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Author: R2D2

[Tempatan] COVID-19. Kos Pusat Kuarantin di hotel. RM150 per room per day. Pesakit tanggung

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Post time 8-4-2020 06:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dino replied at 7-4-2020 07:35 AM
sbnrnya tu cara nak selamatkan hotel2... pekerja hotel.. tunggu je macao bodoh meroyan

Sat laghi si ayam peeh n da geng keluar gualah nak hencap.. hahahahaha

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Post time 8-4-2020 06:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mis_j_alexanda replied at 8-4-2020 12:15 AM
Itulah. Ada pulak yg masih x fhm dlm thread ni. Kalau nak dok hotel mhl2 top up la payment tu. Dah ...

Kalau niat nak bantu industry ,make it transparent, terangkan pada rakyat, jgn berselindung dibalik tabir, jgn menipu rakyat dgn menyatakan utk beri keselesaan atau rakyat sendiri yg memilih utk tempat kuarantin yg lebih selesa.

Where are your ORDER AND CONTROL and your FIRM GRIP on all these my fellow people of authority?

natijahnya, tercetusnya salahfaham serta ketidakpuasan hati antara semua pihak terlibat adalah tidak lain....kerana fokus kerajaan utk jadikan kuarantine mandatory and  non negotiable(strict compliance)... SUDAH TERSASAR dari landasan.

perlaksanaan lemah beyond words...


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Post time 8-4-2020 06:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Grose at 8-4-2020 06:27 AM
GigaMom replied at 8-4-2020 03:45 AM
Musim2 covid ni
Perniagaan hotel yang tbukti jatuh terduduk,

kalau mengikut dari sudut ekonomi,kerajaan nak membantu industri perhotelan yg sedang dalam arah terlungkup dan sekaligus membantu pekerjaan dlm sektor ini...then kenapa harap bantuan rakyat untuk tokokan tambahan even?...government should bear the full cost instead..sebab yg nak jadikan quarantine mandatory itu siapa?dan yg gatal pantat untuk upgrade penempatan pada hotel AGAINST yg sedia ada sekarang dimana rakyat tak perlu even buat tokokan...atau forking out any sums, very minimalist..itu siapa?



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Post time 8-4-2020 06:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rainbowrainz replied at 8-4-2020 06:15 AM
Sat laghi si ayam peeh n da geng keluar gualah nak hencap.. hahahahaha

kalau nak selamatkan hotel,kenapa take it upon the rakyat to help pay the difference? under the pretext rakyat yg mahukan keselesaan?kalau iyapun nak memanupulasikan our own government shortcomings kenapa kena bantuan duit duit org kaya macam aku....?

my point....penempatan yg sedia ada sekarang Not including the new lay out list of hotels...maximise kan kegunaannya..longgokkan semua under ONE ROOF or building....miskin atau kaya...

susah sangat ke?

faham tak syg?

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2020 07:35 AM | Show all posts
Govt caps quarantine cost at RM150 per day

PUTRAJAYA: A sum of RM150 per day is allocated for accommodation and food for each person quarantined, be it in hotels or other facilities, says Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said anything above the amount and other expenses such as laundry would be borne by the individuals.

“Those who want to be quarantined in four or five-star hotels can also do that and only at 45 gazetted hotels and to pay for everything, ” he said when responding to the issue which had gone viral on social media.

Ismail Sabri explained that five-star hotels had been gazetted as quarantine centres following requests from embassies to have their diplomats entering Malaysia be quarantined at such facilities and would bear the full cost of the stay.

“That is why we gazetted certain hotels as quarantine centres.

“For others who want to be quarantined at four or five-star hotels, they will have to bear the total cost of their stay themselves.

“Even then, they can only choose to stay at hotels that have been gazetted by the government as safety standard operating procedure will have to be adhered to, ” he said.

Ismail Sabri said aside from Malaysians returning from abroad, foreign ambassadors and diplomats were among those who would have to undergo the compulsory 14-day quarantine at government quarantine centres.

The government ruling on compulsory quarantine involved those who arrive in Malaysia from April 3 until the order is lifted to ensure returnees do not have or spread Covid-19.

