[HD] 090919 f(x) - LA chA TA @ Music Core
me pening tgk perf dorg nih...sbb camera gerak laju sgt....
cameraman mabuk raya kot
tp me rasa airtime mmg fair la...x mcm ...
just_aku Post at 19-9-2009 09:03 PM
komawo yo, for the link... a'ah la, me tgk but ada rs pening skit sbb kamera berdesup jer gerak. tp mmg sumer pun dpt fair airtime!! anyway, uploader dh upload gak yg file AVI kat sharekey file yg mu tepek tu!!
komawo yo, for the link... a'ah la, me tgk but ada rs pening skit sbb kamera berdesup jer gerak. tp mmg sumer pun dpt fair airtime!! anyway, uploader dh upload gak yg file AVI kat shareke ...
rukiaichigo Post at 20-9-2009 00:26
[Interview] f(x) Amber thinks Krystal is close to being perfect
SM new girlgroup f(x) did an interview with Vogue Girl magazine while they did a photoshoot for the magazine.
And in the interview the members talk about which woman they think is close to being perfect.
While each members pick a celebrity, member Amber picks fellow member Krystal as her ideal of someone close to perfect.
[VOGUEGIRL shortened to V.G.] Earlier in front of the studio entrance, whenyou shouted in an orderly fashion, “Hello! We are f(x)!” Approximatelywhen did you start practicing this?
* [Victoria] After ourgroup’s name was settled, it automatically came out of my mouth. Wewere happy that we would finally be able to introduce ourselves likeour sunbaes (seniors) did.
* [Luna] After you introduce yourselfwith a loud voice, all feelings of nervousness went away. Also, it’slike a ‘Fighting~’ for each other.
* ([V.G.] When did you find outyou 5 would become a group?) We slowly had a hunch, but we found outfor sure last year. We started full-scale practices in January.
[V.G.]It hasn’t even been a week since you’ve finished your debut stages.What was the very first thing you thought of, while coming off thestage?
* [Victoria] Ah, We finally debuted! Haha.
* [Krystal] The days I’ve been living as a trainee, quickly passed by like a movie film.
* [Luna] It didn’t feel real to me, so I was dazed.
* [Sulli] This isn’t a dream right?
* [Amber] Oh. My God! ; [V.G.] Who was the first person you contacted after your first broadcast?
* [Luna] My father. He told me not to forget my feelings at this moment.
* [Sulli] Since my house is in Busan, I haven’t been able to see mybrother for 6 months, and after my performance he called me. He saidI’ve grown so much in that time we haven’t seen each other, and thatI’ve become a lady. My oldest brother is going into the military at theend of this month, and I will miss him a lot. ([V.G.] It’s alright.Since his sibling is a f(x) member, his military life will becomfortable.) So I shouldn’t be worrying? Hoho (laughing)
* [Amber] I called my mother who is currently in America. She was surprised because she didn’t know I would do so well.
* [Victoria] My parents who reside in China, came to see my debut stage. They said they were very proud of their daughter.
[V.G.] Krystal, did your sister Jessica, give you words of encouragement after your debut stage?
* [Krystal] After only saying good job, she continued saying nonsense(laughter). I tend to sweat a lot, and my sister told me to be morecareful because you can see all the beads of sweat, and she also saidto work harder on my face expressions.
* ([V.G.] In all of your interviews, the first thing they talk about is your sister Jessica, right?)
* That’s right. They still call me by, ‘Jessica’s sister, Krystal’.Well since it’s only the beginning, it’s alright. As a sunbae(senior),my sister cheers for me, and also gives a lot of advice, so I like it.
* ([V.G.] Someday, a day may pass when it’s ‘Krystal’s Unnie, Jessica’ instead.)
* If my sister saw this interview, I’m afraid of what she might do (laughter). I need to work harder, in everything.
[V.G.] When did you first have thoughts of becoming a singer?
* [Luna] When I was 7 years old, after seeing Lee Junghyun’sperformance on TV, I fell for it. Since I loved the song, ‘Wa’ so much,I would sing along to it.
