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Author: minahsaudi


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 Author| Post time 2-11-2009 09:16 PM | Show all posts
wah lamanya tak masuk sini. tapi i ni pengguna setia gs. produk lain pernah cuba whitening and serum. memang marvelous. tapi sejak dah abis whitening tak order lagi. nak mula balik la. which one is be ...
piejja Post at 2-11-2009 15:35

tqvm sbb memakai products kami.  gs adalah product terawal tt really dpt standing ovation sehingga hari nie, dijual mmg mcm goreng pisang panas.  kami skang dlm proses menukar our packaging so in the mean times gs/revitaliser hanya bleh didapati dlm bentuk 5gms dulu.  kakmin memohon maaf kepada pengguna gs/revitaliser diatas penukaran ini yg mungkin akan menyusahkan pengguna kami.  diharap dpt bersabar utk mendapat gs/revitaliser dlm packaging yg lebih besar.

berbalik pada pertanyaan whitening or radiance mana satu yg lebih nak pki.  i think kedua2 products ada kelebihan dia pada pengguna.  whitening spt nama dia fungsi utama ialah mencerahkan muka secara semula jadi dan mempunyai fungsi2 lain spt radiance but not so powerful lah .  begitu jugak radiance fungsi utamanya menyerikan muka dgn cara even out facial pores, menghapus pigments n mengurangkan garis2 halus n menjadikan kulit muka bertambah lembut n supple.  dia jugak boleh mencerahkan kulit.

so dlm hal nie since u dah pakai whitening dulu n by now mungkin dah dpt result yg dikehendakki so kakmin rasa memakai radiance will be yr next step forward.  anyway ask yrself which is d product yg jadi yr priority n result apa yg u hendak.

pepatah melayu berkata, tepuk dada tanyalah selera.  for me any of our products will do the works tt yr heart desire insyaallah.  

apa saja yg u pakai dari jenama glyco/cosmeteq dari hujung rambut kehujung kaki akan memberi kepuasan n keberkesanan tt no rival can match!

believe me

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2009 09:20 PM | Show all posts
1098# minahsaudi  

hehe...yg besor igtkan ada bonus tahun ni....bole la beli...rupanya tak der huhu...
haritu dh angkut toner, aha serum, radiance n glyco refiner tu seme beso2...flawless je try  ...
anna_natasha Post at 2-11-2009 15:39

alahai sian nyer tak dpt bonus ek?  kureng betul hah:@  takper beli yg kecil2 jer dulu tu, cos no matter what products u pakai dari jenama cosmeteq, insyaallah u will be satisfied n will come back to us over n over again.

flawless is really marvellous products, sekurang2nya kakmin pakai setiap malam selama seminggu then stop for 2 weeks n sambung balik.  oh jatuh centa sungguh dgn flawless nie, nak2 kalo pakai dgn dmae.

erm...bila bangun pagi.......wahhh---------there is no words to describe

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Post time 4-11-2009 09:08 AM | Show all posts
wah lamanya tak masuk sini. tapi i ni pengguna setia gs. produk lain pernah cuba whitening and serum. memang marvelous. tapi sejak dah abis whitening tak order lagi. nak mula balik la. which one is be ...
piejja Post at 2-11-2009 15:35

Cepat beli sementara sales masih ada lagi.

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Post time 4-11-2009 01:06 PM | Show all posts
hi zana, sales apa yek

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Post time 4-11-2009 01:08 PM | Show all posts
alamak apa la gambo yg kuar tu

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Post time 4-11-2009 01:26 PM | Show all posts
1104# piejja

mcm2 brg cosmeteq ada
mega sale continue till mid nov

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Post time 4-11-2009 02:13 PM | Show all posts
alamak apa la gambo yg kuar tu
piejja Post at 4-11-2009 13:08

Ur skin mmg dah glowing guna radiance lagi ler superb.

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Post time 4-11-2009 02:14 PM | Show all posts
hi zana, sales apa yek
piejja Post at 4-11-2009 13:06

Pm me ur email add will email to u about product on sales.

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Post time 4-11-2009 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by catalina at 4-11-2009 15:29


Insya-Allah megasale tu akan diextend ke hujung bulan nov
ramai kastemer yg mntk sambung lagi
sbbkan gaji derang 25hb

maybe x kan extend dh pasni sbb ada offer lain lak menanti, Insya-Allah.

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Post time 4-11-2009 06:09 PM | Show all posts
thanks zana.

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Post time 4-11-2009 06:28 PM | Show all posts
1098# minahsaudi

bru oder flawless...dh x sbr2 nk guna.  Yg lain sume dh try...mmg mabeles.

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Post time 5-11-2009 01:56 AM | Show all posts
nk ask sket bleh?
flawless yg kecik tu 30 hengget ke 27 ye?

