adikmanis posted on 27-2-2013 12:26 AM
cite the nice guy.. suppose lpas tgk citer tu, sume org dok syok kt hero joongki..AM plak dok anga ...
biase la AM... bunga tgh kembang ditaman larangan...mmg menjadi rebutan pun..... yg lain mmg dah mengembang dgn jayanya... so kumbang2 pass by je la...
[28.2.13] Big Bang’s G-Dragon Issues Warning to Sasaeng Fans!
Trans "@IBGDRGN: these days young kids(fans) came to my home.. even infront of the door.. I can understand but thats not mom and noona get startled.... do not hide.. do not come to my home " (ShrimpLJY@twitter)
@stanum123 seriously? another tattoo?? bile masa dia p buat ni kak.. xde pn nmpak update kt mana2..
klau akak x post ni kompem smpai sudah AM xpasan cerai talak tiga ke ni? xleh rujuk kang.....naya jer
ok, back to topic, TOP is soooo smexy!!! rindunye nk tgk dia ni, dok shooting jer...tabi, i rindu you time AM tgk twitter update seungri, i have to admit, these 2 seunghyun can drive me crazy whenever they are together Last edited by adikmanis on 6-3-2013 01:55 PM
adikmanis posted on 6-3-2013 01:54 PM @stanum123 seriously? another tattoo?? bile masa dia p buat ni kak.. xde pn nmpak update kt ...
Ehem! Ehem! Terima kasih diucapkn kpd saudari AM keran sudi memuji boipren iollz,En.Tabi.. Hihihi! Kan? Kan?Kan? Very2 the good looking la Mr.TOP skrg!! Sukanya iollz tgk dia.. Dah lama menghilang,akhirnya muncul semula.. Walaupun selepas itu hilang balik.. Huhuhu!
Makin jatuh cinta dgn Abg Tabi ni la..Dh la super hensem.. Macho..Pas tu ada ilmu ninja yg sgt hebat..Hahaha!:l Last edited by jujuanna on 8-3-2013 10:58 PM