SR, Wall Street Journal berterusan memfitnah Najib- PANAS! bukti dah keluar
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Nak harap siapa? Polis msia dah tentu ke laut... Askar pun dh ke laut.. Tgk general pun perut boroi makan kenyang kena suap.. Agong ...& sultan2... Semua pun x boleh di harap... Masing2 jaga kepentingan... Kalau kat thai je la..selamat dh si bijan ni kena paksa lepaskan jawatan... Ni dh macam2 kes pun masih muka tebal ddk kat atas tu... Rakyat mampu pompang..pom pang je la .. Yg dia anak beranak dgn kroni masih gagah terus merompak sambil buat muka inesen... |
It is sad to know that there are some who is still living in the past. Instead of focussing on what is currently facing by our great nation & its rakyat,they are more interested of the past issues.
Dr. Mahathir had challenged the author of the book that accused him of misappropriated RM100billion during his leadership to provide documented proof.Dr. Mahathir had even welcome the proposal made by his political enemies to set up a royal commission to investigate those accusations. Dr. Mahathir suggested that the Commission to be given full access to government secret documents from the period of 1981! Logical thinking, would those be the words & action of a guilty person?
I am not saying this because I am a big fan of Dr. Mahathir. I am saying this as I believe that a guilty person would not even dare to go that far. Infact taking into consideration the fact that the western media hated Dr.Mahathir as he is considered as the only Third World spokesman who dare to criticize the west.So logical thinking again, would’nt those western media including WSJ be really happy to tarnish the image of Dr. Mahathir if they have the slightest proof of his so-called wrongdoings?
There is no point talking about the past.We the rakyat of this great nation is currently facing severe hardship due to the action this present leadership. Do keep in mind,there is no perfect leadership as human is not free from mistakes. However,please do not purposely forget or simply ignore the contributions Dr. Mahathir had made to this nation & its people. Logical thinking again,what is the reason that Dr. Mahathir is doing what he is doing right now? He is 90 years.He had been our beloved PM for 22 long years. He could just live his life elsewhere even out of Malaysia playing golf or skiing day & night without ever need to think or worry about our great nation or the rakyat. There is only one logical reason. Dr. Mahathir is doing this none other than because he is a true statesman who care dearly about the well-being of this great nation & its rakyat!
Thank you Dr. Mahathir…for what you had done,is doing or going to do for the sake of our gre |
hasil karya terbaik
led bean almy setakat ini
well done brah

Kannnnnnnnnnnn.......coverina putar alam sungguh Jibby tulur kecut nih... |
mereka tak dapat paham.....
memasukan wang ke dalam akaun dan menyeleweng wang merupakan 2 perkara jauh berbeza 
You’re absolutely right and spot on. But i think you’re missing out some important observation when comparing to 1MDB scandals.
During Tun’s tenure i, had the same views as you. Tun, did not siphoned or made monies go missing. Everything he did was try to improve the Malays by giving them positions and powers to manage funds and investments. Tajjudin Ramli, was among the many Malays Tun, promoted. Single handily this guy bankrupt our national airline. This guy betrayed the trust given to him by Tun. His bad and dirty business practices lead MAS to lose billions of taxpayers money.
All those gov backed and supported initiatives during Tun’s tenure using taxpayers money were robbed by those Malays like Tajjudin Ramli, and ruin it.
Tun, should’ve trusted the non Malays more, like Tony, air asia. The losses incurred during Tun’s time can show us how and where did the losses centered around, unlike 1MDB, losses – missing money
Money going missing and losing money because of bad management and accounted for is definitely two different situation.
We need to look at the bigger picture when comes to Tun’s tenure as PM. Tun, broke the many monopoly of business by one particular segment in our society. Trying doing it he was let down by his own Malay race who is mudah lupa, with the exception of some trustworthy Malays.
22 years 100 billion lost but accounted for because of putting the wrong and dirty Malays is not as bad as what is happening currently under DSN. Half of the 42 billion going missing in just six years and unaccounted for is much greater scandals compared.
The only sad thing i, saw in Tun, during his time was while helping the Malays improve he forgot about the majority of Indians welfare and their economy standing. he left everything solely in the hands of the MIC leaders. This MIC leaders on the other hand robbed the poor Indians and took everything for themselves and their family, living the race to struggle till today for a proper and decent life.
For that Tun, must be ashamed of himself.
This i, consider as the greatest downfall of Tun. But Tun, is gentlemen, he accepts that he has done mistakes.
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persepsi mende plak klu dah rm pun jatuh...takyah kata sejak pr wujud, sejak pembongkaran 1mdb makin macam2 dah hal jibby ni sampai the latest
thank you Dr. Mahathir
no more mahazalim mahafiraun
and other maha maha
as long as you sappork DAP

