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yg nih lg comel,
Dingdong Dantes on him and Marian Rivera working on separate projects:
" I know that she also grows as an individual without me around. And I'm always here to watch her and see her grow as an artist.So, I'm proud of her."
sukanya statement dari dong ni...
Dingdong Dantes on him and Marian Rivera working on separate projects:
" I know that she also grows as an individual without me around. And I'm always here to watch her and see her grow as an artist.So, I'm proud of her."
credit to DingDong Dantes Malaysia Fans Page..
Reply 1162# anggunashu
sgt kan...n dong sgt protect yan kan.i rase mcm jage budak kecik je...
Reply 1163# saaya
saaya xda ke cite baru sal diorg..xsabar lak nak tau~hihihi
Reply 1164# anggunashu
citer baru yg dyorg nk g b'cuti dkt LA tuh je lah... ...u tau x psl kes dyorg duduk srumah tuh???tp dyorg xnk mgaku...
Reply 1165# saaya
ada jugak i pe salah diorg nk tinggal skali pn...hahaha...bkn haram pn diorg...
Reply 1166# anggunashu
hahaaaa...tau xpe kan...*i xsure bile tp lps nih de sitcom t'baru utk yan.will be next year kot lps abis amaya...dongyan smakin busy je i tgk skrg the best things is wlpn busy tp still de mase utk each other....i pnh bace yg lunch box dong, yan yg sdiakan. mse birthday dong pn dy masak utk dong n semua tetamu majlis ye. yan nih very the material girl yg ssuai sgt jd kan wife. utk sape dpt dy. dong pn same. dulu i tgk pix2 dong mse mude2 remaja mcm nakal2 je.skrg nih dah mature...bile lah nak kahwin nih.sggup i g philippine tau.hahaaa...
new article!!!
Baking is what keeps marian busy when she doesnt have taping for amaya.
Marian says, she feels challenge by dong's family, most of the time they talk about baking cake.
Marian showed to me a picture from her cellphone of the carrot cake she baked for dingdong, it has dedication that says.. " To Dad, From My"
So what dong has to say about the cake she baked for him?
"he said its delicious, he eats it all!" marian says.
Marian said, it was dingdong who bought the book how to bake cake,
"i told him its easy to bake a cake, so he buy a book and he said, ok, learn it, i challenge you to bake a cake."
"and when he taste it, he really love it!, i dont know maybe he is just sweet-talking me! ha! ha! ha! ha!
"but even my co-stars in amay they have tasted the cake i did, and they also said its really delicious."
Reply 1168# saaya
sweet la...mmg suka dgr kata2 diorg..mmg ikhlas kan??
Reply 1169# anggunashu
mstilah ikhlas u... ...related dgn article nih, skrg nih dyorg de nme mnje baru...yan pggl dong DY, dong pggl yan MY...comel...
Reply 1171# anggunashu
always u...nih i kasi tambahan pulak...
Reply 1173# anggunashu
dah layak dah u ade anak...bile la tuh agak'y ye...
Reply 1174# saaya
xsabar nak tgok diorg kawen...
bla la nak kawen dongyan ni....
ok i nak tdo dlu...esok i tepek lg pic if da yg latest ye....
Reply 1175# anggunashu
xyah kawin pn xpe u, skrg nih pn dah macam hubby n wifey... ...*kwn i citer, kdg2 tuh dong wt meeting dgn yes pinoy foundation punye staff kan dy wt kt rumah je.lpas tuh yan masakkn utk dyorg semua.mmg dah mcm surirumah je.isteri masak utk suami n kwn2 suami...
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