segan la jugak, tapi dah lama2x dah biasa la.. yg penting masa tuh akan sentiasa pastikan everything still under cover.. hehehe

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Post time 5-3-2011 05:24 AM | Show all posts
aku malu la..ingat lagi masa p klinik kerajaan nak cucuk anak..
masa tu gi ngan hubby...anak nagis  ...
Azmanja Post at 11-8-2009 23:47

laki u tetap duduk kat kerusi dia atau bangun jalan jalan pandang luar asalkan dia tak duduk depan ppuan tu.
tapi kalau tetap tak berganjak... saja ajelah  tu

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Post time 8-3-2011 12:29 PM | Show all posts

antara mende yg wajib beli nnt...

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Post time 8-3-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts
kalau tak pun... buat jah jubah yg berzip kat depan... n pakai ngan tudung labuh... org tataw pun kita tengah menyusu baby...

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Post time 8-3-2011 01:32 PM | Show all posts
xde la nk malu..but with proper attire ler....

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Post time 8-3-2011 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Skang ni banyak dah baju untuk nursing mothers.. spesel punya design.. nursing cover pun berlambak orang jual.. memang convenient dua benda ni kalau nak menyusu baby kat public.

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Post time 9-3-2011 10:18 AM | Show all posts
carly vote x malu sebab carly cover dengan baju menyusu tu (lupa la pulak namanya).... jd org x tau kata carly susukan anak... kalu derang perasan pun, ada carly kesah???? (sebab tutup segala).....

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Post time 9-3-2011 04:15 PM | Show all posts
antara mende yg wajib beli nnt...
Fantaghiro Post at 8-3-2011 12:29

x lemas ke baby tu?

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Post time 9-3-2011 04:28 PM | Show all posts
pandangan sorang somi.aku la tuh..

aku x kesah pun org umah aku myusukan anak kat public(dia mmg selalu camtu)..betulla cakap yg len leh cover ngan baju n tudung kalo tu nak isap puting jer..bukan nak isap cam ayah2 dorang pun.

pandangan sorang lelaki
x de maknenyer aku nak nengok org tgh susukan baby dia.nampak sweet sgt tgk ibu susukan anak.

mase ni kalo tengak anak org tingat anak kite.tgk bini org tingat bini kite....

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Post time 10-3-2011 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Reply 96# ruffleen

x lemas la dik..

kan kat bahu ibu tu ada ruang utk dia tgk baby sambil susukan..

sama mcm i guna blanket juga la,tutup separuh bahu and susukan baby..

tapi my blanket jenis kait,so ruang pengudaraan tu ada and baby takkan lemas..

memang senang breast feeding as compared to bottle,a lot less hassle!

i cuma akan cari seat and duduk,tutup separuh bahagian dgn blanket and breast feed my baby,tak de isu pun sebab baju yang i pakai pun jenis yang tak menampak kan kulit badan yang terdedah..

tambah lagi sekarang ada jual half like girdle for nursing mothers,kalau selak baju bahagian perut tetap being covered..

actually tak timbul isu nak kena cari rest room and whatsoever,cause baby ni timing nak breast feeding differs,terkena time tu jauh dari rest room si ibu kena lah bijak mencari alternative yang sesuai kan..

alhamdulillah,my husband understand sangat2 bab ni and kami pun banyak invest for comfortability during breast feeding..

no doubt,walaupun dah tutup seelok mungkin,memang i perasan ada mata2 gatal yang semacam nak see through di sebalik kain yang kita tutup tu..yang ni memang pervert lah ok!


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Post time 10-3-2011 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply 98# pinksarah

i see..tq for the explaination.

seblom ni ada tgok kat tv9 yg nasi lemak kopi o tu, dia promot baju khas utk ibu menyusukan anak. nice! cantik2 design nya. tapi dah lupa nama kompeni tu.

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Post time 10-3-2011 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply 99# ruffleen

haah,ada baju2 for nursing..

even dynas pelakon tu pun dah launch her nursing dresses,blouses and all..

kalau agak2 mcm mahal sangat nursing clothes boleh aje guna blanket,as simple as that..

i tak beli nursing clothes cause knowing boleh pakai most to most up to 2 years je,although boleh pakai bila x breast feeding sekali pun takut nanti anak tgh lasak pegang baju tu terselak ke kan,'ll never know..tak pasal2 nanti ada pulak yang rajin bukak topic kat forum ni..

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