* [Krystal] My first commercial filmingwas when I was 7 years old, and I had so much fun. As a matter of fact,I became casted into the agency together with my sister, but since Iwas so young at that time, I started my training years later.
*[Sulli] When I was 12, after I successfully passed an audition for thedrama ‘Seo Dong Yo’. Although I did go to acting school ever since Iwas younger, but I only went because my mother registered me. Howeverafter successfully passing the auditions, I went entirely on my ownwill.
* ([V.G.] You didn’t want to become an actress at that time?)I formed a curiosity of how it would feel of standing on stage as asinger. If the opportunity comes, I would like to be both an actressand a singer together.
[V.G.] Who was the celebrity that you wanted to meet at the broadcast station?
* [Krystal] Clazziquai! Specifically Horan Unnie. She’s amazing.
* [Amber] Fly to the Sky sunbaes(seniors). But actually, since I’vedebuted, the two’s activities are on a break, and I was a bit saddened.
* [Luna] Chaeyeon sunbae. Before entering my current agency, I appearedin a program called ‘Truth Game’ and at that time, I danced togetherwith her.
* [Victoria] Song Seunghun sunbae because he’s sohandsome and acts very well. I also want to meet Lee Hyori sunbae. Iwould like to learn from her on, how to seize the stage.
[V.G.] Which woman do you think is close to being perfect?
* [Victoria] Song Hyegyo sunbae. I’ve become a huge fan after watching her dramas!
* [Krystal] Audrey Hepburn. She is intelligent and attractive, and symbolizes woman.
* [Amber] Krystal! (laughter) Since she has the gracefulness I do not have. -->KryBer??
* [Krystal] Unstoppable! Amber likes me a lot.
[V.G.] What kind of men do you think are amazing?
* [Amber] A man who can play around well, and has manners.
* [Sulli] A man who has a responsible and prudent personality.
* [Victoria] A tall man. If he’s shorter than me, then there would be some difficulties. --> sama la mcm me gak!!
* [Luna] A man who loves music, and knows how to value it. It would be okay if he had a job related to music like me.
* [Krystal] A man that is uglier than me. If he is better looking thanme, then won’t he be too tired after having so many woman following himaround? I hate that. A woman must be more dignified!
[V.G.] What are some things you always carry in your bags?
* [Victoria] Tissue and my wallet.
* [Luna] Music sheets and my diary.
* [Krystal] My iPod and hand lotion.
* [Sulli] Perfume and an umbrella.
* [Amber] A family picture and a Korean dictionary. Ah, I always carryaround snacks. I must always have something sweet in my bag.Specifically, Oh Yes (A Korean cake snack), it tastes very good.
[V.G.] You’re at an age where you want to do and eat all you want. What do you want to eat right now?
* [Luna] Honestly, there are many things I want to eat, but can’t sinceI am always thinking about dieting. The thing I crave the most rightnow is pizza!
* [Sulli] For me, ice cream!
* [Amber] DdukBokk Ki (spicy korean rice cake). I like it to the extent that, I couldsurvive off of only eating dduk bokk ki for a few days.
* [Krystal] A Mexican dish, Burrito. This is very delicious.
* [Victoria] I really crave the food my grandmother in China would make for me. Particularly, sweet and sour chicken dish.
[V.G.] Outside of the stage, how is your usual apparel?
* [Luna] Big box t-shirts with black baggy pants. It’s the best becauseit’s comfortable while performing. Honestly, I have no interest infashion, so I have never worn feminine clothes before. The clothes Iwear on stage, is still a bit awkward.
* [Victoria] I also like to wear t-shirts.
* [Krystal] I am also similar. I wear a t-shirt with denim shorts.
* [Sulli] I’m the only different one? I wear a blouse with hot pants.
* [Amber] I also wear t-shirts with jean pants. I tend to wear pants that are a little big, with a hip-hop style.