Ismail Sabri said to cater for the expected large number of returnees, the government had gazetted hundreds of premises and facilities as quarantine centres.

This number includes 45 hotels of three, four and five-star ratings.

As of Monday, there were 7,500 people in 122 quarantine centres nationwide.

Meanwhile, those who want to pay for four or five-star quarantine accommodation will have to make their own bookings with the hotels as per the list.

According to the National Disaster Management Agency, those who made their own reservations must show the booking slip to the authorities upon arrival at entry points.

“For monitoring purposes, we only allow bookings for one hotel at a time, ” said an official.

The official said that usually, those who want to pay for hotel accommodation will call Nadma beforehand to ascertain the hotel that they can make the reservation.

Enquiries can be forwarded to Nadma at 03-8064 2400 or email [email protected] or [email protected].

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Post time 8-4-2020 08:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
R2D2 replied at 8-4-2020 07:35 AM
Govt caps quarantine cost at RM150 per day

PUTRAJAYA: A sum of RM150 per day is allocated for acc ...

kalau menteri pun bercelaru...flip flop flip flop sijantung hati...rakyat apa lagi?

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Post time 8-4-2020 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mis_j_alexanda replied at 8-4-2020 12:15 AM
Itulah. Ada pulak yg masih x fhm dlm thread ni. Kalau nak dok hotel mhl2 top up la payment tu. Dah ...

Pastu dorang u tau tak as per staff , degil. Jalan2 keluar masuk bilik, pegi lobby. Punya hanjing perangai. Nak elak kena family members, kena pulak staff hotel nanti. Dasar memang menyusahkan kerajaan dan rakyat.

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Post time 8-4-2020 09:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Grose at 8-4-2020 09:47 AM
Potato_kering replied at 8-4-2020 09:26 AM
Pastu dorang u tau tak as per staff , degil. Jalan2 keluar masuk bilik, pegi lobby. Punya hanjing  ...

di singapura apa yg aku dengar there is installation of cctv at every floor or guard  on duty...

disini kita sibuk kasi list 45 pathetic hotels...sibuk insist Gomen fork out RM150...objective sebenar?the quarantine?tersasar kedasar lautan maldives. slackens..not tighten up...

same old same old


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Post time 8-4-2020 09:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kenapa kita focus on the hotel issue away from the real issue ie to curb the spread of the virus? Its easier to condemn kan?

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Post time 8-4-2020 09:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Grose at 8-4-2020 09:52 AM
fliphair8 replied at 8-4-2020 09:46 AM
Kenapa kita focus on the hotel issue away from the real issue ie to curb the spread of the virus? It ...

siapa yg bukak the pandora box?
atau kerajaan?


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Post time 8-4-2020 09:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Grose replied at 8-4-2020 09:50 AM
siapa yg bukak the pandora box?
atau kerajaan?

Ok ye dek....may you have a good health and wonderful days ahead...

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Post time 8-4-2020 10:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fliphair8 replied at 8-4-2020 09:54 AM
Ok ye dek....may you have a good health and wonderful days ahead...

GOD'S will...and you too yeah...

Anak anak tu pantau ya probably will not have any more chance like this after this whole episode is over..utk bersama anak bini...kebersamaan in its true word...for a long period that we are blessed with now(though not in the way that we would want)without interruption of having to go out of house to work.


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Post time 8-4-2020 10:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Grose replied at 8-4-2020 04:57 AM

kau nampak tak bila perlaksanaan sering kabur?

Penipu. Awal2 sebelum gomen bgtau iols ada ckap dah hotel dibayar RM150. Gomen bgtau dh siap2 masa sebar borang pd hotel2 yg mereka fikir sesuai. Mamat ni xtau apa kot dok telan toilet paper bnyak sngat sbab roti habis

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Post time 8-4-2020 10:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LadyCarefree replied at 8-4-2020 10:06 AM
Penipu. Awal2 sebelum gomen bgtau iols ada ckap dah hotel dibayar RM150. Gomen bgtau dh siap2 masa ...

