The epicenter of the MH17 crash is a grim scene of "charred earth, twisted metal and body parts", Harriet Salem reports from Grabovo for the Guardian.
The field next to the tiny rural hamlet where MH-17 plunged to the ground was a scene of charred earth and twisted metal as shocked locals milled around the scene. Body parts belonging to the 280 passengers on board the plane were tossed around the scene. The body of what appeared to be a young woman was flung about 500 metres from the epicentre of the crash, while a dismembered foot could be seen on the one road leading through the village. A strong smell of aviation fuel hung in the air as Ukrainian soldiers milled around to secure the area. Some 10 fire engines remained on the scene after rushing there to extinguish the many blazes caused by the crash. One local resident, Alexander, says he was working in the field a few hundred metres away from its final resting place when he looked up. He feared the aircraft was going to fall on top of him. The house in which another local, also named Alexander, and his relative called Olga, live in was just metres away from the crash site. They said they thought the village was being bombed after hearing two or three loud bangs before the force of the impact threw them to the ground.