[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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yachter in training... berlatih meliuk-lintuk & faking orgasm maybe 
you're welcome kookie 
I pulak tak sabar nak tgk apakah fashion faux pas yg Smeg akan lakukan, harap2 dia tak lupa pakai deodorant lah kali ni, kang ketibas lagi 
these are so cute, suka tengok!!! 
Master Archie rapping dgn his cousins & atuk Piers Morgan! 
Sorry OT for this PSA..
awas Smeg & acik2 yg suka pakai falsies, choose wisely, no animal cruelty pls 
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coconico replied at 5-3-2020 10:06 PM
MM named most inspirational woman? Biar betul???!!!!!
PR gila gila mengila... bwahahaha..
kalau btol most inspirational teruk la sgt mata donia nie, yachter kertu tu diangkat sbg inspiration?'what da... dorg nak galakkan anak anak pompuan dorg jd loser and yachter ke utk dptkan seorg prince dimwit? oh wooow  |
snazzydaisy replied at 5-3-2020 11:56 PM
the "ugly" Kate
bwahahaha... seram sehhh part mata juling hingga mata putih je yg tggl.. btol2 la dia menghayati she is such a fraud iteww  |
snazzydaisy replied at 6-3-2020 12:01 AM
someone has retweeted this, betul ke Smeg ada anak from the annulled 1st marriage tu?
wooow.. now PH berkahwin dgn single mother with children
woow meriahnya hidup.. hahaha.. |
Archie ada abang2 rupanya (allegedly) Eva, if u jumpe additional info psl tea ni, sila tepek yaaa, baru 1st time I dgr psl twin boys ni... emm koiiii aaaaa laling!
and ohhh, u ada dgr cerita/rumor psl the real Archie being taken care by Sophie tak?
I found this tweet, a reply to DD nye tweet, now acc ni dah private dah..
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jenglot suda dtg uk..boleh tahan penampilan cuma mekp dia jak yg tebal..tiru betul2 senyuman konon2 ikut si kate..hohohoho cepat tepek ya dia pakai baju biru. pakai susuk si jenglot ni minta perhatian. |
snazzydaisy replied at 6-3-2020 12:01 AM
someone has retweeted this, betul ke Smeg ada anak from the annulled 1st marriage tu?
wow panas. kena beli popcorn lagi ji |
tebalnya mekap sheols 
menyampah plak aku tengok... mcam mm plak royal nya.... protokol mana oi.... adui |
Ok, aku tak suka smeg ni tapi cantik pulak that turquoise dress. The shoes and clutch on point sangat. Still cringe with the PDA, though. Udah2 le tu.. Kami tahu kome dah kawen... |
Cincin berlian MM gi hantar ubahsuai lagi ke? tak nampak di jari pun. |
Clutch mmg kena campak bawah kerusi ke utk royal woman ni?
haha.. masa iols nampak ni, I was thinking, camne la dia bend down nak letak clutch ni.. and then kena bend down lagi sekali untuk ambik pulak.. haiyooo smeg... ish ish..
Not buying it all. Ai dah baca keseluruhan tweet si Kat nih, mcm ada longgar skru sket
Ai puji rupa Megatron kali nih, cantek dan kemas wpun pakai butt pad alangkah bagusnya kalau Mega nih normal, betul2 menerima keluarga suaminya dan paham psl tanggungjawab sbg royal. Tapi apakan daya, dia menjatuhkan dirinya sendiri dgn perangai narc dan scammer nya. |
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