found the recap for epi 13...
'Merlin': 'The Sword in the Stone (Part 2)' recap Published Wednesday, Dec 21 2011, 22:29 GMT | By Morgan Jeffery file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg © BBC / Shine/Nick Briggs On run from Agravaine's troops,
sneaks away from others - calls the Great Dragon - Aggy's troops toastedby his fiery breath - heroes take refuge in cave tunnels...
Ag & remaining goons follow - so Merlin breaks away from others to create adiversion - he's cornered - but uses his magic to fight off villains.
Ag is stunned - "You have magic!" - realises that Merlin is Emyrs -he tries to pull a blade - incapacitated by magic - killed - kungfu!
Arthur insists on going back for Merlin - surprising Tristan. The reunitedgroup decide to head back towards Camelot, in hope of finding their friends.
Arthur's faith in himself is failing - Gwen tries to comfort him - but he'sturned hard, still angry about her betrayal.
Camelot - Gwaine is snatched away for another fight-for-food - given only asmall wooden sword. Gwaine earns another mouldy loaf, but Gaius is dying.
Arthur still glum - blames himself for recent events - "I was a fool - Imisjudged everyone."
Merlin summons the dragon for a second time - Merlin must restore Arthur'sfaith - he has an idea...
In the morning - Merlin leads Arthur into the woods - tells him the tale of howthe Five Kingdoms were born. Claims that Camelot's first King once thrust asword into a stone - only one worthy to be King can remove it...
Arthur is led to the stone - where Percvial, Leon, knights and other citizensof Camelot are waiting - tracked down by the Dragon...
Arthur struggles to remove the sword - M: "You're destined to be Albion'sgreatest king." - his faith restored - and with a little help fromMerlin's magic - Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone!
Helios reports Agravaine's death / dragon attack to Morgana - M: "This isthe work of Emrys."
Arthur prepares to go to war - Gwen watches on - Is: "Never give up hope -love is stronger than anything."
Later that night, Merlin sneaks back to Camelot - uses magic to transformhimself into Dragoon.
Incapacitating a guard and stealing his cloak, Merlin reverts to younger self -but Morgana's already caught a glimpse of 'Emrys' - terrified.
Morgana tries to sleep - but Merlin has planted a voodoo doll type thing underher bed. Back in the woods, Tristan and Isolde ask Arthur if they may fight athis side - they are impressed by his honour and leadership...
Armed with Excalibur, Arthur leads his army to Camelot. Camelot's forces andthe Southron warriors clash - Morgana: " My dear brother... we must welcomehim home."
Percival and Leon rescue Gaine, Elyan and weakened Gaius - while Arthur leadsassault on throne room, where Morgana waits. But her magic is useless - thanksto Merlin's doll, her powers have vanished.
Morgana flees - Merlin pursues - while Arthr and co. fight Helios and his men.
Arthur is wounded by Helios, Morgana by a knight of Camelot. Isolde savesArthur before Helios can strike killing blow, but Helios strikes her as he falls.Tristan holdes Isolde as she dies...
Gwen confronts Morgana - sword fight. Morgana knocks Gwen's sword to theground, but magic propels Morgana back - Merlin! Gwen is saved - but Morganahas vanished...
Moved by Isolde's sacrifice, Arthur decides to forgive Gwen. He proposes to heragain and she happily accepts.
Some time later - Guinevere is crowned Queen of Camelot and the people ofCamelot rejoice...
Wounded Morgana retreats to the woods - she collapses - all but dead - butAithusa arrives - breathes his magical breath - restores her to health. Thenflies away... |