[V57] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **Teaser terbaru Coffee Prince dari Bambam Studios *
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pujanggacinta replied at 14-11-2017 10:17 PM
konon nak jadi hero
sekali tutup to the max...
blow out muka si katik
Kannn...siap tokhanss ckp to the maxxx lagi...nmpk nawwwww xnk ade kaitan dgn jahhh...sorry not sorry jah... |
Allahu kalo abdul fattah dan nur fazura nak nikah malam ni sebab nak halal pergi umroh pun ape salahnyaaa....cakap jek.....lebih baik gitu kan.... |
Sazzylicious replied at 14-11-2017 10:18 PM
Bangbil gigih carik jodoh lipe since no one yg hadap sheol. Sian lipe keseorangan .. hahha . Utk t ...
Kannnn... last2 reject... |
Classy14 replied at 14-11-2017 10:10 PM
Part of the CASH mlm niii, tokhans mereject idolat in public hokey... semua org tgk kot.. dier ter ...
Paling best part “perlu seseorang yg agak special” harus la yg sebelah tu ermmmm x berapa nak special |
kipasartis replied at 14-11-2017 10:18 PM
Selagi total vote x naik 5k terus.. ok je chuols..x de apa yg suspicious..
Ok , lets vote..First time vote untuk artis |
oooo ye ke..iolss tak tau..but just to make things clear..abdul fattah dan nurfazura hanye pergi mengerjakan umrah sahaja
stayathomemom replied at 14-11-2017 10:18 PM
Susah payah jah pujuk producer jemput tok hans.....pastu suh nabil tanya soklan cepu emas....ujung2 ...
Masa nabil tnye dier cam malu2 kata not fair sebab dier kat situ terus tokhans kata close shop!!!! |
Edited by Loginlogoff at 14-11-2017 10:25 PM
stayathomemom replied at 14-11-2017 10:18 PM
Susah payah jah pujuk producer jemput tok hans.....pastu suh nabil tanya soklan cepu emas....ujung2 ...
Siannn jah..kita doa yg baikbaik utk jdoh jahhh tauu momeh.
Nabil mahir-engaged
Shah jazle-married
Caprice-in relationship
Fatah amin-in relationship
Ramos-in relationship
Hans isaac-tutup kedai.
Hmmmmmmm...nabil je yg ade 3 lagi kouta..ekekekeekekke
Backup or spare part
-alip hadi
-chew glow in the dark
babulipee ada lagi chuolsss...
teruskan berdoa
Classy14 replied at 14-11-2017 10:22 PM
Masa nabil tnye dier cam malu2 kata not fair sebab dier kat situ terus tokhans kata close shop!!!!
Obvious keluar muka garit jah hoping jawapan bole masuk jarum......unfortunately #sedeyyhhhhh |
nuraru replied at 14-11-2017 10:21 PM
Paling best part “perlu seseorang yg agak special” harus la yg sebelah tu ermmmm x berapa na ...
Kannn terus buat2 pegang mata n muka tarak sinyumm |
superwhy replied at 14-11-2017 10:13 PM
yg si classyrina tu konpiden nye...dia ingat org tak tau dia sapa gaknye..memalukan!!!
I hope management2 fattah and fazura pls take note and simpan bukti2 tuduhan tak berasas ni semua. |
Alhamdulillah...selesai dh akhirnya...
Basuh pinggan..alhamdulillah |
kambingterbang replied at 14-11-2017 10:24 PM
Alhamdulillah...selesai dh akhirnya...
Aku baling pinggan satgi.......hahhahahha
Mode hangin kat owl tua......tgh menahan marah |
kambingterbang replied at 14-11-2017 10:24 PM
Alhamdulillah...selesai dh akhirnya...
Adoiii kem chuols lawak lah. Hahaha
Teringat kat kawan ada nama kem |
of coz diorg simpan and SS..segala fitnah and royanan sherot, classytahik and all the maggots diorg simpan..tunggu masa je 
be afraid MAGGOTS! be verrryyy afraid
Classy14 replied at 14-11-2017 10:23 PM
Kannn terus buat2 pegang mata n muka tarak sinyumm
Siannyeee bkn dlu jah hadap ke dgn tokhans kehulu kehilirr puji hans ckp very the special sbb bwk naik heli bg moral support yada yada yadaaa.tp tokhans pndg gituhh je kt jah.alahhhh siannnnnnn.ekekekeke |
stayathomemom replied at 14-11-2017 10:23 PM
Obvious keluar muka garit jah hoping jawapan bole masuk jarum......unfortunately #sedeyyhhhhh
Moral of the story.. no one wants her ... booohuuu |
kambingterbang replied at 14-11-2017 10:24 PM
Alhamdulillah...selesai dh akhirnya...
Haha tau dah nak kena troll, tapi gigih juga meols scroll down  |
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