Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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Reply #1040 skgerl's post
SK .. apa lagi kasi ah the url.. i pun nak survey2 jugak |
Reply #1039 gadis_aries's post
Aries, pure seduction, the fragrance very nice, i survey the shop @ eunos mrt 
i pakai yg forbidden fantasy .. bleh tahan bau dia.
tapi ps lagi sedap bau dia. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 15-1-2008 08:03 PM 
SK .. apa lagi kasi ah the url.. i pun nak survey2 jugak
the url : http://profiles.friendster.com/49223619
you tak payah login pon bole view tis account tapi kalau nak send message to the person mestilah kena login..
6-piece Pure Seduction set for $100 - Cheap oii! |
Originally posted by Hane at 13-1-2008 05:45 PM 
package i've been waiting for finally here :pompom:
red, kitten heels from Nine West... thanks to Mommy Ratu :hug:
http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/2706/120120081032fw6.jpghttp://img81.imag ...
aaaaahhh...nine west, cantik kasutnyaaa... Have yet to try masuk boutique dia.. if in Spore, Nine West boutique at Raffles CT Shopping Ctr is next door to Coach.. Nak recce2 jugak coz the shoes are 100+ kan? Around same range as Aldo shoes... Anyone can help me justify?  |
Reply #1047 skgerl's post
ya betul, aldo dgn nine west harga lebih kurang sama..
aku stresskan lagik sekali...tunggu GSS... |
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 16-1-2008 09:52 AM 
ya betul, aldo dgn nine west harga lebih kurang sama..
aku stresskan lagik sekali...tunggu GSS...
Aku tgh tunggu lah ni... duit mula2 nak bayar deposit mak andam..pastu save bebanyak til GSS come..baru bley shopping sakan, tho it is for kawin...satu tahun baru bley gunakan bembarang shopping tu
Oh ya Loli, aku dah tau nama kedai katil kat TKC tu..its called The Green isit? I saw their christmas discount specials in the papers...set katil harga $400+ pon ada?? Me very shocked! |
Reply #1048 LoLiPoP's post
errr... GSS tu amende?  |
Reply #1050 holmes's post
Great Singapore Sales  |
Reply #1049 skgerl's post
bukan ah..aku beli kat kedai apek tingkat 2
[ Last edited by LoLiPoP at 16-1-2008 02:51 PM ] |
Originally posted by skgerl at 16-1-2008 02:49 PM 
Its Great Singapore Sale, my dear holmes...
Its where satu spore ni tgh hangat2 taik ayam berjualan murah2... rugi tak beli Meh turun Spore from May-June...
selalunya from late may to early july |
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 16-1-2008 02:55 PM 
selalunya from late may to early july
Yahooo...kalo takde halangan memang plan nak p spore around this period  |
Reply #1057 holmes's post
selamat bershopping iyer holmes
insyaallah, kalau takde aral melintang....CNY nanti aries nak pi KL...shopping jugak  |
Reply #1057 holmes's post
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Category: Negeri & Negara