Neelofa Sedar Penonton Belum Move On, Rindu Kehadirannya Dalam MeleTop
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thread jahlop selalu menghiburkan , buat aku ketawa
Classy14 replied at 9-1-2020 01:23 PM
Bukan senang nk buat nama kat international tu.. kena work hard bukan takat labur duit je..
Neway ...
I know, right?
Like a friend told me, its all about 99% sweats and 1% luck..
Its not easy but its worth it if u are determined..
Klu ikut kata family lopa ni..lopa klu nakkan sesuatu sgt focus and determine..gituh..
But, from my pov after several years observing and she didnt walk the talk almost half of what she told to the press, i think dia sejenis berfikir separuh jalan..
Bikin lah apa pon, susu ke nasi ke kejap je..sama mcm business kasut dulu tu..
She is lucky to promote hijab business sbb malaysians ramai berhijab..
Nak promote business hijab dkt ny? London? Brp kerat je yg laku..
Duck scarfs pon terkial2..
guesswho09 replied at 9-1-2020 01:44 PM
Apa citer projek london paris?
hired agent bagai
dah balik modal belum?
Hire agent tu benda biasa..
Tp klu x de role yg bersesuaian dgn dia..mcm mana nak pursue?
Dia sembang mcm malaysians ni x tau selok belok industry..
Sama la mcm sapa tu malaysian hollywood wannabe siap ckp tolak watak penting smpi 4x!
She was so important to the hollywood industry kalah hollywood celebs!
Ingat boleh menipu la..padahal baru submit gmbr resume dh kena reject..
Unless u are an oscar winner, jgn harap script dtg on ur lap mcm tu je
MatDeghem replied at 10-1-2020 03:09 AM
hello ..... sapa kata hajjah takde keje.
Fashion and beauty di Eropa ....
Hosting dan a ...
Mampu buka franchaise je ke?
Sbb nak promote brand sendiri kt luar org x kenal..ke? |
neway ketua lobenaks yg nama tini tu masih menyanjungi ke lofake ni? |
pinksarah replied at 10-1-2020 11:58 AM
I know, right?
Like a friend told me, its all about 99% sweats and 1% luck..
sbb tu sheols btukar fikiran nk msuk psrn indon......
sbb golongan muslim rmai kan......
so pluang bisness lebih besar uols......
itu jer....... |
Edited by Ladybird910 at 10-1-2020 05:17 AM
pinksarah replied at 10-1-2020 03:58 AM
I know, right?
Like a friend told me, its all about 99% sweats and 1% luck..
Masa naelofar hijab xsilap dia byk minta tlg ig influencer..in fact collab dia blambak2 masa tu..cth dgn BA..tp sbb dia retis..plus masa tu limited choice..tu yg dia lajuuuu mendonia..tinggalkan yg lain..tp kejap jela..sbb duckie pecut laju dgn bold move buat pricy scarf yg jd pelopor rege hijab xmasuk akal..
For her kasut..her susu...her nasi...etc xde sapa tulun..plus kak nab tgh serabut..mira plak masuk gua..tisha plak tgh stadi oversea..xkn nk kasi mama tini mendonia..mama tini udah tuwe..hukhuk |
Melur1 replied at 9-1-2020 07:48 PM
org lebih rindu ngan seniman/seniwati hebat kita yg dah pergi seperti arwah tan sri p ramlee, rafeah ...
She is soooo into herself..soooo delusional..hahahakktuih |
awex^returns replied at 10-1-2020 01:11 AM
ko jangan cakap sebarang
dia dikagumi oleh para lobenaks
terkenal antarabangsa
Teringat topi sheols yg dah mcm kulit peanut tu.hehehee.fashionvictim btol la klu teringat..hihi |
Ladybird910 replied at 10-1-2020 12:39 PM
She is soooo into herself..soooo delusional..hahahakktuih
this is jahlop's world.. kita watak sampingan jah |
Ladybird910 replied at 10-1-2020 12:37 PM
Masa naelofar hijab xsilap dia byk minta tlg ig influencer..in fact collab dia blambak2 masa tu..c ...
geng2 sskjp ni memang strength in numbers je |
rotijohanz replied at 9-1-2020 11:51 AM
video kt utube erra jd pgacara jmputan pn dh nk cecah 1 juta viewers uols.......
so manernye fans l ...
Ot kjp..why baju erra mlm tu mcm baju tangkap muat..so gedebeyyyy...nmpk mcm salah outfit pon iye..sabo attempt ke?huhu |
bambimbom replied at 10-1-2020 11:33 AM
based cite ko kua ...
Ni kalau indo fans dpt tau pasal ni.. Habis la jahh |
myb lofa slowkan diri dlm seni hiburan malaysia sbb nak kawin dah....
x zabar nak tggu lofa kawin... mesti gilang gemilang... mcm dct ada live...
malaysian sweetheart....
Jahlop kene belajar stop gebang serata alam benda xkompom, ni benda ape xde dah panggil press, umum segala bagai, retis lain dah kompom sign ape bagai pun diam2 jek lagi...dia jenis suke menunjuk ..gitewww iols komen..tp memang btoi pun ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
betul...sampai sakit perut...baca komen2 forumer...![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
mcm nak pedajjal kan...? Afdlin Shauki pon tegur..tapi kan kalau orang dah cantik pakai guni pun jadi cantik..
ira_229 replied at 10-1-2020 10:01 AM
mcm nak pedajjal kan...? Afdlin Shauki pon tegur..tapi kan kalau orang dah cantik pakai guni pun j ...
Nasibla erra mmg sejenis sempoi dan xkisah org bahan dia..so xde la awkward moment..mcm hajah..asal nabil gegurau lebey sikit je..confirm ade jelingan or ayat pedas berunsur amaran dikuarkan..live xlive dia mmg xkn pedulikkk..kesah haperrr..itu lom masuk lg style aku ngko yg for me xsesuai dipki utk sembang santai laaa...plus ngilaian ponti sheols..heheh
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