dia fikir dia terlalu berkuasa, mustahil sesapa pun bulih sentuh dia, org kalu dah rasa dia besarrrrr sangat dia akan langgar saja segala sbb dia rasa dia kebal dr undang2, nak takut apa? takyah menda komplikated sangat lah, tgk cth bodo2 mcm bini dia gi mari gi mari naik jet kerajaan tu cukup lah, dia rasa dia bulih buat apa saja, siap ada tukang bekap lagi
korang tak rasa ke najib or kak mah ada akaun lur negara n upah sumbodi tuk jaga akaun tu. atas nama orang tu... di bayar elaun khas kepada orang yang di amanahkan..
kalau terer cari la bukti kukuh.. aku nak cakap lebey pun tak mampu. kalau la ada bukti kukuh.. abis najib n rosmah ni. |
kalo s'pore tak cakap byk..saman terus jerrr
Singapore attorney general to sue Wall Street Journal Asia
Fri, Sep 12, 2008
SINGAPORE - Singapore's attorney-general's office is taking legal action against the Wall Street Journal Asia and two editors over articles allegedly casting doubt on the judiciary's integrity, it said.
A statement on the website of the Attorney-General's Chambers said the articles "impugn on the impartiality, integrity and independence of the Singapore judiciary."
The High Court has granted permission for the contempt proceedings to be initiated, a court spokesperson told AFP.
Facing contempt charges are the newspaper's publisher Dow Jones Publishing Company (Asia), Inc, international editor Daniel Hertzberg and managing editor Christine Glancey, according to the statement.
The articles, which were published in June and July, involve two editorials and a letter by Singapore pro-democracy activist Chee Soon Juan.
"The items allege that the Singapore judiciary is not independent. It is further insinuated that the Singapore judiciary is biased and lacks integrity," the statement said.
"These allegations and insinuations in these items are unwarranted."
Singaporean leaders have won hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages in defamation cases against critics and foreign publications, which they say are necessary to protect their reputation from unfounded attacks.
aku rasa bukan loyar yg nasehat najib nih, najib yg nasehat loyar, dr 1st day menda ni terdedah lagik, bijan punya putarrrrr halim adalah "saya x guna utk tujuan kepentinagn peribadi"...loyar tukang taip surat jah 
so does other currencies
so what kalo ditokok tambah
dengan sabotaj ekonomi
TPM selfie dengan media, tak mahu cakap
10:51PM - 7 Jul 2015

Ketika tekanan semakin meningkat terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, ramai yang menjangkakan Timbalannya, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin akan berkata sesuatu, apa sahaja, mengenai bosnya, positif atau sebaliknya.
Bagaimanapun timbalan perdana menteri memilih untuk diam di majlis berbuka puasa dengan media di ibu pejabat Utusan Malaysia hari ini.
Semasa ketibaan Muhyiddin, pengacara majlis berkata tidak akan ada ucapan atau sidang akhbar oleh timbalan perdana menteri.
Muhyiddin sebaliknya meluangkan masa sebelum berbuka puasa berjabat tangan dan mengambil selfies dengan media, tetapi masih tidak mahu bercakap.
Terdapat gesaan supaya Muhyiddin mengambil alih kerajaan buat sementara waktu, dan untuk Najib bercuti atau meletak jawatan.
Ini selepas timbul dakwaan hampir RM2.6 bilion telah didepositkan ke dalam akaun peribadi Najib.
Malaysiakini hari ini melaporkan tiga daripada enam akaun bank yang dibekukan oleh pihak berkuasa berhubung siasatan ke atas 1MDB, adalah milik perdana menteri.
Muhyiddin sebelum ini telah dilaporkan berkata bahawa tuduhan terhadap Najib perlu disiasat.
Bagaimanapun beliau tidak mengatakan sama ada bosnya itu harus terus bertugas semasa siasatan dijalankan.
fail english gaknya masa SPM 
masalahnya tiada mana2 individu di
malaysia ni cukup kebal di sisi
harap ko ada lg membekap jibby nanti...sementara tunggu bukti2 n segala dakwaan teruskan la membekap lagipun jibby masih pm kan..
reputasi WSJ pun dah banyak kali
terjejas teruk
rekod kalah saman yang dah
tak terkira makin mengurangkan keyakinan
pemerhati atas pagar,
terutama dalam isu serangan ke atas
PM dan negara malaysia yang terkini
pasti ada
selagi tidak dibicarakan melalui
sistem perundangan yang sah
mengikut tatacara yang sebaiknya
selagi itu merely 'perbicaraan media maya'
akan dibakul sampahkan
atau diflush di lubang jamban
f you are not working in a Banking Industry, let me give you some basic understanding how a transfer is worked.
If you transfer USD between accounts in Malaysia. You will need to have a Foreign Currency Account in USD (offshore account). When you transfer USD between USD accounts assuming both are offshore and held in Malaysia, the funds will first have to go through via New York for clearance and then back to Malaysia. Therefore for all the USD transfers, there are records held not just in KL but also the US Bank in NY too.
This will make it difficult for the culprit to delete all the trails for these transactions. Try doing that in the US Bank in NY.
So, my question to the PM, have you sued WSJ yet? This may buy you time though not to answer anymore questions pending the court case.
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