Reply #1093 GRINDSAKHTANIC's post
itu bukan ori la..saje je tu dialog gitu |
aik hilang ke page nih??? |
Reply #1098 lin_okinawa's post
skali skale cik lin...... |
Reply #1090 lin_okinawa's post
owhhh!!!!... gitu... |
Reply #1090 lin_okinawa's post
owhhh!!!!... gitu... |
page baru dh ditelan kambeng!!!! |
mmg ..diorang nye fanart tuh ..lol |
page baru tk nmpk lg  |
Reply #1101 ruslinda's post
kn dh kate 
tkdenye kubo nk buat dialog ecchi gtu |
haa amek ko...spam tu
dh pm mod squall...tggu die repair thread  |
buat kene tunggu je ke trick dier
dier lama skit nak kluar
tah napa =.=;; |
Reply #1115 merru's post
kalo nk tggu mmg lame sbb lps 11 posts baru nk kuar  |
doujin nye ichigo pandai
ekekeke......tak mustahil ichigo tak "merasainya"....mesti smooth kan....huihhhh....
[ Last edited by GRINDSAKHTANIC at 18-9-2007 09:47 PM ] |
Chapter 292 Predictions
dlm chapter lps, noitora is scared and is losing, will he be able to defeat nell again???would nell be strong enough to defeat noitora in her current form or does she has to "release" in order to beat noitora???mmmmm cm tk mgkn je, wpon dlu si nell penah kene skali ngn noitora, tp aku tk rase nell akan dikalahkn buat kali kedue...but we'll see
i think noitora is goin to "release" in the next chapter, tp tk tau pesal, aku dpt rasekn si noitora ni akan tnjk power sbnr die dlm chapter 292 or mgkn 293...but for some reason, i think nell wont "release" and just destroy noitora in his released state, sng sket si noitora nk mati
aku tk rase yg si noitora will go down that easily, but i got the feeling that nell could be stronger....hohohoh buat aku tk sesaba nk tgk chapter 292 ni
hopefully tkde sape interfere dlm battle antare noitora n nell....n aku tringin gk nk tau if nell was an espada b4 aizen arrived n how strong she is compared to current no.3....tu pn kalo ade la sbb smpi skang tk tau pn sape yg espada no3...tp, the fact that no.3 is still visibly on her skin, does that mean nell is still the current espada???wakakakka bkn leh caye noitora tu..kot die temberang ke ape ke
tp kalo btol la ape yg si noitora ckp, nell tu former espada n is no longer listed among them, aku rase espada no.3 skang ni ialah halibel (the only current female espada).....kot la  |
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