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Post time 5-11-2009 08:22 AM | Show all posts
1098# minahsaudi

bru oder flawless...dh x sbr2 nk guna.  Yg lain sume dh try...mmg mabeles.
ezalenas Post at 4-11-2009 18:28

wahh...akak...mmg marbeles dh skin akak...
klu nk tau akak ezalenas ni dh beli suma range termasuk laa DMAE + Timeless
superb dh skin akak , pinkish & healthy , Alhamdulillah.

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Post time 5-11-2009 08:23 AM | Show all posts
nk ask sket bleh?
flawless yg kecik tu 30 hengget ke 27 ye?
iressa_08 Post at 5-11-2009 01:56

Flawless 30
GCR 27

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Post time 5-11-2009 08:36 AM | Show all posts
berapa rega
1. refiner
2. cleanser
4. radiance

boleh bg rega yg kecik & besor.

lagik satu nak tanya, skrg ni i dah ada

1. cleanser
3. timeless
4. flawless

so nak tambah radiance

dgn list2 yg i ada tu, mcm mana atur cara pemakaian nyer? takkan nak pakai sumer2 sekali pada satu masa ek?

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Post time 5-11-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by catalina at 5-11-2009 12:28

D-tox set + ACE, B5 UV Sunblock


1. Acne and Pimple Cleanser- is a must use. Wet face with water. Apply the Facial Cleanser to the whole face.
Leave it for 3-4 minutes to absorb and cleansing the under layer skin. Wet you hand and massage gently to cleanse.

2. AHA B5 Aloe Vera Serum - Apply the serum to make skin good and to reduce the excess oil. Leave for 2 minutes.

3. Acne pimples cream (D-tox Cream) - applies all over the face and neck and wherever pimples have emerged.
It cools, soothers, heals and moisturisers. Can be used at chest and back of the body.

4. ACE, B 5 + UV Complex - Vitamins to further enhance the skin complexion and health + UV protection. OR


5. DMAE serum - for skin Repair, shine, healthier skin & liftint

6. Flawless - Remove scars & pigmentation

7. Refiner - Anti Aging process, fainess, repairs acne & pimples & glow the skin texture

Normally after the treatment of all above, within a few days you will see great improvement on you face.

However, the products will not have control over your internal toxic factors that breaks out new pimples due to hormonal imbalance, intestinal problems, bad toilet habits etc. and because of these problems intake of oily and fatty food, lack of sleep, less intake of water and stress may due the break-outs further.
If acne or pimples gets worst please visit your doctor for internal treatments as well.

Detox set consist of 3 items only - Facial Cleanser for Acne, AHA serum and Acne Cream (Detox Cream), Items 4, 5,6,7 are sold separately.

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Post time 5-11-2009 12:38 PM | Show all posts
berapa rega

1. refiner
2. cleanser
4. radiance

boleh bg rega yg kecik & besor.

lagik satu nak tanya, skrg ni i dah ada

1. cleanser
3. timeless
4. flawless

so nak tambah radiance

dgn list2 yg i ada tu, mcm mana atur cara pemakaian nyer? takkan nak pakai sumer2 sekali pada satu masa ek?

nonakl Post at 5-11-2009 08:36

1. Chk PM utk price tu nnt yer...

2. Tatacaraguna

AM : FC , Toner, Serum (AHA/DMAE/Timeless) , GS/Revitaliser/GC Refiner , UV Sunblock

PM : FC, Toner, Serum (AHA/ DMAE/Timeless ) , Flawless / Radiance


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Post time 5-11-2009 01:00 PM | Show all posts
thanks mila,
GS tu dah tak ade in production dah ker? ganti dengan revitaliser? function nyer sama ker?

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Post time 5-11-2009 01:06 PM | Show all posts

Cosmeteq Facial Cleanser for Acne and Problem Skin 150ml

Give your face a natural herbal treatment without the harsh poison chemicals. Cleans – cools – repairs- moisturises- smoothens – whiten – the skin. With Mild Dermatological surfactant, Melia Azadirachta seed Extract, Natural AHA, Glycolic Acid, Aloe Vera, Vitamin B5 and Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide.

Cleanses deep while exfoliating and removes make-up, yet leaves skin moisturized and smooth. It is formulated with mild surfactants and actives to be used for Acne and Problem Skin. The nutrients help to nourish and moisturized the skin deeply. Brightens your face with glow. After cleansing is done use Acne and Pimple cream for the best results. To remove scars use Whitening Cream.

Berikan wajah anda rawatan herba semulajadi ini tanpa perlu bimbang kesan sampingan. Membersih – menyejuk – memulih – melembab – melicinkan – memutihkan kulit. Selepas membersih gunakan Krim Acne dan Jerawat untuk mendapatkan kesan pemulihan terbaik. Gunakan Krim Pemutih untuk menyembuhkan parut.

Directions / Tatacaraguna
Used in the morning and at night with gentle massage on the face before rising.
Gunakan pada waktu pagi dan waktu malam. Urut perlahan-lahan kulit muka sebelum membilas.