Persatuan hoteliers yg beri kenyataan ...mustahil semua jenis makan toilet roll?

Anyway aku teringat scene terakhir cerita hang tuah...dgn kata kata tuah...

"Siapakah yg sebenarnya bersalah?Jebatkah yg bersalah atau aku kah yg bersalah?"

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Post time 8-4-2020 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Grose replied at 7-4-2020 10:37 PM
nak tolong industry kenapa rakyat kena top up?

Sebab indirectly nak tolong pekerja hotel.Semua golongan kerajaan cuba tolong. Dapat sikit atau banyak itu rezeki masing-masing.

Industri perhotelan selama ini dah bayar banyak tax dalam bentuk SST, cukai korporat dan tourism tax. Dalam keadaan terdesak ni kerajaan tolonglah.

RM150/hari ni bukannya untung sangat pun. Bukan gomen tolong buta-buta. Tolong kerajaan kuarentin mereka ni. Bagi makan minima 3X sehari. Kos sanitasi. Aircond 24 jam sebab diorang tak keluar. Nak layan orang bukan senang. Ada yg vegan. Tak makan ikan. Tak makan ayam. Allergy itu ini. Jadi nak senang kepala outsource kepada hotel.

Pernah usahakan hotel kecik. Nasib baik dah letgo sebelum covid. Memang galakkan guest jalan2 sebab kalau dok hotel kos aircond dan lampu tinggi (rate komersil).

Ada faham. Dalam keadaan macam ni govt buat keputusan cepat. Kalau nak argue sampai ke sudah. Kalau bagi RM150 mesti ada yg argue kenapa tak bagi RM30 macam govt dulu. Short term memang jimat la. Tapi jangka sederhana dan panjang lepas tu bila pekerja diberhentikan dan tak dapat bayar cukai. Dah la tak dapat bayar cukai, kerajaan kena bantu pulak. Takkan nak biar rakyat sendiri kebulur.

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Post time 8-4-2020 10:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Grose at 8-4-2020 10:36 AM
kluangman replied at 8-4-2020 10:26 AM
Sebab indirectly nak tolong pekerja hotel.Semua golongan kerajaan cuba tolong. Dapat sikit atau ba ...

You have to define to me one thing....drawing a line between quarantine measures that is the very fundamental of curbing the spread of the virus or weighing in on the economical side of things...

That if you are able to see my stand all the while with regards to this whole isu....

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Post time 8-4-2020 10:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pening aku masuk benang ni..kalau dh mindset ko nak cari yg buruk..yg  buruk  jelah ko nampak..kerajaan  buat kebaikan apa pun..semua nmpk buruk dah..kalau ko bijak xpyh bahas kt sini..p kt page dato sabri xpun kkm nun

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Post time 8-4-2020 11:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Grose replied at 8-4-2020 09:41 AM
di singapura apa yg aku dengar there is installation of cctv at every floor or guard  on duty... ...

Baik jaga keldai, kuarantine rumah tk bole percaya, kuarantine tmpt free taknak, nk byr tp ikut kepala bapak dorang. Better hantar hutan.

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Post time 8-4-2020 11:25 AM | Show all posts
yuki812 replied at 7-4-2020 04:12 PM
maknanya tiap sorg yg dikuarantin kan dimana2 sahaja pusat kuarantin atau hotel cost perhead / perda ...

ya betul..

ala2 medical card la..

ko layak utk room rm150 je, yakni bilik berdua.

kalau rasa nak bilik sorang, rm 200, bayar la extra rm 50.


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Post time 8-4-2020 11:28 AM | Show all posts
kluangman replied at 8-4-2020 10:26 AM
Sebab indirectly nak tolong pekerja hotel.Semua golongan kerajaan cuba tolong. Dapat sikit atau ba ...


nanti kang merempan pula pekerja hotel takde kerja.

ni gomen dah tolong rm 150 pun ok dah.

jgnlah tny kenapa rakyat kena topap. itu ikut selera sendiri. nak mewah, topap la.

yg bnyk komplen ni mesti jenis nak sewa homestay 3 bilik full aircond, ada pool harga nak rm 150 je.


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