Earlier, ABC released their official synopsis for the premiere episode to be called "A Tale of Two Sisters."
"A scared and confused Elsa finds herself in Storybrooke and, fearful of the intentions of its residents, creates a powerful snow monster for protection," the press release read. "With Robin Hood's wife, Marian, back in the picture, Regina wonders if her 'happily ever after' with the former thief has been completely quashed; while on their honeymoon, Mr. Gold finds an intriguing object that makes him question whether or not he should officially give Belle control over the dagger that makes him The Dark One, and Hook is dismayed to discover that Emma seems to be avoiding him while she tries to help comfort Regina after being the one responsible for bringing Marian back from the past and into Storybrooke."
"Meanwhile, in Arendelle of the past, as Elsa's sister Anna's wedding to Kristoff nears, Anna discovers that their parents – who died on-ship during a violent storm – were heading to a mysterious destination in a quest that may have held the secret to containing Elsa's out of control Ice powers. And against Elsa's wishes, Anna wants to finish their journey to find out what they were looking for," it continued.
"Once Upon a Time" Season 4, episode 1 "A Tale of Two Sisters" airs on Sunday Sept. 28 at 8/7c on ABC. |
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Post time 15-9-2014 07:38 PM
From the mobile phone
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put3reen posted on 12-9-2014 12:13 PM
Citer tu buat iols sakit hatiiii okehhh... menda la joss dah elok2 dengan scott..dh nk khwin dh pu ...
Omg....ni bikin gua marah ni... |
embrace yourself peeps!!!
we are about to enter strorybrooke this sunday!!!
am so excited!!!! |
sudah in the mood?
kalau di beri pilihan...
watak siapa yg korang nak pegang???
hurmmmm jap...lemme think... |
esok bru kuar link gaknye.. |
bettyboo posted on 22-9-2014 12:22 PM
either Emma atau Belle
bel rasa samada nak pegang watak regina atau emma...
emma bel suka dgn watak dia yg tegas...and sentiasa in charge...responsible gitu
regina plak...bel rasa mcm boleh reach inside her...her heart break tu
teky posted on 22-9-2014 12:50 PM
esok bru kuar link gaknye..
hari isnin tu...29hb mesti dh ada link tp tgh hari skit kut...
bettyboo posted on 22-9-2014 01:06 PM
hehe!! Regina pun cool jugak kan? dia ada gak her witty moments tu...masa dia perli Little John tu ...
yup...watak belle tu sgt strong.
sgt yakin n suka membaca gitu kan...one of yg cerdik dia tu
ish...udah2 le tu extended....extended satu episode terus xde ??? bikin kurang sabar nengok nye
terover excited kejap sebab ingat ALyssa Milano akan join OUAT...rupanye citer lain
p/s: "no personal gain" Last edited by hike80 on 22-9-2014 03:14 PM
bettyboo posted on 22-9-2014 02:46 PM
Regina selamba jer panggil Belle tu bookworm
boleh dikatakan Regina ni mmg Betty kesi ...
tu ler pasal...mmg ketara sgt trait the charmings ni menurun ke anak kan?
hike80 posted on 22-9-2014 03:11 PM
ish...udah2 le tu extended....extended satu episode terus xde ??? bikin kurang sabar nengok nye
season ni byk bebeno rahsia deme la...
i pun tensen di buatnya
tdpp2006 posted on 29-9-2014 12:28 PM
saper dah tengok??
link epsiode 1 dah up tp bel x donlod lg ni
kesian nyer kat Regina
Snow monster tu dah hampir nak pijak dah Marian tu tapi Regina halang monster tu...makin meluat kat Emma sbb kerana dia la mender ni sumer jadik
Regina: The more you try to help the worse my life becomes |
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