Firming Toner 100ml

Firming Facial Toner for daily use. Suitable for all skin type.
Facial toner contains Witch Hazel, Antioxidants, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Vitamins, plants extract and Eucalyptus that gently smoothes, moisturise, tones and firms the skin. This superb formulation helps to reduce excess oil and dead cells on the skin surface. Skin appears brighter and firmer.

Apply 2 times daily. After cleansing, moisten with cotton ball and apply to your face in a gentle massaging motion.

Cosmeteq AHA, B5, Aloe Vera Serum 15ml
Natural AHA, Glycolic Acid, Pro-Vitamin B5 and Aloe Vera.
Helps to relieve dry and acne skin, uneven pigmentation and age spot. Also helps to exfoliate dead cells to enhance skin fairness, softness and freshness.

Membantu menyembuhkan kulit kering dan pigmentasi yang tidak sekata. Mengeluarkan sel-sel kulit mati, menambahkan kecerahan, kelembutan dan kesegaran kulit.

Direction / Tata caraguna.
After cleansing apply onto the face and neck avoiding the eye area and lips. Follow by applying Cosmeteq creams and sun block SPF15 and above to protect the skin from sun exposure.

Selepas mencuci muka sapukan serum pada muka dan leher. Elakkan menyapu di bahagian mata dan bibir. Gunakan krim Cosmeteq selepasnya dan diakhiri dengan penggunaan krim Sun block SPF15 dan ke atas bagi melindungi daripada sinar matahari.

Deionised Water, Sodium Lactate, Glycolic Acid, Glyserin, Aloe Vera, DL Pathenol, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben in 2-phenoxyethanol

Cosmeteq Acne & Pimple Cream 30gm
With high Potency Melia Azadirachta seed extract, Aloe Vera and Pro-Vitamin B5.Made from an excellent Ayurvedic herbal formula with combination of Western technology that brings you an effective herbal Acne and Pimple cream. The herbal content systemically cools, soothers and works within the damaged skin to smooth texture and heal the skin.

Krim Jerawat Cosmeteq adalah formula herba Ayurvedic yang diperbuat dengan teknologi barat. Amat berkesan untuk merawat jerawat. Kandungan herbanya bertindak secara sistematik iaitu menyejukkan, melegakan dan menolong membaiki kulit-kulit rosak supaya kembali nampak cantik semula.

Directions/ Tatacara guna:

Apply the cream on the effected rea and the surrounding gently on the face, neck or body 2 or 3 times a day. Sapukan krim di sekeliling jerawat secara perlahan-lahan pada muka atau badan 2 tau 3 kali sehari
(For better effectiveness use with Cosmeteq Acne and Problem Skin Cleanser. Contain NO Benzoyl Peroxide)

Deionised Water, Melia Azadirachta seed extract oil, Aloe Vera, DL Pathenol, Sodium Polycrylate, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben in 2-phenoxyethano


1. Acne and Pimple Cleanser- is a must use. Wet face with water. Apply the Facial Cleanser to the whole face.

Leave it for 3-4 minutes to absorb and cleansing the under layer skin. Wet you hand and massage gently to cleanse.

2. AHA B5 Aloe Vera Serum - Apply the serum to make skin good and to reduce the excess oil. Leave for 2 minutes.

3. Acne pimples cream (D-tox Cream) - applies all over the face and neck and wherever pimples have emerged.
It cools, soothers, heals and moisturisers. Can be used at chest and back of the body.

4. ACE,B 5 + UV Complex - Vitamins to further enhance the skin complexion and health + UV protection. OR

5. DMAE serum can be used to further enhance the smoothness and the glow on the face.]

Normally after the treatment of all above, within a few days you will see great improvement on you face.

However, the products will not have control over your internal toxic factors that breaks out new pimples due to
hormonal imbalance, intestinal problems, bad toilet habits etc. and because of these problems intake of oily
and fatty food, lack of sleep, less intake of water and stress may due the break-outs further.

If acne or pimples gets worst please visit your doctor for internal treatments as well.

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Post time 5-11-2009 01:12 PM | Show all posts

Untuk sesapa yg mmg ada kes RESDUNG, internal problem spt HORMON IMBALANCE, jerawat on-off naik, kmila advise gunakan Acne Set yg BESAR spt diatas ni.
Guna selama 3-4 bulan supaya jerawat betul2 dpt diubati sehingga ke akarnya.
Ini penting supaya lps abis treatment ACNE ni boley sambung guna ngan barang yg lain.
Clearkan skin kita betul2 so tt biler guna Serum like DMAE, Timeless jd berbaloi. If skin tak clear lagi nnt membazir jek letak serum mahal2,sayang...
bukanlah x dek kesan at all tp tak fully utilised khasiat vitamins yg ada dlm serum tu berbanding time skin kita bersih upper & lower skin.


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