the five...mcm menarik jerrr....nk sgt tau psl apa plak the five ni...VD ni makin lama makin bes n xmemboringkan cam series lain...ada jer bnda bru dorg nk introduce...dulu ms season 1 warewolf, pastu plak hyrid...pasni skrang vampirew hunter yg the five tu...
melati_kesuma posted on 3-11-2012 01:04 PM
X suke stefan dlm episode ni...nak jadikan elena to human balik ke...biar ajelah elena jadi vampire. ...
xmau menaruh apa2 harapan...nnt kecewa writers selalu bg spoiler mcm memberi harapan tgk2 xda apa sgt pun. benci ahhh.kalau ikut buku, elena akan jd human balik kan? n damon tersalah amik cure tu,n damon pun akan jd human blk kan. kalau ikut buku la...... dan kalau ikut buku jugak, elena akhirnya akan pilih stefan juga...
​Damon: "So we each take a different entrance and hit him at the same time" Elena: "(Stefan enters) Stefan (Elena goes to hug him)" Damon: "Where the hell have you' been?" Stefan: "Coming up with a plan (Elena hugs Stefan)" Damon: "Yeah? We have a plan. Plan is I'm going to rip Connor's heart out and feed it to him." Stefan: "That's not a plan. We need to be careful. Connor has Jeremy and who knows how many other hostages." Damon: "Hence the open heart surgery." Elena: "Damon's right. Connor is strong but he's not going to be able take all of us" Tyler: "I called Hybrids. They are up too. (Caroline walks in)" Caroline: "My mom put squad cars blocking the streets. They're saying it's a faulty gas main. We're good to go." Damon: "Good. Great. No cops, no witnesses, no reason to wait around." Stefan: "Alright, hold on. We are not all going."​ Tyler: "He shot me like nine times. If we are killing him I want in." Elena: "He's got Jeremy. I'm going." Stefan: "Listen, Nobody is going anywhere until I figure out what we’re walking into."
​Damon: "Until you figure it out? Is that you've been all morning? Out buying bossy pants?" Stefan: "This guy is known for setting traps, alright? We'll be pretty dumb to walk into him especially if has werewolf venom." Elena: "Does he?" Stefan: "(Turns to Elena) He's had it before. (Elena agrees)" Damon: "Fine. Fine. You want to take some time to do recon. You get one hour. But we need some extra help. So where the hell is the wicked witch of the west?" Caroline: "She can't do magic." Damon: "Really? Call her. Tell her Jeremy's life is in danger. Maybe that'll bring her out of retirement." Last edited by erin86 on 5-11-2012 11:02 AM
Elena: "(Damon enters Elena's bedroom abruptly as she opens the door) Oh - Excuse me. What are you doing?" Damon: "(Walks past Elena and turns to face her) Where's Stefan?" Elena: "O.K., uh, Good Morning to you too." Damon: "Well, he's not answering his phone and he's not here, which yunno - big deal; we've only got a killer Vampire Hunter on the loose." Elena: "I haven't talk to him yet today." Damon: "(Damon walks toward Elena) Mmmmm. Gimme your phone. Maybe he's dodging me." Elena: "Why would he be dodging you?" Damon: "Ooooooh, I don't know, maybe the hot, sweaty, dance party business. I figured you spilled your guilty little guts the minute I left last night." Damon: "(Elena rumages through her purse for her phone looking flustered) Ooooooooh, you didn't tell him, did you?" Elena: "(Elena hands Damon the phone) No, I didn't tell him that I got high on blood like some crack head and then dirty danced with you. It was a mistake, o.k.. I wasn't....myself, and besides he has enough on his plate with trying to get me through this Vampire stuff." Damon: "Oh, I see, this is classic shame spiral."
​Elena: "I'm not in a shame spiral." Damon: "Oh, you so are. Newbie Vampire remorse. Woooof, it's worse than a hang-over." Elena: "I'm not in a shame spiral Damon."
jeremy mmg tgh dlm konflik skrang ni kn...adakah dia akan bunuh vampire yg juga termsk akk dia n bes freinds dia,...but mayb kalo dia tau psl map tu leh dpt cure mau dia akan bunuh byk vamp utk elena..
tp interesting gak tetiba dia jd hunter pas connor..
aku xpaham gelang yg jeremy tu bg..mana dia dpt gelang tu n naper dia bg kt april...ada sesaper tau???
graxier06 posted on 12-11-2012 01:13 AM
jeremy mmg tgh dlm konflik skrang ni kn...adakah dia akan bunuh vampire yg juga termsk akk dia n bes ...
gelang tu ekceli vervain...utk elakkan theyols ni kene vervain tu kalau diminum barulah skrang kan vervain tu dah habis kene bakar dah masa pastor young tu bunuh kt mystic falls skrang ni dah takde vervain dah jeremy tu kasikla gelang tu kt april sbb kesian april ni asyikla kene pukau je....
Damon: "Time to face the music. Pay the piper. Dance with the devil"
Stefan: "You know, I’m glad you find this amusing. If he finds out I told you about the cure, he’ll kill both of us."
Damon: "Then quit avoiding him. I mean, it’s shady. Shady people get outed."
Stefan: "(picks up the phone) I don’t want to talk about it."
Klaus: "Well, I can imagine why, what with you ruining all my plans for a hybrid-filled future."
Stefan: "Well, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't sworn me to secrecy."
Klaus: "Well, life’s full of “ifs,” Stefan. Let’s accentuate the positives, shall we? The hunter was one of five, we’ll find another. It may take centuries, but we've got time, right?"
Stefan: "You’re using your calm voice today. Who’s getting killed?"
Klaus: "Not you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I am concerned about your beloved. Have the hallucinations started yet?"
Stefan: "(grows alarmed and stares worriedly at Damon) What do you know about that?"