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Author: mysr01

[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 1-3-2020 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Meghan Markle Escaping The Crown (Trailer) | VICE VERSA

"Meghan Markle Escaping the Crown", which will air on March 10, explains why Meghan left the Royal Family. RACISM! (Well, I guess that's a surprise to all of us, isn't it?)

"The reason people dont like Meghan Markle is because she is A BIT BLACK..."

huh WTF?

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Post time 1-3-2020 05:19 PM | Show all posts
ellejo replied at 1-3-2020 10:16 AM
sis dani ingat lagi rupanya. rasa macam dah bertahun masuk gua kikiki
i benci meghan ni nasib bai ...

semestinya ai ingat, sis antara poremer paling rare dan unik yg ai pernah baca kat sini
ai mula2 ok jah dgn Mega nih, tp bila dia acah2 tak kenal BRF dan ayat "is he kind?" tu yg radar pengesan villain ai terus berdenting


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Post time 1-3-2020 07:52 PM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 1-3-2020 03:10 PM
hahaha, tergelak besar I baca ayat merah yg last tu

masalahnya, cukup ke bulu2 si Harry tu,  ...

Erkk, dia kan former yacht girl. Lagi banyak yg tak selera dia dah pernah menghadap kut.  So setakat just harry duit berkepuk-kepuk tutup mata jaaaaa


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Post time 1-3-2020 10:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

And kena reject terus jgn kata alih suara, agent sendiri pun tak yakin nak dia berlakon pilem.

bukan main berlagak berangan dia yach telling friends sky’s the limit utk future diorang yang ‘non royal’ tu

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Post time 2-3-2020 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lama tak menjengah sini rindu nak kutuk smeg....jab nak slow2 backlog.....

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Post time 2-3-2020 10:31 PM | Show all posts
"Meghan needs Disney more than Disney needs Meghan. She's a controversial figure.



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Post time 2-3-2020 10:36 PM | Show all posts
so katanya Mega "bakal menghadiri" Met Gala bulan Mei nanti.

Secara peribadi, ai berharap ia benar2 kejadian sbb nak tengok pesen khemah atau kelambu sheols yg overpriced. Dan satu lg, ini akan membuktikan kpd semua org termasuk sugars, bahawa alasan the Harkles keluar BRF sbb nak privacy adalah bullshit semata2

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Post time 2-3-2020 10:38 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 2-3-2020 10:55 PM | Show all posts

hahaha... ai yakin yg lain2 akan gigeh buat muka sadin, kecuali acik Camilla

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Post time 2-3-2020 11:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 2-3-2020 11:30 PM
dani-rox replied at 2-3-2020 10:55 PM
hahaha... ai yakin yg lain2 akan gigeh buat muka sadin, kecuali acik Camilla

Baby gula bakalan kena tinggal lagi. Jauh nun negara orang berapa RPO ler jaga si baby gula sorang, 2 mangkuk tu lagi. Mana ler ummah UK tak mengamuk, tinggi giler kos securiti 2 mangkuk 1 family

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Post time 2-3-2020 11:36 PM | Show all posts
delia3003 replied at 2-3-2020 11:28 PM
Baby gula bakalan kena tinggal lagi. Jauh nun negara orang berapa RPO ler jaga si baby gula sora ...

50-50 kemungkinan the Harkles bakal di boo. UK ppl memang tgh berbulu yg teramat psl belanja RPO dia org.

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Post time 2-3-2020 11:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 2-3-2020 10:31 PM

ouch sangat kan hahhahaaa

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Post time 2-3-2020 11:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 2-3-2020 10:36 PM
so katanya Mega "bakal menghadiri" Met Gala bulan Mei nanti.

Secara peribadi, ai berharap ia ben ...

Sugar nak belit apa lagi kan. CASH harkles hadiahkan sugar kena game.

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Post time 3-3-2020 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Edited by judicata at 3-3-2020 08:43 AM

Sorry, Meghan Markle Won't Be Attending the Met Gala ... ding-181200883.html

rasain lo

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Post time 3-3-2020 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Megs dah ada dkt london since last week.
And guess where she stays?

Soho costwald, london.

Same old, same old.

From fb mmtcd

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Post time 3-3-2020 12:19 PM | Show all posts
rosewhite replied at 29-2-2020 04:38 AM
The Countess of Wessex attended the premiere of the film "Sulphur and White" at The Curzon Mayfair i ...

Sophie ni braless ke apaaa

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Post time 3-3-2020 12:20 PM | Show all posts
ellejo replied at 29-2-2020 07:21 AM
The Yorks is highly to take over harry and meghan’s duty

Ellejooooooooooooooo, lama tenggelam. anak dah besar ke? hehee teringat kisah you dulu

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Post time 3-3-2020 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 3-3-2020 11:59 AM
Megs dah ada dkt london since last week.
And guess where she stays?

Confirm? Naik private jet ke sbb takde gambar bertebaran. Species muka tembok, berani ye jejak kaki kat tanah UK lagi lepas create macam2 kontroversi tapi lepas tu play victim. Adakah dia akan tersengih macam kerang busuk cam takde apa2 berlaku masa event tu nanti?

