[V49] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **1234u melebihi 510k tontonan **Coffee Prince akan
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mishungu replied at 23-10-2017 10:50 PM
Kembang kempis hidung meols tgk faz senyum time ckp im the happiest tu..msti bamtah lyn fazzy baik ...
Kannn..i pun tbayang how fa treat faz..mesti dok msg je moning nite semua tu..alahaiii |
mishungu replied at 23-10-2017 10:55 PM
Then ada org tnye psl futf s3 dia ckp tgh work on it and akn jd epic season..meols speku akn cover d ...
Tu la meols pun komen td ckp wow epic season must be sthing big kannn..eiiii alangkah indahnyaaaa kalau jd..haihhhh |
sora13 replied at 23-10-2017 11:23 PM
Drama tvN Black tu mcm interestinglah vous, meols tgk sikit tadi sblm tukar 3 Abdul. Hikhikhik.. ...
Cheryl samad 8tv kan..i ingat2 lupa. Ada Qi juga.
Tadi i ada juga terbuka tvn kejap tapi terus alih ke movie channel. Next time nak try tgok Black la.
Jangan lupa undi |
iolss tak paham konsep trending kat twidder ni..tapi yg iolss nak tanye mana #3abdul takde dalam list pun
But there’s a difference in delulu sekarang and delulu epot dulu. Dulu one-sided relationship, fattah je yang garit because yang sorang tu ular cunning tipu je dia tu in love. Tangan je yang miang asyik nak pegang lelaki.
Yang sekarang ni we can see that they’re both in love (InshaAllah) so it’s a delulu with a good foundation. |
Nur9786 replied at 23-10-2017 11:29 PM
This file is really popular. Hahahahaha
Sgt...smpi error yach
Nmpknya esoklah meols smbung...
Goodnite allzzzz!!!
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distance really make the heart grow fonder... xpe2 ai join u epot sbb tuan badan yg bg madu.. kita xanalysis dr body movement or face gestures .. tuan bdn yg ckp kita tukang isap madu je.. menikmati moment2 terbahagia ini.. jd ke xjd tu kuasa Allah sbb hanya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yg terbaik buat umatnye... ehem
Amonrey replied at 23-10-2017 11:33 PM
Kannn..i pun tbayang how fa treat faz..mesti dok msg je moning nite semua tu..alahaiii
Ngeheee.. Klu kt IG pun bamtah gigih menanya dh bekpes/teatime/lunch/highttea/dinner/supper/happy sunday-saturday bagai apalagi ngn bfftj dia.i dont even dare to imagine! |
love_warrior replied at 23-10-2017 11:43 PM
distance really make the heart grow fonder... xpe2 ai join u epot sbb tuan badan yg bg madu.. kita ...
Thank you srikandi cinta, muah ciked. |
Loginlogoff replied at 23-10-2017 11:44 PM
Last ot...
afmegastar still trending chuolss hahhahaa |
sora13 replied at 23-10-2017 11:30 PM
Iols speku sheols and bam tah jadi rindu tak tertahan tu sbb satu line wifi tak stable so takleh F ...
iols suke epot u...hahahaha....
dun worry la @loginlogoff..insyaAllah takkan berlaku epot 1.0 ke 2.0 ke.. sbb heroin n plakon tambahan nye totally different yach! |
Loginlogoff replied at 23-10-2017 11:44 PM
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log if rajin sile lah buat graf...comparison. kahkahkah |
Tgk kt igs zazadivaletops tu ada geng Dr UK order 5000 kotak MRP bwk balik UK. I'm the luckiest fan in the world!! Entahla me nk Sgt2 bamtah berjaya ngn this one particular project. I'm mean his own project kan. Sbb me nk biar dia buka mata org2 yg pndg rendah kt dia all this while. Look at his life, look at our life. Terngiang2 ayat tu kt telinga ni ha. Go bamtah!! |
Loginlogoff replied at 23-10-2017 11:44 PM
Last ot...
Nak tambah ot sikit
Ig hilobenakyou dah hilang. Apa jadi??? Hilang lah penghibur hati i, rindu lah i ni nak baca comments level ahmad maslan nasi goreng gst |
ada Qi ke? seingat meolls naz..season 2 ada zahiril..drama tu best giler on point dan lain dri typical local drama..even theyolls tu host tv tp blakon natural je..teringat plak cheryl tu dlu bff faz..dunno la what happen to them smpai grow apart..
meolls nk tny satu benda...sape leh verify ek fattah ada scene kne cut ke dlm manisnya cinta?
ce tgk Daily Journal ni: First day of shoot together with Nur Fazura, Shaheizy Sam and Fattah Amin
dlm filem takde pun fattah dlm scene ni..setahu meolls farhan tu yg byk tau psl VW..
bonus* nah meolls bilas balik..
vous_me6 replied at 23-10-2017 11:16 PM
Korg semua tgok 3abdul ke tadi..hehehe meols sorg la layan channel movie
Tengah melayan.... Tiba2 I perasan Sadiq Sigaraga ada iras2 Babulipe.. Hahhaa |
stayathomemom replied at 23-10-2017 11:54 PM
Sape bole tepek pic Adrian (PISA) and Amran (P. Ramlee dlm Penarek Becha)....ade iras tak?
Mom ni P.Ramlee in 1948 - sejibik bam tah kan, meols doakan kerjaya heols akan segemilang p.ramlee. Tapi meols tetap akan ketawa dengar sore kepit heols tu sampai bila2...
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PrettyPlenty replied at 23-10-2017 11:58 PM
Tengah melayan.... Tiba2 I perasan Sadiq Sigaraga ada iras2 Babulipe.. Hahhaa
hahahahahahahhahahaha lawak laaaa |
PrettyPlenty replied at 23-10-2017 11:58 PM
Tengah melayan.... Tiba2 I perasan Sadiq Sigaraga ada iras2 Babulipe.. Hahhaa
Kahkahkahkah... |
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