[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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ada pic harry kat scotland... jenglot tak ikut mungkin tengah planning kot cmmna nak fight dgn BRF? kikis duit..guwe nak upload tapi belum lg teror guna forum ini. sorry.. |
sedih tgh ph..ha3...jgn hencap saya plz |
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mommy body goals angat si kate nih. this is not skinny sbb meratap hiba ke apa okay. this is fit skinny. tgk calf dah tau kate ni jenis sporty & toned. tgk body meg. kaki keding kecik tak berotot pastu tetiba top half tak seimbang. no wonder people keep calling her spongebob 
the Harkles mampu kot byr security sendirik, kan dua2 jutawan esp. Mega yg dikatakan aktres yg berjaya gitu  |
Edited by dani-rox at 28-2-2020 02:24 PM

Just call me 'Harry' katanyaaaaaaaa

Harry warned 'doors will be closing' for him and Meghan Markle after Royal Family exit
PRINCE HARRY has been warned the decision to quit the Royal Family will be “closing doors” across the world for both himself and wife Meghan Markle.
Max Foster, a CNN Europe correspondent who has been reporting on Meghan and Harry’s upcoming departure, told Foreign Policy: “What you have to remember is that Harry’s grown up being able to ask for help, free help, from anyone pretty much.
“He can go to any government department and ask for help. He’s got access – doors are open to him.
"They won’t be open to him anymore.”
Mr Foster predicted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will have to “sell” their image to gather the support they need for their future pursuits but warned the royal couple “have no experience” in making business within the celebrity scene.
He continued: “He’s going to have to sort of sell himself in the same way as other top celebrities sell themselves.
"And that’s hard. He doesn’t have experience with that. And the Duchess doesn’t have experience with that either, not at that level.”
"Most of Meghan's followers who leap to her defense with cries of "racism" on a near daily basis couldn't have picked her out of a lineup before she met "simply" Harry."

Meghan also believes the Queen was ‘under pressure to make those demands about the name change’, because Harry is the Queen’s 'favorite and others just can’t deal with it.’

Oooooooo, the burnnnn . Tapi kalau hanat is `just hanat', sparkle nak pandang ke? 
dani-rox replied at 28-2-2020 02:13 PM
the Harkles mampu kot byr security sendirik, kan dua2 jutawan esp. Mega yg dikatakan aktres yg ber ...
Savage ni. Menangis meg now garu kepala teruk dia kena kiri kanan depan belakang ni. Semua makin menyusut menghilang mcm harry punya receding hairline and kat tengah kepala tu. |
dani-rox replied at 28-2-2020 02:28 PM
The best comment ive ever read about the two clowns. Hands down dani. This comment should be pinned sebesar alam dalam thread ni so sugar can try to fight it, facts with facts bukan attack personal or ejek kita jeles. Huhuhu |
eva replied at 24-2-2020 11:00 PM
narc yg mmg super duper giler..
kalau x gila, x dia berangan abis hingga dia ingat anak dia la ...
Card birthday george tu betapa menghargainya parents dia sampai ulang 2x ulang how appreciative they were public wish anak diorang.
Yang si smeg dok nampak copyright bwh tu je. LOL xnak langsung belajar cara jadi royal walaupun dah former. She has no class and will never be classy and will never own any class. |
si smeg ni reminds me of a new acquaintance yang seems to not take the hint iol dah rengsa dgn dia, like for real yach orang mcm ni wujud i was wondering apa level IQ diorang ni walaupun ada degree.
Ataupun memang narc ni considered as mentally challenged jugak, i think it is.
Dengan anak dia sekali cikgu, murid murid lain rengsa tapi dia tetap la muka tak malu like nothing happen and tak take the hint langsung weol dah jelik dgn dia. Bizarre betul orang camni tau  |
PH smart mlm ni...dgn bon jovi |
kalau Just Harry jah, Megatron akan jegilkan mata psiko dia 
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