* ([V.G.] That’s why you have a more perfect boyish side to you)
* Amber: When I was younger, I didn’t know it was such a boyish style.I just wear comfortably wear it like so, and walk around, buthoobaes(juniors) would follow me around and give me presents…
* ([V.G.] Since you’re talking so shyly now, it makes you look even more attractive.)
* Amber: But it doesn’t mean I am shy. Haha -->dorky amber
[V.G.]Out of the f(x) members, who do think is the most attractive?
* [Luna] Sulli. Her laughing appearance is very pure.
* [Krystal] I also think Sulli. She has a very pretty smile that could make me jealous.
* [Amber] Luna. She sings very well.
* [Victoria] I think Amber! Since she has a boyish charm.
* [Sulli] I choose Krystal. She has an ‘unintentional chic’ charm.
[V.G.] f(x) member’s favorite song?
* [Sulli] Park Sunjoo’s “Man and Woman”
* [Luna] Whitney Houston’s “One Moment in Time”
* [Amber] SHINee’s “Nuna is very pretty” ([V.G.] Starting from yoursong selection, I can feel the *nuna’s overcrowding) Haha. *Nuna/Noona= Used by males, to refer to an/call an older girl*
* [Krystal] NoRa Jo’s “Mackerel”! That song makes me laugh everytime I just thinkabout it. Haha. As a matter of fact, “Mackerel” can also be all off(x)’s favorite song.
[V.G.] Victoria’s and Amber’s parentslive in China and America. It isn’t easy to deal with having to beapart from your parents for so long.
* [Amber] I wasn’table to go home for about 6months. Although my mother has come to visitme a few times, I still missed her.
* [Victoria] It has been aboutan year and a half since I’ve last gone home. It’s alright because thetime I spent alone is longer than the time I Have spent together withmy parents. Also I am not young. In Korean age I am 23. (laughter)
[V.G.] Once you start your overseas activities, you will be able to go to China, returning home in glory.
* [Victoria] I hope that day quickly comes! When I debuted overseas,there were no instances where I had activities in China. I would liketo show not only the people of China, but also many other people aswell. Very proudly with my group and our song.
nae..nae...demi akak amber....
tp me x stream lak esok..sama2 la tunggu link yt tu...
sape yg jumpa dulu tepek la....ngan link sedut skali
me pon ade plan gak esok kekekeke~~
*motip me x tido lagi nih*
vogue intv....
asal me baca part amber me excited...ottokaeeeeee
* Amber: When I was younger, I didn’t know it was such a boyish style.Ijust wear comfortably wear it like so, and walk around,buthoobaes(juniors) would follow me around and give me presents…
* ([V.G.] Since you’re talking so shyly now, it makes you look even more attractive.)
* Amber: But it doesn’t mean I am shy. Haha
me masa dulu2 pon suke gak pakai suar...kekekeke~~~ me tomboy???:geram:
pe sal lak hoobae akak suke polo mane2 nih...mesti kuat aura amber nih...hmmmm
kalo amber ni namja dlm epu eksu nih..mesti dia la paling ramai fans *me yg kate ler*
ehemm..actually daa lamer jdik sr..nak declareee x sempat ajerrr...soo,sempenan raya2 ne naakk wat 1st post rasmi kat cni laaa...
sukerrr sulli ngan vicc
kaka amber 2..suker tgkk,tpi x msuk lam kaunter dier laa..rmai sgt,pndg2 jeling2 jerr..
n thanxx 2 link sedut2 yerrr..
Our friends over at the Aff(x)tion Forums had a very special visit from Amber of f(x).Amber recently celebrated her 17th birthday on the 18th of Septemberwith the rest of the ladies of f(x). Amber's sister was kind enough togive Amber her personal username provided by the Aff(x)tion staff. Shelogged onto the forums today and spoke to some of the members and evenchecked out different parts of the site. Check out more on her visit to the Aff(x)tion Forums. Don't forget to also be apart of the Amber & Krystal Birthday Project brought to you by the Aff(x)tion Forums.