[MERGED]--Room inside Kaba is a forbidden.Why? - Pict page 43
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Reply #1117 ms_pearl's post
jika dia masuk situ,sudah tentulah anjing2 ghaib anti-kafir yang menjaga makkah akan makan dia.....belum pernah ada non-muslim berniat jahat yg pernah terselamat bila masuk kawasan kaabah... |
Reply #1120 Truth.8's post
but the problem is,your God never exist...the only God that exists is Muslims God....pprrhh...pprrhh...PPPPRROOTTT!!!!
Takbir Kristian!!!!Holelulayahoo |
Reply #1123 Truth.8's post
cubalah masuk kaabah kalau anda rasa anda orang yang benar.....wahai golongan mortad yang nakkan duit untuk masuk kristian....
kalau setakat posting2 berdegar2 kat sini,babi pon berani buat..... |
anda hanya pandai bercakap dan berposting....but your action is zero.....tin kosong pun lebih berisi dari kau....
ramalan2 grandmother*****err yang kau buat pun semoa nya tak jadi kenyataan.....kau bagaikan piggy moron je kat sini..... |
Reply #1123 Truth.8's post
nampaknya otak kau dah jadi seperti babi tak cukup bulan......sojak bila pula ramai orang mati kat makkah sebab bencana banjir ni....
tempeklah berita mengenainya.......nak juga tengok sebabi mana kualiti IQ kau.....anak harammm... |
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Originally posted by prototaip at 6-8-2007 03:52 AM
nampaknya otak kau dah jadi seperti babi tak cukup bulan......sojak bila pula ramai orang mati kat makkah sebab bencana banjir ni....
tempeklah berita mengenainya.......nak juga t ...
kan flood satu dari amaran kerana kamu semua mengamalkan pagan ritual? stemped sampai pijak2 mati. |
Originally posted by prototaip at 6-8-2007 03:42 AM
cubalah masuk kaabah kalau anda rasa anda orang yang benar.....wahai golongan mortad yang nakkan duit untuk masuk kristian....
kalau setakat posting2 berdegar2 kat sini,babi pon berani buat... ...
ini lah nama 'fitnah'
fitnah itu satu dosa tau.....
kalau i nak masuk ke kaabah no hal punya.
what is so great abt this pagan ritual? nothing. it just a commercial to boost their enconomy. none of this practised done by any prorphets before until came ur so called seal of prohpet muhammad. it is man made not from God.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 6-8-2007 10:35 AM ] |
dah tengok.....but still puzzle.....why making viewing the kaba as important rather it is an object. |
Truth, instead of dissing other people's religion, please study your bible and mind your own business. Answer this question then, if Christianity is a so called religion that unites, how come you're praying to different idols? (Jesus, Mary etc?)
Your religion is in fact more pagan, since you worship idols. If you think it's weird why people go for pilgrimage at Mecca, what about the christians who congregate at Jerusalem and Vatican city? They're called pilgrims as well right?
Why do you re-enact the death of Jesus? It's violent and disturbing!
Why do you even bother questioning the ways of the muslim? Performing the Haj is a way for all muslims to cleanse their souls and get themselves closer to Allah through ritual prayers and supplications as was done by the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. Tawaf /circling the Kaabah is part of the prayer ritual. There's nothing in our religion that tells us to worship Kaabah.
Kaabah is the central point that unites all muslims when it comes to praying. Allah is indeed most great and wise when he instructs the muslims to bow and pray to Him all in the same direction and to mark the central point, is Kaabah. It is not an object of worship get it?
Why do you question the way we perform our prayers? we have the right to question how YOU pray too. You're paranoid. SHEESH. |
Originally posted by pandora272 at 18-8-2007 04:57 PM
Truth, instead of dissing other people's religion, please study your bible and mind your own business. Answer this question then, if Christianity is a so called religion that unites, how come you ...
i am not rc. |
Reply #1131 Truth.8's post
I want to ask you something...in the church, you put Statue of Jesus in front of the church and then you worship God by facing to the statue...Then, what is the role of the statue...you are not worshiping the statue right?.The statue is just a sign for direction so that the whole Christians in the church will worship and ask help from God in one direction...same like Islam...the Kaaba is a sign..we don't worship it...it acts as a sign of direction for the Muslims...Just as simple as that!!. |
Originally posted by eastrun at 18-8-2007 05:38 PM
I want to ask you something...in the church, you put Statue of Jesus in front of the church and then you worship God by facing to the statue...Then, what is the role of the statue...you are not w ...
do u know what is my faith?
i do not worshipped idols that include idols in forms of Jesus, mary and etc
We believed God is spirit |
Reply #1135 Truth.8's post
Christians like to conceptionalize your God as posessing human qualities.
In Islam, Allah, as our God is just simply the higher being, the Creator and all-powerful, and thus it's not justifiable o conceptionalize him as nothing more than a higher being.
Think of it this way, by conceptionalizing your God as posessing human-like qualities, is he not fallible to the weakness that men possess as well? Think about it. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-8-2007 05:16 PM
i am not rc.
when u said "i am not rc" ..
is the same when u said "rc is not Christian"
is that what u mean cha ? |
Originally posted by pandora272 at 19-8-2007 07:30 AM
Christians like to conceptionalize your God as posessing human qualities.
In Islam, Allah, as our God is just simply the higher being, the Creator and all-powerful, and thus it's not justifiable o conceptionalize him as nothing more than a higher being.
Think of it this way, by conceptionalizing your God as posessing human-like qualities, is he not fallible to the weakness that men possess as well? Think about it.
God show LOVE towards human creations. Yeshua came to testify true God and urge human to live peace to one another.
Yeshua been prophecies
in Book of Isaiah.
In judgment, Yesus will be the messiah.
Hence, Yesua came as Human in God.
Islam came 600yrs later and changes all this.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 19-8-2007 01:12 PM ] |
Originally posted by karengkang at 19-8-2007 12:27 PM
when u said "i am not rc" ..
is the same when u said "rc is not Christian"
is that what u mean cha ?
Did the Bible ask to worhshipped idols?
so, u able to know whether they following what the Bible teaches.
take for example:
why muslims have differenc sects until they burn mosques amoung themselves? are they islam?
think |
Reply #1138 Truth.8's post
You DID NOT answer my question. Stop giving vague answers. If gods possess human-like qualities, is he not fallible to the weakness of men? Does that make him a god then? Or is he just a deity? Is Jesus a God or a Deity?
Why do you worship someone that has flaws and why do you believe in the religion where even your holy books have different version and is subject to CHANGES done by MEN.
Why do you believe in something that is vague and CHANGEABLE by men.
Why do you let another MAN forgive your sins? Is he that holy and divine to possess the ability of granting forgiveness? Is he not susceptible to flaws as well?? WHO forgive his sins then? Another MAN?
This is different from Islam where Allah and only Allah forgives a person's sins and bestows His mercy and forgiveness. ONLY him.
Why do you believe that men are born with sins that can only be erased through baptism performed by MEN?
So what is God to you? Just an entity? Or is he just a deity? An idol for you to worship? Who's more powerful? Man or God?
Doesn't that blatantly show that your religion is indeed steeped with pagan traditions just like the Greeks? Think about it. |
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