[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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ai mula2 berminat jugak dgn apa yg dia tweet tuh. tp bila dia bg tahu ada paper trail psl real birth cert Mega thn 1967, biar betik... kalo si duchass dituduh umur 43 bole lah hadam jua, ni 53thn 
hahaha... thanks for the recommendation 

so clingy source
petang nih ai rajin buat gif 
muka tanned, tangan putih.
"excuse me, ai dulu..."

Just Harry: oopps... sori, your majesty
Megatron: good boy

dani-rox replied at 6-3-2020 04:01 PM
so clingy source
Sampai tarik2 tangan kat majlis formal. ... he he he
sheols tak tahu kewujudan eyelashes extension ka sister? baru 70pound kalau natural hiks! |
dani-rox replied at 6-3-2020 08:14 AM
"excuse me, ai dulu..."
banyak masa chuols 
snazzydaisy replied at 6-3-2020 02:30 PM
The only 2 things yg I boleh puji ttg Smeg nye latest appearance - color dress tu sesuai dgn her ski ...
Omg eyeshadow and falsies! sapa la mua yg makeup...ke smeg yg makeup? |
rosewhite replied at 6-3-2020 07:35 AM
On March 5, 2020, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the Endeavour Fund award ceremony held at ...
Dah tau kaki Keding pakai la seluar or gown labuh sikit... pfft |
dani-rox replied at 6-3-2020 04:14 PM
"excuse me, ai dulu..."
Visitors' book pun madam yg sign dulu. Dominant betul minah ni |
dani-rox replied at 6-3-2020 04:14 PM
"excuse me, ai dulu..."
Boleh pulak perempuan psycho ni nak berebut dgn the real royal prince  |
Camilla marah sgt Megatron curik perhatian drpd kempen anti domestic violence nya. Reporters pun pecah lobang bahawasanya semua liputan the Harkles dah disusun elok2 oleh Megatron.
“Over the last four years she has worked tirelessly, mostly behind the scenes but to great effect, to use her -platform and personal experiences to highlight the issue and help sufferers.
“Of course it was known Harry and Meghan would be doing engagements this week, some privately, but everyone was in agreement that Camilla’s speech should take p-recedence. -Unfortunately some people had other ideas.”
An email from Buckingham Palace sent out to news organisations on Thursday made reference to the -agreement to not clash with Camilla, 72.
It read: “Please note that media arrangements have been designed -specifically with a view to allowing royal correspondents to focus on the Duchess of Cornwall’s engagement on Friday.”
The move sparked shock and fury inside the Palace, with insiders revealing how Meghan has “refused to listen” to the pleas of staff who she and Harry sacked in January when they announced they were quitting royal life.
Her theatre pictures were taken by a handpicked photographer Chris Allerton, who snapped the -38-year-old’s wedding to Prince Harry, 35, and their son Archie’s -christening.
The Duchess’ trip to the National Theatre – where she is a patron – took place on Thursday after lunch with Harry at the Goring Hotel in London.
But she chose to delay promoting the visit so it would not overshadow her appearance with Harry at the Endeavour Fund Awards in the capital that evening.
Two pictures given directly to the London Evening Standard at Meghan’s behest show her beaming in front of a new virtual reality technology at the theatre’s Immersive Storytelling Studio. source
Berani ya the Harkles cari gaduh dgn bini kpd pemberi elaun dia org Ai syak:
- Selaku peminat tegar Diana, Mega memang bencikan Camilla. Dan dia tahu Camilla pun berbulu tengok dia, so sbg tanda ingatan sebelum dia blah dr BRF, dia balas dendam.
- Charles dah tarik elaun. Sekali lg, the Harkles sengaja balas dendam.
rosewhite replied at 7-3-2020 06:38 AM
The Duchess of Sussex visited the Immersive Storytelling Studio at the National Theatre in London.
mana pic si jenglot tu ahhahahha |

Padanlah muka pakcik pegang payung tu meluat sgt. Tak psl2 dia jd prop the Harkles 
| |