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Post time 3-3-2020 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Tea from anonymoushouseplantfan's anon, regarding Mega and Met Gala:

Enty = penulis blind gossip blog "Crazy Days and Nights" dan ini gosip yg dimaksudkan oleh anon
Anna = Anna Wintour
E = Edward Enninful, British Vogue editor in chief/bff Markus Anderson

Fashion Anon here, I wanted to msg you yesterday that she was not on the list and Enty is half right. You guys will be shocked when you hear the reason. She was invited but she did a whole “do you know who I am” to Anna. A told her what she wish to see her in but M told her, not her style. So A ask her what she was thinking, not sure what she said but Anna vetoed it. M got irritated and that’s when A told her if Harry was onboard, it was a package deal. She say yes and decided to go around it by saying E was bringing her. That way, she could be there without Harry and Anna couldn’t say anything. Guess she forgot who actually is the hostess. The article she placed was to hold E accountable, she now will see what happens when you get Anna mad.

janji akan mengikut arahan lepas tu "decided to go around it" memang MO Megatron selama nih. mcm dia yakinkan BRF yg dia takda kaitan dgn Vogue tp last2 dia teruskan jua dlm senyap2. mcm pencurik

satu lg, sebelum kawen dia tak dibenarkan memakai veil oleh QE2 utk menghormati tradisi gereja bahawa veil tu utk wanita belum pernah berkahwin. Megatron kunun2 setuju, tuptup dia muncul dgn veil panjang. Menurut soksek bawang istana, tatkala QE2 masuk gereja, dia hampir2 tak menyapa Wills dan Harry, sbb sakit hati sgt dgn perangai Mega.

btw Mega pergi ke Met Gala tanpa suami tersayang, Just Harry??


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Post time 3-3-2020 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Link:  KISS AND MEG UP The Queen tells Prince Harry he’ll ‘always be welcomed back’ in four-hour heart-to-heart to heal Megxit rift

THE Queen and Prince Harry had a four-hour heart-to-heart talk at Windsor Castle on Sunday about his future.

She told him over lunch that he and Meghan will be welcomed back if they ever decide to rejoin the royals.

A source said: “Hopefully it cleared the air.”

The Queen agreed to meet Harry for the extraordinary fireside chat to clear the air about his and Meghan’s imminent royal departure after a request from the Duke.

Harry's 93-year-old grandmother is believed to have ended the talk by saying: “You are much loved and will always be welcomed back.”

Harry, 35, had discretely strolled from his Frogmore Cottage home in Windsor Home Park to the castle, where he and the Queen shared a light lunch and tea as they discussed his future.

A royal source said: “The Queen had a lot to talk to Harry about and this was the ideal time for them to both say their piece.

“When Harry and Meghan announced they wanted to quit it all happened very quickly and it was very stressful for all concerned.

“Sunday was the first time the Queen has had the chance to talk to Harry on his own and really find out what his plans are. It was a much more relaxed environment and they were both able to speak their mind.”

The chat came amid reports that the Queen is “very sad” that she sees so little of Harry and Meghan’s son Archie.

The source added: “It’s fair to say she is very upset about him and Meghan leaving and she would love to see more of Archie, as would Prince Charles and the rest of the family.

“But she accepts at the moment that his mind is made up and he intends to live in North America.

“However she also wanted to make it clear that the arrangement can only work if they do not exploit their royal status and try to ‘cash in’ — that’s why she wouldn’t let them use the word ‘royal’ for their foundation.

“The Queen is protecting the institution and she is also aware of the cost of security.

“That is something that still needs to be resolved. But Harry is also a much-loved grandson who she has always doted on.

“She made it very clear to him that he and Meghan are always able to come back if they change their minds and she will welcome them with open arms.

“Hopefully the chat cleared the air and the way forward is looking more positive.

“But she wanted to make certain Harry knew there were limits and the whole set-up is subject to a review after 12 months.”

Meghan is expected to fly in to London in the next 48 hours for the couple’s final royal jobs together for the foreseeable future.

But Archie is not expected to join them. The nine-month-old will remain in Canada, looked after by a nanny and Meghan’s best friend Jessica Mulroney.

A new poll suggests 90 per cent of the UK public believes the taxpayer should not pay for Harry and Meghan’s round-the-clock protection if they live abroad.

Canada will cease to pay the bill from the end of this month.

Princess Diana’s former police bodyguard Ken Wharfe said: “It will be sad for the Queen not to see her great-grandson but in security terms Archie is probably safer staying in Canada.


“What can’t happen is for Harry and Meghan to lose their Scotland Yard officers and go private.

“It wouldn’t be safe and they need protection more than ever.

“The solution might be for the Queen or Prince Charles to stump up some or all of the cost of protection and give it back to the taxpayer. This is a new situation and new ideas are needed.”

Harry is thought to have arrived at the castle at around 1pm on Sunday and had lunch of poached salmon and salad with the Queen.

Their talks went on throughout the afternoon, with only Her Majesty’s dogs as witnesses. They finished after a tea of scones and cucumber sandwiches.

One source said Harry was seen leaving “deep in thought”.

haihhhhhh, tak payah nak bagi muka sgt kat 2 ekor tu, QE patut buat cenggini aje..

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